RrMCwSkTrlSi mi amiarie*! fggsMSS ^SBSg^SSS jfoOracta or? mwI to bt?v obUioed MM m ^wwjwfcrtod in ? Utter from Fv*e*> ??t ?How ?f 1**m' ?k^tnbu5o5?Br Cite Oreo? ff* emperor of Amtrht wf restored t6 hraUh. ' Tlw Courier fio truth lit the r?iwft UwlUwe?v*r?*N#H was Ahout to abandon U* *1 CimCoM Costie, Conwii rairfnliltiii ^ ^ *U*lt ?jt l? c&^IQ **" *Ul? uf . A hlt?r frnbi Mcxirn, of f ehruery 1, stated tw Mr^arO H?d relinquished Um intention of" Ntuwlu Immediately to EogUhd, that every tbif^g hw lieen substantially agreed oo relative t?? tlie freely with Koglaod, but tW lor the purpose of effreting soma uuim|>ortant attentions, which th? Brituli commissioners bad not power to make, Mr. Camaeho* tha minister fur foreign affairs, was to pi..o*?d shortly to Eqgland. . ft was ?Kp??t*i) that tha British parliamedt would bi?<1Usalv?d some time between the mid dle of May nnd fhesecorid'weekin-luua. Xbeie Ij'-jd bean disturbance* at Blachleim, in Coosetpi?tice of ths distresses of Ilia labouring v pnopl*. a gentleman w?i itopjvid by three men on Che nonj; but on giving -i imltin; to audi, mi t-tcir rapo^utioiu fist thoir families wefetfurv* ijf. they left bun. it. is said, tliftt h c.ri?firioy to revolutionize PJ>ein% bud baui ilis 'ovrrds and that one <.| the F'WpiiXora dvcUivil there it, in London, a di reCtfikjC urolwtouur;' c"n?amie?, ot vvbicb Mma it pi*eiivlrnt. The regency, lo Vorlu;ral, is said to be com I'leteiy estaltUslK-d, ?nd to heva received ?*?ur uncus of support ft ?no the British minister*. From Bl< t'irtertbiir* lim mivkci aro to the Ut of April. TU-? Hut* nnnriuy ii uM to bn look?d 6n Witt. ?lii'in ?'?* t?.?? Cga~. A'? a "tirln to the ^(itmiid da 8lt Petersburg, of the -i>t March, VfJi&'s, that the K?(M>??d and in>ivKr*." II sdd?, lb.it Hi*, pnvprnniet i* vclf necnn tfOV itiriinod to attend to the rulijcef; mid a |ilau hi aef.t. Cm lUitlvn^cmplut'on to employ tboae mar^onrlcf; J" t,ul? df pear", t?u worki of puli. Ha ?ft hourly. The death* -dtaoMf the wemea ere la proportion to thee* af /he biNuWio id. The Mat Had fro nwnlive U'Afer than IfcOae who continue hi e*U Waey fa #be ooaairy, the meat* bra of the ?( AfilidMa prodaaed by ?Mk Marriage it 4$ In U??i> the proportion to 7 for ??*ry two ?arrlajaib ffi* item her of Married wnmeo b, tt thagian it Maim of iodiririaalt of Ihwaei. iiJa'to 0. *Hm ?Mbar of wblowt k 10 that of the wl ( bat tba aMMbftr ad widewi who ***?**?? \44me ESS-' L A tho 10th May. JTbo fosmerxccoualt, itatiug that aw io*?n >cttm bad ulaen ptece in ibe city of C? w IM? lute* ?ut^ iraateil with aillaoo*. The Colomhtano give# tho Mlwlan ftcooout of tfca *M*** which lad to |M? ??fortunate stair. Hi* original C?iM of (ho f*> a>r ruction, a* U wu related at V* P?*f% tbfc:?Control Pin, tfco military commandant * U* province of VMMwmala, having aaado impeo . per ?eo ef fuoda intentled tat Ute, pay of tbo army? UpAnMUoo tbo treasury of Caracoaa were refo* od payment. .Upon thi? rrfutsl h? e?pre**d hU determiuolioQ to employ / >q?eoc?* which ipight ariso from the conduct ol Mtldien without ft commander. ]|e he ?t??otd ?outiuuo lo commnnd ttatil.the arrival of Bolivar, wlio wag expected in the mouth <>f June. WonndoMand that a oopy of thi* proclamation of SVa*" ^0| Tbo body of troop* nlluded to below, w'e learn, had nut arr'ivad at Ceroeee*, and it uo ?bew of re ra, they were not ei ported. Upon tUe first receipt of the ire* of the iniur* rcelionary movement at La Uuayre. an embargo wai laid, the town gate* were closed, and no littlo ap|trrheusion was felt for the safety ot' per*un and property, through a tear that M might occasion a rising of the colored population. Ilia Intenduiit of L? Gonyru, it Is added, was the hearer of d?v petcha* from Hues to Bolivar. When the F.lla Milled, affair* wrre bi'un apparently tranquil *1eto. Since the foregoing was pieced in we hav? Hern favored with ibe follow ing eitrnot >1 a letter from a mot*. retpectehlc source, dated "L* Gunyra, 13ih May, Mid ?riti)ir y*>U prr I In* Urig Colo .iJiiaii via PliiladelpMa, G>-ueisl Paex, who wo iiupraihed l?efore the Seun'e for a Violation of tiie Uwcil ttic Republic, and Ivy Hint Ixulf ordered lo prernnt himself for trial el tlo",ota, r?t*ignnd his command %u obcdimice to orders, and.it is find wn? pit?|?anng to proceed to th* seat of goycrnmcn', whni he was culled turtiUinc ?l|j comri'id of ttii? province by the troop* nod t!ie rnrnomiinn of Valencia, where hf?d i)Unrl?r? wirn* ol?hliih^l. He adopted the c?ll, mihI avi%wed III# de'.crminetioo to ????IhIh wilh -ill the force* uod<i:i*lHted liiio i.i entiioriH*. whirh wer?? to hav?? e 'epnrate (o\>ntm?>nl for \ <-iio/?i? la, denendcot only on . we*, immediately cornmuniratrd to t>ie lntend?r.t H ^ Caraeca*, wl.o, having no efBrivnt fori-i" to ojwmugt. 'ltd, state ?f tbiugs has tifin hiucfi aiuitty, ami tho palyful n isnense mimt ^>i?ooUl IheDn^'r;^ ?Jlci bW|f?IS|fiipaIrr'd coa?;b??*e. out# it ?m?i , nutad, mu/t l>?atta/ided ofth*^Hoo?edn^?JOMICC? \ to tlm ?rtMtoA?Putdic. Wa bar a only rc??ntly raabtefd fr?^ Bog?jeetive profcMioiiii or fr?*?t their ?JiUries as member* of Congretf, but Ui no instance will thvy l?e allowed both. A h? ha* al.Q pan*J lor the Op^nine of two roods from tQfnUo to the coa*t of tbo Pacifte, one to tbo bay of Caracoas< M)4 the other to bu>tlie ? He continued hi* voyage to Carlhaginaon (lie O'h May, Intending to proceed (d Bogota by tiio river Magdstena^ rho same frigate also carried Mr. DawuinzHOft hi* way to Paaamit, whillMC m proceeding a* a Cwnminj""** rtf Ine British Go* verumiot, to lie |?*esent at the Ueuaral Congre**. INSUHHHCTION IN COLOMBIA. . Mi# York, Map 89.-?In tha Mary.flotiln.. which ntrivrd ytMcrdtjr from St. Tiionus, caiw pauanfnr Captain A Brook*, of lb* RrllUlt ar my. on hi? *?) 10 Eii^niid, with dnpttcltfi from Sir Rgi?w< K?r Porter, Ifhiih Coaml at lUraceat. and the Britfth Miabtfr to Cinvr?. rrntn t*'*1'*"""' wa Irarn, that an Inntr rvjcOon bfok* ouiat Valencia, (a town n*?r Porto on Iba Jliltk ult. the axnctnatnra and object f* whfcb ?h not known, but it wa? re* ported tk** ll?a trooftt and Cubildo* of tbat elty and Porto ?arallo nad yriHaini?d General f*a?n the Cbiof or )*re?ld?mt of Vaoegaeln. "Una oflb re*. t*. whonl tbn;lroopj and people ara wrtd to ba muah atlacbnJ, wad "??a "???> previously bafan rreallod to Bo^U.iitd CJonerel Etjaloe* apjmint ttd bW Mecanflf, hut h< ftill retained the oommand of (ha traofM, and arai arlOi hi* ?taff !n Valaocia, wlim tha ravolt took ? piaea. Soma (Wee war* ?aid to Kara boon loM in that cttjr. General Ma* rino an Marching to Carnccac, at tl?a band of a body uf troope, on 1 expected to enter on tba 6tb infant. Whan Cofftnfo Brook* left tliat plaea, tba nttthorltlea did Uot intend to offar any oppo ait ion to tba reaotnllealiti, hot were prepnrln* to renaive Ibani. Tba cuarrbnMta bail Bona relied upon for a aupply of aioney, and bad advanced r,S?X) dollar* on aoanrftine of tha Cwum houae at La Goayra. U wdl bartd tkb wan only tba m loda to leraet dtnanla. Ad anktru wna laid on nil rmaela atia Qanjra m tka 4th inat ?b>ji on tbat nvanlnc tb? Onlntaa tonebad there on W way to Cnrthatcna, wHb tka BritUk MinUter nn board, and at aifbt tba antbamo waa takan off. At aonaedUrae flKil awmr Jha ?aerahanU, It IMM ?! tbn my nit saaruR ) Ahit, "tkmbm othnr lltanfr cnfl mr* >?ntla? to hlttwtcfgWd, am a >sv(? Jackvrn Itoa Mrdlag. I bataf daly orgaalsed, Georg* M. l>^a?,?aq. roe*, m4 aft*r adnw v*ry appro, printo ? ml nloqucnt pr*Cstory remarks. on tbe no. cesshypf en nnriy mwimw Um Ucmbcratic Friwdi of General Julim, wftwJ tb* following prcnmftl?? ui ?aanhltl*na, wfckh win severally coutidered ????f adopted, wku Um ?toxwt union "WMniit ? nwblNM gov*ram*nt cm b? *f (ktfrth mafnbOoed b* Um vtattanor aad activity of the iMiopia rbfk voie* should, oo kit 1 of political ijni-urlance. be held in nlalnand uu?. ?pjivooal MmxMioa* of opinion j when appreb*n mow or* entertained thai tb* ruler# of lb* Nation f.o force prbrnm'or. meditate schemes lr\|urou? to popular riftuU Mltirmirt of (ho popular will, it ?bwuldtMth* nfci of ?**7 citiaen, with the bio* d*rati*n du*tv?himselfanoMahacblea ufhieh at nn emergency it w.?sM bo difficult, IfnoHmpufitde to throw off, forciug the community fc OMoitii-u of nialWnald* rights Into m ?tato of ?Momo b*cotnpatabl* with happiness and repronchftt loth* caits* of freedom. An cur ly and candid doc (oration of political seotimcots and obir?tf,srithetetO*da*geniaation to promote their diffusion and iieciIk attainments, tends equeU ly to untold Um will of tb ? Peo|>le, to secure to. tt iu sovereign iafunuc*, jind to prnseive society frwin iuJiwp nod fiUl con vulslons. And whee*** there it ju ?t c?U?e to toiler* that theascertaJoedjwilloftho American People was not n?4 b not-treated bo on r pffoeont public agents wilb 'he MMMd aequlesc?nc* to which in the spirit ol alloorJnstHutions'jt Is undoubtedly enti tled, b?t outhe. "outrary, tliot elforts have boon mmtr and Hill ?"> making to defeat, intimidate ?mil ?upprms It by combinations ??corrupt as (hoy .tre di#??trraist by syMems of management equally ritfbuvc and alarmlug, andl>y tnringlog back un der artful ptctesjt to warp and ahadow tbe na tional i:?/> *ii at we do disapprove and condemn I bo origin, cli%i n*tcr ium! |>r->r retting* of tliu extitlug government of the United Stale*. Rttoie-rd\ That lb* confident 3 ?n the unturni.h rd integrity ,arfherienr.e an and<?rinteud?-ucr of our republican ioititutious, nml tint out unremitted eiertions 10 accomplish lii? ^it-vat'nm are alike duo to the country wc love, and the hrro srbo wred tt. Hm'rrtf, TJjal a eomrtiilt?e of twenty-five be rappointed lrumaadomr the democratic citizens of city and cftunly of Fhiladalphia, to eoostitute a , imminent oominittm ofvUilanee aud superintend rnyr, whvM duty it shall bo to draft and lo circu late .in a.l|res* tnnur fellow-republican? through ?nit the Unioo, to communicate with similar com' mitt'ffs in oilier etnt??, or io tha various cotuties of thi? rmnmosnroatth, and to pursue generally, ail surh mrasoraa as may be deemed axpedlent In 4?rder in inture. at tha uloiU. of tb* present term of the Pia?iO>nl(rf ndtea, (ha triumphant eleotionof ^'1^'ve|?|. Goodwin. j Jacob llo'jate, ff.iiVfrf, That a** measure of just precaution, we hdvlsa aud atbort our fHlow-ciliaensto be wa* ry aud attentive at the eppronehiog'ftencral elec tion. .In desicnetin* for legblatire station* ?uch candidates onty as nre unequivocally faithful to the people's ofnm, especially remembering that the (!unzref?'onal rapraaanUtivea then cho**-n, may |?o Hon of I'rrMd*!^ mi? Um ovtHin to OcMni Jnck*)in, which produced the reply, Mjr?n m?jf bit Ah. dug m**k\$fncn4t MNmrmRMi /At PrttHtnlM tkOr Ay >ww ?/ bargain and bnrtrr, I tkt emr*k quit m?| mmUm IA< ?tA?/? tffmpt erf !? tk? tmin, nnd caen, if M< g* with fhtm myttlf ,,' lb?jr mart have btajiaaedi^HMdl of Um ?t?ro and inflexible in. toarlty of Ibk Mm. Ai to bimeelf tht* know Im rt/uHd to uuiht ?flee on any other Urate, than thot* comp+rting with tha purity of the lu etHatloaa of tha touatry. f?t what irt away of thw fricndt endeavouring to (Jo? Why they are trying to ionftcale npon the people, that Ota eral Jar.It*00 wife tefnaed U? ba President, wiwn ha c?aW, heeatte ?hay aaised totae bargain In It to ROW engaged la intrigue, Urate md ar< tapgantent to ? 4h< ealdn hi* own fair pro?p?eu, end tin t tha etation of ?other, to tbq ateln* ?ton of htm?elf. tf.ieh thfai May five employ m?ttfe Ceaeffr. /? pa^fa^Aoaty rJfraya paH????. of proaeeut* lag for any naglool, or?MHiliNmcal of tho*o Inuif, wlt|?l? have ilwayalm deemed the ttenritg of Au?4wyA nt by law eatahlbhed. Whan I aey tlii*, every lord attpnoae I. mean the frjmrallmm aod let/ meli; for it (hi* hill I* pianl into a In * the inott rigid tfinrnter might gat hlaiaolf rhoten.an ?Mrr man of i?a In] to what ia required by lew' (or tha purify of our church; and it he aacapet being tirotecoiad during the time to be limited hythiabllf, bo might continue In thai mngi?traey durwa* life, without ever conforming hitmelf to the ettablUhcd chureh, for the aet doe* not i, mifthl be au. lt at o|N>nly freipiented court nl tele* ?, for If they did not to there tn tb'eir habita aod euaigna.of magittraey, they eonld neither be removed nor puniiktd for tha affront put upon tba e?tabliahed church.' What a nableipiiit of liberty, how worthy of n lord cbentotter of thia great and free oat loo. end how teitable to the light ami knowledge prevalent in thia aga deat thla pert of bia lordtblp a tpcaeh exhibit* 'Our church at by law eeteMiabed!'-. Aye?irtir cburdtl?our monopoly of (at llviagt, front which we have by taw ettahUahed, that all men thallbe excluded, who will out declare at* tent aod content to the clear and nif-ewmidtmi *r ticlea and creed*, and to lite pnnteetibtdie*re ho inilieif And the Meat and cor|>oralion act*'.-. Aye?Thoee gloriont acta, which breathe tuch a ?pirit of liberty! * If thii bill be petted into a law, tbamott rigid difteuter? O horrible f 0 horribleme*/ horrible f SuAKk.tr the mn?t rigid dlmnter? Mo tut mm htrrtntium in getu, aciJutn, or(0, lie catt, atque Lrtba trium the moM rigid divtnter?that tremendmn in ?A?inpariton with whom, old 6tartan it * ??k the period intend ad to ba arretted. Hie honor atated the law to h*, that nn ndirer h not bonnd to thow hit writ or warrant, and that no perron bat a rifht to mid the oflircr, wke tber the name it correct or not, and that it the pertou reebting thoukl kill the oAa?r it atould be mneder, whether be tobl him to etand or not, aad that H waa tbn data of ararv r.Mia^to >ubmit Tka jury, wHMut retiring from tta.ir teatf, agreed to a verdict of guiliy. Tka above pnblieation la intennd to eoerect en error that la prevalent, that any perton hat a right to order aaodcer to atand oil aad If knap, proochotke baa a right to reeial natil ha lonokaa him, and that ba la not bonnd to tubmtt if hit ia no* entreat rente* ft tatNg attdi4 ~Tka following iraatWtn between nn eminent annatal, who keen etugnkfr h#H of contort inn tha mv Ma Cataf, oaaatinned bnrgta of laughter tkaCathi *^ka wMneae kad kar band d< ? MHifl ffithta 1 ?J inu?clat of iui itSnB cmiinti )n4 mn||| gL. na luaatk e?W tbb wItfWr ?fill? ? nmMIq fa ikitlMd ?o hf U?o wrfi?f* of tM> nph cltlxcn to th? ?(?Iran, hnrhrtoii tlra cmtwlulni hU ro-cUc^on In Uw'1 faMwkr incJoa;1! M _ fro* which ?? Iwn lhb( itf aoc?pti>ur? fbr mmOwt ? tcdfipf the jwwiot ?hw fmJdtwt f?el hmM ImlnlrUd lo eoflj *?-^ ?? ?m? n iln?? 1|m ?(? ? ckMioftioriuiuijr vnert djt towy ?**mtry ?mhI M n iispfr*! to tb*t o(!W} Ttml cttn (H-cvjH It. I h?ul drt rMifMtioti lo thfc n?*t c cnmpuwiiof pcrMtMWlin (!?* prtiMti dteilom and wlni v*nlu?? of Urlilitraling *fl?f fnllv urnl <4ti*f?c(or{l/III* ff$L m Willi rr*|iwt to it; but to Imve no afop farttrrad, mul lo lalranwMr U* >?f*tMikr?r val |?rlod. I am anxfcwthat CoUtWl?U vbottlH k? OMttiirOfWMv puMin lib, and return vuloutnrily lo O prftnifr ?(?lion. Mr milHw, ?fcfc? of ?y tonmrjr, 4nd tho wkol* woftd will Um Im ctiMudnl fan t luivonot (.tvaiI iltec?0Mo< liberty tod iodepo* don#? for ?ixN:cn yeafr, fivm auibithu* or Mlf Interested iuu|?vr?. II*d thfl coiiffM* ?tct?id RiKtthnr vie# pre.Went, the ropuhlto would ?w?v? ?eon tint I ponmfat |>atriot . At all a r apis I is goiug on at Washington, and < llwilBlntes: Hin M to My mipd, a cnnsola Hon of my ktwt, which has banoma nsofls tban erar necessary to n?e, I am bt^r to think the Panama miwiou is now on H%. way. . I balloVa ft of high moment (or the welfare of 8oi(h Amari ca and Ms?iro, for >l?)|imBH>i.of mankind, and Air Ilia dignity ol the people of the (biH"'! States, that tiwy may prntrr* and exerl the nof ?1 influeiico to which thoy are to juttly entitle. .We are gl*d ?o l"??? by tba fotlowiaf, which wa copy IV..m lite New Vork paper j, that dwra lies l>eeo a great deal o| indignation thrown away upon the MffMitd intention of the United 0tat?i' revenue otBonrs fo aaaet tonnage duties la Hie ease of canal boats. We readily admit, howevr. that, if th? feat bad been a* supposed, there was room for iodignaot laallnjp w V ryfr-. frtiuary Denertamu, ??., trailer's > Ofrce, 30th bn->, m* f r.in: It ha* been represented to tiiisOopert ment by a number of the delegation in Coagresa from N?*w Y??Hu that youbavo published a ant|^UQN, Qieyfraf/er. Mkvkdcm M. l>n*, F.?j. Cetfatfeiu fh^Wa, A", f. From tit -Vni? York JVbtfanaf JMr*i?te. Ttit.l'nlate?I will not quarret about Um Btm niilent's furniture, whether Aw tba ptwposf of ZimUt-g, rf.mmooljr *o ealWtf, or for amlHJoal on a table tbat eartonly fj\jt deffartf Ifat In tba rrp.?rt of Mr. Carson's speech, fcvtn )be AWienef h*ieUi%i?t*r, that gentleman Is made to My, ham, " T* L. tf-rvah* for HfUtrd tmHe, fl.v> ooM #^\?r7TF* Nhw, tlm ?ffltia) n*jt*rt of Mr. John Mont, Jr osprrssly, 1000 00. I bag tba president will not be so lar disgmaed tn the eyes of foreign powers, (no matter about mm own country) aa?tu belie re that bo would spend Ms pracloua tiptn in playlurbWtlards on a table that only tOst tba Mmj>tlUc yrk? "(fpy dollar*. VmyJot ju 17 Tbe editor of f??a Washington Tt says, tin official eopy la bl?,|mma*?lflc, ? d-?wn//?v de//ars?and of 0o0m?, be thinks that LVjui uiuitbemlitakcn.?[Etiquiuf. . " | Tiie GiitPt ? Mowlcuf L*>uW, very prryeily the Frnneb tftant, rrccived company on 8?tur day last, at tbn tlotbic Hall, aallad Hayiaarket. Hie irtjWIr exhibitions eomotxucad I his day M Louis is . i nur.oiinnonly Ana rnuog mn) lo 7 - I foot 0 inches In height?mmoular, (ml adwlra My prAimrtlonodi bit strength It aglrem* lit , ?lh ?,k? Kngltsh flaently, is vary pubta, (M of i:onv#r?ntit?n. and like am?t of l?n cxiDinrmauf \* toujouri Rai- Wban id Ireswd by lilm. til* rl? ?Mer forgets tlie auusing dUTetraaee Ktwaen bw own sixr and nf his hoit. To pnalnca tbii afoot, two raa?es mntpi^et Ihe rnsking flam,' which is |*lacrd In the aperient, tb? vUHer raaoil* with afrigbt, not from Vw giant, but frn^p tba irflotlon nf bis own ? a?nparitivHy-pigmy fgnrr.. THe seam of laskniAcmwa Is so strong at flmt, tlMit evrry on* f?wls displeaaad} a momaul'a oon rhleration, however, Jisilpoles our an^er?tin ?? m nniid uOUclad U|MM the eetaur prcpra M boated; and our ?ui in fk* AVi? ?? In roov^ps tion with a friendfr