-t. TOPICS OF THE TOWN. v it Pr 1 ?'■ t. „ ■ i'* «. *•'. *■ S?' happening* of the Week Told In . *■*'' Short Paragraphs. Hon A. G. Sanilers. of Ritter, had badtaea* in our city Tueaday. clenry Morris, Sr., of Omega, was in sown last week i <5K> S We were pieasetl to see L. N. Yon on on* streets Monday. Paul W. Hisher and Julian Higher wefts here Monday. Magistrate W. F. Hill, of Henderson- vilM, was in town yesterday. T. B. Sanders, of Oatyrn, paid us a pl^ftsant call while in tow’n Tuesday. - J. D. Miley, of the Little Swamp ne^horhood, was iu town Friday night. Col J. G. Padgett went to Charlestcn oa profes'icual business this week.' George S. Walker, of Clarmont, S. C., vuftted relatives in Wnlterboro last \vA > l “' 1 evening. In the absence of Miss Brawley, the president. Miss Belle Sanders, vice president, has presided during the holidays. The clnb will meet twice a month during the com ing year, and though only recently organized, with their high motto and aim, there can be only sneoess ahead of these bright young ladies. Married—Angnstus Herndon of Raysor’s Mill, and Miss Annie Trowell, were happily married last Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride’s father, N J Trowell, near Hendersonville. The bride is a charming yonng woman and is loved by all who kn$w her. She is a mem ber of Great Swamp Baptist chnroh and was a teacher in the Sunday school at the time of her marriage. The groom is a yonng man of good oharaoter. J S Griffin, Esq., of Wal- terboro, performed the ceremony. * * v • < _ “ tr Election of Officers Hope Lodge, A. F. M. At a regular oommnnioation of Hope Lodge No 122, A. F. M., held on December 22,1906 the following officers were elect' d io serve the en duing year. v Joe H Smith, W M; 0 E Walker, 8 W; J W Gams, J W; W A Smith, Treasurer, 0 A Walker, Secretary; C F Rents, 8 D; J M Strickland, J D; W N Jolm tod B W Smith, Stowvdt; H W Garter, Til*. SOLID GOLD: Watchee, Lidies at $25 Chains anil Fobs, Lockets and Charms, Rinjis, with settings and plain, scarf pins and broaches, links and collar buttons, emblem pins aud buttons, pens wiih pearl handles. \Co.nhs himI h i* I rr.ph«* c . I N G . S I L V E in teis. cloth and wliirfi ui*d \**l\**t brushes,/ ;•.*! rolfecs|ioo, s, butti'i^t;uives and ladl<-- t- u -Intiii^!* aial saiv**» ir spoons, • brae lels. llmuble-, pencils and fountain pens. Also a good line of Rogers Silver plated Table Ware at S FINN S JEWELRY STORE THE m Bridgeport Orga.o it the beet Or*an for the following revsons They are built evpidallv to vtand damoa'Hs an that it what you want in thii low dnnfp roun^rv All the metal work intidv it NIOKEL ^L.\TE r add will not corrode and cantt “S'ickinsr kvvt ’ They are absolutely moute-pr >of. Thoiy are mad by the oldest Oravn Factory in tht Ooantrv They are flttad with the flnett GERM A' REEDS and are bvdeed np with a ffnaraute without “Loop Holes.“ ‘Read the Follov/fng Let- ters and be Convinced* o ,, Stokes. S. C. Oct. 30, 1905. Brown Farnitnre Co., Walterboro, 9. O. Gentlemen: Last Spring I brasht of yon s Bridgeport Organ. It has given perfect satisfnc tion, sweet in tone, beautiful in workmanship Any one expecting to purchase an organ, won'd in my judgment, be pleased with a Bridgepo' Organ. Respectfully, G. W. Way. Smoaks, 3. O., Oct. 8, 1905. Brown Furniture Oo., Walterboro, 8. O. Gentlemen: The Bridgeport Org\n I par chased from yon I am well peleased with. I gives ms good Mtisfaction. I find that th? Bridgeport is about the leading Organ in my com. nnity.ffor it |sw.*t ami loud tone. - v Respectfully, ivr2..-ax- M. D. Jones. Brown Furniture Go.. Walterboro. 8. O. Gentlemen: The Bridgeport Organ is the nicest and I like it th it any time, whether it ie raining or not. Everv Indv rWnt has see Kufliu, S. C., Oct. 16. 19 «.' 0 . 0* S ~ . 1 eef of »nv organ I here ever feen. it likes r b tter than their own. We can play on Eliza Crcsby. These ere only a few of many Letters we have received from customers using BRIDGEPORT ORGANS. fxr rwi DON'T BCiy TH E OTH ER KIND until you get oar price# miwl terms • . " ' o , \t . BRGWM PURNITUR GOMPANY, Agents for eolleton eounly —A- Entertainment at Maple School. Editor Press and Standard; Please allow me space in your paper for a few words. Quite a number of people assem bled at the Maple school house Thursday. Dec. 20 to witness an en tertainment held in honor of Christ- The program was as follows; Ring the Merry Bells, Who made the Sky?—March and sung by the school. , Eleven verses repeated from the Bible and the Lord’s Prayer —By the School. Christmas Essay—Shuler Bridge. Hang np the Holly—Tommie Byrd. The Story Sweet—Sung by the school. A Saviour Born—Jennie Gruber. O, I love the Stojry—Salhe Hill. Santa Clans—Bessie Gruber. Visitors of Bethlehem—Talmage Roberts. Song, Holy NighU-By girls. Christmas r.v«—Vine ibmge. Ring Bells—Mary il was. however, I beard the next day that they all went to a nearby horn# Song, Adoration Sw ei—By school ‘ “ ml h *d » ^ Htth sociable, which Uob iestick—Lee In a Maiiuir—Bessie Bill. ^Browuie’o Grievance—Aunie ertaou. Kissing the Bridge. Song, Car. 1 Star— *v h The Ueavt nly Mar— 1 uler Bridge. The Sprig of Mritietoe—Bertha Gruber. Song, Merry birds of > ummer—By all. Christmas—L ssie Uvrd. Some one is hungry and Cold— Mamie Byrd. \ Santa Claus Meu—Manly Hill. Sopg, Rosy Cheek and Dimply— By all. Christmas Wishes—By all. Soog—Good bye. Now Mr Editor, it was very pleas ing to see e ich pupil take the stand at the call of their names and per- w forir his or her part so well. The Where does old Santa Dwell?— ^ parents all seemed to be proud of their Herbert Weeks. Tb« , Wisdom of a Smile—Annie Bridge. Bethlehem Star—Howell Bridge. Fairies and Brownies—Florrie Gruber. , Song, Christmas Joy—By School. Ghristaam Joys—Winnie Weeks. The Monroe Doctrine—Willfc Byrd. — Tbe'Wmdi—Willie, Leonie and Ira Robertson and Sublet Hill. Sbc on, 0 ye Angela—Basis Bn***- . Song, the Shining Star—Qy boys. Ghriatmas Genteriss Ago—Georg# Gruber. children, and have a right to be, be cause of their brightness. Miss May Belie JL*a, onr worthy and capable teacher, is a young Indy from Char leston. She came here some time ago quite a stranger, but by her winning ways and lovable traits she has won many close friends. She should also be commended very highly for the earnest way in which she is teaching the little folks. I will say in oonolusiou that the entertain ment was very much enjoyed by alL I also uotioed come consultation among the young fblks alter th** okas of the exerotse* bat coaid not oateh on myseit what the trouble 1 suppose was very much enjoved. 0. G. B. :\v' % «t TO WEAK WOMEN Of Wafterboro aud Vioiuity, We Make the Following Proposition. “There are hnudreda of women la this vicinity who are dragging them* ■elves through life iu pain and misery, without vitality, strength or health," said Mr Klein. “They get no hsppinees ont of life and are just in a condition to be attacked by almost any iistait They need a vitality-making and strength-cmsSAag tonic. / “Now at onr expense we want to ask every such women in Walterboro to try our cod liver oil preparation, Vino!, which conteksa in a highly concentrat ed form ell of the medicinal elements of cod liver oil, but no Oil or grease. It is delicious to take, creates a healthy appetite, makes pore, rich, red Mood end gives strength and vigor to every organ of the bodv better then any medicine we have ever sold in onr store, and sOwn a woman is in poof condition it makes life worth Uvi*. Wbea we sny ‘at onr expense,' we mean that if the medicine yon boy from ns and pay for dose not benefit yon, we will inland every cent paid ns for th** Miss Mary A. Woodward says: “I Mink Viani is tam best remedv in the world for a weak, tired, worn-out sys tem. I was Just in that condition when I oommeao-d to take Vinol. It gave am raw life aud energy. I fee! welt, strong ami belter than I have for >eare." * : _ “We eatymiy ;uOt Walterb wo women to try V iuo! go onr guarantee.*' John