University of South Carolina Libraries
r\V . A. , . " -u m ST. COLUMBIA, (8. C.) EVENING, MAY 18, 1827. ???ppapBpv ?'>. IMWW# rMDir?vtiiKO? \* P*nt*r4h Hi Htuu ?/ Rtprtnntuhr^t #/ South-Carptinn. l/W;ilM8f^T?R>.? Dor.UA*!. p?i Public 3ale. " ITTIObe told byvord?r of tlit Coartof Equity nil J the riwl wlate belonging to the fate Ann of A. U W. IIALL L Co on ? credit of 1, a, and .1 *?*?. with* mortgage on the property and bond* with peraonel security with iotere* from date. ? Tbe.dwelllng and itorta now occupied hy W Uall, oo (he cornel of Wcbardaon and Laurel jtreett The dwelling house U replete with ?vary noneenkmae for faatlly poepoaea. thr Stored, Cellan and Cotton Houaea are at eitan tire and as well calculated lor any concern ? any fn the state. Tkeie prenritet ate llghtrd with t"" ?AliO? "V A Store on Richardson atreet 80 feet front ?eiih m lot attached eaterding tmch to Aewmbly ttnet, with a Cotton Honae capable of atorine 9000 botes of Cotton, ; ? ?At?J? ? A Storoodjolnlagcontaining 50 feet front, with ? lot attached, extending back to Asaembly street. A ' ',1.7 , ?? AtSO? A Urge three story Brick House fronting 02foet on !tIr.hitrd*on ?treei and extending beok in At. ?embly ?<re?t, wHtli'a food double brick kiichen And liable and carriage homo attached There ore two largo Storts in thia building fronting on Rlcbardeon Ureal Villi l?ack mob* to eacb, wtiieh ere well calculate lor Any business. The dwelling or upper part of the liente it well cal culated for either n public or privet* boidlur boute ., ?? ?also:? Tlja Houm nod Lot vHiere liut FraxW now fives, which from it< contiguous .situation to ilia lHt?to lloute, renders it invaioablo Hurl or the set ting of the IvcUlature, m ? public timid: it has ?vary convenience desirable tor public uttt. '' ? *UO:- i A square oflaad containing Tour acre*, more or] V???, situate in the Town of Columbia, between | llichland, Luurel, Gist and Pincknev streets, for merly the |?roperty of KlUiia D ?n1el, Mtunte nn I the border* of the Canal, near Mr. Young's Mill. ?AMOS?. Two bujujfed and elcvpr^arTM of Inad In Rich THnu tmtrict, Mfinifd on tno >. i.V v.'V Z binndrd on the IT W. oy Pearson % Taty* VflTW*} E by <Jeo. Wodin's lend; S by Oeorgu .Smith's land; S. W. by N. Iferbcmont s and W. by Di. Oron'a land. >: The above property may be seen on application to (lie subscriber, ?fco will di?po?* of (he same by private contract until tlia Aral Monday in July whnn It will be, without reaerve, sold ?t Public Auction WM HALL. Colombia, May 3.. 18 tds For Sale, rj 'in; HOUSE AND LOT at present occupied J| by the ?obscril*r, opposite the College fn>iere. The boose It roitny and convenient, well eelculated for the aeeomdatton of a Urge family, having seventeen apartment*, most of which have Are places On the premises are n large oflke building, kltchena, wash lion*-, ser vant's bouse. More and poultry homo, betides, stables, carriage house, fee. The lot includes in acre; three fourths of whirh are I Kid out In n garden, stored with man* useful plant*, vegetables In aimndandanee, ana a great vaiiety of Mttrats It is one of the best garden spots fa Colombia, yielding plentifully even In the dry est seasons. A i?o?* agreeable situation is not to be found In Cotttmble, for hsslth It Is remarkable, as the sub Heritor's family, whteh Is large, can testify, hnv Ibg resided there summer and winter for the but ftveo years. Tba house la surrounded with trees, (?fetch render it very cool in summer. For terms apply .o the subscriber ROBf.RT MILL?. April 18 16 tf For Sale or Rent. Col. CMVotCiiwolirtr Brlok Slntn, with eommodiooa dwelling apartment* to each, at the eorner of Richardson and Walnut Hrrfli. Applv to J ORKOO i yiilnahlo Tract of Land for Sale. TUB 6ul?rrlb?r being iJetiroui of removing In tta* Wattorn country, it anxlout to m|| ' fc*t true! M (aim), tiluatad in Dutrlct Ara railet from Cambridge immediately o? tho jroad touting from th?t place to Kdgeflatd Court Uoot*. andoontaiai alnnit one thaotand arret, about fonr hundred of which it cleared an-1 in a rtn# atato of cultivation. Thit i? on# of the m?Ht vatoabla trnrft of land in (he Hp country ? Tfce Improvement* eontittln an elegant twottory dwalHng hou?? in eaut'dent repair, a parcel nil ?incnmmonlv *on,l negro honto*,a n?w Out hotii*, n Ar*t rate Meraa mitt, nn excellent framed Rati Mil n parcel of gnod BtaMet. Any per>nn wMi. Hag to purchase Hir.h n tract of lund will do well to call on the ?Uberrlher immediately, at h* it determined to Mil find will Rive an e*cel>rtt bar gain. ? i Af?UO,-~ Another trad of goad Land *<ljilninr Hie above, containing about 700 aarot, about acren of whleh it clee{*<t awl In a pe<>od ?tate ?*1 repaif. Tbi* traot hat on it a very nonvenle ni 4w*)l!ng Hoot* and all ?ace?*ai? out bwildin/t which will alto be told on Terr arcommodatlnr W'JW, t&t tecmt apply to th? *ul*r*iber llv?n? om th^prrmleeet. JAMF.S BVUjOCK l*tC. i'j If O ration. foe rain at th't oAfel U f ? - ? _ Jallnuaai 9* W*? mm unn FOR SALE AT THE TELEMOFF. OFFICE. CJPF.KCHES of jbr following gentlemen, Mem k? hern <>( Ul? l.'nUUturo of ?nuth Carolina, no th* lultjifty Brant Riotin, delivered durini ?tic Sesilon n( IS8&. Mr. Bmmh's firti Spttch Mr. Nixon's. Mr. PojTttnV. Mr. O'.N* * m.*?. Mr. Uvmii'i. Mr. 8mTH'i, ifr?tut Hmttk ? And nol<-? taken from Mr. CiuirittVi ?*d Mr II. A. ?AVM>n'a ?ftttlwi, on the mm whfect. Price 86 cent*. For Sale i ON arcommoditln* terra* Mid al ? un low price, ? HOUSE end LOT In Colnmble.ltt a central part of lb* town. The house r.onlalm eight room* with ftrenlace* Infour, nod there err ?It neceaanry out butfdlnga on tb* |Willni. He III alto Mil on tbe sam* (tint His PLANTATION nn crwte creek, containing two hundred nnd for Ijr scree. ,RUly ncree of wkitk Is cleared nnd bei a gooij fence aroond H, there h l comfortable house on the plac", with n?gto houses and all oth ?r necessary oat buildings mi liable for a fans. The land prodnoes well of eorn or cotton, and tome of the heat is not cleared. For further In Formation enquire of the subscriber Using In Co Inmhie. JOHN M. MILLER. February I " To Kent, TIIE South STOREyjf thr Minnie Hull, r*. r.cntly occupied hy Mntin. Miliar and Tay lor. For particular* apply to \ WM. IHLLKAHY Marcli I 9 tf To Hent. A convenient HOUSE for a xoall family, with a cardan, ami all nrc*wary inVbttTHllngi, r. tiii^uoui to tb? b<i?in?na part of :h** town. Apply to T. WELLS. February 2 '2 ? tf Final Notice. \IJ. pmona indebted lo |)t? rthtcribtr,!!*! . again tnrnttHy called on to make paymanl rhoM who di<reg?rd fhi? nolle**, mrt, utr for ell, tlifir no<r?*nd account* will h?i lodnd ?Mil* Iriwtih of *n attorney for collection, unle** ?mlrfaelory arrangement* are enteral into jw*! out to iwil return day. JOSEPH II ARTHUR. February 8 'I tf Law Notice. 'IlHE eopnrtnenblp of GREW* U llfT*rcft JL U dluolvrri. .olIVON trlll practice l.AW jointly S? ?Hc Mgto fetUk ft,|rt ilWtrlct, mid will retain ?h? .<?>> of tiro* t U Hunter at WlanvhoKMirh, wbr r* Hud iun will rinida March 1 Notice. A SI intend about the lit of Jan* ne*t, to de A. dine keeping n HOUSE OF ENTERTAIN MENT, end probably, about that time to l?avt Columbia, I offer lor rent, for one of more years, to in approved tenant, the HOUSE in wnico I now live, together with the ?t *!?!?? and other out bniiding* thereto attached, well known ?* ? pub lic ?tan<l. hnvlng been occupied hjr me, m wirh, daring the In* ftve year*. Po??etsion way be had on tha above dny. Appliention to be made to me on the premi<*?. WILLIAM MONTGOMERY. MayJ! " 18 4 Notice. THE BLACKSMITH buaineu lately carried on by SAMUEL SPIOENAR k Co. In eon sequence of the death of Samuel Sptgenar, will in future be carried on by the ndminietraton of John Montgomery b Co. and a* tho work will bo done altogether by negro** and charged each night ac cording to thetfatement given by tho foreman of the shop, customer* who have any opproben aion of baing wrongfully charged, are re^oerted tn send order* for such work a* they with done, In order to prevent mistake*. M \ROARET MONC.OMKRY, Ad'nvi JAMES HOPKINS, Ad'mr. nf John Mongomery. April 2B 17 If Noticc. Af.I. perton* are fnrwarned not to credit any p*r?on on my mmmM milfii nn order be produced *igr*cd either by myeetf or wMe. THOMAS BRIGGS. January B 3 If INoticc. HEREAFTER I no deht? r?ntmrted hy any nerxm withoot the order of W. k IIILLEARY or mywlf. WM. fflLLLART. May* IB H Notico IS lierrhy eiven, that the copartnership hereto for? i??hting under the of Andrew* and Kcenan, whereof 1mh? and Jndxli Rnrrett were partner*, l? hereby diwleed. Yhowi having de* mnnd? n^aimtthe Mid Arm, will render the vime to Mom. Warren Andre*?a*d Rowland Kumn for p^ymrni. Per*on? indebted lo Ihe Mid Itm hy note, will m*k?wyi?i>nt to W. F. Dftunmirr, E?q. In wbo?ehno<l?'>?e noteidun lo Ihe mid Arm are pierrd for collection. And tho?e indebted by open eeronnt, will piy-t^ Warren Andrew* and Row land Kccnan. ISAAC BARRETT, JtJDAll BARRETT. WARREN ANDREWS, $1 , IPHMnRH^ir May S IS 8 QUININB. j ?ISIIR ??WriJ*f will ko*p * MMplyftfth* abort 4' artiele ftlway* on hnnri whfal he otlera for W,4 %c,,i ^9^U l i to n. f ??ns * I ^s^BS^ssl^z fcpg* 'wiv*^* H^Wii 1 'c The Grist Mill Reversed. ? 11IE ?uWriber have nuifheeed the eielurivr ? %. rlflil ft?r tho State ot Sooth Carolina writ of the Owrt Pee Dm river for tM*W? MILL.and will diapoae of right* for whole dfcrfrku or to indl itdoel*. Hit Mill la in ewf f#ct the nme u the common Mill, only tliet the ?pper atone ? ??dl (eat end the under o#fr ihhe renner, th#> ere worked with ? bend nnd tin* M?e work* that drive the Cotton Gin; they ft be convtrned u esto he worked with one or [W#horn?or reen by bend. .??'*' iAjU We will bare om in operetfel 1ft ? few deya whcr* the etility ot the dooMDj e Milt leill be aeen by ell that A?y call WbenTt eetinW operation we will fcWe farlbtr informntio . ? ' They ebo have the right for bitORN SHEL LING machine which will he u operation thortly. WM. M'Cf EIGHT tf SON. Winn?borouftht A|ittlttlV M HhlCAL. BtfAKD. AY the last annual wik)! of iW Medical Board at Columbia, tba Uwfhl {tntlemen pmaated their dlploaM* foe ?Mmfnallon, vlct Dr? 11?2? D. Hint If'on, TMM. Dick, Robert Deri In, r ranklin Branch. Job* nartoton, PranoU L. Le*, Robert R. Dorant.Ja^aa W.Ollltaio, John F. DennU, Joteph Lee, AotaM T. Park, and ll> cenv granted to each. ? *i<, ??;. . The following cai.Uidatet,?etf eiamtned to nractice Medicine and H'irfpqr tvfthin the state, and admflti-d, vis: Williaai L. M- Au?tin, John 0. Balfour, Aiea. Kvm?, John 8. fUld, J. c. Kan nerty, Jacob King, Tim*. D. B. Steyen^n. QjffUtrief Ikt UewV?Dra. ffajmenrortli, I'rm ideal, Bracey, Vier-Pmlrtt nt; 0.11 Trexcvant, Treasurer, K. II. KWirr KerrMafy, Standing Commit (re.?Df* Jn?. I>ivii, D. 1!. Trvteeant, M. II. lMeo??. K. H. H?'if r, WillUm Lev. Mtmhert C.Bmpoun* the PnirH?Dr*. Rielmnl Anderton. ot ('kinikn; H.BInniJiny, Cnm Hen; X Brwrry, Humlfr; RoM. T. C.?!???. f-'.dgf Held; Thr??. Cw?imt, Cvt'inihi*; 8ir<-p?.itr Co*, 8'irattr; J??. Davit, ColuinMn; K. B. I'nvi*, Alib< villr; A. IV'Uoii, C?mdi;n; M fl. Di'lion, Clft ItitnMn; Pobt. H. fhtrfwit, Btfintrf; fln^h l??vitf, Unlun; E. II. FUher, Column!*. John F'uhrr, Co. IuotNb; ? ? ? ? Klinn, Chefnw; Tlio?. J. *?yn, t**nn?liufp; Rul?t Uaodwyn. Hen). F IUrti?, Columbia; Jfttnv* E. II. FUMF.I, Sttrtlary. April 12 l 15 ,f BAKI.NG 13 U? If*ESS. acux^ior Respectfully ioiv#om ?ei Wwkn nnd the public in genet*!, (Hal tin above tmtl new will Mill be earri'd 011, iiill iu various hraeehei, a? owat, at ibe old M?*/. She toliciu ? continuance of pMt U*our?,id pUd|r*-? her r*H (bat every effort in Iter |*?Wi ihatl be to give pteneral ttlUfacllon. I will he InipoMible ?t pn|?nt for her to deliver BREAD at the bonw* nlper euttomera, ?be reoaeaU them to tend lo the Jop Jf. B. Mr*. ?!. ha? nothing k do with the baking or eelllngtho BRKAD, t>ufu*per?on? rm< ployed to attend to|it for her April 2? 17 tf RAGS WAITED. ! |1 HF.Saburiber* ere about J erect *, PAPER 1. MILL in Uio vicinity of If place, and lit MUMH depend* in n rreet mea* upon the aid of nlmoat every person in the ronAiiRy in preeerv. ingthe only material thM c*n toad ln(ho??n< nufMlory of thl? otcfnl ertiete;lu*a kfnpera. and ?II other*, are therefore eernef Mltelled to col lect end preeerve nil RAOS pre red In tbelr In. milk*. There |? note home ? will afford ma ny pound* In tbe year If etteeb he p?)d to ur< ing them. It will afford to tlyoor many necee* rario which wonldotherwUelotf to them; end the rleb, by allowing them e? wquUlte to aonte favorite fervent, will render #ntkl earvice to thie Infant eeanifeetnrv, ofouwn itate; and we latter onreelvee thet the eld 4ie com run nit ithii [own of money that arr yrnrly end oat of It"for the I article of paper. 1 here 1? n* originally com poeedof Baa, hempnrrettoip which will ?n? I wrr for mmr kind <>(pejter. The following ptirt,* will Mid for nil Rar* delivered at the More of .Mr Ilium T. Little In tbi< piece. \Vhit? l.inen, *y#r 100Ibt. Cotton, Pin* or llemp# per IdOMt. JPAU8T U <k>. Colnmhle, Jn1y >1- f 23?tf. Iter onreelvea thet theeio ?ie commnoity In ii retpect will ennhta tnto pet Ihla iindertelc K, end by thet mean* kcemlrr.'ilation In our rn etate, and emoncell elw, very far** fame MIRROR OF V8HION. John D. !>orc# BARBER AND Kf DRESHER, i?f< i? rri?n<faanrflh; fMihlin generally# ihi ?<io th? ftearrlty of MOMV, lie hMbfen lw<< o reduce hU pr|re to m?#t anvere pre??i? lie llmet. Hr will after the IM of May All* lh?? Irate of ?I* Mud aqoaitereentM p*?. hy * contin ued attention to binineW MM with e<|ital ||. bcralHy by k ptiwrou* ptli fnnetualUy ImIu than hniln^M, J, p. will, tffcr tb*? time li< Inne to SHAVf, fcv tb? month Of e*?h In every will b? required ith rk I* dour. IT J R il?mm*!,? general ? tf Eutnet C Perfumery, t f?r ihm tol/at ?f rasr^ I'M It I ' - IMPROVED COTTON PRESS. TIHR Sabaeribere having pat inC* operation in I be vicinity of Colombia* S.C an Improved Preu for Packing Cotton, Offer to (bit nubile the building of IVnw, or lb# privilege of bonding on lb?lr plan on leaaonable tern. With tliU prow when in complete order, two ^ood hand* and one boy,.can pack from 840 to (SO poaada of Cotton into 4| yard* of Battta* la nine mlntH**; aad hfter the Bale ia Sewed and Corded,cart elevata tba follower to it* former po* ?tilon, in three minajes ready for the Introduction of Cotton lato the hekiax Bo*?end with a a?t of native bands, two Bale* per boar may be l arked with earn. Thle Pre** al*o present* other advantafea, it la" easily pataader cover, either tn a Oin House,or ander a shed by It, It la not liable to l?e Impaired by nan a* screws are, and may lie used ia any weather. * JAMES BOATWRIGtlT, ISAAC NATHANS. The Edttora of tba Aafotte Chronicle and Charleston Conrier, wMI Insert the above onee a week for thine week*, and forward their account* o this ottee for payment. ? . 10 tf New Saddlery Ware House. Smith 4r Wright, Ki?.u I en to to Inform their f.-.endi and the pow* Ho, that Ihiy have again established them selves <n lh? Saddlery business, at their old stand, on Ibo comer of Kin*and George* Stieets Charles ton, one door above Mr.C. Chisolm's Hotel, where tliey have constantly on band a complete and genernl assortment of all kind* of saddle*, bridle*; heroesj, whip*, and trunks: alio girting bridleana harness leather, morocco skins, sheep and calf do. together with n complete assortment of plated gilt, and japanned sadalevv ware; coach lac* ana coach trimmings of all kinds. As they arc con* nectad with an extensive manufactory at the north, they ftel confident in assuring the nnblle that they can furnish goods in their line of a superior Kile, aad ou as good terms as ?.an he procured at any similar establishment in the 'Jnited Slates. All orders will be thankfully received, and promptly attended to, they respectfully solicit a nlmrr of the public patronage. 4 lei. 24. 4JI If Flatt Springs AOADBKT. ilntitt of ibi* >n?tlto(lun will l>e r#M m?d X. on tli<> f;mt Monday in January ne?i, mder the Jlrortl-in of thu |irc?rnt principal. Mr. John Farmer. All the hntnrhr* nece*?ary to enter the Junior C:!.??<? of tli?* South Cacotuin College will Iw careiutiy uuplit. ^ . ... . TPIIMQ... ... Board, . >.. 84 do. The particular, attention, which the anbaeWber hat alwayn pld to the moral* of youth In this la ?tituiion, will io no whe ha related. ABRAM GEIGER. Piatt Spring*, Dcr. ft, IWg. Education. A ijlnlleiiMn qualified lo leach tho Latin anj) A Oieek language*, Mathematical"?' wUbeito obtain a tltuatWm a? Principal of an Academy. The mmt ?atl?factory testimonial* can be produ ced. Letters addrrwd lo A. H. rare of Robert L. Edmondi, A. M. Principal of (Imi Columbia Male Academy, will tneel with immediate alien ion. September M 39 tf. MRS. SANFORD'S SEMINARY. MR8.8 ANDFORDre?peetfnlly inform* the pnb lie, that the has removed to the corner of Lady and (Jumpier street*, aori hat opened her SCHOOL for the reception of Young Ladles, in the brick building, formerly tenanted by Dr< Well?. November 38 " 47 3 A CARD. AFKW tantltmen may be accommodated wHh BOARDING ?nd LODGING ?( Mr. Mills' oppotitn the Collage ujnare. January 26 ' -4W A GOOD I'MBRF.I.U wa? left at a |*ivate bout* in town. Fnnuire at (hit office. April 2ft. 17 tf ? South-Carolina?Chc?ter Dint. WM VVMITK near LyleV Ktrry, on ?rU?d River, toll* before ma one BAY MARK, fifteen and a half hand* high, thud all round, her feet are all white e*rept tome ?pot? of Maek Italr aro?tiid her huff#, hlaiw face, no brand* perceiva ble. Appraised at 150 liy u? tiworn appraiser*, I)AVIS (JOOH, NUMAN PROCTOR, I>. GLKNN. WM WIC.K9, J. Q. May II- H> 1 AUGUSTUS M'NEAL. SADLER (i HA UN ESS MAKER, HKSPKCTPULI.Y Under* hl? (hank* to thorn who have *o lihemlly fnrourjjrd him Here tofore, and inform* I hem that he may he found at nil llmr?* few doort north of Kdgir'a Inn, where h? he? on hand HADDLEft, IIAItNEM/ nn<! many oth?r article* in hit line which he will ??I! on accommodating term*. May a . . I? ?f 25 Dollars Reward IMoliiid (or the deUrery el two negroe*: a woman named JUDA. abnul 4ft or ft? yeara of ate, and her ton JOF., aIhmm !4or Ifryearaof a*e. Whole* me almet the IrW of Mmh.and former property of Mr. filaiitt*, and I <iippo4A aw ' id In that neighborhood hy anm* netf? "V ?? ' C MRS. H. TO F.3PKCT FULLY MX cuatoinera, tkot i of thr linMU. she bM MILLENARY and NF.8B lor Ik* I sesski* p"",,u' w,k Mr*. Mnrka informs her customer* DmC fcof Milliner Km Jnrt returned from Clmiiitu wHk the iMitti tynmg thukkms. i She is to ho found nana! ?t her old etend, n??t doo< to Mr. Francis Ogkr*! Dm? and Medi cine Store. M*y t *?*?/? it mm. 'srtmu Committed |(m OmI on tbo fab rpO Darlington I J Uat, ? muo i BiUBTOL, about 3# or fl Incbea high, mm i DIXOttofAnaon Cooi fellow bos loet all tko too* oo fcl and all Ike mm* too (on* ftM back U considerably acarred with owner U rroueUM to coae fort party, pay cfarjtea, and take kin bo sold eathe law dkteta. RICHAHDIKORAM, 8. D. p. April ae .:: * A Druggist Stock for Tht luburibtr intending Is iiM CMa nvrkR* roM mi hi* trriKK aroc? or Drugs, Fmtent and Family' Medici*#, Surgeon's Instruments, Paintt, Vaint Brushes, Vloath and Hair do. .s.V " AMD A YAM1KT 09 V M1SCELANEOUS ARTICLES, Witb a prelly ganrrat anortneat of *||. ai?tk at ticles usually kept In ? i> n tTtoo18t*i sbop. INCLUDING ALL THE Glass Furniture, Draxss, Counters, (nc. An*J nil thn ncc**?ary UttnM ?. <'<#lonaiaff in lha inop. For further /lorticulartft Iran Jhfity tp, (RANCHOGwm COLUMBIA* S. e. Mnrrh ft. 1827. !? ? - Private Boarding, Ali.'nilftd number nt BOARDE"* rdvfd in Iho furallv ot Ih* liM likrn lha hoaia on Plain Mr?? t Janiurv 18 Garden Seeds. Jutt received and far tale at the ?Umw*w Mart, A SUPPLYOf FRESH GARDEN, March The Subscriber, T IVI.NO within ill mile* of M?eon, whhes to JLi nell hiaPLANl A1I0N, conUlalaj 4?acree, Mid part nf lilt NE0R0E8. my about 30 nf lb* most valoabta nmonglh?-mi? fir* r?te Seam MreMji good Cook,end feral rate Home Servants.' The Plantation well Improved,* Mod two!far Houm, a good kitchen, good negro houses, aadall convenient houwi lh? ?w Miimry. ?also?, . A Rood TEAM or MUUSfcaod WACGOJt. Ind as many COWS M m*y be wanted. I would tell and give peseesslon lamadiateJy. There Is a prospect of a good crop of Cora rfnd Cotton I will tell I he above properly da 'air fame, wait for the payment from '*> April 94 ' MONTICELLO, The Kent of the late Thonuu Jefftr90^ IT tiproMKMi to peblUh n pfefwrtietic of I Moiitlcolln Howe, (from * drewiee ?ede on the ?pot by Mr. Mil*.!,) ftqoe-thwd la ibe beet mylo, by on* of tin Br* irtMi of our coantnrj provided n\fficitnt putrtMigt I* (three, eqael to meet the eip?ntet incident (orach mm endertekfoft. WHh ? view to ascertain thU,theaepropoMl? ?ro laid before the public. Thn engraving handtoeiely colored, will bo fijrnt#he?Unbv;Hbrf ? et three doltere a copy, tmyi Me on delivery. The *t*e of the pMe will bo iO Inrhec long by IS tnehe* wide. l'?rilrnUr attention beabeee poid. Intbo draw ing, to tbenrrhitttturnl r.hnnicirr of (bit buildl?(r, which dtainratshee it troM OH other?. for every Iwflvo reipontfMo ?abeeribere, tea tic men who will ooiiect the iraw, WiH bo entitled lo receive one copy of thW work gratia. Hiibacrtptioaa received by P. Thompson, book teller city of Wevbltlgtoo, where tho orljiael inwln||li depotltod, end atthe Book ttorw hi tMe piece. November CI 47 It Bolting Cloths, Jutt rettlvtd at JVb. 6, Uriel Rangtt Colun? Ala, and at Mwbirty Court Houte, an additional tvfrtr or BOLTING CLOTHS, OF THE MOST APPROVED FACTORY, ?AWOH? ' t PHILADELPHIA MApti CroM Cut and MittSamf* TOGF.TIIRH WITH 90MR 3RA80HABLK DRY GOODS, Ml of nhl-liU oft-red I ,v ? 6*>horpro*i??. AMiroflBw^ ^