University of South Carolina Libraries
A ^ < <&? * ? jMMhraa nfimMEiatoyii m ?? i^illiiBiMi1 Ath flIMMff '? '. ... ?&.? WrJd -.g AND SOUTH-CAROLHffA STATE JOURNAL. "eolumbta Ktlauopt; uuarao Ato ?tiibWiB itvaiiv Mine, +? SHTXEMi* MIM8, S Prinunf |A? tU** tflUpttmkM***?/ or Uwy will NNin j ttRF.UO 41 7f ?UHU. Apftol N,>vcml>tfi? Land Ibr Negroes. fllllE Subacritwr widrnto?nilmm Land for J. Negfoer, fro* 600 to 3000 tcraa, In a body, ?i be tbae tWoW ?U atehaoge, MMttMll the I'Luil ie UWiflwW^b' Ubl HtH* rlnr, that aforda ihr aettkmeaU la th? SMfi^JnxsS: , wbers ?r? consider the head of oeni*' ?bout forty mitaa above Nalebac. (In IN wttnl beautiful iltuutionk, Ititlui nn convenient It ealende up and rn ibe fttle river about four mile*, including each bank . TIm Tllll it Indisputable, it all having Itcen purchaaed of Oovanaaaeet. Liberal prie.r? Hill to alio wad for and tha land rated at m low price. II it deemed aaedieaa lo any, (bat the priee of |Mtl, In ? f?w yeara, will greatly increase in ihU taation of country, aa it U ao wall known U*< commerce wiM fcoatinue to Increaae on Ibe AtoaUtlppi, and tba good lauds adjacent to it, be gewrally cultivated. Any paraoa wiaMag to make aucb an etchaagr, will pleaae wrta to tba Sutdcrlber. at Portgihson, Stale of Mtttiaaippi, wbkb will be atlraded lo immediately. WM. IV. GRANT. April 6,1887. 14 <1 A valuable Tract of Laud for Sale. npu*; mmarlW being deairout of ramovieg to Ibe weatera country, ia anxious to tall kit traot of U?<l, aituated in Ktli*Md UtilrUi ire Ofcilaa froa Cawbrklge immediately oo Ibe M leadbtt from that place to Kdgefteid Court If*uae, aaaeoaUlai about oneIhoUtaml ncrca, about four baudrod of which ia cleared aad in a Ana atata of cultivation. Tbia ia ooa of ibe ?Mat valuable trade of land in tha bp country The imptoaeaeate eoaaiatlo ao elegant two story dwelUo< liauaa In eseeileot repair, a parcel ol 'Uacoainaoarfr good negro hooter, a now (Jia bouae, a Aratratetteree Mill, an excellaat framed Bam aad a parcel of good Sublet. Any per/on wish tug to purebaee aucba tract of land will do well to call aa tha aubocribar immediately, at be h determined to aellaod will givoau exccllam bar ALSO, !? Aon*bar tract of good Lund a<ljoiaia? tba iMirt, toahtniai about 700 acrat, aln?ut 46 aereaof wUch la cleared aad ia a good atata of repair. Tbia tract baa oo it a very cooveukal dwelling Noata aod all nacaaaary out buiklia^a, which will alao be aufcl on very accommodating terms. Far teraM apply to tba aubreriber llvin* <ua the nraaaiaaaa. JAMES BUM<OCk. ? jfarth 88. 1820. IU if For Sale, THE HOUSK ANU LOT at pnurn ocenntad bv tba Mibaeribtr, oppodta IU? Coflaga ?qvare. TU hooan ia rutmy and MiivMltRt, well oalanlatad for llw ?wa?4(loii of ? larga fcmllyl liavln? Mveatacn apartraanfi, not! of wbldi li?v# |n iiImm. On ilia prraliu am a lain* uln holloing, kHtbtnt, waih haute, Mr* vant'a boqaa*. atom and poulfy huuie, betide*, tfahlat, earria^a bo km, be Tha lot inctoda* an aeraj throa fourth* of which nra laid out in m gaidaa, *t?m) will, taanv otaful plant*, vegetable* In ath?adandeaee, ami ? great vaiiaty of fruit traaa It I* oar of the (mi* gurdau iMfaln Columbia, yielding plentifully rveu iu tba dryctl *?aaoe* A mora acreaatda situation ia not to ba found in OduutMii, for baaHh it i? rainarlcatile, aa tba tub* ?nrlbar'a family, winch U large, ean taatify, l??v In| resided th?*ra Mtw m*r and winter for tba la it *aven yanra. Tba bouaa ia turroniided with lr?-??, Whluli randar it vary cool in iumiuer. For icrmt apply .o tba auhfatlber " UOBCttT Mif.LP. jAprti ia ia tf ? 4197 Acres of Land FOR SALE. TIIC aubacrlber offcr* for *ala lOflO aeraa of LAND lyinR on hnvnnnali rivrr and wall iftprovodatffper *erw,8?l7 acrv* ?n LMtla river, part of which ia gotnl low (round, and purl i*<?nl tab and hklcory fund, at .44 (lamer.*. Ijito u,-ru? imi Hnvannab river, pait of which It low ground*, at fi AUpor acre. OKlarre* Upland lyiio; ?.? twann tlavannbh and l.ittl? riva??, m p?*r mn J#0 ^r.ra* of u|dandat Jf 126 p? r a?rn, uwl-I.Vj ??i*? i{7land v* Little river upoa which ttonri i? * *?...<) iftarekafti in'll. with atoll l>iitl^a ucr<o< il?u liver Mid a goti fishery a( g.'tw*? 'I'm#. alto** land* are nil tHnalod In AUIwviiti* iiatricl S. 0. aud in tba f?rk of ftavaiuiaK and Lit ? l(e rivi;r? naar Ktukolale'* frny. One fourth ?I tba iiorebit?e Mowy h? jtaidal the li?e of tale, and for Uv< l*lonc<,i? ?fedit of 10 yeert will bo allowed,tba pur?;bn??r paying latere*. or Mileable good* at n fair vafua ?low wilt ba received M payment. Any part of tha able* piooerty wilt ha Mild at tho above rat** ^asc-asaer ? ^Lb For Sale ?lll?l eo eelfoi%Mie mm t Oil ?M? ctoek, lywm Siuy i ? gtMHi ftM* '' llOttMf (Ml Mttf or iKimrjr <*t feUding* ml ffc* l?od pmducot well of earn or c Mm \*H ki not cleared. For further in formation MM|uk? of Ik* mbmribtr lleltig I* Co ? mkkm. JOHN M. MILLER, fibroiry I , .,v? ft Mr. SMrtH'a /re* SjHtelk Mr. Beni?V MA NntowV ? #t CrninV. . / Mr. O'MuiL'i. Mr. ImaIkkSi* Mr. Smith'*, SattA And note* taken from Mr. Cai-owim.'* and Mr H. A. TifLoi'i ope?ch?M, on Uio Muu? *it>leut. Prion 26 cent*. To Rent, TUP, South STORE of th? Muooic Hail, re aontly occupied by Meaare. Miller and Tay lor. For partkularaapply In \TM. IIILLEARY. March I ? if To Rent. A convenlerft HOUSE for ? amall ! .'*iX family, with a garde*, and nil nnermry oitt.buflding?, c HitlRuona to the bneineae part of tb? Inwn. Apply to V. IV?I<LM. I "F,hw**rya)> ? ,f Notice. TIIE BLACKSMITH iHnlnru lately carried on ?#y SAMUEL SPIOKNAlt u Co. In ?on eeqiteiic*. nldii death of Samuel S|N(rnir, w(ll In future ??? eorriod on by the admlnletratnriof John Montgomery L Co. and at tho work will ho dona ul(?K?>lbrr by ucgmea and charged ooo|? oWM M ?? cording to tba atateineut eiv*n?ty tho foreman of tho ahnp, inittomrn whobava any apprnhon iMn of to-ittK wronrfully iharged, at* roqoMtod I* Mind ord*rafor audi work ?? tkay with done, in order to prevent mWtake*. .MAROAHRT MOMUOMKttV, JUfawi. JAMES HOPKINS, Ad-mr. of John Mo?gomery. April 20 17 If Notice., ALL pxreona arc forwamed not In credit any ptiraoii on my account unlet* aw order br ??roduced ?ign*d either by myaelfnr wife. THOMAS JSRltt09. January B U If Final Noticc. ALL |?hom indebtrd ia ilie tahac liber, Mt ?gain ?nuttf called on lu n?k? payment. Dioee vrfcu divcganJ this notice, nrt, ontt ft? ?//, informtJ, their nolnuil accounts will Im lodgi.d o the hands of an Mlnrncy fm collection, oulriu satisfactory arrangements are eater* I Into preel out to n?i< return dev. JOSEPH K. ARTHUR. February 8 6 if Law Noticc. THE copartnership of GREGG it HUNTStt is dtaolved. GRECO & HUDSON will practice LAW Jointly in I be eowli for Fair Held district, end will rrlils the nice formerly of Gr*gcL Hnnler at Wiumborougb, where Hud ?on will reside March 1 X Notice. A SI intend about tbe l?t of Juno neat, to de /V rliite keeping a IIOU8E OF ENTERTAIN MENT, and |Kohnbly, ab.tut tbat lime to leave Columbia, I offer lor rent, for one of toore year*. In an nyprovwl tenant, the HOUSE in whicn I now live, together with the etahltt and other out htiMdinfrs thereto attached, well known a* a pub lic 4tand, having lieed occupied by me, a? Mich, duriug ihe last Avn year*. Po?*?Minn may bo had oil tha above day. Application to be made to mo on tbe uremtae. William Montgomery I May :* IB ?( Notice TS hereby *iven, tbat llie coj*rtnrr?M|i hereto JL forw cm tiug ?n..t?jr <he ntme of Andrew* and K* Keenan, whereof lanee and Judeh llarretl were partner*,is hereby dkmlrtd. Thorn having de eiund*axahiM lb* said Arm, will render the same to Motrs. Warren Andrewsand Rowland Keenaii for payment Psnoas indebted lo tin* said Aim by note, will make oavment to W. F. l*esaiiMiiie, r?, In HboMtbenoii the not ?? due to tha anid firm m> placed for collection. And thof* Indebted by (.pi n amount, v. Ill p*?/ to Warmi Atidruw?and Ito* I'liid l,< (iiHi, A At- BARRETT, JUHAII HAHHKTT, WAIIUEN ANDNKW8, MOWL A.NI> KEEN AN May :j Itt 3 Notice. 'EIMMFTER I |>ay no debts contracted h* I. ?. anv t?r?in without tha order of W. il J. etmpyar. ,.i;, * H ho ? I'MBHKLLA was left at ? |w}vate la town. V.trtu1n ?? tMI#l??^ J ., Notice. 1 LI |wno?i iHditUfdto "* ?Wifrby Ml*. 1. or book aeaount, am teapectlvely iulofwi.'.i thai IHiMdirtii $trnmim l??%alimd; Hkm> wl)o?ki; iu* avail thamsateea of thklndWatlsa before re my craditors (UU ***** hat U?im *????? Mry at wall aa to ? aelttoment of my baalnrse, Pah. fcl. *v'> . a ,f " All Persons INDEBTED to tha WhftHbnrs, who.. note* a. and aaeouutiwarn doa*?4fce IrstoMcnuary IBM, ere reuulrad to ?afe|Mftiaat before the aeit return day, M loii|HlMW|(?ea cannot ha tlvan Awl all tkaaalatMM to tha Nbttribsn, lor parcha>M atyle laat yflftr, ara respect!ally re? queeWi lu luektr pay HM|m t Mqeldate Ibelr ac counts. ^15.fWICIVAl.k CO. JaaaaryC 1 tf MEDICAL BOARD. VT (ha last annual Alton of tha Medical Board at Columbia,?a tallowing cratlemen presented thatr diplomafldr e lamination, vis: Dm. Thoi. D. Blnil?ion,th?. M fWek, Robert Ueriln, franklin Branch, fob* Tarietrm, Francis I.. Ut, Robert H. UmiMljMVi II Ollltam, John K. Peunls, Jow|i?i Lae, fcna?e T P?rk. anil li cense iiauUd to eech. % Tha following candkfcffoa were aiamlned to practice Medial** and 8#ftar) within tha stata, end admitted, via: William L- M. Austin, John O. OaUiHir, Alee. AuvinstJbha 8. Held, J. C. Man nerly, Jaeot* Kinc/fboaJb ?- Stevenson tiigUtff Ik* IfcHsrrf.?r Pws. HsvnfiwtMili, Pres ident, Bracey, Vice-Frwldral, U. II Tresavaat, Treasurer, K- H. Klshi r HfiMtry. ?ttendfef (XmmitmMwH J"i Davis, D. H Trr?eveat, M. 11. OeUroo,fell. Pishar, William Ley. Mt mtort Cimptnn* tla^rsW fcee/rf?Drs Richard Anderson, ol Caaldna; S. Blandlng, Cam* den; X. Bracey, Somtaft IMbt. T. Coles, Edge luldi Thus. CodjHir, Cotnabhi Swepsont Cos, Sumter; Jss. (>ev(s.ColaaH>ia; C. b. Davis, AM*, v'lle; A. Dele on, Camden; M. H. Delron, Co. Inmbta; RoM. K Dumnt, Sumter, Hnch Davitl, Union; K. II. FUber, Caina?Me: John Fisher, Co. lumbia;?-?? Ftinn, Cherew, Tbos. J. Good wys, OreitReliurir, Hobt Goodwvn, Orangeburg* B?nj. F Marti*, Columbiaj Jaavs Hnynesxwtfrlh, buuitei; At. M'Lean, Partington; Wa. Ley, Co tumble; ? Latuvdn, Edgefield; John Myers, Crumble; ttamyel Feralval, Colombia; ? Held, ??; ? - - rtcoit, Chsatari John Smith, Hpar tenburgh; Thomas Smith. Society llill; ? Siu!:l?'toii, WUliamahnrgn; Edward Sill, Colnm* bit; D H., Celumbla; . >? Tart*? toa, Sumter, Warren, dumter; J K Wllhec spoon, Cbastsr, IWbt. Ymui?. Spartanhwritb. L. H, riSHLk, Met Mary. April Id 16 if ? ? . i ? ...a BAKING BUSINESS. aESPF.CTFULLY inform'. her friends and (bo public in ftenaial, that the above busi ness will Mill Ini carri. d nn, Id all its various linw<bM|U usual, at tfec- old Mend. Him solicits ? rontinuenee of put favours, and pledge* her self thai every effort hi tirr pewai jliall be uted la *lvegeneral satisfaction. A* It will be impoiiitilr it present for her In dellvtr BRE.VI) unite houses of her customer*, she renuuit* them to wsnd tn the shop. N. B. Mm. M. lies nothing to do with the baking or MlliuKthe Ullt'.AD, but he*persons em* ployed to atteuU tu'.-it tor Ler. April 26 J7 If The Grist Mill Keversed. rlic suUcrilter have purchased the escinaive right for I lie Stale oi SowUi Carolina weal of the Ureal I'm l)r? river for llio above MILL, and will dleposn of riebts (>* *hole district* or lo indi vidual* 'i'ho Mill is id avery respect lk? MM* as tkv common Mill, only tliat Ilia upper stone la ??do f*?l aad (lie under oua U thu runner; the) are worked wkb a band and the mbw works that driva tb? Cotton <iin, lhay can be construed ao a* to ho worked witu una or two lilnai orvaaa by band. Wo will have one in operation In a few days jflitrt the utility of tbe domestic Mill will lie wen by all that may call When it goee Into operation we will kWs further information. They als<i have tbr right for tbe CORN 811 EI LINU macliiue wbi?b will be inoperation shortly. WM M'CRElUHT if SOiN. Wlnnsborough, April 26. 17 4 HAGS WANTED. ' Ml I IE Subscribers are about to erect a PAPER 1 1 MILL in tlie vicinity of this plaea, and Its SIKCUM lie (Kinds In a :;rr al menwr??|Min the aid of aliuoit every jierson in the community in preserv ing tlio only material that lie used In the man uufaetirry ??? ihlsuatfet article; house keeper*, and all others, ur?i therefore earnestly solicited te col lect and preserve all KMW produced in tkeir la* milies. There is not a house hut will afford ma ny pounds in tlm year if attention I* paid to sav ing them. It will atford lo tbe pour many neces saries wbieh would olherwiee lie lost to them; and tbe rlek, by allowinr them at a |<er?|oUite to some favorite servant, will reader ?in>t)llll aervr - to Ibis inl'ant manufactory, of our own dale; and wo Matter ourselves thntllmnM of the comruunlly in Ikl* respect wilt enable usto |ierf?*t this undertak ing, and l#y tkat means kncii In eirnotetlon In nor own MNte, and Ainu,,* ell rlasw*, Very Urge sums of m?M?ev that are yearly carried ftut of it for tbe article of paper. I Item is no nut originally torn posed of (las, liemporcottou, but which will ans wer for KIAC kind n( paper. > 'Die following prin * will Ik- paid for nil Ru*? delivered al thu store of Mr William T? Little in (bit plare. White Linen, JH ptr 100//.#. Cotton, Kiev or llemp, 4 ??r 100/6*. J. J. KAU8T It Co. Colombia, July II. tW? if. Oration. ? VMt pelMUhed and for sata at, this oHee if i Ckaneettof ptthuutmft Oration, delivered HI Ike l?h nnoltersary of AmntteM lodtpe* THE SUBSCRIBER LEAVETOINFORM Hid rftlENUS. That tic has renewed his leuic for a f ^ term ofyears, or THAT WELL KNOWN MT a blih mVnt, THK GLOBK TAVERN, IN AUGUST A, Situate on tM* South side of IJroud-itreet, urrourr, THI hmh tiu rutvorjrio ANDlNTHECENTKEOFBli&liNESS. I LIK It retolved to tparr tteilhrrp?lu?nor e*. g, nest sfe.i| liquor* ?? I e c t h d in Charleston, are uf Ik* greeiut variety and but quality. Hi* buuev bat bean enlatged by (b? addition oi ?in villim uew ?ing,containing n ?n*cioo* dinln/ room, an J twenty tape rate dwMWfih,iiwllb wbole Interior ol the * atabluhmcat having been retttrd and embellished, ia capable of accommo dating ?? Inereeted numbrr of gM?U, iuelndln* private/emi/irr, with separate tablet, with incrtat ed comfort. , ?? Hit ttTABI.KB are etao greatly enlarged, am ply supplied with the. Iieal of provcndei, and at tended by eiperienced and steady 0> tiers?In ad dition to which the subtcrlbcr will bettow hit own personal unremitting attention, fend in blrebargei, not forget the nrteert of Ute timet. The Charleston STACKS arrive at tb* (llnlie ?very Sunday, Wednesday and Friday evening, depe't from the Globe, every Monday, Tburday and Saturday uqfning? Washington and Athens Stage*, depart every Thnradny and Saturday morning, nrrive every Wednesday and Sunday evening?the Eberton Stage depa u eveiy , arrive on ???, tbe Pendleton Stagu depart! every. ** ,airivctevery ??. \VM. SHANNON. Angueta, Feb. 17. 7 HI IMPROVED CO TTO N- Pit ESS. THE Subscribers having rut inte operation in tlie vicinity of Columbia, H.C en improv Press for Packing Cotton, Offer to the public tiie building of Prettet, or! privilege of building on their plan on reaaonable terms. With this |N?n wtntn in complete order, two ?ond hand*and one boy, can |i?uk front .14ti lolMl (tound* of Cotton into 4| yards of finc^ing in nine inliiutH?; and nftrr the lt?le is S*wed and Corded, can elevate the follower to it? former no ?itIon, in tbied uiinutv* rvndy for the introduction at Cotton into the Packing lioi?and with a aet ot Hctive handt, two Unlet per hour way be Packed with en?e. Tint Pret* nlw pments other advantages, it It eatily |>?i? under cover, either .? a Uiu llous*\ or under a sln?d by it, it it not liable to I* ini|*irrd by u*e nt tcrews are, and may be utcd in any | itva'.Ucr. ? ? I JAMES UOATWltlCHT, ISAAC NATHANS. The Editors of the Augutta Chronicle and ftlinrt?-?fon Courie?, will invert the above once a week for three Meek*, and forward their account* to thi? office for paynifut. March H 10 tf New Saddlery Ware House. Smith if IVright, BEG leave to inform their friend* and the lit., lliatthty hnvti ?K?iu ntiMMKil them ?elve* in the Saddlery Ituiiteaa, *t their old itnud, on (ha corfierol Kln|(Riid(J?or(fiSlir*|iClwrlri ion, uimj door atwvp Mr.C.CMaofo'lllotc),Where, I hey have r.onitantly on band A teomplete and KAimUmrtutil or all hind* of saddle*, bridle*, hatne**, whip*, and trunk*; a Wo girting bridle and h*me*a leather, morocco akin*, *i?ip and c alf do. t..aA||>aa a kaanaiMMhtoft ?? t I ,1 --tl* i(i)(vii*vriiiin 91 rownvii NMonnrni oi piiicunHli and jape wed saddlery ware; coach laeu and ertaeh in mining* of all kind*. M they are con* nected with an *?ta?*lve manufactory at the north, they feel confident In aaanrlMg the public that (hay can fwralah good* In thnir Hne of a ?uj??rlor Mite, and on a*good terms at can ha procured' at any ilutilar establishment in the Hatted State*. All orders will h* thankfully ntrlftd. and promptly attended |o, (hay respectfully solicit % ?hare of the public patronage. .Oel. !H 43 tf Ptatt Springs AOASEM7. TIIK dutie* of tbia inUitution will be raw Med nn the lr?l Monday in <laaaary nril, md?r liiu direction of the pratent principal, Mr. John Farmer. All (he branchet necessary to enter the Junior CIbm of the South Carolina College will b? carefully taught. TERMS. Clawics and Mathematics, W iter imartci. English, A do. Houol, 14 do. The particular attention, which the sub*rril?er hat Mlway* imid to the moral* of youth In thi* in stitution, will iu uo wise he related. ASSAM UEiafiR. Piatt Spring*, Dec. 0, ItU. A Education. . - gentleman qnallM la tenah the Lrftinnnd Oieek I?ngita***, Mafhanunic*.lie. wl*he? to obtain a *itoatloa *e Principal of an Academy. The inort Mtitfcetory testimhtitels can be pn'xlu. red. Letter* addrraaed to A. ff. earn of HoIm tI L Esmond*, A. M. Prinetpnl of tho Columbia Malo Academy, will meet with immediate alien Ion. September 2S. ?u if MRS. SANFOR^fT" SEMINARY. MRS SANDFORDrenwetfWIylnlomHthe^ib lie, that the ha* removed to (be corner ?l Lady and Sumpter street*, and ba* onened ber SCHOOL for tne reception of Young finite*, in the brick building, formerly tenanted by Dr. November OS 4p :t *~aCabd7 ?. CORBET, JnotUtr and ft A? i nit mi <hr hnu*> a frnf do<*? norfbof Iff, 1 I K.Unr*.l?.telft?Wchar*aa?tN Mill fwl Mtiafaatlon In attaadlagto liiaotd aaMomtra la thallaa ?f MUnbU fro? iba '?* tin* moil prompt mtaotbto. JiMMrjif I '' AlONl^KUn^JRM TU teat of llu laic Thomot Jtfftrio* ! IT Upfopomd lo pabliah a via* of Monticello Hoaac,{(W>m a drawing m*d* on ibaumi by Mr. Ma*** #*m4tod to lb* Mft atyla, by ?ae of (bo l*t artiata of < provided Mjfritmt pa#aa**? h fflv. inret Iba ?J*|waaiN lorldrdt to Mcb an raldietUnbtcrlbrt* at (bra# Xrllan aoapy. pdta? IbcIim lOuft by 18 ioche* Wtda. ' : ?' >V . * assesse6?* n Fdf tvtrjf rw?lv? rcMHMhIUi tiWrtbtrp, c#q? Jleiner, wUo will collectlb? will U entilUft to'rocelvr onu copy of (Ul? wtx ft?bacrlpli**a rrcafvad by P ?allar city 'of Waabiaitfon, wbara the original dmttbgli drpo*U?d| and it tba Book rtorer InthJe pl?e*. % ??! ^ .?J NwrffflWSI ?* , , 4T It ;.T| i ii ? i? Committed TO Darlfegton Gaol on the 1Mb ?' la it, o negw man wkr aaya bb wmt to |BRIBTOL,?liMl about A fret ) I or A Incbea blylr, and mm hi> totoajta to (JCWIS DIXON of AHaon Country Nortb<ar<dlna. Bald IpI'ovv baa loit ail (be toea oa bla left foot, uw luo land atllkr nulla arr gone from Ma rt^tToot.JMA ' back l? conaMemblv Marred with tha? whip Tbo ownar it rnifteateif in toma fmVM^d pmt pro iMity. |Miy eUrn?-?, ai d tube bmiaway or bo will be aold u tbu taw dirtrtr, ? Rll'tlARD INGRAM, S. D. I?, ? April ll? If tf A Druggist Stock for title. ? 1 lit luLfribtr mtgniNytg (a /rate CWawMt, orrk.HK roa am hi* ran** arvu or Drugs, Patent and Family JiledirinUj Surgeon's In: trumcnts, frqmli, taint JJruthiti CltalX :~t, and ilmtr dp* v '' v AND A V A RICKY OV MISCEl ANEOUtf AtiTtCliES, ft Willi a pretty t?neral naantrtmant of all *mfe art idea uiually k?pt la a BiiuooiDT'i Htier. I INCLUDING ALLTHB * ?. (JInn Furniture, Draw, Covntert, And all (be tiretnary uianwls brlonglng lo tbe ?M?>r. fartherla v ' 'COLVMRt^?:#Vi . MarcbM. 1827. ? >." ?I Private Boirdiiutk A IttiHnliiimhrrol HOARDERS would be i% ix r?lv*d in tb? family of 111* ?ubecritMr, who hue taken the bona* on rliln meet belonging to Mt. A. WkII*. e. and recently oettiptbd by. An Wytliu, u? |>rivat? boarding boo*. r UUKtT, | January IB ?*' ? ? >1 If (harden Seeds. Jtut rrctrvid and for tie at the tutocHitr ttorr, ''.-TTEV' A SUPPLYOm FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. WM. HILLEARY. March V *$ 111 " - i The Subscriber, _ LIVINO within ?l> milea of Mtcoii, wMiee I# ?oil hl<PI.ANTA7ION, containing4UaeroA* und |?rt of hta NG0HOK0, ny ?b?H SO of tbo mod valuable hind, among tbem a fret nMllMh Mrete.ngood Cook, and drat mto Hone* SwveM* The Plantation well improve J, n good dwetjidn i.oii.r, n go*!') kitchen, good negro hou?e?, and *11 convenient kouefca that era n*ceteary. ? TV ? 4L*0? J3 A good TKAM OF MULP.S and WAOOON) and at many COWS ai may bo wanted. I wookfc tell And ghre peaaemlon Immediately. ' Them ia h penaheet of a good emp of Com end Cotton, t will aril the anove proiwrty on Mr ttrifte, and Walt lor the payment front on* to Avo year*. JOHN MAftTIN* * April 34 M . ? ? ? ? 11 A Card. " MHS. H. MARKS RF.8PKCTFULLY Informs bet friends ami customers, that owing to tbo |iraxnt Mate of the timet, the hae reduced her prion In tbn Mil.I.F.NAHY end MANTUAMAKINU BU81 NK.RH for the Summer. All ordort entru?t?-d to * her care, (hell bo promptly attended tt?,*nd MUh ' fully oneented. ? ? \^tt ijfMW ) Mr*. Murki inform* her furtomers that b?r Milliner h*? ju?t returned from CtmHodon with the tJtt'd tyfwtf ?*+***?? iitir i? to lie found a* wtual al her oM afnM, ?mat <looi lo Mr. Fmncte OgWr'a t)mg *44 Mm* r hie fetore- jjwFjjjjt \ May3 It ft ? - ^ * '?*? | fcWMftf l" ? H Charleston Fir* and Mttrin* tnrt+mnn Company. ~ HKj^rlhor U^fed I Cotetftbl*.