^"wtow riSSS COMPANY*
m. ** ? Editor
aAaiaherrd e,t tb? Koetortice In Unlaci ft. C .
" aa second ?1m< nttUr,
TIm BalUlu Mate Street
Boll Tclenhon* No. I
Om Ittr M.tt
Six Month*
Thrct Month* 1.0#
On* Hqiaro. flrot insertion $1.4*
(vtry naboMnont insertion 51
OtMouv iotl*?o. OBMt III Lo4k<
totl'.ct and notice* ot public meeting*. ent**-1
itnmcnte and Card* of Thank* will h
charged fo? a* the nk me cent a wai
cash accompany in* the order. Coant tk<
word* and yon will know what the eoet
will ha
The Associated Prea* la tulwlrtly entitled
to the use for republication of nowi
dt*patchr* credited to it or not !*
credited in this i aper. and also '* Vx*?
new* oohUched therein.
We nre making preparation to placi
our mailing list on a cash basis. Be
fore doing th?s we will make everj
effort to get all those in arrears t<
pay up. To this end we have put ou'
two collectors?giving to each a hnb
of the territory of tha county. Sir
DeAubrsy Gregory will have the tor
ritory ?aat of th? Southern Railway
and Mr. C. D. Mitchell the territory
west of the Southern Railway. The;
nrill seek for new subscribers as wel
as collect front those in arrears. W<
commend these men to the subscrib
ers as worthy of confidence. We fee
safe in their hands. We have a de
sire to make our mail list as clean a:
a hound's tooth. It will not only hel]
us but will also help the feelings o:
the subscriber.
When one member of a communit;
persists in breaking the law the or
derly life of the community is inter
rupted. The many suffer for the sin:
of one. On? persistent blind tiger ul
lowed to go unpunished gives th<
community a bad reputation, and be
eomes a festering spot that spread
contamination. It is the duty of al
t? obey the law; it is also the dut;
it all to Insist that others obey thi
A large number of the busines
houses closed this morning so as t
rfllow the men to go to the praye
service held in the tabernacle. It wa
a fine thing to do, it seems to us. Th
attendance upon the prayer servic
was the largest yet obtained, perhap
800 men and boys being present. AI
all is said, the one great need o
every community is vital religion. W
will be better business men if w
draw nearer to God.
Union county is possessed of largi
areas that are not adapted to thi
raising of cotton, but are suitable foi
pasturage. If all such lands wen
sown in clover there would be sup
port for thousands of dairy cattle
There would still be quits enougl
lands upon which to grow cotton an<
other srops. To get the clover golnj
s the easiest task imaginable. Ii
most instances all you have to do ii
to scatter the seed. This is all tha
Mr. J. F. McLurs did to get the clov
tr pasture in which his herd is graz
ing right here in Union. We hav<
teen no better pasture anywhere
You may go and see it for yourself
tie scattered clover seed over th?
ground, and nature did the rest. Am
farmer in the county could do a:
much. We must not allow the highe
prices for cotton to blind us to th<
ract that we must raise spmethlng be
sides cotton. Next year we will fee
the full effects of the boll weevil. I
was bad enough thi3 year. Smallei
acreage to cotton, more food and fee<
stuffs and more dairy cattle are th<
thincr9 that must coma, if we are tn hi
u prosperous people.
Our cat says the more you try tc
please everybody the less you pleas*
Our cat says great issues are ofter
lost in minor questions.
4 * ft
Our cat says it is folly to ignore
the danger signal.
Our eat says it is not so bad U
fall back one foot if you have climbetj
Our eat says do not expect others
to keep a secret that you eannot keep
Our eat aeys youth venture# too
far, age not far enough.
e e
Our eat says you do not hava to
cultivate a erop of weeds to reap a
fat harvest of them.
act *
'd::, <
On mt say* whee hootch goedlh'11
unao goes oat.
e m
Oar cat cays Gtpey dknith toucWd
high water Mark sgoia last sight.
Oar cat says the ft*U-Je4 ox think*
not of the slaughter pen.
Oar cat says a wis* driver seldom
uses the lash.
[ ...
Our cot cays pep is O. K if bridled.
Oar cat says it would be a fine old
t world to live in if everybody lo\-3d
i Oar cat says seeds do not germi*
i nate unless they are planted.
Our cat says good will translated
into a kind act ia the thing that hel)>s.
Our cat says the spendthrift scatters
too freely, the miser not enouph.
r e e.
Our cat says drive your business,
1 but be not driven by it.
' ...
Our cat says the purr of the cat
' tides sharp olaws.
i Our cat says light wines and beer
f is the same old King Cole with a new
1 jacket on.
Our cat says the dainty flower
1 speaks of God but speaks only to the
. gentle heart.
5 # *
1 Our cat says there are too many
j people trying to get something f ir
f Our cat says empty dinner pa ls
breed anarchists.
Our cat says if you know it you can
3 tell it.
L' Our cat says it is a fearful thing lo
six. against knowledge.
1 Our cat says quit eating too much
y and you will begin to feel better.
League of Nations
s Finds Handicap in
o Unanimity Rule
? Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 6.?Sov-|
eral influential delegates to the Third
Assembly of the Legue of Nations are
fe going home with the conviction that
s i he rules of the next Assembly ought
to be changfied so as to make the prof
feedings more parliamentary, more
iike the debates in the American cone
gross, for instance. They hold that
e the unanimity rule, which thus far
has applied to deliberations of committees
as well as to those of the full
Assembly, is choking out interest and
e :hat, unless this rule is abolished, the
8 proceedings will become duller and
r duller as the work of the Assembly
? becomes more and more confined to
loutine questions. The regulation can
be abolished for committee work by
' the Assembly itself, but an amend1
ment to the covenants is necessary to
1 do away with unanimity in decisions
I of the full Assembly.
l "The committees, under the unanimity
rule," said one delegate, "are
* made to look like machines for the
t production of compromises, while t he
. anti-climax in the closing week of
the session, because all important
questions have been decided unanimity
rule it can change nothing. The
Assembly rules ought to encourage
. minority reports on questions that are
? contested in committee, giving opporf
lunity for final decisive debate in the
' The unanimity rule has thus far ; ep
suited in a compromise on nearly < ve
erv important question before the As.
scmbly. Sometimes there are double
I compromises, first in committee and
then in the Assembly. What some delegates
criticize most in the rule is
r that it Sometimes gives an air of ini
ferity to the decisions. For instance,
? in the debate on the resolution in
favor of mutual guarantees of security,
several orators spoke against the
proposition while others said their
countries could not accept it, nevertheless
the vote for the resolution was
Some Aware of
Menace of Weevil
York, Nov. 6.?The plowine under
' of cotton stalks as an offensive
* measure against the pestiferous boll
weevil has begun in western York
and bids fair to become general
i among the more progressive farmers.
Backward looking farmers and ne-1
groes, two classes not yet awake to
the serious menace of ths weevil,
have not yet fallen in line in this f ill
drive on the weevil, but they are tak-!
ing note of what is being done and
> may become aroused soon. In some j
I localities terraces are being burned;
off and other similar steps taken in
order to deprive the pest of a hibernating
place during the winter.
Considerable grain has already
' been sown and much more wll be put
in the ground this month, said farmers
here today from every section of
the county. Winter cover crops are
being planted by some, but many are
neglecting this step. The oat crop
being planted is the largest in the
history of the county, according to
John R. Blair, York county demon j
stration agent. ' j I
1%ir Jdhno^ * Bu
0?n? Mrynrn?t
The JiAnw Davis muntHMot, in }
course of erection st^airviercr, Ky.. din
the birthplace of the Confederate fee
president, had, when work was tern- fldi
pomrlly aaapwstwd- last J?luadwi ?ag
the height of 816 feet. When eom- >
plated it will be 361 faet high, the ?%
second highest monument in the W1
world, the Washington monument ihi
alone overtopping it. stx
As a step.-towards raising the ISO.* am
000 neceaeary to complete the me- wh
me rial, the Kentucky division of the ha<
U. D: C., at their recent convention gr<
held in Louisville, directed that fan- ]
tVKkrifnto nl.M ha w?il? tn maiima ml. h
lection ef'constrfbutiorM for this pur- cal
pose, and that the general convention blc
of the Daughters which meets in hai
Birmingham November 16, be urged
to take simliar' favorable action. an
Gen. W. B. Haldeman, president of
the Jefferson Davis Home Association,
which has the work of construe- oftion
in charge, states that the con- gu
tractor to whom the work was let, as- co'
sures him that if he building is re*
sumed not later than January 1, 1923,
the structure will be completed in
ample time for unveiling June 8, the
birthday of the Confederate president.
The monument is of a very rugged
form of concrete construction with
walls eight feet thick at the base and
becoming gradually thinner as the
height increases. As shown in the
photograph recently taken it is sur- jTj
mounted by the scaffolding platforms
and rig for elevator U9ed for hoisting
materials into place while at the
base may be seen the machinery of j.-(
different kinds needed to carry on the
The monument is located in a wooded
park of about twenty acres, a
place of great natural beauty, the
ground having been part of the old F<
Davis homestead.
It is twelve miles from flopkinsville
and on one of the principal roads
under construction in that section of ?
the state?the Jefferson Davis Hignway.
The monument and park have
cost to date approximately $120,000.
In accordance with the law enacted by ~
the Legislature of 1920 when the
monument has been completed and
dedicated the monument and park
will be turned over to the state of
Kentucky and maintained for all time
to com*.
Flames Destroy
Historic House
Greenwood, Nov. 6.?The Major
Williams home, an historic landmara 20
in this county, where Dick Fortner,
a noted Ku Klux Klansman, was ehotr
to death by fellow klansmen during I
Reconstruction times, was burned in
the lower part of this county Satur- \
day night, according to information ~
received here today. The fire is believed
to have been of incendiary origin.
No one was living in the house
at the time.
The house was built many years q
before the Confederate war. From it
six sons of Major Williams went to
the Confederate army, four of them w
never returning. During Reconstruc
tion days Dick Fortner, Ku Klux
Klansmen, who had been shot by
negro officials at Newberry in 1870,
was left wounded at the 'Williams
house by his fellow klansmen. Fear
ir.g that he would cary out threats W
to reveal the names of klansmen to
the carpetbaggers, the klansmen, tradition
is, later returned and shot him
to deatht. Bullet holes could be seen
in the walls and in the old four post
er bed until destroyed by fire Satur ~~
day night.
Skin Ablaze
with Eczema "
Constant Itching Almost
Unbearable! _
We know tliere Is one thin? that atopa
eczema, and that Is inor? red-blood-cells I
I 8. 8. 8. builds them by the million! Too
I can Increase your red-blood cells to the <
F' iolnt where It Is practically impossible
or eczema to exist. We know that as 1
I blood-cells Increase In number, blood Impurities
vanish 1 We also know that night
follows day. Both are facts! But have
yon, eczema sufferers, ever actually taken
; advantage of this wonderful fact? Thousand#
just like you buve nev\ ? thought
about It I Hklu eruptions, eczema with all
Its fiery, skin-digging torture and Its sonl- HJ
tearing, unreachable itching, pimples,
blackheads and bolls, they all pack up and
go, when the tide of blood-cells begins to
roll In I Blood-cells are the fighting-giants
?i nmurt': o. o. ?. DUUUS ttiem Dy ttlU
million! It baa boon doing it slnco 1820!
8. 8. 8. la one of the greatest blood-roll
builders, blood-cleansers urn! body builders
known to us mortal*! When you put
tbesc farts together,?Ihon to eontlnue to
hnve e*7.oma nnd skin eruptions looks
more like a a'n than n disease. Mrs. ?
Arthur N. Smith, Pearl St., Newark, Ohio. j
writes: '
"My Ifttfc (/? ' had a very bad esse of
erietna. She h>:ian takinfl 9. S. S. and la
well vow. I thavk you vary much. / taO
my frlcvdt what n flood medicine U la. I
eavuol tall: too m teh about it, for I know
it i? O. K."
Here is 7mr opportunity. 8. 8. 8. contains
only v. Ttuhlo iuedielusl Ingredlsnts.
Bernuse 8. S d >es build red-blood-cells.
It routs vlirunintlr.nl, builds firm flesh,
fills out hollow cheeks, beautifies the complexion,
builds yon np when you are rundown.
8. 8. 8. Is sold st nil drusr stores.
In two si7.0V. The larger size bottle is the
more l onoiiii .:.
nstti I
S. 8. S. is sold by Union Droit Store, ^
oui awvpiKW
Nefro'a Hard Head
C\d?rfne, Not. Jnet qpMfc, orwry,
steel jacketed fcullete Wd
ir for John Wlllifocd, Dark Comer
liar end A*"**1 goUar esbraocdi
i ballet M^CnwUi
oalihro .plBtpl and intended foe
11 i ford, hit rival, at a oqxw torn*p
hfit - exmr^r ' ni*ht.
uck John, on thn forehead, glanrari
i entered, the leg of Joe Brown,
ite. former,. who, .with Bad * Bond,
4-walked- up eiMhe group of ne>a?
to see wh^t OAepocifamuml mils
Brown wai rushed to an Anftaraon
spttal for treatment* whiles John
mly brushed away a-^hsr ill uf ? <1
od, picked up his battered ..wool
t and startsd calling sets again.
McCord is charged -with assaalfr
J battery with intents to kHl.
The major portion of the population
Brazil is. Portuguese and Portuese
is thp official language of that
untvy. _
A locomotive engine recently ooxnated
12 "years of service, covering
2,000 miles without extensive rsi?.
HEN YOU WANT fresh beef, pork,
sausage, fish and oysters, phone
333. S .P. Fant and J.. D. Charles,
No. 26 N.V.adberry St. 1523-10t
*ESH OYSTERS?75c- quart. Phone
i s your order end we deliver them
Dixie Cafe, Thone 136. 1522-St
JR RENT?One seven (7) room
house, with water, lights and all
modern conveniences; located Just]
above my residence. T. C. Duncan.
Maxwell House Coffee 40c per lb.
Everything good to eat. Betenbaugh
Bros., 'Phone 377. 1580-2t
gain prices. E. F. Kelly & Bro.
5ECIAL?Imported Muscavado molasses,
$1.00 per gallon at Betenbaugh
Bros., just opposite the old
brick stable. 1530-21
kVE 25 to 50 per cent on -.mo ^Urts.
New and used parts for i.'. ,c:^rs
and trucks. Mr.M orders ^ve^
prompt' attention. Whit ton Auto
Wrecking Co., Columbia, S. C.
i2 ACRES at a bargain; new 4-room
dwelling, plenty of timber,. 40 acres
of good branch bottoms, a good pas.
ture, in a good section. $10 per
acre for a quick deal. E. F. Kelly
& Bro., Union, S. C. 1524-tf
? " ' * 1 " ' " ? 1
0!R SALE?A nice 5-room bungalow
practically new, within one block of
East Main street, $2,000 fot a quick
sale. E. F. Kelly & Bro. 1511-tf
cheaf> by Bailey Undertaking Co.
E ARE OFFERING to the dirt
farmers of Union county $40,000 at
5% per cent interest provided you
make application in the next 30
days. R. L. Kelly, Sec.-Treas.
ANTED?Dealer in every town for
Corona typewriter, exclusive agreement.
Machine sells for $60.00.
Half milion machines sold. Calhoun
Office Supply Co., Spartanburg,
S. C. 1528-4 tpd
C OT ODDfkino 11/ a nr?T7?r? r\.u_. I
uui ox iviiiuo nniEin?unliveries
made only on Saturday and
upon standing orders, through the
winter months. Phone 2320. J.
Royd Lancaster. 1200-Mon.Wed.tf
ST cS FILL your prescriptions. We
till any doctor's prescriptions.
Union Drug Store.
weekly full time, $1.00 an hour
*pare time, ae'.ling guaranteed hosiery
to wearer. Experience unnecessary.
Guaranteed Mills, Norristown,
Penn. 1899-10t-Wed
R SALE?Several near and second
iand automobiles at bargain
trices. Nicholson Bank- & Trust
Jo. 9-6 Wed.-Sat. tf
The Quick,
Sure Soitp Maker
?the choice of thousand* O# women
for making. pur* soap quickly
?easily. (Is* waste grease, we- ,
tar and kid" Devil Lye?that's
all. Easy; successful tedpe* for
hard and floe ting soaps on the
can label. Insist upon the genuine?purs,
strong, leasing.
Atk for U by name ef goer grocer'?
Tfii|l *\
i f 4
. ' ail- Jf 1 */*L. f \ -Xiiii'
mmrnmm&ma > II jr '
T<*^,^T.K.?I1*wV . -'= ' !
WPfc*. W*?ko, , ( ,. (
fS^npMM at Jip/mr*&mS .Vai-u-CIiy>in|>l*ad,
Tpatw, j
c^Wr?rvi*idfclWrtb Wpjaebv: ' v V;
f mpr?p? hpipjafrff- wfeor ?rtr ?. *c <*?vj
beauty t\f s^mj^jfli^y nnd ar gf-r j
geousnea*, paid s^epi^l a .\-r rv ^ ;
thff-twtVhlnju of ook^ra,
. , One of the gown* la of f ' , I
i!iAder(tf hioacLoheaiUo^fu^i j
ffntdxVttfer '' will'.
b? of rosevoilk iprevrn ?. *v~ <*
wwfcM6tMfc4Aji tw aOtbfrojkii' :
ing to uulape Japanese w* ;?f
adopt to pnwnotei the weavin ;i11>
r.ry and foreign.expartatioii;.. '-.1
kimono-is of celadon color < ^?r ij,
cred withpwwlemiieleooaa/1' - - vt
.of the wnrnw. Tko two^oi;. - * are
pair blue - withchrysantlioai v iitterns
and coaazn color with a v r. > f!o.
There wssa rumer in steal apcrs
| that the pri^ass would wpar u white
foreign flraM at her wedding. But
this would be en unheard ni.depo turc
from all traditions and as for the coronation,
the dreesee to be worn at<the
ceremony will be the ancient Japan*
eee Kimono. The prinoass, however*
juay wear foreign evening dreae at
According to Japanese customs,
girls belonging to the nobility may
get married . in the old ceremonial
dress with a stiff divided skirt trail*
ing on the ground, a set of kimono,
nnd a handsome court coat. They
wear their hair hanging down and
hold a short sword in their hands. The
dance also wears the old court dress
with a small back cap.
The regular wedding dress is of
whiteAsilk, the mourning color in Japan.
It is worn at the ceremony of
the drinking of sake "three times
three" which constitutes the wedding
ceremony and is performed in the
family circle only. The bride wears
the mourning color as a sign that she
leaves her home forever for that, of
her husband. At the banquet she
wears kimono with long sleeves and
during the course of the dinner
changes these three times, each time
exhibiting a dress of different cblor
and pattern.
Crime Barred in
Japanese Newspapers
Tokio, Nov. 7?Japan's police, in i
investigating crime, bleieve that ^the
publication of facts may assist' the
riminal to escape. Several cases
have occurred recently where the
newspapers have published the facts
about murders only to be told after
it nst-i an Deen in print tnat no further
reference should be made'to the
crime. Newspapers which in such
circumstances are closely watehed,
have to come out witht .blank columns,
the police having at the last
moment ordered news of the eirent
to be suppressed.
Insurance Companies
Show Big Development
Tokio, Nov. 7.?According to statistics
compiled by the life Insurance
Association, the total assets of the
Japanese life insurance companies as
they existed at the end of 1921
amounted to 502,893,000 yen showing
an increase of 81,288,000 yen compared
with the end of the preceding
ysar. Life insurance busineas In
Japan has made remarkabl* development
during the last few years.
Notice of Reference
To Prove Claims
I State of South Carolina,
Union County.
Notice is hereby given, that, pursuant
to an order of the Court of Common
Pleas for said County, in the case
of Stephen Putney Shoe Co., plaintiff,
against Flynn.Vincent Shoe Co., .
defendant, a reference will be held
before me, at my office- in Union, S.
C., on the 28th day of November,
1922, at 10 o'clock, a. m., which ref- *
erence all persons holding claims
against the said Flynn-Vincen Shoe
Co. are required to attend and to establish
and prove their - demands.
W. W. Johnson,
Probate Judge, *
Ex Officio Master Union Co. .
October 28, 1922. 10-31; 11-7-14-21 !l
Loouiaaa Lady Stjt 9m Raa Kit- ^
or FotaAaytbing Bettor Tkaai
Carta for a Ratal J
Caataon." ?
Morgan City, La.?"It would be hard jfj
for mc 10 ieu now nwcB benefit I have "
derived from the use of Cardtd," said ei
Mra. I. O. Bowman, of U19 Front Street, ,
this dty. ? (<
*'l was so rati-down fa health I ooold tc
hardly go. 1 was thin. I Mi no e?
appetite. Could not real or sleep well.
1 was so weak, and so very aarvona. 1
was no pleasure to mysett
Ml suffered some pain, but fbe worst
of my troubto was from betas an weak
ad easy to get ttrad and out of heart.
"This ncrvgus condition was worse
turn petn.
"Some one told me of Cardai, end I
decided to use it.
^After using a flaw bottles, I sagrtned
stronger aodwaasoeo weft.
"I have;never found anything better '
far s rua-dowa eonriWes."
your troubles. I
Oat e bottle of Cardai, today.' ftC-f44 |L
W * v
's *
??? !! n i n i i
? .' %?
Ml** I
Follow This Guic
Look for the QUEEN QUA]
art assurance of style, a forecast
of value. Whatever your reqi
to style or purpose, there is a
shoe that will please you.
All Black Oxford
A style for everyday wear, unusually
good looking, thoroughly
comfortable,perfectly fitting
and remarkably long wearing.
Made of finest SHOE- X"
SOAP kid?a leather noted . >y.*-*
for tt? beauty and durability.
We' sell Gotham Gold St
for Women?enc
"The House of Si
New Shoes? Why, it
You know, sometimes i
off his feet. He'll find it t<
through our ALL LEA
they're stubborn about m
$1.95 T0
We believe that we arc
boys' shoes made.
You can reduce the si
boys' shoes here.
The manufacture of antiques is car-:
ied forward on auch an extensive;
cale in Egypt that many collectors!
ire unwilling to risk buying them, and '
narket for the genuine article has be-1 r> __
omt practically ruined. ^ <
A Minnesota man has visited the Fu
t ate fair at St Paul every year since
fc70. It's getting to be a habit with
? Abr
Voolen Goods Require
Jreat Care in c(""
Hearing w>?
We have been very successful in
leaning woolen goods and other
eavy -fabrics?you can profit by our ?xcu
tperience. We sterilise every piece
itii live end drive out all dust for \
id dirt. Why take chances on hav
ig your suit clicked up and scorch1
by the old way? Phone 167 ano *
jat-proof motor cycle will call an<*
diver anywhere. Special attention l:
? parcel post. Agent for two lsrg- ......
it dye houses in the South. I *^|j
immiiU riUkMiniX I
and UbI
Nkkolsoa Bank 'Building . _
Photo* 167 " "
Ual?rtlkl>f Forlorn
Colin answered day and night '1 '
"Proniot and BSdnt Sorrkn l*h?
Day Photo I*?Night Ptttoto 111 exilo i
ml ??????LJ out pi
* > jr/. ''^tS
mi*: -
^ Jin' M *
^ *FifcWhsre
Others Fail''
?*?*? <W*4v^
le to Value
LITY trade markkas
of at and a certainty
jirements may be as
>UEEN QUAtrrr .
ripe Silk Hosier;
>ugh said!
'. ?
isn't more tlutna
J& : a
(hoes seem tottelt
DUgh workto luck
rearing out?
! showing the best
toe bill by buying
I ' I
A May and Leaps Prolific
lghum, Applar aadRed
Rust Proef
uxzi and North- Carolina CLOVER
ison (in rough), Crimson,
eaned) and Burr Oarer
tor Hairy Vetch, Rap# assd
Beardless Baclagr.
ok* like there will ,ha no
w for not towing - grain
fall. Mix Vetch and Onta
iirie forage crop.
h l calvert o
ion Marble A Qranite Co.
Aain St. Union. S. C.
' * I ' .
Nunn St BtUftr Slow
. For BoftNnfllMOt-..< . 'W 1
\ '.r r V??% V|
to 8ib?ti? *i t tMOfftd oTaMttajrk
unishment. '