University of South Carolina Libraries
v>, GOLUMBM, (3, G.) FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE l?, ,827. . - tlMtaai-: rtU*Tct>A*D Bl/BMtHBU KVKBV r Kin vr IVKftlllO, BY 6IV/WJVY& Slfllti, ? I'rlnitfoJo ihk 11$mm of Rt/trtitWtti of F.RMBt?Tiirki; Doi.uw pcruuuuui.prtjaM* <nrt>?W?rrow Di)iMM Miibl? ?t the ?m!?T the jeer. ? &ovKnra**aiBfm. IN MtfMl it the rale of ?e??uty.Ave cent* for every Iweuty line*. ore W* uewber, bribe ftratioeertloo.euJ forty lirWZjfcS* ical board. laet unml aaaaioo of lh? Medical Bt Columbia, tbe following ?entlemcu Ihelr diplomas for esaminntion, via: D. Singleton, Tito*. M Diftk, Robert franklin Branch, Job* Tarieton, Fran da - - K^rtitParaBt.Jwpa, H.flllllam, John W. Lte, A?*#a 7. Park, a?d ||. ? * *?i*UuHd to eacli. V,tL, "SMS WC? cm mined to ' prSUSMicin* J.***"*"/ *l,h'? ?* Cd adaK yvmiaiB .* Au?t,nJ {?*" ?>. Kutfour, Alei. livinc, John 6. Heidi i. b.2?*' ' Slaidiim CommiUto.?Dr?. Ja? Davis, D. H. Tivievaai, M. H. Dcloon, K. II. Piihcr, Villi?ui f\isr$ Compos in* "?? I'"*'! Hoard ? Dr?. <1 Andersen, of Camden; 3. Blending, Cam* K Bf&cey, Semter, Robt. T. Col. ., KdKe. fhbe. C'/OOPi r, Columbia; Swepaont Co?, r, Jm. DavN, Columbia; K. 8. Davis, Abbe. A. Dal*-oii, Camden; M. II. Deleou, Co. ' Duranl, Suiuter, lluirh Davltt, Union; K. II. Flaber, Colombia; John PUher, Co. Iumbht)?'y <*i l" Pilnn, Ch?raw; Tlnw. J. Good, wyii, ftrongoburit; Robt Uoodwyn, Orangeburg; u?ni? V iwnn, vuiuuiuin, mmm luvnvmuiin 3u<ai?w; M. M'Loeu, Darlington/ Win. Lav. Co tumble: ? ? Labor4a,Ednaflelii; John My?*i?, Columbia; Samuel ?i civel, Columbia; F. lieid, ? ?; Scott, Clutter; John Hniilli, Spur* tanlturfb;Tbomaa Smith. Sod i t y llitl; Snt,;l?-loii. Willlaiaaburgh; Kdward Sill, Coluui* Trelevant, ColmnbU; Tartr ten, Sumtttr; ?? Warron, Rurotrr; J B Wither' ?poon, Cheater; Robt. SptrtnnhurKh. U. II. KISIIKH, Srrrtlr.ry. ' 'MMftCi . 10 11 All Persons . rNDKBTF.D to the wbawlliera, whoae note* end aeeount* were due on the first of January Hfi.Vi, nre reoulrod (o utnku pnymrut be for* the " ?e?l warn day, aa longer indulgi-mc r.iuinot b* Iilven And all thosa indebted to tlia subscribe*, of pftrcbnaoa n?ade laat yaar, ere rr?pectfuHy re quoted to anke payment or linuidate their ec counta. f" PERCIVALkCO. d* !?' ...v<. I if RAGS WANTED. niillE Subacribcra are about to erect a. I M- MILL in tku vicinity of thla place. PAI'P.R Mioceai depend*in a Krent meaiurv upon the eiU of %linoalovary peraon in tbe community in iirrwrv iOi(the.only material that can be utcd in lni< men nouutory pf thU tucful article; houao keeprra, mid allotbara, are tl?arefora earnotlv aolicited to col* tect ??id utraterv* alt HAOS |iru<iur.rd iu thvir !* iB.ii>-j. i'bera ia not a houae hut will aflTo'd m? ny pouitda in tbe yaar If attention Ihi puid to ?av< Inx tbani. It ^lll afford to the poor uiauy uecea> aariea wb)ob would otherwise be loat to them; nad tbe rich, byaUowlnr tkfrn at a perquUit* to ionic favorite ?ervniit. will render eiaential aervico to tbla,infnttt manafnctor?,ofour ownatale; and we flatter ouraclvea tbatluoaid of the community in tfela reapeet will enable uato perfect thiftundertak* ing, ana by that tqean< keep in circulation In our own atate, and amongvll eiiitfi, very larj{? itima of inoitev that are yearly carried out of it for the article ofpaper. Tbcfa ia no rag originally com* potedof nan, hempnrcotton, but which will ani> wrr for aome kind of paper. The following piicra will Ite paid for ail Haira delivered et the atorc of Mr William T. Little in thla piece. Wnlte Linen, fil)Kr ino/b. Cotton, Flat or Hemp, 2 vrr lint tit. J. J. PAt'ST It Co. Cobiuitila, July II.) S3? tf. T Committed 0 UnrllnittflD '-i.n.l ontho Irtth 8?ptem>Har but, a nagio man who ??y? liU iwrnn >4 BRISTOL.?lic?m 35 vrwr? ??f uboiil fi feet 7 ik H inch** liidtt ma lays li? Mon,:? to LP.tVIS DIXON n( 4i??on Country North-Curotlnn. Said f?l!n ? ha* 10t( nl( 1 liu tor* on hi* Inft toot, on* fo? ami nil lli4 nail* mi**' gotm from tiU right Coot, hi* tMck if r<?ti?nl<?r.tlily ?rarm! with th?* whip 'L'tir ownrr I* rr.iu???l??l to r.??n?i forward |?rove |>M -party. j?ay elmr^M, ni l t?kr him nwny or ho will be *Vfti a? th<? U m rtijfctt. UlCII AMUNOUA.M,* I>. 0. #pnMw- 17 if >.?U ft fi|i"-hi , > ? ' f New HadUlory Ware; House. ? , &$Uh tf Wright% RVXl to Infdrn. frl?mli Mini lli? Ih>. that ih? y hitv# MirHtu hMmMMhmI thrui ?kIvmIiiIImi Hudifk-ry btt?l<i<??. at tlivlr oM ?tMiid, oh tho r.ifurr 01 MtigmKifiitorgr* Bti *<?-t? Ch*rli? ton, Otf. -loiiv nhrtfit \lr.C. t'lilMrfni'alloti l,w>MaiH th??y Imv.j cJHfU'ithr ??n hntitl a complete an?t Ci*? mI ???<??mailt of all kind* ofaadfltoi, hrid'tt, we*?, *ht|>t, Mit?it?tnfc*| alto 4lrfln<brkilraii<l !?? it j , ill'>rt>< <?<? ?kiu?, ?ha*p au tl talf do. ttftlMliar with a i-otniilrte .i*?oiim??tof plaUdgllf, an>l lapahiied a?d?llrtjr warat ?uoirl? Imcp and noncti triinptl?K? of *11 kindt. Aa Ihay Mf< aon accommodation nl fhlaown conveni ence, to Mt ipirt? imrlicuUr hour Ibr htIni m> tlenu, who may choose lb Mil at hla office f or ad vice?from 10 lo II o'aloek in Ibr doming wilt bedevoted to SOCb, Patients Hi MImhI circumstances will receive advice and Medlcina, or Surgical tnmluteat, free ofeipunse. DR. WELLS would alto *!*? notice, that ha boa matin arrangements for the accommodation of patients Irom lha country, woo may Ind It tot* ceaeary to remain In town for Iho porpoao of icti milting to Surgical operations. Ha has Ween induced to make these arrange* mania, and to kIve Ihl* notloe, from a conviction that n great many individual* tkiough the coon try are laboring und?r diseases, which, if left to lake their com se, must. e v.-uiually, prove destruc tive of Ufa, or aomc important organ, but which might oc readily cured by a well timed, andJadl. eious operation, together with pfOfmr medical trialraeut. Of Mich a character ore all cancerous ?Actions, stoue in the bladder, and moal of the diseases of the eye and It* eer. The latlar (dituuta a/ lha aye and of the rmr J will, na they have done for several year# posit receive his par ticular atlenlioii ? Columbia, S. C. March SO, 1027. )3 It Final Noticc. ALL persons to the subscriber, are again tomttily celled lo make payment. Those who disregard (his notice, turif onet for nil. fi^wrmrd, their notes and account* willbd'odpd In the hands of nn attorney for collodion, um4M latitfaciory arrangements are antarui into prevl uusto nost return day. JOSEPH R. ARTHUR. February 8 0 If Law Notice. rpilK copartnership of GREGG it HUNTER JL is dissolved. GREGG & HUDSON will practice LAW jointly in the courts for Fair' r??-l I dlatrict, and will retain the office formerly uf Orec* it Hunter at Wiunsborongh, where Hud ?oii ill reside Mnrch 1 For Sale or Rent, Mk <??**"*'* two large Brick Stores, .:.l'JL w*"' coiamodiona dwelling apartments to rucli, at the corner of Itichaidson and Walnu) streets. Apply to J GREGG Nuvemhei 'is 47 If To Rent, rpilK South MOItK of Hie Masonic Hall, re* 1 ceiilly o< copied by Mi-on. Miller and Tay lor. For pirtimlars apply to WM. IIILLEAItY March I 0 If For Sale, rllE HOUSE AND LOT at present occupied by the subscriber, opposite the College >?|uarr. Tlir house is ronny and convenient, well calculated for the accomdatlou of a large family, having seventeen apartments. mu?l of 'vliicfi have lire nlaco*. On tiie premises are a turge office building, kitchens, wash house, ear* vent's house, ??or?i and ponllry house, besides, stables, carriage house, fee. The. lot includes an acre; throe fourths of which are laid out in a ^aiden, stored with many useful plants, vegetables in alHindandanee, amla great vaiiuiy of fruit trees. It is one of the best garden spots iu Columbia, yielding plentifully even in the dryest s?.a?ous. A more agreeable situation is not to be found in Columbia, for health it is remarkable, as the sub scriber's family, which is large, can testify, hav ing resided there summer and winter for the lasl seven years. The house is surrounded with trees, which render it very cool in summer. For terms apply io the subscriber ROBERT MILLS. April 12 16 If For Sale ON accommodating terms and at a very low price, a HOUSE and LOT in Columbia,in a central pari of the town. The bouse cnntalns eight rooms with lira places in four, and there are all necessary out buildings on the premises. He tvillnlso sell ontlin same terms his PLANTATION ou crime creek, nontainiuiC two hundred and for ty acres. Slsly ai res of wbieli Is cleared and has a good fence around it, there la n comfortable bouse ou the place, with iieKio houses and all oth er nrcessaiy out buildings suitable for a farm The land produces well of corn or cotton, and some of the best is not k!??red. Foe further in formation enquire of the subscriber living in Co lumbia. JOHN M MILLER, f1 February I tf For Sale, VBOUT SO Acr*-% of latul, mi lh? middle road Imtrfiujr In VVimi?hnrough ami to the Hto? Creek mi?l within half a mil* of the nav> Imiii iii'l within <>ii? mile niiJ ? quarter of toe hmiwt in Columbia. On the j?r*nii?e?are a \ ih<w tlwrirllinx hoii?i> mill kitchen, with ? (omi wnll of wnlcr 16 fart def|i nml ItoiU over |Ihi top; the home hit tevtral private room* with a neat in front. THe pluce it highly tit'ialed ami airy, ami very healthy A great liHorulo will lie given In mi nji|(r<tv? <l purchaser if M|>|>Ih-iJ fur noon a? tin* ?ul?H'riii<*r it in want of money: ?*AlkW Will be ?ol?J three one n Immi h*nd, aUmt tfrt yt.HTtui ??(!??, ami Itie other a plough hoy about ? ft year* of a^?; the other a frit I about 14 year* of u*. PKTKH M CitflRK May 18 90 if Notice. I KLIZ Mil. IIIT Wl.oit, wife of Wm Ityor, - r, t?? IWUrry Di-tr'" S, Intend hV tho cOotent ' o expiraiVtn of om tola trmlor mill dmibir. . ' K.U/AHfcfH Notice. ALL (ttttona are forward not |*ra?i? on my ?e?o?iil M" |?odue?id ?i|u?d ?itb*r by Januarys , <' 25 Dollars Re 18 oAi?d forth* delivery of W?mnu MiMd JU1)A, about M<-t nndlirraow JOE, about 14or ?rbol?ft aw about th? Irat of Mnr l? tb? |?n?pertv of Mr. BUakt, and I Itarbowrgd In that iittlghborhoo J bjfa mmfrot, ?ay ou Tout'* cr??k, c.r In tl? dWrlrt. WILLIAM M?yll ' . ... AUGUSTUS M'NBAL, SADLER * UAHNE88JUKER, Respectfully uaders hi* thanks to tboJ Who have to liberally rncourged blra here tofore, and inform* lUn that he may. W found it ?II times a few <loor? north of F.dgarYUN, where 'ho hat u# hand SADDLES, HARNESS/ anai?"ny ?lb"r articles iti bis linn which he will ?ell on Accommodating term*. May 3 %%' tf ? *(.,m Private Boarding. 4 limited number ol BOARDEK?be re A -olved in ibe family of the enbsc?1b?r. who has taken bouse on Plain street belong* to Mr. A. Walla.*, ?nd recently occupied by Mr# Wyche, at a private bwdlag house. Wm.O IX0NT1. January 18 3 if Notice. ' /"1111E subscriber intruding to relinquish I >iu ines? JL til Columbia, call* on those indebted to bint j " once more," to couie forward and settle their' res|?ective notes and accounts. Alt tucli as <to not ?ivail themselves of this notice in tl-e course often days, will at the expiration of that time, And their notes and accounts placed in the bandsofn proper officer for collection, witbuut my distinction of liersons. lie has to mett demands against hiin which must be Killed, consequently the present mode of procedure originates frrtm necessity and not from choice: it is an unpleasant slip, and nothing short of ettreme necessity urges him to it. He, however, sincerelylm|?r? all interested in tliii j notice, will avnil tbeuivulves of it, and thercb) , save their feelings and hie. MICHAEL M'ELUOY. N. B.?M. M'Ei no* baa on bund a#assort-1 ment of trst rate Booh and Shoes, of the mo*t fashionable klud, and of warranted workmanship, which he will di?|>ose of cheap for cash .nid cash only, as he is determined to dispense with the credit business, consequently from this time,in no instance whatever, will creaM be given. MayStt . SI tf A valuable Tract of Land for I Sale. 'f^HE Subscriber being desirous of removing .1. to the western country, is animus to sell h>s tract of Land, situated in Edgefield District five miles from Cambridge immediately mi the roail lending from that place to Edgefield Court House, nnd contains about one thousand acrcs, about four hundred of which is cleared and in a fine state of cultivation. This is one of the most valuable tracts of Und in the up country.? The improvements consist In an elegant two story dwelling house in eioilent repair, a parcel n| uncommonly good nojro hou???, a new Uin house, a first rate Horse mill, an excellent framed Barn and a parcel of good Stable*. Any person with ??* to purohase such a tract of land w)ll do well to call on the subscriber iramedintely, nf he is determined to sell and will give an excellent bar* gain. ALSO,?Another tract of good Lead adjoining the ulsove, containing about 700 o.'.ras, about 25 seres of which is cleared and it ? gu*U ?>?(? of repair. This tract has on it m very convenient dwelling House and all necevery out buildings, which will also be sold on very accommodating terms. For terms apply to the kuhre/iher living on the premisses. JAMES BULLOCK. March 4ft. 1996. 13 tf MONTICELLO, The teat of the late Thomat Jejferton. IT Is p"?r?osed to publish .? pietur&tfue view of Montlcello House, (from m drawing made on the *|K>t by Mr. Mil..*,) aijua-tlne.l in the w*it style, t?y one of tie firM arti?ts of our cnu*r?>yi provided tuffirio i i>utrounnt is given, equal lo meet thec.ipense?i'i-ideiit to such an andertnhing. With a view to ascertain this, these proposals are laid liefore the public. The engraving haudv>melv colored, will be fnrnUbedtubscribei*at three dollars a copy, paya ble on delivery. The ?i*e of dm pinto will tie 1M? inches tong by 12 inches wide. Particular attention lie* been paid, in the draw ing. to th* nrthiUUural character of this building, which dMingtibhe* it Irotn ail other*. For every twelve re>pomihle snlncrihers, gen tinmen who will collect the names, willbostillllfd to receive one copy of this work grails. Subscriptions w rived l?y P. Thompson, hook seller elty of Washington, where the original I drawing is deposited, and at the Hook stores In this | place. November 91 47 tf Columbia Bridge Company. A LL jtfrsons, who a e disposed to pass the t\ Bridge by the yeer fand who have not here ?nft*e taken thefrrtto cf either DanleNor llayne,) ire requestsd to furnish me with pro|io?al? for the <???? The aitplieent or apnOeants will set forth I ho klmlof travelling intended, the object of such travelling! and the price they are willing to five bv the year. By ordeWf Ihe dboctors at \Ur acting on the 91st Mey. 1997 %r? ?S.?.OOOBW*N.t?<,fr Strayed or Stolen, PROM lhesub?eriber oo or about the 88d alt. reek ? her far*, and U smo< ???r warded and all reasonable ?lA . , ? ?a s "(STzIno' Dr. Josiah C. Nott, HAVING located himself In Richardson street, three doors below the Gaastte Prtatlag OBce, M*y? , to ir Public dale. TO b? Mid by order of the Court of Equity all the real tilata belonging to lha lata firm ol A. It W. HALL it Co ou a credit of I, 2, and 8 years, with ? mortgage on the property and bond* with personal security with interest from date. Tbe du elling and stores now ocaupied by W Hall, on the corner of Rlcbardsou and Laurel streets. The dwelling bouie U replete with ?'very convenience for family purposes: the Stores, Cellar* and Col'.on Houses are as eaten* rfye and at well calculated for any concern as any in lb* state. Those premises aie lighted witb gass. ?At SO? A Store on Richardson street 60 feet front with h lot nltaclied eitei ding back to Assembly street, with a Os?tt<*? House capable of storing SoOO bale* of CotlOU. ?A14 J? A blow adjoining contalntug 60 feet Trout, witb u lot attached, csteudin* back to Assembly street ?aiso? .V Inrge three story IJrick House fronting 02feet on Iticbardaoo street and attending back to A?* Msmljly slieut, with a good dotfbl* brick kitchen ami kUble aud carriage bouse attached. There ai? I we largo Storej in this building fronting om Richardson street with tack rooms to e??h, which are well calculated for any business, The dwelling or upper part of the house is well cal culated fur cither u jiubtie or private boiding bouse. ?a i. so:? The Utilise and Lot where Isaac Frasier now lives, which froui its contiguous situation to the State llouse, rendeis it Invaluable during the set ting of the legislature, as a public staad: it has eveiy convenience deslraMe tor public uses. ?also:? A sipiam of land containing four acres, more or less, situate in the Town of Columbia, between Richland, Laurel, Gist and Pinekuey streets, for? uierly tha property of Eiitha Daniel, situate on the borders oftbe Cabal, near Mr. Young's Mill. ?also ? Two hundred and eleven acres of land In Rich land District, situated OA the Eight Mile Branch, bounded on the N W. by Pearson's large survey; E by Geo. Wodln's land; S by Qeorge Smith's land; S. W. by N. Hsrbernonts and W. by Di. Orion's land. The above property may b* seen on application to the subscriber, who will dispose of tha same by private contract until the first .Monday in July wbeu it will be, without reserve, sold at Public Auctlou WM. HALL. Columbia, May 3 ,1? tds MERCHANTS' HOTEL, Corner oj Richardson if Taylor Streets. ON THK DIRECT ROUTE TO CAMoflW. MRS. M. WILLIAMSON, GRATEFUL fur past favor*, resjwcUully in forms IboMntiioniwho Imve patronised her heretofore, ?> wall tbe Dublin generally, that ?he ha* removed from her old stand near the State llouse,to that large commodious andairy three do ry brick building recently elected expressly loV a HOUSE OFEJYTER TAWMBNT, situate on the comer of Klehardson and Tiylnr streets, end being |>eifectly established, the now lender* her aervlces Id the public In every brunch appertaining to n I lout'. of Kultrlainmtnl. Mr* W. deems it unnaeestsry to My any thing In relation to the accommodations'bat traveller may reteive?she only went* them to make a rial, and they can judge tor themselves. From the conduction of the liou*e, she will at all times be enabled t?> accommodate parlies, either public or |>rlvate, without being any incon venit'iico to travellers or regular boarder*. The BALLROOM\ is as spacloii* and ns well constructed as any in the Town. !*li? therefore flutters herself that site will receive a sham ol patronage Irom the khv circle. Iler table will at all times be furnished with the best the market afford*?bar with the choicest li quor*?ro hii with the best of beds?the bouse with ? sulAcient nuinlter of good and tru?ty ser vant*?-and stah?e? with a good and plentiful sup. Cy ut th? best of |?<<>vend#r, and wHI attended t faithtul audtruity ostler*. MavlJ >1* tf South Carolina, Comp. General's Department NOTICE TO 8HKRIFFS. A LI. Sheriffs having in their band* attentions for GKKF.fUL TAX KB, are required to ?talie, to lb* Comjitroller General's Offce with Im their respective division*, complete returns, wHbin ninety days fron the date oi their receipts, or they will become personally rcspoaslble, and wlH be Charged with the amount. 8PKKR, M*F ?, %H ? 1'' Cd? TpHE Suftoaribat U MIPS - a.^jYv 8. ^fi*w?bu. naw*''?? ? Mils. iSANPOttd'S teSoSTt ^rsr^ssa xzxs?. t $ Notice to Buildelrs. Proposals wui t? received for uiui., * jail Cor Sum t# r district. at Suuiterville, untU. the Untbday of July nc*t, which are to ba lodged with Col. John B. Miller on* of the ConnMofi an. Each proposal shall contain the name ol Ufa securitir? offered, and shall state the shortest (loo In which the building cao be complrtad. ?. .?*S ffp} The plan of the building, lu.nnln *Mt bf applying to Col. Millar, SumUrvllla, S. C. 1m Commlwieoar* am deposed to make a larft p%y mailt Ih advuncc. JOHN B MI LI THOMAS BAK JOSEPHS. Wl Comtniidontrt e/ PiMk Sumtcrville, Junt* 9. Ru*ai A iaaSJUrJfe.'1 P. Clissey HAVING understood that reports *** Intoira* latWn, that lie it about to relinquish hu*ln**< In Ibis plate, he baa thought ll *<1vlm.b)f to Inform bit friend* end tba public gea*ra)ly,tb?t such fa not hU Intention} and that be still coatlnua* to carry o? the bu?iness at hi* old aland, mhln atrial. Hnd?? the tlotea are dull, arid collect ion* hard tw ba made, be trill make and repair all descrkJtluQ of work upon tba moat reasonable tar Ma. (In baton hand CARRIAGES,SULKfES.aad - GIGS, which he Will aell for cash or aotas'Wkil > approved security, sua* to enable bim toJetlfcUp > hia busineaa. P. C. Still continue* tbe UPHOLSTERY bmk t oca* In all it* various branches. *?, Colombia, May 86,183*. 41 4 "M - y ... ? ' i*a A CARD. A PEW gentlemen may hp accommodated .< with BOARDING and LODGING al Mr. v Mills' opposite tba Colfaga iqusre. Januaiy 85 NEW GOODS. The* ubucribtrt have recently rftetved vfi j extenUve asortment of % ? ?. ? wmaiwiiMMiMiiaiil Willi h, with their formerslock, comprise* *?*n*- * $ ral variety of saaaonable article*. Thay Kara ' 1 ntso received an additional supply of Hardwire, Fine Cutl&p* Crockery, Glassware and SdAdUfffi all or which vukv orrt* low tonhiHihst '' 6-4 Bolting Cloths For sale by the subscriber*, cheaper I bad ever of- M fvrred in tbia marfceL , . ?JVtTA k M-LAUCIILIN. f5 N. B. Punctual customers can ba supplied at ' cash prices. ? 7 gfij May IB V 7^ ' 20 ? * **?_'' "'I Private Boarding. 1'IIE 8ub?crib?r has taken Mr. John Stack'* 1 Brick Mouse, situate on tba *omar of Mel}*: M ardsonaud Itichlund atrrets, recently occupied by ?> Mr. Jamea Ruah as a Privata Boardtbf House, whrro ba will aeeommoiala a faw plkll BO,^r" JESSE June 8, 1027 , ^ Law Notice. THE Subscriber has npanad htaoflca at Union ** Court House. Ha will nracUae in tba ? aeveral Court* of Law and Equity in the districts of Spartanbnrgh, t'niota, York, and Chester] aad tender* hi* ptolessiohal services to bis fneada and the public. BIRD M. PEABSO%^ June 7,1827 88 4 !(??' 11 ' ,1 "* A Fresh Supply OP 4-4 5-4 and 8-4 Plain Bob&at, V Thread Edging*, black aad wbita P<a'Hk^|s ? jfT,' Salt Itildion?, \. Just received and will ba aold low for ta*b, by applying at the ttore of the subscriber. ??ALtO?*^ , 3 Kales superier 8*4 Umblaaatmd Homaspun. - LEWIS LEVIN. J'ine 8. < > 23 Wf J nines V lexander, KOHMKR mbmiltTO* or TMK MADISON SPRINGS, ?H? KffRFi M# A , * House of Entertainment, /? M'fAAftn, miktt funly, (hrgig BEOS Imv? to Infona Ibo eHtoelM of Carolina, arid olbor atotM, tbat, Ml || of January, M? will ramota frmn Jilt | ?knoo to n larg* and ooMwodfcma h dlally on lb? |Nit>llo (quart, on Main ralmlati'rffla f#?|>oot?, for ovof* ? linn tbat tmvoltor* onn doalro. Wt<m bltlcnjto*, ** i*Hmco la bt> lino, bo doooia H newOoewer# to > dwation hh enpotlty to fcndor Joatloo |o Wow who may Mil on hltn. Mokoopoodirccinrjrin bit vontoncoof tmu" ^ tbo courts and i pari oftb* tftto ?/ W?*ii>ft0a,1