I/. 19 It's kind o' nice say "Happy New Yea And wish a wish tl passed Has served to m ship fast. So let's link ar three And stride thro perity In best o' health ii And firm resoK gether. WI1BIJRN Dffl V T^" t ==^===== % I TO riOSF FOR X W V?WM*I M V** Y Wilburn Dry Good: | Monday and Tuesday, ? purpose of taking st< X given our customers in not be inconvenienced. I WILBURN DRY | 4 ?? v V > n is in extremis. i B IJ gasp. There hav J ? the Old Year tha / most of us. For J ^ found their way f \ more good than e r | S The New ? A is j? ^ \7 ance J V crow i.\ I? that \ L 5 D fulfil Z; hope S: "You in itrin|?> ia THE BANK WE extend to eat .business family New Year. Oi we desire to widen the circ soon to arrive. m IS our wish that J you. May the Ha 865 days. May fo you health, wealth and wis< THESE three bless for more? Yes, and tried; and yel in sympathy with little chil< MAY the New Yei you. May it fi you. FARMERS' BANI i Police Waiting for Ship i< With Bergdoll Aboard 3 C Pensacola, Fla., Dec. 80.?The lo- ? cal police and port officials today are h prepared to meet the steamkhip Jup- ti 23 v. to be able to ur to yoa today, bat the year just ake our friendms for 'twentyugh real prosn every weather, red In mill In. r GOODS CO. 4*^4 A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A. A^A A^A A^A t | STOCK TAKING f x y s Co., will be closed ?|> Jan. 1 and 2, for the X ock. Th's notice is i order that they may ?|! I GOODS CO. | I i k A^A A j,tk A^A i I * :5 He will soon draw his last ^ e been changes in the life of ^ t will not soon be forgotten by 2 tune and misfortune have both { x> most of us. Upon the whole, Is vil has come to us. If Year \ ist around the corner. Exuber- 5 marks his footsteps and hope y ns his brow. We are glad J this is so, and we wish for eich t of our friends and patrons the Irf llment of the young year's + * | tbia kioh but oner." f OF UNION 1 :h and every member of our ' best wishes for a Happy ir circle of friends is large; le during the year that is so good fortune may come to ,ppy New Year be happy for rtunc smile upon you, giving iom. lings?could mortal man ask one blessing: friends, true t another, a heart that beats iren. ir co?ie in with blessings for ;o out with blessings upon ( & TRUST CO. t f ler, said to be en route here, when he arrives. The ship ia eaid to have Irovter Cleveland Bergdoll, the draft vader, aboard. Nothing has been eard from the Jupiter yet and the me-of her arrival ia uncertain. . \... j1 ,-rgwwr- j n.. Death of Mr*. * Nyra Cornor N?l*on Our church and entire community * < was saddened on the 2nd day of Not* vember, 1922, by the death of Bin. gu Nyra Garner Nelson at Davenport, Iowa. She had been ill for some time ju but none of us areamed that the end was so near. The news of her going came with such a shock that it cast a Ti, gloom over the entire city. qf ^ She was the daughter and only child ^ of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Garner of this -* i place. Her marriage to Mr. W. R. A Nelson, of Culpepper, Va., was one of the brilliant and beautiful social KA events of the summer of 1921. She and her husband had been living in 99 Davenport, Iowa, since their marriage and were taking specihl courses of study to further prepare tb'em for the ig noble calling to which both had dedi- g.|Q cated their lives. * gv She was educated at Clifford Sem- p inary and Coker college, having grad uated from the latter in 1918. Willie yearattending college she was not only ^er8 brilliant in her studies, but was one pres< of the most popular students with fj, both the faculty and student body. As one of her teachers said: "She was one of most loved and honored students the college ever had." 10 She specialized ih both vocal and in- jj strumental music. After leaving I Coker she took further studies at g. Brookfield, Conn., and in New York ^ under Prof. Herbert Wilbur Green. yjce I She was converted in early life and m ? dedicated her splendid talents to her an(j Lord. She was one of the sweetest and most accomplished singers I have CQn) ever heard. For some time she sang t-on in the choir of the Citadel Square Baptist church and afterwards was 3 soloist and choir leader -of the King Street Baptist church. At both places her work was of the highest order. The impress of her beautiful Christian character and splendid service is g indellibly stamped upon, not only the a y churches in which she worked, but * ^ upon the lives of all she came in con- jj tact with everywhere. m-r The funeral services were conducted at the King. St. Baptist church Sunday afternoon November 6th. ' 1922, by her pastor, Rev. J. G. Graham, and Dr. C. C. Coleman of the ,, Citadel Square church. The quartet g of the Citadel Square Baptist church ^ rendered several beautiful and fav- j orite selections. The tremendous crowd present showed how wide was 7 her circle of friends. The body was g carried from the church and laid to rest in the beautiful Magnolia ceme- M tery beneath a huge bank of flowers A to await the glorious resurrection H morn. ^ She is survived by her husband, ' ^ father, mother and infant son, Edward Warren Nelson. Our deepest sympathy goes out to these dear ^ A ones in a real way, for we, too, feel fl I the great loss.?Baptist Courier. , 1 | Sunday Schootf^K^ , On Account of Flu i| Hs| There will be no Sunday school at Bap the Westside Baptist church tomor- 6: row, December 31, on account of the 6: prevalenc of influenza. 7: P. M. Willard, Rif* It. Superintendent, X First Baptist Church ?vn All of the regular services will be m^s held tomorrow. The morning service is to be an important one for the church. All of the members are urged SPI to be present. F01 Edw. S. Reaves, 81 It Pastor. E Shctley-R?so ^ SPI Miss Tilda Shetley of Monarch and w Mr. Hardy Reese of Joe, N. C.,- were ^tc united in marriage Friday afternoon, 2 December 29, at the home of the of- m flciating minister, Rev. Lewis M. Rice, at his home on South Chruch street. These young people have the good wishes of a large circle of friends fol- x lowing them. elut, Immediaely after the ceremony the b>ci( happy couple left on the Carolina Spe- Alpi I cial for their home at Joe, N. C. Q I WANTED! The Associated Charities is functioning without funds, but suffering must be relieved. Please contribute L^^VTn.U- CI _A n tfwutvr ttuu oeuior at enin|^Hrship with preaching by * lastJH 7:30. e eiJ^^K sermon will be an old ^ ne4Vr meS8aKe- All mem- 1 of Jj^B church are urged to be snt i^Rte morning service. c e pSo is cordially invited. ' HftEdw. S. Reaves, Pastor. Gfle Methodist Church. :00lm.?Sunday school. :00 and 7:30 p. m.?Preach- 1 by tH pastor. ?Epworth League, 'edrftday, 7:80 p. m.?Prayer seromff)W will be the last Sunday the I*8* day of the old year. SubaMTopriate to the day will be sid^rpd' Let the entire congregai ajafsr as possible attend. All f 1 nd strangers worshipping I may expect a cordial welJ. ?r Jas. W. Kilgo, V Pastor. Episcopal Church. unAy school and Bible class, 10:00 .ayJtH'vice 11:00 a. m. fiJVp Finlay will preach and adiiafr the rite of conArmation at l Wllal welcome.awaits you. W L. W. Blackwelder, I Rector. Ictlcl A. M. E. Church (Colored) 0; Jt) a. m.?Sunday school. l-.MO a. m.?Preaching; subject, ie kial Triumph bf Christianity." :(M>. m:?A. C. E. League. p. m.?Preaching; subject, nRj^What of the Night." ^^^^^ 11:00 a. m.?EmancipaT. H. Wiseman, pas^ 1 A. M. E. church orator m. Dr. Wiseman will HRody welcome. L. D. Gamble, H jB 7 Minister. KbjttfaUaUKch (Colored) ^ HsTbi.?Sundai school. H a; m.?Preaching by Rev. H. ^ ck, pastor of the Mon-Aetna church (white). y. p. u. ?Preaching; theme, "The the last Sunday in the yrge that you go to your ^Hbnee church wherever it is t MHpjiicnt. J. S. Daniel, Pastor. r^SuL ADVERTISEMENTS jJ^fcENT?My store on Main TCm. formerly occupied by the "Side Drug Co., Apply to^ Geo. * Soing. ltpd TURKEY DINNER?We Hi Serve a special turkey dinner >rnoFoW' Sunday, fora 12 m. to ;g0.1 Price 76c. You are invited. irs.*r* Shands. ltpd | Notice Sung men's Gipsy Smith Bible wjm meet Sunday afternoon at 4 Mt the home of Mr. L. E. McZeVlf^g n you. Joe Earle Barry, W President. 1 Notico 18 A and boys who are members Ht^Vernon Presbyterian church, aiJHpho would like to help are mM>t. at fhn i-hnrpk iwvf to rake off the yard and BunJHwo?d for the church stove. Be Su your rxes and rakes. J. P. Matkcsen, S Pastor. r ^Hj^ProUwt All" "g^LrK., | Resolutions of jUlpUt S* Whereu, on October 5th, 1922, it 2 is pleaaed: Almighty God, the So- 4 -erne Grand Master of the universe, 4 ' call from labor to refreshment our \ pother, W. T. Powell. Whilst we J ourn, we mourn not as those without 4 ape, it becomcth us as Masons to 4 >w in humble submission to His will, j ho doeth all things well. * Its every horizontal hath been laid 4: at with the level of equality with the J rethren, its every pillar plumbed by j tie plumb of righteousness before all 4 ankind, its every angle squared with J tie square of morality, its every stone 4 rell trowelled and joined to its fel- 4 >ws with cement of brotherly love.j t f these and these alone are the land- J narks of a Mason distinguishing him 4 ram the profane, then indeed our J j riend and brother, mostly of ad- ^ ancement by the ladder of faith in 4 Jod, hope in immortality and charity 4 o all mankind. | j: Wpll Hnnp thnn i/nnH nnd faithful A \ raftsman, enter thou into*everlast-' 2 ng joy. |2 Be it resolved That a page in our ? ninute books be dedicated to his mem-; > >ry and the lodge be a lodge of sor- J row and draped in mourning for a. a period of 30 days; That a copy of these resolutions without deepest sympathy be tendered to his family; I That a copy of these resolutions be published in The Union Times and Progress as an evidence to the world of our esteem for our departed brother. * J. H. Schoppaul, Chairman. Jas. W. Mixson, Julian E. Hughes. Adopted this 29th day of December, 1922. Union Lodge No. 76, A. P. M. Wm. C. Lake, (Seal) Secretary. PRESCRIPTION SERVICE We call (or and deliver prescriptions anywhere in the city withort aoy extra charge. UNION DRtIG STORE Phone 116 and "Look for the Boy" < \ ?I ? ^gL_i 1 ' " ^ | j w^ $ 0c-i I | FIVE HUNDRE $: | WE CAN TAKI I jj SEASON. WE I NOVEMBER 15 | FARMERS. THE UNION w i ; - *. > * : * ; " * / / "'a ' . " i- . . : - vV. jr . i?/?j? * r - * 'I 4 !v. ' V . ' # " ' _ ' ' ? . Jt 555 Our Glad IS EXTENDED TO ALL AND CUSTOMERS. V NEW YEAR WILL BRINl BLESSINGS MULTlPLoEt WEALTH AND HAPPU URED TO YOU THROl DAY IN THE YEAR TH RIVING. AND DONT FORGE S2LLS IT FOR LESS." J.L.JC THE OLD RI Glymph's I 4 Main Street Drugs, M< Prescrip Toilet and Ru We Guarantee Pe to Prescriptions. Drugs Used. L Quality Co AGENTS FOB Dillard'Edttu Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Willard announce the marriage of their daugh- ] ter, Christine, to A. R. Edens, of Lat- l 'a, S. C., on Thursday,. the 28th of I Dseembur, 193Si ftiVi Iciated. After a tour in Florida they will J> at home in Latta, S. C. 1 ????a??fca? ^?a???s^p? ?? VNTE D ACRES PLANTED TO E CARE OF THAT ACB WILL BE READY ON , TH TO SIGN UP CONTR CANNING & PROD WIS M. RICE, President. s \ / ' IT I Hand 1 . OUR FRIENDS VS TRUST THE S EACH OF YOU K MAY HEALTH, j NESS BE MEAS- j JGHOUT EVERY i AT IS JUST AR- ! r THAT "JOLLY 1 ' ILLY I j ? \ i > EL1ABLE I 'harmacy I Union, S. C. I idicines, 1 itions I bber Goods I rsonal Attention I Only Purest I owest Prices, I nsidered. I : HOGTONE i Miss Lillie Harris and Mr. John Karris were happily marriad at the lome of Rev. H. Haydoclc Daepaber J4th by Rev. H. Haydock. ..a . J Mr. J. R. Littlejohn of JonesVMr^ was a business visitor to Union today, / j % I :di i lii TOMATOES. I EAGE NEXT I AND AFTER | ACTS WITH J ucrs co. I