University of South Carolina Libraries
We aie authorised to (Ute that VIAH MKmEiaMT will be ? MbJklmo ' .ofSborMT of P.irflekldistrict, at the tJwH 0^ We are authorised to stntc that RJCHARD e. MARK I SON ? a <**IUkl. for the oflfoe of Sheriff ol Fnirteld dbtrlet, a( (W l>ro?<;hinx*Mrtlon. Mjj 4oer 6*lew 'Mr! Levln> SHiiiid to the duties of bit |?roroMiui?^5a ^ v, ALFRED BYNUM, Atlonujf nt f*n?. Colambyjoaell, I8M.' 84?if < ilf' wrtf - nutlioriso'l fo ?t?t? Um( MeJ. THOMAS I. COOK, will be . oandkkrto for (bo offlae of sheriff of Feirield die* (nor. at tlto ?i.preacblug electlou. MayJQ, ? <*? 07* We are authorised to state that EDMUND REYNOLD* I* a e*nlidatt. for lli?i otflce of tfbonffof Fairfield district, at lha ep pruoehinfr election, *>, ? ? ? , f* ?? Jone IE. ' ^ [IMJ. Boat Company -%X/ir.I. paipd* on Si.tur.l-y the-Mil. In.I. in * ? fr9?f <if (Ida Town Hell ?t 2 oV.lork P M. ???bio to l?w, .md ?? election wHl U Held Iw e?:?i co.opAnv tl^li) place on the following inf. !??;.*, to Ml the? vacancy pcoutoofH I>v tbe d. .iti, oi EMtixn D<?ah. StrfMnt.Kn.vlt ?ud WnM. * H. ?i-t ?\? ntanncers. ? '' JAMES OIUNLON, CnptHH. Or; 3 40 2 X ^rg Rjtepttdgl j F* male Seminary. 'emeu qiHilftd to Usioh Penmanship Ml ?d l| ? Jl bo?mpli?yod lo (bo above R.-tnlnary.? Dorae^ ? ' 4'y- tics.'&c. New fork Mriwt, ?erin? the (imwn of th* peat aeaaon. wblch are offered at very redeoed rate* for cam or approved pnper. WALLA^F. U MT1E. 8,000 ,ow dkobmtM.V" '? Vv ? 40?At THK eoperttierthipflMnf "" eilttin* under ih*> Irtn ?jf WKCItAL U BOAG, whole Mta Dr.i,uUl?, w*? iliwolvi d l?y mutual content 60 the flr?t Hay of June U?i. "1 lie btiaipeaa will be In futere conlurtc?l by tho euhaniitor*, who hdVn formed a eopartnerabip oedrr lb* ftrm of W. 3. fleet* IT. 4. Seeg If Co take thla oM^rtunlty ol nam ing their Intention to do bualno* only fur CASH f town aeet etwee, at foar month*. W?. 8 BOAG, , .'r. 'ii'K JOHNSON, ,J SAMtifL W. BOAO. Clinrlriton, Oct. A 40 ( ~"l? RdniT or Lease. THR landed rafale of Jttph M?MUr deoea*. edj In Spartanburg dWtnct. nrmr Mountain ?hoeU on Rnnree river ead on th? patera of the I WO mile creehl Ooataltilng ehnat 7dO eeree of fend, with Iva or ait different plantation* thereon. A convenient Tanyard Ma Rood repair. , . Hie land In cultivation le euMclent for 10 Or tt benda, ell of which Uoa cbntl<noua, and may ha' let aliixly or collectively. Apply to J. fc Z. HOBBY, jMeY*. October a 40 8 Medical College of abura vaholwa. npHF. Loot area will lm returned In thla inatiln J. thm on the e ?a?t,f* l<dk>*fc-~ the aaeond Monday in November QhAmUmj, byJohe Edwerda Holhrook M. I> I?iH'Wam*ay, M D. P,|tann<M*P- Pr*ti>ct ******** Bamael II. Mi** Henry R. Proet, M. D. mktfarfce end I*? Mtomt e/ fTeeMia end In rOVfbomatCl. Prloleeu, M. ?. . ^*4 ?_!? f m? r_ mo J pL/tf ima/u li!t4iMtinil M*l | " "MlUnil WH ?hroqXi ijrt tfikitWMiir j. y hoi.i ^ ? j in ,n. '? g'** " """ ?>?*. ?3 ??;A 'CA Rl). ? RS. SARAH T.'SMITH, will . fcwyoaug 1*dia? with baud, ?rbo mS to attend aey of tbe pablie School* ia tbe AjSuss'^ 'Dancing*Acadeiiiy. 'I^HE 4ab*<r.iber return* hi* *lftcere thank* ;?> wjl |nuMMkM?ltilc?iiiwtt, to lk? N* *m iwi 'uilMiM of Columbia, for tba (ft*w >wcinwnm>nai be bae hiwiofwt wwMla tbal pJaoo, Md wifnitfylly iaform* th?m tbat hi* ??bUl will ba Opened again about tba loth of 0?Hb?r, previous to which Ume be will be tbero ?ad procure a tow* ia tome geutoal aod coaveo Wot part of tbotowa. I. LESLIE. " Septembers. S7?If Columbia Female Academy. rjpilE wioitir aewipu of thi* luMitution, wlU Sept. Cfl ... . - commence oa Monday, tbe Sad of Octobar, ISM. EU AS MARKS, M. D. Printip*^ I Mrs. Sanford ?AS removed from Aaga?U to {hb place, and will open bar kImhiI Wb for the reception jopnnn ladle* on the Irrt Monday In Oclul^r, ?oath woet cornrr of Walnut and Marfoa ttraeti. opposite the hrlck building of Col. Standing. September 11). 80?ti | Education. A gentleman qualified to teach the Latin and .. X Oieek iaagnage*, MiMhematit*,lic. wl?he* to obtaiaa aituation <w Prlnci|?al of an Academy The moet Mtiafaclory testimonial* can be produ ced. Letter* aJdmased to A. H care of Roltert L. Edinondi, A. M. Principal of the Columbia Male Academy, <*111 meet with immediate atten tion. Septfimlter 82. ? 3l>?(f , Notice. A LL pereoni having any demands against tbe V Giiate of Mr, Jaraae 9tuart, deceaMut, late of St. Matbnw'a Pariah, are rei|uasteU to icudci thorn in, ;irop*rlyatt*?ted, and tlio.e indebted to mage pavmeut immediately., WM. LYNN LEWIS. AdmV. < April 52, 18tf6. ?tf. For Sale. {HIE nniCK BUILniNU directly op,?*i?e to the Prr*l?ytcrlan church, at pm?*tn( ?-rtttti<>d by Mr. Edmund*. ROBERT MEANS. August H v ? M If 4?? For Hale, ^lOL.CSRKYON S laga brick Stores ?*>'3 vy with iMmmuuiou* dwelling apart* mailt*, at tba corner of Richardson aad Walnut ktrncn. Apply to J URKOO. *At?HI ?|. ' IS If ] To Kent. V?oidibikII<hu dwelling houir opporiic lltn Female Academy and joining tlm lot lb'?< Dr.Treiviuri live*on. TIm hixtv. con'aiu* eight room*, a In place In each, with c v?*r v owl build ing ncctMry, Mich m Kitchen and HmoV- hoii?j, Co?cli hou*e And ttnMe, al*o a K'?>d ?vell in the yard. Likewise the hoot* and two ?torc? wher? lb* *nh?cribar now live*, with &II neceamry out building*. AWo m atom and four nnni<i, with a kitchen uii ?inblo, ?tnoko boom ?.?<! ?ton* liouif. opfXHlte Mr. C It I>. Unnin'i, on the corner of NwhirJioti itrftrt. Aim ihn hon?e and lot tilth a itiioka hou*n and ?kitchen, op|>o?ite the m?tho? did church, lately ocoupiod by iitnWirmr^ Powuion given immediately; for jmriicatar* ?pply to JOHN BLACK. September gfl. 8MN For Sale. 4 very pintlo family gig IIOK3E. A second % handed QIQ, light and convenient, with llarMM. "X . ?ALSO ? A l?RAV with lUram*. Apply |t thl* office. HO II Frederick Sejbt, Merchant Tailor. J"?ESPKCTFtJLLY Inform* hl? old customer* fC and frl*nd?, (hat ha hat removed from the Hmm where he formerly ntldwl, and can k found in hit newhonw) on Hle.h*rd*an?tre*t, about half way between Walnut and Taylor ?(??eta, and nest door north of the bou?a formerly occupied by Mr H Otirjf All order* in hit line will be tlianklully received and promptly attend ?d to. He baton hand and will a|w*y? keep a ?nply of r? ady made ol?thln|. Plept. M 30 ? For Hale. 'PHF. HOUrtF. and l/VTon Laarel tfreet.coa .1' t?lnli>t one tpiarter of an acre, mortinr le*?. will be aold on rra*?Mable term*, for one ball C'ath, and the balance with a gno?! Note ami ap (?roved indor*er, to Im paid in twelve month*. Any pertoa wl*hl?g to purchase, will apply to the Subscriber, in Colombia. WM. AltLKIKiK. Feb. 7 ? If. ~7inivkhhi rv ov pf.nnhy lvania SMtK MKIHt'.At. L .CTUIIBS will begin, a* n aial, on the ftr.t M??id*y November. i 1 KB Phydck M. D ANA roMT, by | \y. fc. Homer, M. IX THxtixi::cF \ ? ? MIDWIKKRY, { CtHgSBie CHEMISTRY, Robert Hare, M I) 8UKOF.RY. Wm. Glbaaa, M.I). CLINICAL LKC1 i;HKS will b? delivered at the Aim* Houto loHrmary, on at*ry Wedneeday Mid Saturday during the eoaria of lhaUal verity, Lf Cbaunit ?tr?et. ? W National f ntelNgeaae* f by Urr. Chapmao andCliheon. ? r WB"?ct.D. I'lnteWgHW^ JBk T-bwrop# and f I publi*h lb* ah* try paper* till lb* VMM W* VllxiOK , - '"Mi i |ir*j|ti'*p ' |V **+? iwKyit uw wj6+** jzsir'' Shftdw.ll.-OhlU.loY.lypU^, ; J?M Mi woo*?ws?e#Toll MM It, "XtratfwUasjar.sir mTilk?** m ****** >rt: i not i ul Um wotM nnoIo ka*w It VH I have trod U oft and oft, ntiuMinKfMMroi ftj , IwwVMvWQVI And I could ipeak of)Mf>* b?t?ol(? I liko 00* AU tbo Wwrid ahouM H. From the Bottom AfoutAfylMkffazine. CONFESSIONS O9 A COUNTRY SCHOOL MASTKR. Tlie sufferings 'of have bee?|so often given to ihf public, that I whose mortal carter haa certainly been shortened, if not sweetened thy'the Mde lighthil tank," resolved at One titpc not to ** renew the sad remembrance of my fate," but to let a speedy oblivion cover those ca lamities, "all of which I was.**, My stonr, I feared, would be treated Ukc the certifi cates of our moden^bcgni*^ Public sym pathy is nearly caiuustcd by the drafts' al ready mttdejtfMm It by that degrade*! class of'beU^co which I belong, ami any more from the same quarters are liable to be pro tested. The following circumstance alter ed my resolution t Catching up atf old news paper the other day* in a fit of ennui, 1 summoned energy enough to peruse, fur the third time, the pathetic tale uf a fellow pc* dagogue, which had attracted much notice on Ha first appearances and it.Is evidently the production of a masterly pen. By this, it secma tie was actually hi peril of dying an hungered. What! starvation in a country toym of New England? The leading idea of his tiiecc now struck me as a palpable ab surdity. To all his assertions my own ex pcrlence gave the lio direct.* The winning pat ho* of wtla writer, his admirable humour, and the fascinations of his style in general, all conspirc to make upon the reader a deep, but incorrect impression of the maimer ?n which our country people truat "the mas ter.". To efface this i? my present object.? Novelty 1 have none io offer?uruficfc I acorn?^eloquence never sat upon my lips, ray sole attractions are misefy and truth.. At the elono oftho.ycr" ?* hollcal destiny sent s>c to on the sen coast of a'~* ' Here 1 had contracfSd to spend eight wiu tery weeks in cultivating whatever of intel lect there might be in forty-five children (if they can claim the name) of both sexes.? FVjoI that I was?a* if the ?? young it^ea" could shoot In winter more than uny other weed, and that too in a ?oil of the consist tency of gr.uiite. But a few days of fruit ier Hogging prompted me to share my feel ings (the only ones affected by that exer cise,) and to employ rny ferule in ruling the writing books instead of the scholars; and I' did delist soon after upon d.scovuring that my merits as instructor were esteemed by my clcmeucy to the pupils?tliat is to say, my popularity witn the pupils, and which is a natural consequence >n H ??, with their parents, was in the revu?e ratio of fluggellation dispensed. Que great point was already gained, but another of uqtul magnitude, tu<>Ogh in a cheering statu of progression, remained* to be fully accom plished, vlst to render, myself .tgrecable as a member of the family where 1 happened to Ixiard. This is no less essential to com plete success than to spare the rod and spoil the child. In justice to myself, however, It should here be relnarked, that I Wm free from the guilt of fulfilling the latter half of Solomon's maxifn, for the clnldreu were all spoiled to my hand. The second important qualification of a country preceptor is that he be able to demolish any given quantity.of provisions. This is immpeiikahle. Oar country people never starve the matter, though l admit, with the mou cheerful alacrity, they sometimes staff him to death. Among them no abstentious man can t>c a fuvourite. Whoever 4??erta the cmtrary, cither wilfully misrepresents, or is deplorably ignorant. The nmw of Icha bud Crane, that pink of pedagogues, wo are told possessed the "diluting powers of an anaconda," and the consequence was, that he ate himself into the good graces of all In Sleepy Hollow. In like manner, no teacher can be popular in II if hu have not the apatite of a shark. The agent's house, at which I turned night and morning, was a mile and a half distant Irotn the anatomy of a building where my pupils daily assembled to shiver, not with terror, but with eoldj for all the birch consumed lit the school waa consumed by the fire, and I have the satisfaction to know, that as it was nCVer employed to produce a heat by Im pulse, so it never yielded any at a sensible distance. But a mile and a half was too fir totrJkvelfor a dinner, I was therefore kind ly permitted to dine at Mrs. Ilunmngs, m t t.o vicinity of the schoolltouse. The firs* forenoon waa spent in .in idle attempt to learn forty-five christian, I would say bar barous names compared with which, the names of Oliver Cromwell's jury dwindle into absolute propriety. At 12 o'clock I retreated to Mrs, Dunning's where a hear ty welcome awaited me. Dinner shortly appearedi but as, this is the meal, that in a week'* time had well nigh sunk me Co tt& gntfL it merits a particular description. It will be sufficient to enumerate the articles [spread before mo out he first occasion, fori, can aay to th- reader *' ex uno dlace omnes" ?wwhieh Is .oeinz interpreted, thore was | ho variation ikirag twWay-eight days? First, came on an unknown quantity of tea, contained k a ooflfce-pot that might have varred for* moderate rtsed light house. Se condly, a plate of what Mr* Dunning, with apparent sincerity, called sllccd pork; but what I suspectcd, frin its colour and tena city, to be gum clastic. ' This was faUowed by a quart bowl of real ptA m a state of hrida. Some one had previously told me, by way of encour agement, that all schooMaiters lived upon the ht of theland, Alas! the ambiguity of language till now I had never under stood the expression. On one obrner of the table stood an article that would have stag gered Hclingabulcsi namelv, a comical tur ret of dough nuts. The detestable osculant, the pride of our country dames, sometime* resembling one of your Inflexible Utile soup dumplings, at others It appears to be a kiua of mangreal pan-cake. The opposite cor ner was defended by a turret of similar shapeu and nearly as formidable, consisting of minced dun .Ash. A plate of brown bread, an Irregular mass of junk beef, an apple pie resembling the top of an Over grown toad stool, a bowl of oorpuletit pota toes, in violent perspiration, sad a batter pudding of cylindrical shape, livid com plexion, and the most appalling specific gravity, competed the dinner. It is diffi cult to Ami a simile for this puddingt the reader inuy obtain a faint idea or its ap pearance pud constitution, by inspecting a leaden clock weight. I sat dowu with die stubborn revolution of eating till the Family were satisfied?a sure but terrible 04th to popularity. "Come, master," Saul Sirs. Dunning, "reftui to and help yourself? when yotj.are ajnount poor folk* you must put up with poor folk's fare." 1 str ive t? relieve the good woman's anxiety by word aial deed. T seize,1 a potato*, squashed it upon my plate, awl gitied hi silent agony on the four spoonfulso: liquid pork jje.n .\>usiy poured upon it under tuu name or ?T*vy.? A reputation and 28 dinars being *t st;ute, it would have been r.ishtics in mc to h ive refused tnc half pound of minccd ii-.h, four cups of tea, 90 degrees of nopiopio, and It dough nuts, which, were tlir.ut upon me with the most distressing kiodmv*. It ss{ said that tiie North C:iroun<i militia, when commanded to ilre, shut-their eyes, banish Uiought, and (mil trigger. A tcciing some what, similar, prompted me to' clone oijiu eyes as. each mouthful was converted to X* predefined place, and ?*/ iUvv* laboured mechanically* like a.iy dther grist mill. ?. By dltit of these conclusive efforts, nil the articles just mentioned were soon ofluie to disappear and iilow, thbught I, I hafc u [ Jcup impression - hi? mjr-u*W-* Delusivl' ;dul k? evanescent as the provender thai vanished :>eforc the kn ?- and fork ?>. M Dunning'* son, a promising young t Valuta, whose operations 1 was vouching With a jc:dons eye?and my heurt sunk within me St the operative insiguilironee of my own exploits. The despondence created l>y this Scene was heightened by an c;;ciainntiuu from Mrs. Dunning; "Oh! Mailer, you won't make out a dinner.?I am afraid yon don't like our fare." At that iiutmt I wish ed myVjlt an J&itiimaux or an ostmcii. As ?, 1 made one effort, and devoured two in are dough muv, but Iiere a 'sympathy of strangling rendered me stiff-necked against all further sol'citations. 1 had realized could demonstrate an absolute plenum. I pass over the difficult/ walking % wo rojs to the juh<>olhouse, uiul merely re.a ?rk ?nnt had I gone to the agents fn- dtii'iur, m pu pils would have gamed hdV a h-.r'Uy. >. :t ine stop u moment to r< m>nd (lie router : ? this narrative is not written fir MppUu-o- ? that sympathy is not e\pcutcd^-i smile would IH> on insult; for to me it is a me iicii to of any thing but the tudicr-nu. lie .nay bear iu mind also, that 1 hat'a disci .ued exaggeration, and professed to l>e the idvo cnte of tnith. These reflections w . enal>ls him to inset.* ithout w wiwr the ftnemu ?.s* surnnce, that in six suRcctsive days ) have devoured levciitccn meals of equal tude ? with tnct km described. N >r can sacrifice* lie fairly censured .i extravagant For although the dem.m ?>l popularit, nr?y be conciliated at dinner, ; et h,. *ivor U e in ly lost at supper oi* Urc.i?il":ist. II.s votaries must be consistent with their piet.. Front .tn imperfect regis; .* of these offerings, it appear*, tint amo:?g oilier articles I con sumed during the tir?t week, six pound* .,f minced tish, two gallons of tea, a pint and a half of incited pork, ? cubic f?K>t of solid ditto, five apple p.e?? and o:u? hundred and nineteen dough nuts. On JVitUrtlav morning three of the agent'* Iviga followed me to Softool. I thou :nt of ihu pork I had eaten, and ever and anon cast a timid glance at the twine. " The tameness wa* shocking to me." But it shortly ceased to :?? ho; far after this they followed ifie with canine regularity; and without any inclination to be witty, I regar ded them a* intolerable bores. A week had now -lapsed, and not onlv found ine hi existence, but also brought along with it a pleasure I had long >>ecn a stranger t>?-that waa the benefit of c-umg. * My popularity was unparalleled, and'mitt upon a found i? tion too solid far premature decay. tVell has a modern writer ooutended that the sto mach is the seat of the sjuI. It it an in genious and plausible doctrine, and not without Its advocates) form H?^ at least they e?tim4tc a man's intellc itu .Is Uy the capacity of his bread,b<v?k*t. ? The MrhoJe district rang with my praises. M'A'nc mu ter," iakl they, ?? is a fine aecommo latm.; ?yah' ?he is*nt a mite partiklsr a'xmt his vit ties." Ho much accomplished in a single Week would have puffed up any body, and is herself .night have pardoned the strut tint conveyed metef b of R 11 ><9t on Haturt .not me 'in the M m*2ti but pride mine v mmm. the incubus, i - -isM..?b, a^assiaSSS relate them in order andatU^i??3 As for the render, be he never no <U the night msre shall keep hnn awake wl we im in comD*nv-_but if u lui out tht patknee to reufadescriptioii of it, I hear in bed, and efaw minutes after in the do* . of Zabarra far the night mure ia an excel lent traveller. Notwithstanding the -ihdrfi' period of time occupied m pa?Hng the At-f* Untie, mv aides ached humbly, i was no leas jaded than if the j-urney had bee>) per formed ou a trip-hammer. I .atrutncl my eyes in vain to find 'a placfc of iheltur^? There vm nothing to be seen but a 'circular v plain of reddish ?and, boundel by the uori ,*on. Suddenly the heavens assumed a tem pe?tuou? u*pcct; but I uailod* thia symptom of rain-water with ecaucy, for hitherto ? turning sun hadconmimcd the ou.waid maiu. I atid a buru*.?g thin* the inward. U! how I loaded for .?uc of th;*e well wturutMl clouds, that ser- a.'l to.w.;bhoid their mo'.stutuon puty-.*c tu t^ me. lu ten minuses I could have nuuk ? dry sponge of the whole atmosphere. My i n urtplationof Ui^skies ??] wa* ad ut oneo (no ciigliifal gruut*, prtWeeeuing ft* u m/r.ada of twine, win* encoinp.useikmc rjuadaU'iut, ih concentric circles, and gna>hea tlie. r tusks ,. I in vengeance.4 They were apparently broil led by tlie snn and destitute 01 orotic*. I he v ! latter of these nivf'*nu.'.c? '.hoy vitP vc.l m I common with myself, for terror ;.ia.v' i shed all my- hair. Yes?I. -was attached, li te rail), t?y a legion of live pork, The ior [rul circle contracted rapidly'aroend .ne.? | Pngbt,t*u any sense of the: word, w s .m- . I povublc. In this fcgooixing mmn^t who I clouds opened and discharged a tttmicnduoua jijiOWer of?dOUtfh nuU ' Henceforth let no melancholic victim uf ennui, crtnplaitt of feeling blue, till h*i hak felt the "ieltme of ? the t?mlc*e< storm." Kvery nuw seemed to* strike nketh* b illot' a nine bounder i vas reduced to paste in a twinkHng. In akhvrt time the cloud* begun to slack* t '.ijtf, vft u i ventured to rise my head wbjwh had beeH srSASVStt SS&?XA tho circle of '.'.J;* romalnei .unbnkun? They hud *.t \#ped hut a nrnnyU I .., w> on tha manna which had fallen to -nvi^orate them,. and to tfeal my fate. N1 #a]ww*. them i? wilW, wKltont the ? ;,ver. of in >- n.?* ?led fpr aitlitrther ou*et, and rhi?y Wm mtpArfd f I wan quietly ~ when my suddenly suspi . l?wjt *.?j utu..? tlou. i fuU intojKSy, rent ?iU.alvi* dense canopy of (Wash nuts, tumbled' he id over "noi tu tln^m^n virx, and lusiK'l ttat upon m/ b.uck od the nr.- id aide of Hate?.i\ l'hc piin?i a . , I was cjuiutiy r .? fnimr', myHB. <1<; .*..ny# when my si ir..> ?: riv*t.itirig. v "ere sui<!ei)ly swspetid'jd. F.?r tns tai; world h .ul loat: /.< attr?4etW. L f?l! intof my inexpr^isiblu 'linmay, OTpxt. bb . an iinme ) butter pu t lai/.V >4 'V't< .iii ' yf mU?a. u< diauietf*- v v ? ? .. iu. W'!?Wttlti.1tly r-*' ' ' 1 Vjfitei-a:, a>id iefl "'t, a .*up Tit'- . ?im '.if. T v?ib Ivnn, ? i . iv i>, . low on njy race. VlOr h>>*iaj|^BFrr,hc ./ltwlow t.vaakur:; r>> . ?'? Ji .t tilv -viVin ^o?k1 ord?r, :r<t^ed (Pf '' vH| |tnd thery A.rak-xl lie datyu. Of a1,day ate ,?vc?f'^eo nleepin^ irid 'Vakrn^?jl m ;?y ? Vn.'U wii'eli 1 Hirtc.TCi;" hope the compiait iat reader is cxeiiipt. America* Ufa*.?s.Vc txkedn few wee! ago some Atucrican .u the honne of ?. mend in Htrwiwr^, i*iociutcr <v>untjr, .; Pennsylvania. It wwof ar?u|ierior .j.tiiity, < he M.ited to u? that he.haa *'*>ut tin u.ai0ti? \j for ?al?, 200 of wh'cn I#n5 y**r- -J/1. It might i>o worth w.iile for our moft.hnnt- to supply thciusclvcH w!i,i snmf of th,s vu?ef before the next ae??ion 'f tho la^wliiure, that it ihay become mora generally known. If our people Wero to pay tnore ?ttent?o,t ?t the mnfciftq; <f wine* ?i.sto.i<l of d'ntitlmg wU.?key, our p-.toula'>.? w >?tld become both more healty wot uioic moral? When one family can prbduee w nv in *neh<iu<uitit)e?t what wen* expect frotp thenttottlnfe of t-v ? or thvc-hundrr,5 ., ! >??.(? indi vidual ?1 The wine 'bImv.: u'>tiee l i? r?<ed at oi\c A >llar and thirty ifoni* j?er gallon, e yt\ Cbruttan Monitor. A little nun .taking, how t ha&*ene<lthat many hoittititui ladies* t'<k up W>th'<>ut Irf* different huvMtvls, uii.-r in viy tir.e njfcrtf ' ww thua ajulv *r.i#.w,| l>y * >n untUm *" maiden. A /an* friend of herV dwfyjra walk, P6i|uci.t? I her to 40 tntvft 'ttli^?trtil canr brakes and the" ?? get ;?im :l?9 uuk{' 'A ?nmeitt vcvti; ahu mu't "i through, without turo'.w;. She went, to J' 9% ? >m ?>< -tut, hr>u?ht .jstitn aiu^u)'; .-' 1. When he A^ked her, if 1'iut * is tlie ij NumcU one %he saw ' "OnV' rojpUf&.th "I no many finer n? I went kept on in hope* <?:' a mir.h Se?? \ r h*l J(0tte .,, thr ?<h, und oul.gtxl to select th. *K* th.?t Wis v'"