Columbia telescope. (Columbia, S.C.) 1819-1821, April 18, 1826, Image 1

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J .? I ? r*H. ? 'idiSfe: I : COLVMUl.1, (S. C.) TUBDAY MORNING, APRIL ?I I ? III'' , llggggpggg COLUMBfATM ny lwujinn u swRfiter. Prinltnto the Ihut* Iter******* THUMB:?Tmmr Pom.?n? pernnnwm. prynilt in aleinre, to town payable at the Mid of iheyear. . , Abv*kti?km*wt?, in nt l(xi rut*' of aOvcatjr-IWe cauU far erery fireuty linm, or m Iin number. for W?e ftrat iMNtlon, mid f"rty AAirk for each cft'rtllonaVtce*?TIuka (mm nnn ?ruhserlber* mini bn nrcompnnled by I he c??h, or R fesponsilile refereuce, or (bey will reccire . no attention. 11 rw ewcel Nrethe,tn0Ught?by memory pre<?nf?d, A? vtew'd throofb (ho <RW>, distant, vista of year*; Though the nulla we're committed are vainly ro lented. We xmi'a at tho past with an eye filled with lwr?: flo the ?un, which in April a. moment's o'erctouded, Awhll* throws ? gloom o'er ihe ohjeeti below; Oul when fallen the raindrops, IIIaglory unsbrood* rd, ?; lilt rays we imagine more splendidly grow. And the shade, which ilia gtoum of oar faults haa o'ermread, !? di?pcliM by ihe thought of onr hoylth hour*; l*?ir w!ienaxuns,illa and sorrowa rnciicle onr hi ad, We *e?k in the p'fHmt lor thorns but for flww'nt And 'it* wall?lor mo Hud in the thought of the .pasil * ??"*?? . " A balnj to our hopes, our fetire awl our triefj An I Ihe pleasure we feel, though tillable to last, I.ike itnllvs ol an angel, gives purest relief. ' HKPOHT Of the CtmmiiUt fartfgn /ftfa/ipet, IN TUB IIOVHK Or IIBPMKHBN'l'ATIVK?t. The. Committee of FotcIru Affair*, to whntn win referred lit* of lh? President of the foiled Slate*, to the Home of RepretenMnrrs, of lh? 15th Inst. with the Document! accompn* nyinR it, ba*e h?d the tame uuder consideration, end lifg l?#?? to Roporl: Th?l It appears, from the nliov itnme<I monn^o cod impers, thatenlnviUlion hai been rsmivnd by ?iie (jolitO States,' from th? n^-tiblics of Colom. Via, Central America, and Me*:."j, to attend the r;ougrcts about to be held nt Panama. I? ?fn???r? t!mt thi* idvilatlon KM accepted by tho IVe*ldeutf on tli* condition that tho nomination of Commit* rbmert for the mlwion should receive (lie ndi lee nnd content of Ibe Senate. Thit a<l vice und con. vent buving been constitutionally exprettnd, in the confirmation of tlie minittert nominated by tlie T*re?U!?nt, the concurrence of Ute llo use of Repre tentative* h requested, a* necessary to carry the niUfl *n into effect, M' aa Appropriation to defray the c?pnn?e Ol It. Till* concurrence being ?'sub jor.t to die irec determination** of the House, the Committee tuvc regarded It *? fheir duty to the I loose, to ruq ilrt lejo iho expediency of accept In- this Invitation. The ordinary courtesy of na tion, in frbmdthlp with eaeh other, and the pecu )iv interest which, for tlie strongest reiwont, the I'orplaof tho United Htfltca have cvir fell, ?r*J most ever feel, In the new American flupuMto; would toe in to dictate the pro|>rlefy of accepting ?hU invitation, antes* there \?>ere < reason* tor tie*lining It. No wjcb ivntontare believed by tiic (.??imnjlttee of Forefpi AfTsirs to esiU. In ?rd>-r to present the silt^ect In it*, true li ;ht to f!i? 11 ouie, the Committee would first mnke n re? murk on the goiivrai nature of Hie A?*emhly, ile* #.gnuted by the name ft the CinriuM of I'miamn. 'J h* term t'onprn, It wtdtenredy b? olwfvul, m by no mr-ant to lie here understood in the tense in which it is applied .(() aome Other political as nfimbllea. The Congress "f FartamaSs not a re prrmitativo delegation, forming a branch of a g<?. vernmcnt. like the prevent C?Hjnreer of the United 3<etft?. it i* not a body in whieb the government of several confederated sovereign ttfatet It de|mv iied,liU? the old American Congress. Neither i> it a pr rental meeting of Sovereign*, Kite the re* i ent of Kurope. ft It en assembly of di plomatic agents,' clothed with no powort ciccjtl in dwcu*s end to negotiate, deputed bv (Jovem mcnts whose eouttitutlont require that all engage* menta with foreign Power* shall lie subject to tlte ratification ol tome organic body at hotntj and the mnr* effectually to guard agnlnU tnltlake, even of fkt ifnign In which thl? Coogrttt hes been pr?.po?. ed, it It Mlpulftted, in the Mverel Ireetlee formed by Colombia with the other new Rr.publiet, that thit meeting et Fnnama "thall not nfTfrt, In eny manner, the eiercite of the national sovereignty r#f the contracting partiee, in regard to their la*t nnd the *>ttabli?hment and form of their respective Oovernm?nta.H Such la the general nefilrr of the propoeed Con gre?s, at appeal* from the puper* referred to this ?-??nimittee. Of It* et^eets,tne Committee will, In Xrt, more pnrtiraisny ?j?eak. ill sttblecte Interesting to Iba powers represented et Ute CongreM, and tuvep (ible of di^cuttlon at tnvh n nteetlnc. The mlnts> ter of the Col-iinbun Repuhlie, with tlie liberal ?ttfign, at it ho'iH aopear,ofeielttdiiielheaUpno* nition ihel lilt own Oivi rnment. or Innte which joined it, in invil'o; u* t., the CongreM, bud any A'lth to exermto <? d'Huttou n? to what tnbjeett diould exelmlvely be <li*cUM*d, lia* olnervej, In his let'er to the 8,>t}rrior/ of Ht?te,of find Novcm her, IfliJA, ifiat the topie* ol diteur?)oii therein e* numemted urn de.<lr.?i?Hi mei?|y "nt ?ii/gt?lion? Uy nay ef r sample;" while "It is left to tl?*s wis itom of the rmneiit*, and the ju?hveient ef their repre?>.ntnt?Ves, to pr??p???e whatever inoy he esteem* dot eonimoneoodIo the new lieml?|>licm." In the ?ame letter of the C'dortib -pi ,Vlini?ter to ? he fterrstary of fttate, the following remark* also <%f,<uir: "*t pnnemn, the best ?nd mod opiwrtune Accatlon I* offered to the IhiMed Stete* to il*none t-rbiclplct of interrtetional lew. th? unteltled ttete <>f vtbirh hat rmt?ed aiueh evil to homanliy. It I to bo petnme.l that thla government, (the Uni* ted BlMet of America,) pOssetec* mora light upon #he sublet lhan the o?h?r (Mate* of one hem)t >hefe, Wh from id rtperlenca during the wars hnt *ncce^tedlhe French Involution, and fW/M tenegotiaiians now on Cn<>t with r " nd other oatieui, relative thete t belongs to each of the eo ipoaa their views; but the v?i Iba went with the respeet and eMy labors Hi a work of snch U eserlt. The sentiments Hera mlatottr ** ColoeiM*. evet* i *(<>* Hinder- e( Megleo S contained in their rMpMlIti Ml*n to the Ba Ptanr of Stale, on the *uty net of the Invitation to enu the Oong&M. 'file oMtc'i or this body, theft fore, m far a*tl*o United SipiM aro concerned. are nil toldeeta which the United State* nay deem It for tliefp la. terert to pro|io?e for dltctmioi. They embrace. c.on?"fcienUy, in gaiter*! term*, oar political and eoptnflrclal relations \*Uh the new American Re ' ' ' ??? ? - The committee of portion A (bin lift*, *ccord i?sly,b*en led to cnrjuiie, what Iht principle ofotir diplomatic interconrseMtrith othei Government* ha* been/ The *n*ttOT>to |l|i? inqatry |?, that H ha* ever been the poller of the United State*. to maintain diplomatic refatloos with thoae PnwersI and the** ?tily, w ith which we h.tve importaot por lltleal and commercial Vf* have not farmed diplomatic mMhI""* *eT P?wer" ful 8'ete*,?adb|UU||H Bad the Porte, wliore no <reat po|il|c*3|!B||^^^KnOmntercial fetation*, reqi'-ed such conrtfP^Kvhile, with Powere*not of two flr?t cists, MfSnHpollnnd and Spain, im portant polillcrl ?iuLccann?pfinl relation* have led the UitM.8lt(a1an? establishment of |?er mancnt ml?*l?n?. Tbii tielne theprlnolpl# of our diplomatic in tereonrte, the Committee cooeetre It to apply with great for**, fa the present lotlanee, end to require the attendance of our Agents at the Coa. ires* o( Pnnnma. lit that body, que*lIon*direct ly involving onr most Important political and com mercial interest*, are to be di*cnv?d. Though the new Republics tfiero represented art *o many as perate Oovernmenu, our relation* with them nrn not merely those whlrh wo hold toward each, its diVidttallys they form one whole family, In Ian. guage, religion, law, hiatnrbal (oi'nnw, awl pre sent |?ollticnl alliance, prom tin* family, e? f*r h* the enumerated circumttauce* Rrf. we me no cewarlly eicluded/ out of Ihh o*clii*ion springs an eulirn clsis of political and commercial ijIMIi?i?n between ns nu the one side, and a l-r^o family ??f now HepuMlct on the other. This family of Ite. poblict ha* thought It e?jwdM?t to convene an A?*rmbly ol Plenipotentiaries at Panama. A* an important part of theli piddle relation*, am thos* in whioh tliry stand-to ii>, they hava Invited u* t? ?en J ourM nsters lo this Assembly. The l.iw ol nation* warrant' Hum, in dint deriRnatlo* the place and mod? of treating with friendly Fbwoca, and if wo refnre to accei't the Invitation, lake* Irom m the right of eomphdnhigof any reea!t,how? erer IncontMcnt with our Interests. Under Ihe tirciim?tonee? hi tahlch this sobjeet !? Iiolore the llwuse, the Committee deum li tneir dnly toe.on?l>ler tome of thee' }<;clfflti* which niny Im urged u gainst the ae?eU?oc, by tho U.itte.1 State*, of tin* invitation. Tln-n* may be, uuio.iaj others: Thai such acceptance It umuinttltuO"i'"ii I that all the object* of tltr Coogrciv, ns fur m we *ro concerned, may be nttHln"') by nrgotlot???ii? with the repaint* State*: that it.o subjects of dis oosdon, the powers of tint Mlobtcro. ?!*?? mmtj of orf*ntaingthai:onxre?i,andth<)inodr of dfoldluj: qttn*tlon?,ara not sufficiently ./ tiled to authohae our accepting tlm invit.itiou; tint n4r uittsqdnncc would endanger <mr toward Spaini that it might invotfe u? In an wtanidhi? al'lane? with in a Congti'wof Hiate* ?mucUi'in; ewentially per mcioit*, a* pro red by the c *a u ij-U of IfioWffr* In it* recent hl*tory. . -J ! Tl*n Hi?t uhl^rtlon mn'y ho, tliM the Mtendanoo (>rtJi? Unlltil mi Uio ('on^ra'* of I'unnm*, wml I Iw unoonstntionnl. To this nli]?oii.>it the Committee would reply, thnl llirv arc not n?-q<s>n? led With any restrict.on In the Constitution, on ill? nnjK>ni?inoiit of foreign Minuter* by the pro per aulaority It w?y Pot, however, l>? eii|>?r* Iblou* in mid. litis objection proceeds on Ills m HM|4l<>n (ml theC'on^r<>nil I'nwmnliolthnr ? <? .v. minim, ? linnoh <>i a <b.v?srauujnt, or a ??.rn'f. liTHi-y of f .<? vim ii. i.r ii i mil (hut t'ie I 'nil <?<! Slnlos I'T nttmding tlil> %i?oniWy, unite tlicm ?rlvcato tliellld (lavrr.jineoi or Coafudorany.?? Neither part ??f ihli iiHiaiptHm Ii true. Hie Con yrm ii n mretwjf of |)ip1nina|ic A>;i n?i Irom m? dependent Oorernmenls; eftd frantins f?-<* n mo meet thet the Congress at I'mmniM were a govern ment or a onfederauy, ohr attendance at it l?y Dlpttinatir Minister*, would he no entrance into ettch Confederacy?no unk-ii whh inch Govern mnnt. II heed rcarcely l?c urged, thut tlie L'nl o<l States do not enter Into confederacy, do not I'ortn en onion whh * foreign Power, or any number of Power, by semilog n Minister to treat with such Power or Tower?. . It may, in Iba noat place, be objected to oar nt tenO?nee at this meeting, that all l|a objects may be altoioed by separata negotiations, #ltn the sev eral MkIh?It m?jr admit a doubt whether the could, hytambilily, b? the cnw>. It is question able whether separate and disconnected negotla tmiM InIwnd Btatea geographical!* so niftiol*, and In various rMiMwtj politically so aiffernot front each other,rev/rf I# brought to the same harmonl on* and sydematifl r?sult,a* a dhcusdon In ao As sembly orDiplomatic Atents, promptly communi cating with each other Information, counsel, and argument. At all events, It may safely be affirm, ad, that the same result may be far mora espedb tin nly andconveniently attained, by a conference with W assembled Min sters of KUtM *? remote from aach other, that an Interchange of inlelli gctice with I Mir resiiefllv* capitals conld not take plaee more than twice in a twelve month This objection, going only to the convenience of the mean)re, need not lie mora particularly we|*h?*d The third objection may he, that the subjccta of dbenseton, the powers of the Ministers, the mod* of organising tho Congress. and mode of ilchlint qne?tinn?,ere not yet sulAeienlly. settled to justify our attendance. From the pe|v?r? luhmlttrd to ll?e Committee, it appears Hint tnb rnnsMcratlon an faxed the atlentfc?n of the lixarnliv'o, when the to* vitalinn was made to ibis Government, last 'fwiog, by the Minister*of Meslcoandt.'olnmbla. It was then required by the President, that previous set lifer linn sliot.ld l>o given on the?e points, The replies of those Ministers, after having eon?ultcd thalr Governments, do not enter inl<> m nn*# detail on all there points,yet the committee are of pin. Ion that I hey me satisfactory. As to the subjects in general to be <U*cu??ed, there is no limitation to the disadvantage of arty t'ovemm? nt represented, and the matting being one bf Diplomatic Agents, and It being stipulated in the Colombian treaties, that the Minister* to th? Coeigrees ara to go with the u*nal dlplomalla powers anil. Instruction*, It follows that their mode ?( pfoaaadlag must be that nf diplomat!* discussion aad eonfersnce, and thoir mode of dech'ina that whleh e*o alone esUt b?. tween l?ipl?m?ti? Agant??the. mutdal reference of whatever ron v en? ion oi>. paot, may bg negotiated I to lha CoeHHutWvnal author It lee at hot I- fbat President, ee "No that they ere to baba*id by oe docUlon of the OWF rn wfihox tMb own noweoT Whlln the rnmmmkirnff ?**?theUheaedo. Uilt air* thai,fir I BCAAfitiACi idl lEiwCid^dU to ft* them, or the United fl VwiIMmo to ? _ _ that, on the*o tftM&iPMia Ik* leading b?> ?!ncf? nf die CongrA, |l?e tmr StatMera Mr-. ou? to hiri the .ApMi tf ear okpirtewoq Thl* *h?tl???t|r^^^^B die the let ten of the Mini! eetleg the invltaW r The nest otyeJ| el till* Cong**** aeflw fo'Meard oer iwntrelM ?y. To this It <b?l, heeieg ef. ready ?Htnowlo4|?^HiMBMe?*e?if<h?iMW States we hai iM|BpyilMp1|lil nf treating iltaat ?* freej^iiHBMMgVtetM. u wef| to ward 8g*ln *? eirSKlSf Ae wofft. The* Stair* are uoialaadlV^BMr wMh 8|*ln and Brain alone. The moat pflwemrtfl formally n?lutowletH al ofllirM<Sl?l?i,?nd fif|hN*bad diplomatic rein I (ions with them. TeflHBe|t?* o?r|l?rt,and that of Uieal Britain, fc<Mff*limit*, although they not Oldy ? ?<?niiidly witolre* her a* ? belligerent,1 I'Wt directly violate Mr colonial Intra. but, if oor recognition of oacfcof the Stetee reprete ntrdi al the Conjtrrw, and our IfWthw with them, in iM rent contravention of tiff #oferttal law* of Spain, In- no breach, a* it it Aon*, of oer neutrality, *.? neither la our attendiitfot^ e IMplomalin Coonc I of nil tho*o Slate* innlUt, a breach nf iieuimliiy. Tlii* 14-particularly Imr. jrhrtt it la ndded, that the United Slate*, instate of going tot lie t.'ongrr** !?? animate the war agftlpct 6pein, will go a* me diators and peace maker*, to prom?tnhy every mean", w termination onWcoeteit.on term* hon r.ralde to the new Slat**, end advanlageoa* to SfHilu. Thi* Power lutf elfeedy rvcolved the ?troiiftp*l pledge* that |hek l? the policy of the United B*atc? Tlie tomtfd'tee are clearly of opinion that, if our attend*** at tlila Con<r?-M he dotlruhle, on the pert of the new State*, ii i* not l<*.*? *<? en dm purl <il Spnhi. The nev olijeejion tli?% may l?r nr;rd'nn onr attendant4* at the Centre;* nl Panama, l?, that il imy involve n* in an entan^l'iv.; nllmnrir with the new 3 ale?. Tu tin* it may lie riirwer*1 e l, Unit ilic |? ojnet nf irh in ?l:i?iue l? e*pre???4 ly JiwIii'iitf J I y the t'r?*idrfii', tu Ihe inerw^e^ referred in thr conm'rtlca. In the next place, ll:e t*?M?nre>?i ii neither a Government, nor aeon lo<Ior,it:y ?.f (?'?ivemnientf, with vvlii.-li *rr could, l?y |K?v|bJ| ly, In the flr?l intlaiit'e, cuter into an uliiuion, entai.gfing nr not} anil, l.i? ly, even if a U*ti?l?alli>n (or m.cIi mi alllancc wem entered In to, Ii/ ??ur nniiUtet*, contrary to the prini'lnlr* on which, il up Tioni tl?e ni^n n^e nf tli<? |'r#?.deii(, llmi ?.,?? invitation ?vm nccepied, il wnilhl tlill rciii uu f,i, (he trrnty of alliance to l<t lUlmiiUcil in Hut con?Mutional rmlfyln^ |?ow ? ere, in i!ii? eopniry. Whether, under lhe?a civ euni?tnn< ?*?, not u> t e^taneA of tlia invitntinp enn l>? enn?ld<*rej, even n< art npjirourh to an alliance, tile Coutiimitee ti*?'d not uw w (liiaHaereiiAv. ?* Unnper llat u e, hy our at irmliMire, may In- driwn Inlo an nlllance, it niav Iw replied, iliat there i? no other danger of the fnrinatioii of nn e.itan^linj; alliance, in eon?e 3ui'iiep of ilii? mHdon, than that which l? inci ent to any miotnn to nny Power. We hare Miul?t?r? to Franca, to It i-^ia, to Kottand: Wo have liad miniver* to F.nroptencountrie#, et pr rlod* when yety aironr temptation* nf momenta ry lnterette?i?ud, for forming tllUnces with for. eign l*nwer?. The cmnmittae ar? not aware, I hat II ever *va? au/rckteit, that tlin lea?t danger ekUted, of th? formation nf ?ueh an elHanee, in conae?|H' ne.e of ?ueh miHioni,-' Oar miniiter* to Franco followed the murrh of the Trench Empe ror to the confine* of Hu*da, hot no one tomtit ?d that we projected nn ullianr* with him, al though we were, at the time, engaged In a war with hi* other chief enemy, Ureal Britain. Vet it l? plain, thai (lie way t'? nn allianro. i? much more direct, in en ordinary ml??.oi?, than in that fir.ipnsfxl. When out Mini-ter h aeerediied to n ion^gn *orerelxn, particuUrly an ehwluie one, he l? nrcredited to a party competent to form an allinnco, wlthnnt further'iloUy, or Ulterior rr* Ciui'billty. While, on the other hand, onr Min er* to Panama will l?e HiTr.-diled to other Min ieten, no more com|wt?o'. tban our own, to plcdg* llirlr Onvrrnmeui*. raruiT, ii ?* pnrtirota.iy In he nbtervnrf, thnl Mil alllaiic*' willi any one ?>( the new Republic*, would tw? fully enlin,(linj ?> ?r illi^lirA uilb them nil. Thry are nil ?t war, and w>lt? the ?ame em-my. Tncy viand m an all'titc**, offen sive ami d-feiHive, Willi rarh "Iher. iVaeifelv tbe *arm, eoiii?ic|nenr*?, therefore, would retull from the fur mm ion of mi allinnce with either of them, for instance,) u with *11 ??l them. If. then, the d<mxer of MngdrewW into Hit alliance, require. m to dwtaia fmcOHeutiin? lii* Contra** at Pannma, the "me daug'r, with nqOitl force, ivquirr* n? to ?> ttlwlmw all diplo inutic connection with Ihnr new fttate* Rut, In truth, thUiu^r^inn of tho danger of an -dliaoce, Incident '<> ? diplomatic mlalon, ear riea wlih It ?o direct n refWtM on the wUJom and id* tity of tfn? trca.y ? in? on* |>ower, a? lodged In the hand* of the IVadJcnt and Senate, that the Committee, out of | .roper retpeet to the co ordinate h'anchet of tba Oovernment, WJI not longer consider It. Another objection lo 'he proporwl tnininn. may lie, that the Con^r"* I* an unprecedented measure, and that aur mtemlanee at it wout<), on onr pnrt. lie a novel and unprecedented Map. A litllr reflection will allow, that thU a**nmption, aa far a? It form* an objection to our attendance at the Con/re**, Involve* a eonfualOd of idea* ? Tlie e?1*Mlilimcol of several new republic*, at oOce, may be railed an unprecedented event; and, o# a historical occurrence, WVlbnnt a par at lei in the bletory of toe world. But the commit tee cann"! admit that every fiibwquent political art of theae new fttate*, ?r of other BtMo*, In re IcrreiHse to them, It, there ore, to h* called novel, and unprecedented, and that In an Injntlou* teiM oi the word*. On the contrary, H appear* t? the committc* exceedingly natr ???---* Slate* ?ho?d.| hold dintnmMio eaeh other, mi l nelgld>ouring important relation* with them. Kethtng, ha pa, I* more frequent in political bWt? *lmitnr meeting*, amnn* fi fondly State*. Nor, when the ?utyeet M correrfly viewed, ?* them eny thing, fa prinhpU, novel ov unprece dented, Ca our attendance at th? prepoeed Con grew. A| ? merely hMorteal event, indeed, It imy Wnnnahlefed M without an en?rt precedent etteovgh Mm ft**XMIon? between the Unite*! *' - Mid Great Bfrtaln, In lift the treatlee of j**o? tatweei than ont Mmwhnm leeprMfroaad Codom I w(m4 _ ^ <p>?U<> __ ?f the world cebUlar ?vemweeU; TT^ tljerji tewanoreJlyW itSSf?tinrlI ..... Mier of Um United State*, to *?k oooWmn. afgpithequaUy or nunilltutlooOT fell the Tow er to wrhkh our M mUt e re were wit. Wo hnv? retted for our *ecnrity, not on a, timid cafeula* (ton Of the power* of the CfOvtromeut, or <4 the body with which oar Minfeter*. wert to treat, batonour constitutional tafe-guahJt,.alhome.? It ha* been indiSereul to u* whether lOimpe were ^,P?ece or at war; or by what (Wither sovereign* filled their throne*. To inttana*in the aiogle a have tent mbsinns to Fraaoa alike nu der the anclcot absolute monarchy, limited mon archy, and revolutionary anerchyj to tbeConven* lion and to tlio Directory; to the Consuler ami lite Imperial de?poti*m?j and Idthojuiiait con* aiiuOnnal Coveraiii* ut. Ylw jmlUN ifftm whiUi our Minuter# have found, Io'ibattounlry, ha? often been novel; their fM.*one), ptftlon un* precedented) (he scene* they witor**cd ttrange and unexampled, hut of none ui otir stjcceslv?| mutiont, couidjlhuve been said, iu ahy impor taut feme, ml>*lon Itaelf wa? novel tint ?#, tbarlt <u4nud a d3?ir to any r<Maxatinu of theonsMulronei theelrt, liUartdmiuuttuiion i.f the lort-i|*R aflhira of the ( home.? In like manurr, the mi?dnn r> I'annmn 1> iu the MrktMt cnnionnity with our whole inumntidnal policy, which is, lobe reprevmtedwherever we l?av*s ? nportaut political and c^mmxrelal con* u" twn. Our r.<tni?ie^4?n*ni will |t<? dltvrt to do tli apuMiiftu ot the country. '1 heir *llli*? meeting rvmot, ??r*ly, Iimv* the ?f?ct Of lirtukSAi; do* n tba'ttanati. eed Hh<in of M*pre* /ruUtiv???, aud liy n k>od ai t)K'(nti?riiil |t>iwer, unknown lo the coniiltntlon, of binding the i oiiiitrry in a foreign alliance. Lattiv, it in*y l>e objected tha(, in a rf ai??iubh:d power*, tlmrri if something euciUioll; pernicious winch thi* country, loiiead of up pr*M>-hing, ought tn *h>in; aud (In etU'ing or K'iniiation to Continental l^urop* may ho fpiwtr.l ?? iIk iliustiation. The Committee owm itTinrd ly nrc?i?#ry lo remark, that tile pero??l?'U? oiiar ?cti-r of tins late Kumpean Cungr#n?<, or of hot of the Kurepean Congress*** doe* ript In tb? act ot eu?emblaglug and treating to get I er, hoi Iu the chaiac'tei of tue government M*M>inl>lcd, and in tho object* eflwtel or aim*? at. J Cohan-** *>f d?**potie Towers wiel dog the f-.t r.e ,,1 law omUt ?nrf l'? roncrf iwa.ure* for riolept interlerenoa in th* internal affair* of tAh*r Htato*, i* certainly a at* seinbly. In other word*, Ue.potlc government*, 'tattling armiry, aud unprovoked invaaioa, ??-* l?eritlriou* la a ?ingle Stale, and proportion*bly more *o, when Mvoral de?i*otie governmetjl league their forre* to prevent (he eatanlMiment of liberal Inatitatloii*, in any country not beyond their reach. Hut it the State* of Europe were frae Republics, hle**ed with nopuler government*, written law*, elective Megtotrate*, ?n<l fnatorial bodies beyond the rea*-h i)f norruption, the Co n inittee do not perceive tual a meeting ot tha di plomatic A/eut* ol *Mch ifovernmvrit*, tofoim Trealie* and Convvntionf,on their mutnpl inlereat* and concern*, that are lo be *ent home to their coiutilutional lalilyiug fuitciiouarkr, would ha in any degree aUrmiag. Moreover, It i* an ob* '-.'ou* reflection, that tbLt argument a(^nnit the M>a*iou to I'anatna, If it prove any thing, prove* too aiuch. Il tb? pernlaiou* chara ter of the t'ower. to whioh the MUdoo Is to be eeot, form a reaaou for not ending it, it would bo impoullde for the United State*, to maintain a *ingle Mntiou in Kuropa. Our m>nl*ter* tbrVeare. in every cute, accredited to Government*, eoodrueted, as we think, on prinri|)le* which eould not he introduo ed here, without Immediate aatlouel ruin. It U Imi aafefor u* to hold diplomatic Intercourse whb the unlimited monarchy of RmoIu, It eanao*. be dangero>i? to huldtheaame kind of interciur*e with an atftembly of the agent* of our neighboring lie* iHibliea. Having thus cnmlJmd the ol.JeHinn* wblnh may (Hit to this measure, and endeavored to ihow that it i? strictly within the line of the inter national policy of tltu United States, the Comm.t tee regard It a* theirdoty (o the |!ou?e, on the pre sent oJsmion, to dwell foe a moment oo the mb juct* of ?lisciis?lon at tlie Cnngrui or Panama. Hj the tern* of the invitation, 11 well as the na ture of the aer* the dNeiiftittM at Panama ara to extend to alt subjects of importaaer.. To the Naur Htntei, at among each nflier; Or( at between th?? and Spain: Ot of imjwrUnca directly to ??, in oar ?ntna ion with them Kieh Power ii at liberty to propose what stib. ject for discunlon oe negotiation, it may please; tha nnlv limitation Iwing that which the United State* Impose on thamtelvet, with tha understand* iojr of the o?b*r Puwer*, that we are to angage la AodUrusiiont inconsistent with an entire neutral it y. Although, In different degrees, tha three cutset of subjects, above enumerated, ara Interesting to tha people of tha United States. The relations of the new siatestoeanh other,ara very Important to Q?. They are our near neighbors. One of them has an immense landed frontier on our territory, and, to. gather with Iba two neat In geoaraphieal sureei. tinit, lies on those waters into which tha great in ternal communications of iba Uaitfcd State* ara discharged. With tha others, wa have no dir#?t geographical, but we hare highly Important cos?, merclat eoanealons. At present there era eight or nine Independent states formed out of the late Spanish and Portuguese colonlasi seven of these, via. Matlco, Guatemala, Colombia, tha Proviacee of La Plata, Chile, Pant, and Upper Peru, have a* dopted Republican Governments. Now, H l? to usa matter of very great interest how these states shall stand toward eaah other. Should they foil lato dissensions and wars, thosa great advantage* which wa have reasonably prsmhtil eurselvds #.AMk |La!. Ba?.salll att/1 faMMiffW #HmM Ka m. IrvR Ilffff ITOWW MV IfvWVniTf *WO BDI 9V rf* allaed. Thagreet drawback*on tha | tbeee states and on the eattndou of adt .. eotamareWI relatfoas with Uw?, arising ft"*' ma* MkltL fin u I m ?Mk,aLI ? Mmnlu ? a A <4 ku ||ia ^rftaa wT , gimwth of fo??A? att4 eonttets whfceaeh ether. It *w* a*, titan a ?MTtlM Gulpt Innmjr of II wer.betwteelii ? U Plata, fot Um dt*p ataJ Oriental. Tb? *SnI of I inttaHtiDraua.- It baa to atk for an additional Mproprfatioo fort) ?wviw of lhrfjr?ar, flfntii on* hundred II dollar*, to prolyl tba property tod Uvea cflisoAt front lb? danior* to which, to tba i of tbi* war, tbey will bo oapoSfr Now. n ,ws bow oipretalv provided, in (b? troatiae which led to the formation of the Congeeta of ffcabma. thdt tba taioMert thera awambled ?boeld Maltha the ofBceof mediator*. when aueh dW.ronee# ?uMI arite.MlraiHand La Plata havfc both been ii v' lad fotbeC<m#^*tf*b?<litb*cain aathra < ona* ? altoh It certafhiy itf within tho reach of politV probability; that tbif unfortunate Oonir?v?r*y might,' by friendly mediation. hare beaa prevent ed from rinfcifmc into tba fatal tone of war To thataorfcof mediation, In all inch caaea, tba Uolt?d SUtct would coma, at tit* too* diiintere*t*l par ly; and a*weoaraelv#?hBvt4tparlena?dtheaem cflttoi the mediating of a fbrtlgn friendly power, it may livipeu that wo miy lander tba like good office tn onr Jttar ttate*. i tttuld we bur, in a tin gle inetanre, alkit or ir rmmate a war,'it would it ] Mif form a *ufliciMit motive for aeeeptihg tie tin vitatWrti. We claim no right of Interferenoe; wd do not olilMdc ountlvti at unmiiti1 Wa are in* vltrd tn a Coogreti, wbern we Mo told the*r n? lioaai ditT-ranee*, if any erbr, #i|i Ub ditcwe.d, we are toldthat our pretence, counam, and e*p* rienar, ar?* rietired No maaiin of the in??t oan fipn* political prudence bid* u< rtand aloof. N-xt to peieo on oor own p?rt, their peace and pn-ijier ity am nui #itho/ interrrt: And tho pulley of nialit<t*hnnft p-?r? , tlm-u-h the inatrotnentai'iy of friendly mediation, it entirely eoo*anial with ?b* priwripl,-* at,it i?t?liii*< of f.?e people of the V~ nlted Statu ol Amcrica, aud taut tinned by their practice. The next fne/al tint*of aabj u^.s to lie illi cm ?ed nt th*> Coajtvn of finint, are Hie crla* t iou4 01 the new matee with Spain. Thit tnbject. it Wa*pr*>t?ly ftipulaled, it only to be approached l>y our vtinixer* under the reservation rif otrict neutrality. Mora than tbi), our great-effort* will lie directed to purification. policy of thO United State#; in Ihia raapcet, i? tuA -ieotly no* I"(i| J*k1 Ii> the letter of the Sectetary of State to Mr. Mlddleton, dated may 10, IftUi ??l itin - of lit* 8oeretary of State to Mr. 8?lnaa^' dalad December 20^ 1821. Pacification aatwetn thn (<4lli|*r?nliiit? nl.v ?? which It it out aiovtde* ^kled tnfirrwtfc to puetua. No tlngl* political ? ?*nt, nemaitt, conld be named mure drtWablo to the O^ttao State*, in reftrawoo to th?l< indmtr'* n'ti Interest, than the tarmlo?U?m of thf pratent contett wtnlir every wijf by itt conttnu. ancej ottr nommeroa with Spain Un*ni?lie?- and it it impiMtlble thai it tbuuld a*iuwua praAlabia es pantion with the rt*w 'atatea. Condnaied with the * betU*er*nt rel itiom be. I ween Spaiu and the uoW State*, ia Oie tate of tin ttpanith l?lnudt, iwirtlatflafly Cnhn. U the war foiitbuiei, (tie Invation of tliat (aland will ba at t**nptad| it taan ayowod ?ubjo?;t ofdkcnatlon al tho Conpi ?>w. Thit It a tahject of the |reatatl moo ant' to tba United Stater, Inovery retpeci. Wa havwait inlerroorae with thitt Itiaad, whleh nut* np^nt ourindnttry In all itt branchea. The Moronity l?e regarded at a fortrrat at the mouth of tbo Mfcu ti'tlppi; aud what 1* Mnitaly mure importunf, uo lew, Cuba mould be invaded by an oWra'Mminr loree, (aooh a forte u? the now atatea will bar.i.y bo aide to oritaiibta,) that lovalttaMe laiand miy renew. elmott in aiaht of oor tburet; ih* fert.An nami'le of San UomionO/ Any *Kir( oit ilia grt of the United Statet tonVmt tueh a cetatiro. to would be cheaply made; none eould Jn?t fl* y be omitted. Had the noremmeot oi toe ? nt ted State*, alter homi; mailed" to a tend a e?)>; ??-. eueeoltbe Miw?rter.>oftho i>owenby wh .nr ?t invasion is projected; decltnod to tho>|*< eenl.t ,ry would li*r* btirn heavily r?*S}*Hisil?|o to (<t.> pie f?r whatever ^IwtMrofii cnrr,ti our frigidly irt terfrronro mljht have avartrrt or dalayad. The latt funeral class o(iubj?e(ilo Udkun^ *n4lr?M?rf at P*nilsh, are lh? diiccts IN iwwn ill** IJnKed State* nod the oaw< repulses; itnq.if ?timidity, as far a? wear* eoneermM, thr. moat Important branch of tlie negotiations. Willi ?evern) of these powers We have no treaty what*, var. With Mexloo?iu ajtpcara (rem tl>e crtms* iKmdence hrtweeo the Secretary <>f Btete and M-. roiuvott-?we have'been unable, a* yet, to (ok,) n treaty on j.ithfactory conditions and the nb?fa eles which have hitherto prevented (hit from In-, fng done, are precisely such u are most likely to be removed at ? conference of minfetnr* of *11i ha new a'ates At Meh a r*nfrreue?\ we ?lialf, of coarse, posjosi the bett oppor"unity afeatabl airing uniform and liltoral relations with all The ar rangement* to be made W th Ih-in compro MidH 0 great |?rinr<jdos of b*>|llgerant, neutral, and eoni moreial la*, as set forth in the general ln?< met ions to Mr. And'>no?, by the thou Herretary of Mat**. The Uuitod Slate* have Ions been laboring to In. traduce into every branch of publm law p4ueipl#a of liberality, equality, and humanity, blth rto an know* in it a eodea. The varton* re*p*T'? in which oar policy, in many loading points of the law* of war ami lr*d-?,differs from that of Europe, ara wall known to the IIomi, and need not her* be stated Yhn Repablic of Colombia, in Inviting oar attendance at the Cooaraae, baa asked for h?r. ?ell and her sifter Rnpabfl Ice, the baoaf i?erieooe In the groat school of la" *" Mire. To refuse orfY attend aweoi w hen urged oa this aronnd, would bo to neglect t? seise, (terltaps, the faireet opportunity wMeh i* Malory af the world aver a?nllM, of giving a wi< and prompt dMoslon to liberal dntt'toee of pahl law. It nould rrrtalnly pdt (t oat of oar power to complain of any poHeythoso Ptstes might adojt hnwrvrf urtf ? slul-.Ha ?Tff fNWNH taehar* I WrlT* Tr " MtooUan, dklnor att?nd.nca miff have a arfal ateatlnghdnt a rhisaotetjlo tM aeM