The Union daily times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1918-current, June 29, 1922, Image 3

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1 SI TX || HERE IS H IT IS A 1 :|f DOLLAR. B: OFFERIN II PEOPLE 4 yy 35c value, I Cloih, per yard %% Men's Overs ;t:| pair Men's and ?|>y each ?|>y Ladies' Sun F ? picnic and gardt organdie: yy X& A verv g??d from. 27-inrli ft ?-?__ ' || NOW PE( || BANKRUi ?$> jmjh <$? { % * ** < I ff TODAY'S THE DAT TO TRY US OUT THEM ON** Time, Tide and nex man-?and no man liv ever waited on a wide vigorous values and a you'll see here this we UAMA MMA ^AWtV ? ucrc ai c n icw j#ri alone by cost. Take < it's a combination suit tion style and value? this week. Palm Beach Suits foi Straw Hats for the f Union Suits for the I O Silk Shirts for the Fa Collars attached for Look At Oi J. Coh HOUSE OF SA1 A fog, estimated to have coat the city of London $3,000,000 visited the city at th*- end of last November. More than 2,000 patents have been granted to negroes in the United States, chiefly to mechanical appliances and labor-saving devices. / IAPII THE GREATEST 0 KNOWN FACT THA ALL WE ASK IS G DURING THIS I TO TAKE ADVAN >est made Table Oil 19c d ills, odds and ends, 39c I Boys' Sun Hats, 9c 0 (ats, just the thing (or I ?n, each 18c j 5 AND VOILES assortment to select ^ Voile, per yard . .10c }PLE. THIS IS Y0I >T SALE WILL ONI |^V J^AA^A A^A A^A A^A 4^4 A^,\ A^A A^A j^4 |^A A^ y ^r ^fi^r^r^r^rr^f^f^jr^v i^r^r ^ III lllll III W H IIIf MiMWI?MM? ?H^ I ^Ty^T i I a im Tnu l mw mi t Tuesday wait (or no ing in Union County or fairer exhibition of .1 . i .? iiitnentic apparel than II ek for the Fourth! ices---but don't jud?e ?ur word for it men, if or a suit of combinait's here at your price r the Fourth . .$12,50 'ourth .... $1.50 Up 'ourth 75c Up iurth $4.00 Up the Fourth SI AA I In ? ? . >K ??VW V/ JL? r Windows en Co. ISFACTION. The average pace at which a thuncuratorni travels is about 28 miles in an hour. The tonnage of the Majestic, the world's largest steamship, is equal to thnt of the whole 135 ships that composed the Spanish ArmnJ .. A^A A^A A^A |!^ T^r^t y^" )^" ^ tO'S ] PPORTUNITY TO T SHAPIRO'S BAN THAT YOU COMF. BANKRUPT SALE. TAGE OF THESE 36 ;i?ch wide Voile in lark colors, per yard . . A very fine quality of 40 beautiful patterns, per yai Organdies in fancy an >rs, in following shades: 1 'ink, Rose, Yellow and La rard Ginghams, a very goo< rom 9c to 1 Bleaching, from 9c to 1 !R LAST CHANCE ,Y LAST A FEW D ro's A^4. MONTHS OF SUFFERING How a Baltimore Girl Recovered Her Health Baltimore, Maryland. ?"For several months I suffered with severe backache lllllltllllllllll lalld general weakllMyyllll noss. I could not sleep comfortably at night fnr noina in m*? KAntr 1 ^oun^' y?ur took at home one day and p]J| ^RMHBP can at once to take Rk Lydia E. Pinkham's llfmfe I ^eRetaj)jie ^om* # ; sorne^of my giri lisag, -> ?l frjf>nds are taking it now. You may use this letter to help other girls, as the letters in your book helped me." ?Rose WaiDNEB, 301t Roseland Place, Baltimore, Md. That is the thought so often expressed in letters recommending I .ydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound. These women know what tfcey have suffered, they describe their symptoms and state how they were finally made well. Just plain statements, but they want other women to be helped. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a medicine made from medicinal roots and herbs, and without drugs to relieve the sickness women so ofter have, which is indicated by backache, weak feelings, nervousncrs, and no ambition to get anything or to go anywhere. It has helj>ed many women. Why not try it? Driwrn/inrn RF,!T1C1T1DC!\ You can assist your doc'** " Offrrric*r-< tor in the sick room by having his prescriptions filled at the PALMETTO DRUG CO. The Home of Pure Drugs and Druggists Sundries. Locked up in Store Chester, June 26.?The burglar or burglars, who evidently hid in the department store of the S. M. Jones company and was locked up inside Saturday night, failed in his effort to secure cash, as the drawer that he went into contained no money. Whether he made away with any goods has not been fully determined, 'the first intimation of the burglary (was the finding of a rope dangling ( down from a bark window, by which I the marauder had let himself out, after failing to get out at the doors. txtttttantiVi SANK BUY SEASONABLE KRUPT STOCK HAS AND SEE FOR OYU THIS SALE WILL LOW PRKES. BE t light and St .... .24c Odds and l-inch Voile, Slippers, sm rd . . . 33c In odd lots. , ... . ly sold for 3 d solid col- i . . White, Blue, Lvender. ner The we^ ' .23c to 59c Slippers for out at . . . d selection Ladies- D ifc per yard . i c . r J ted awiss ar 2c per yard low price. TO BUY BANKRUP1 AYS LONGER. IF Y Banl iii =? Give Your Ice-Box A Chance 1 Good refrigerators are scientifically constructed to give the lowest temperature at the least expenditure for ice. But I all the science in the world can't make a refrigerator call, ing for 75 pounds of ice function nronAi-lw ?? 9M T?..? I ? m J waa 1 I UC ICC economy lies in keeping the ice chamber well filled. This means a lower temperature, better food and far less ice in the long run, We have the ice, and a little cooperation with the wagons, you will have the ice. Consolidated Ice & Fuel Co. PHONE 103 B. R. Going - - President Geer Named Delegate Columbia, June 27.?B. E. Geer, of Greenville, cotton mill president, has been appointed by Governor Harvey to represent this state at the Brazilian ' centennial exposition in Rio de Ja neiro, Brazil, in the fall. Mr. Geer will probably be accompanied by Mrs. Geer. They go at their own expense, on this basis each state in the Union being asked to send one delegate to the exposition. Unique Club Established Geneva, June 26.?A unique international club has just been established in Geneva. Membership is drawn in part from the staffs of the League of Nations and the International Labor office, and JO nations are represented. China, Japan, Finland, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Greece, Holland. Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia, India and France are among the countries included. The club will be a stopping place for visitors from all over the wavM Arrangements have been made by which travellers bringing credentials from clubs of recognized intending may have the use of the Geneva club during their stay here. Marquis Moves Out Of Seaham Hall London, June 26.?The Marquis of Londonderry has decided to move out of Seaham Hall, which the family have occupied for over 100 years, and sell the contents at auction. The reai son given is that owing tp heavy taxation and the increasing cost of keeping up such a big place he can no 4^4 A^A 4^4 4^4 A^A A^, ^4 A 4^4 AA^Ai^i^Mt^A A 4^4 4^4 A^A 4^ RUF1 MERCHANDISE FO BEEN BOUGHT Fi IRSELF THE WOND NOT LAST ALWAY LOW WE GIVE YC IOES! SHOES! ends in White Shoes anc all sizes, pair .... 39c Ladies' Slippers, former54.00 to $9.00 pair, tc $1,19 known Dunlap Shoes and Men, at odd lots, close $3.79 and $3.9* resses in Organdies, Dotid Voiles going at a ven r GOODS AT BAN) OU HAVE ANY SB erupt M^A 4^A 4^4 A^A >^V 4^-4 4^4 Taste is a matter of tobacco quality Wc state it as our honest belief that the tobaccos used -c-i i ? . c? I ill IJV-dltTl I1C1U UIC UI l HILT quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price. Liggett & My en I'obado Co. -J 4 < 20 for 18c 10 for 9c Vacuum tins of 50 - 45c longer afford to live it: it. Thus the Marquis becomes a recruit to the ranks of those noblemen who have been compelled recently to sell or close their ancestral seats because they can no longer afford to maintain them. FOR QUICK SERVICE PHONE 167 We call and deliver your clothing in a dust-proof motorcycle. We remove spots and stains from clothing without injuring either the fabric or the color. Our modern methods make clothes look like new, in the shortest pbssible time. Give me a trial. 1 certainly will appreciate it as much or more than anyone else. Hames Pressing and Repair Shop / Nicholson Bank Building , Phone 1^7 - m ' ' - ? A^i 4^4 A^A A^A A^A A^A 4^A A^A A^4 A^i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^" Vi> r SAL R LESS THAN HALF DR 30 PER CENT ( ERFUL BARGAINS \ S, THEREFORE I A! >U A FEW PRICES: Men's and Boys' Clot | stock to select from. Aprons and House Di cale and Ginghams . . * If you need anything * now is the time to ma I chase. The styles are rii ? are right. Come and I self. Ladies' Trimmed Ha r out prices. Ladies Hose, pair, fr CRUPT PRICES. SHi 0PP1NG TO DO, DOI Chester CIGARE1 of Turkish and Domestic t r.JxM < JM Bootleggins as Fallen Off fc Bootlegging in El rnso is no long. I ?er what it was. There is still too much I -of it, but not so much as formerly. What has caused the f illing off in I bootlegging? Consult the record of 1 tht. federal court and look at the long I string of convictions.?Editorial, El r j Paso (Tex.) Herald. VVV? p i Lj || XX 6A PRICE. & )N THE 8 VE ARE f| >K YOU II . ? YY W hing. A good yy resses, in Per. . 39c to 97c ; in clothing, M ke your pur- y<^ ?ht, the prices X t see for yourTt XX ts at closing- XX XX om 9c to 49c f f ft iPIRft'Q YS H 1UV u T NOW! || ff XX II 'j r. i i tield 'TES o buccos?ble Tided 4? Hr ! I , i *.ai?|-> | I All I'iMrvc ac r*?-u v/r CEMETERY WORK Union Marble & Granite Co. Main St. Union, S. C. "Cross Crossings Cautiously."