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:;IE UNION times'. Daily Except iuuUy By ir<E UNION TIMES COMPANY feat. V Rice Ed'to* It. gt?trrc<I ?i the Pottntlice in I'nlun, a. C. a- ?r?.ortd dim ti.alter. r?irp>. Building Mnin 3tr. et ' lt?-l T?>rh.i"? No I SUBSCRIPTION R.ATF.S One Year ..> 00 j mi Mont hi 2.0v> j I'hree M. *i h- 1.00, ADVERTISEMENTS ? One Snu ?-.\ ti- -1 imcuion ... 11 10 , Every i a*' niu.nt ?i &0 i ObUJtry notice*. Chureh nnj Lodge, I'l.tic- i uml notici' of public meeting*. en- j tertainrnenii :>n.i C i- !- <>f Thanh-. will b? ; . h.iri'i- I for a! the ru'e . f one cent n mord, J eavh hc-.vrT\|<nn> ifg tho order. fount the | word* ?iu! >ou will hrio\\ what the cost | wall t.e. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS , I he A vt'-A iV otelu ive'y rn tiled to t'.i 'J " p iMieation of now- i li?PKieh..' er. -tit..! to it or not otherwi?o 1 credited in rhi- paper, and ajio the loca'. ""? jvuh't-hed therein j MONDAY. MARCH 20, 1022. at'tanhuiu ha> luurun tin- onora-i of a $r?0,iM?o creamery. Chester > -tahlishcd another. we do not! : hi- of capital invested;! into;- ! a- o aaiii/.? tl one capitalized} .1" tJo.nnn.oM. Sumter Ira! nli'P'idv oruani/c<l a . hu.neo t annery and a > '?. (unit;, ai : "<.? 11.:<-' - . .1 p.-v.. i -a. (r etj- , w-.f (J i >. . ani/c.l *t .->.">0,1100 oann-'vv.. . We h. 1 <cn askinj; i->r suhsc. p t 4o?:l? iti -. Sio.noo r;.nr.iT\ ami po'a*t ?11 ;t<_r and with the| hop - <>i mnkir.u it at l?a< a S 20.000 orpotate .. So you -co, our aims are m?il--t, a' ill s: in tie 1 me. But' > JO,(Hip ' . 1. Wo i>< i . V , >10 tin; work. I>on't ;>> . think you should help thi ! < nt?Tpri>i . -ub-.-rihiny; $">n or S1O0".' t 1 Tl ceioe,;. delegation introdueed a' ! ;!' la i!;o loyi>iataro n onillv closed : I protein -,r to>- the o: ? ? ; on <.f ;t county home. I'm r.i11 was carried ami thi ' home t? Imilt. a nice, comfort ; hie ' 1 .> k baildmo with all modern'. <on\i-m ?i>,, >-, 'ft-,, building is to com' ahoMt t> . v\ou - nid dollar- and plans Me be in-. made ?u carry out the pro- | vision- of the hill. Ilvcry man and; woman in "he county possessed of a ! ear' < f rc.? -r. y. mmi most of them s are >t. po.-scssed) will rejoice that, 'his 1 to h taken. Wo a!! feel'hat it. Jin- practice of charity we re ' il?discredit upon ourselves if thatN charity ho practised in meagre fash- * 'on. It is ti"t only that wo sympa . thize with the unfortunato pour, but wo honor ourselves when wo doal gen-j erously with the object of our bene-j faction. It is not going to hurt this; county to spend ton thousand dollars, upon this very appealing institution of mercy. When wo give to the poor: we lend to the Lord, and the Lord pays all His debts with interest. Wo' relieve that the sph it which promptsj a people to do generously for the poor and intirni, will sow seeds of pros-, pi-ril \ tlvit sumo day will wipe out'* the entire family of helpless poor.; Wh. re moiv\ abound-, where kindnessi 1 i ] kn.t- the hearts "f people together ? the s.-ed- of poverty do not thrive. Whore mt rc.v and judgment abide oppurtunity opens her gate. We expect o live to see the day when there will be few. if :.n\- in ' homos That i> no reason for sup- t pes inn that v.v .not need to ! uiltl , i comf- ttahh iii 10 now. It is th?* very't pii . t' y.npa'hy a"iny to produce 1 hi i.' .!!- .!ta' v. ill ultimately cm to f the number ><f inmate-. Am! , when the happy day conns that wvi t will pot r,e ii the hoiiie to house ut.foi- s mate po( i . th< 1 at'- .nat.y other use.-. ' wh 1 it ir." t>ui!?linyr may he p.". I" ' lOU'.l he *I 11 ?? i:t>. he;..h\U Ut? I'-S f"i j .m on per 'a f :i?m. v ?: o an i.i , custri i| ! . ine other ? j'.a"1> v'i rul i.-p. As a matter < f J'sct, we r I eliev i i 1, ill); hero lifiy vc t'roM ' lay will witness .i et swh a 1 : f Vi< r. The h.Iii aed \a?11 ! y- v.i'l yield tich treasure and -t t . oittenti !. 1 ??ppy and prosperous pi o e I !e w !' . .:; hit the land. i'Jen'y Willi > ."hound, and deep poverty will h- a thim? of the past Already the day j of het' y things hey r.s to dawn. We I, aie iii th la einninjr of the most mar- a velous tr;.n.-formation ever witnessed ' >n tliis '-artit. Anyway, this i< as -.v ' te it ami ,ailh dare- make tin pre- jv diction. There 1- more in the present hour in encourage optimism and to <ti-???,i pessimism than there I has ?'vi r l??-cn i?i any hour of the * world's I : :ory. The present lowering clouds ai harbingers of an all-eni. \ eloping un that i- about to blaze. | forth :nto full glory. . d ?* ' G Persons may insure themselves against sudden illnesses which require'li operations under the terms of a a scheme evolved by a firm of London !p brokers. The insuranee covers the ex- w penses of th<? operation and income during convalescence. The scheme S has been underwritten by I.loyds. to fieiirge Washington's gold watch p ievent ly sold for $.'{.200 at an auction jr held in the American Art Galleriea of; j New York City. Among other things1,; belonging to Washington whiPh wero sold were a snufT box, silver salt spoon, pistol holsters worn at Valley Forge, and n pair of decanters. jj92BfVMfriD| * _ { r -^^^IQBIQhHHIRA Our oat says honest striving iwovth the effort. Our cat says the heavy rair. i arc do layinjr garden activities. Our cat says it is mean to save all \ our cr<xd manners for strangers. ? Our eat says Saturday was the bfs day >a t in the matter of getting farm r- to Sign tiji for tomat* production ? Our eat says a i u:.n> ry t;retU rue a: i; g to can. Our eat -.ays ;i sharp trader s< ldon f *il t i sk n his viet m. Our cat say.-. sorts n votu house so that you will n.r be conquered by th? fly. * Our cat says clean thinking leads V) high living. Our eat savs it is a waste of laboi t< cross the bridge before you cotnt :o it. Our cat says a fearless spir-'t is La coming to a man. Our cut says it is real fun to plant ? flower and watch it grow. * ft Our eat say-: don't forget your hains when you start an automobile journey upon ruu>Uly /ouds. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FAITHFULLY COMPOUNDED STORM'S Drug Store During the first year of life the human heart beats 113 to 1.10 t'.nv.s a mir.ute. Tells How He Spent Prize Money Stockholm, March IS.?Anatole franco, the French author who won In. $40,000 Nobel Prize for literature n-it awarded, has jus! appeased the uriosiiy of the Swedish public by how he spent and invested the noney. Most of it is already disposed of. h>* announced. "The Nobel Prize awarded ine," said d. Franc* "has given rise to much a!k and stupidities. 1 have spent rue he money for very beautiful io'ue! in tapestries?exquisite, royal n> s. i he rest of the money I invested in ! tench national defense bonds. < - ) siiler that an excellent and most oitifort/rble nmans of investment." Kiut ihinsum, the Norwegian re whose "Growth of Soil" ie!lif-il \v n for him the Nob d I'rizi r I ti a'u'-e. showed that he was lit trims, when he wrote the above itentioncd bo: k. lie invested most of he Nobel Prize in blooded stock and ther improvements for hi5 farm in Conway. It will 1" retailed that Theodore, foosevelt, v. ho won the Nobel Peace rive in 1:??C for his ?Iforts in, ringing to an end :he Kusso-.fap- i nese. War gave his 10,000 to the! 'oundat on for Promoting Industrial 'eacc. Jo Photofirraohera Allowed. But One Got Byi Rome. March Ht.?The hard .and, " si rule of Cardinal Gasparri, in-1 exibly enforced by the Swiss Guards' hat no photographers were to be! llowed inside of Saint Peter's on th? :tv of !h>' Coronation of Pope Pius.j he Kleventh. was broken at least, nee. The stall plu^tographor of an Kng-? sh newspaper, wearing a top hat nd bearing a beaiHiful leather valise, snted himself at the Bronze Gates hen the crush was at its height.' "No cameras allowed in," the huge w'ss Guard informed hiin, in a tone i f finality. "Camera, nothing," :c:pond?d the; hotographer haughtily, "this ia a j ledicine case plfHse let me pass that may render aid to the injured inde." "Pass right in, doctor," the Swiss ward said, humbly. Subscribe to The Union Times. Subscriptions to I $10,000 Cannery _____ | A call for 207r of the subscriptions to the cannery has been made. A j star (,*), marks those who have paid i 207; two stars (**) represent the subscriber as having paid 407; three 1 stars ( *) represent the subscriber 1 as having paid 607<; four stars (** *) las having paid 807, and five stare t ^ as havjng ^he full 100 J j j of the subscription. As soon as the stock subscription is paid the certificate of stQck will be issued. We are trying to ke?p down the overhead expense, hence no notice is being mailed the subscribers. This published list is the only notice, and there is no ' charge against the company for adI vertising. Pay the whole subserip lion, if it suits you, and let us issue ! you your stock. I I A* wis M. Rice "200.00 1 C. K. Hughes 60.00 R. M. White *50.00 F. H. Garner *60.00 J. E. Minter 50.(*0 Dr. Russell Jeter *200.00 R. W. Beaty 60.00 T. B. Strange 50.00 J. F. McLurs 60.00 W. 1). Wood *50.00 H. I.. Davis . . . . *50.00 J. !t. Wliitmiio *50.00 Ruy Willeford 60.00 Sum Berelowit// *50.00 Sam Karster 60.00 C. R. Lancaster 60.(.0 J. V. Askew *50.00 Macbeth Young *50.00 .V.H'bc'.h ^ our-x *50.00 K. M. Gr.rner *50.00 W. Wilburn *50.00 J. Mot icy Jeter, Jr 5').CO L. G. Young 60.00 F. W. C'nrnoll 50.Ou D. Jean Whit lock 60.00 A. G. Kennedy ' k 50.00 i Victor Smith oO.OO j J no. W. Gregory *'60.00 I It. X. Sprcarc *50.00 ! W. W. Johnson *50.0) C. B. Sparks 50.00 U. U. Amnions 60.00 T. B. (tauk . "*50.00 I>r. A. I'. AIcElroy .... 50.0u 1 George Willard . . 60.00 Gordon Bi-hop 50.00 R. T. McMchan *50.0o K. II. Harris 50.00 F. J. Parham *50.00 Dr. J. W. Buchanan ....". 50.00 II. J. West *60.00 J. D. Hancock 60.00 Dr." W. X. Glymph 60.00 B. F. Kennedy *50.00 ' Goynn Austell *50.Go j L. J. Browning **60.0o | E. W. Stone *50.00 I Mrs. John R. Mat his *50.0' J. Cohen Co 50.0( Citizens National Bank .... 50.0u H. C. Wilburn GO.O j Dr. Thco. Maddox *50.0o Miss Mahala J. Smith .... *50.00 'Miss Edna Tinsley *50.00 Bradley-Estos Co. 50.QO W. S. McLure * . . . 100.00 G. B. Barron 50.00 P. D. Barron *50.00 Union Bakery . . 50.00 Will Humphries ....... 50.00 Mrs. Ma Bailey 50.00 Louis Gault 50.00 W. B. Murphy *50.00 R. W. Beaty (additional) . . 50.00 l>. Noi man Jono* 50.00 C. C. Sanders *50.00 C. K. Morgan 50.00 j Thus. McNally 50.00 i R. Kelly 50.00 C. Allen . .* 50.00 i P V I W.UV | Consolidated loo & Fuel Co. . . 50.00 Roy Willeford (additional) . . 50.00 Union Marble & Granite Co. . *50.00 A. W. T. Ravenscroft *50.00 B. B. Going 50.00 I. K. Brennooke *50.00 Dr. O. L. P. Jackson *50.00 ! Storm's Drug Store *50.00 | J. M. Wood *50.00 | J. A. Hollingsworth 50.00 i B. A. Owens 50.00 1 T. .!. Vinson *50.00 j O. E. Smith 50.00 ! tlerbeit Smonk *50.00 ! Thos. 11. 1 lowo *50.0( j Mr<. P. It. Barnes *50.00 i Cash 50.00 j Mrs. 1,. M. Jordan *50.00 I.. B. (iodshnll *50.00 1 W. J. Tucker 50.00 i W. B. Aiken 50.00 i E. J oster *50.00 ; Eagle Grocery Co ****'!'50.0G > .Mrs. Jno. R. Mnthis * 100.00 | Lewis M. Rice "100.00 i F. J. F'arham 100.00 Dr. J. W. Buchanan 100.00 | K. KeUy . 100.0^ T. From *50.00 J. I.eui! Jolly * ***50.00 J. \j. Bolton 500.00 I Dr. F. M. Kllerbu *50.00 VV. T. l'owell 50.00 Total ... .. $6,250.00 Amount subscribed in produ? e 1.050.00 Grand total $7,400.00 We want more subscriptions. Will you not take one or more shares? Union Canning & Products Co., Lewis M. Rice. Pres. Favornhle to Capitalists and Business Men Constantinople, March 15.?Julian Oilcspie, commercial attache of tho American high commissioner, who has returned from an extensive trip through Anatolia, (Turkish nationalist ana)', says he found the Nationalist government most, favorable to American capitalists and business men. They were willing, he said, to place in the hands of American commercial interests rights for the development 1 of minerals and other national resources, the building of railroads, facilities for irrigation and projects for i tho installation of hydroelectric i plants, , i I'mHB JRS " jBS One ] to pla: % Con | Union E I Eczema Cured | After Five Applications V Of "Storm's Lotion" / t.h?VBNyi4 trrma-on nfy face-for two years. Af^er five applications of o Storm's lotion the skin is in a perfectly healthy condition. I heartily recommend its use to all sufferers e? W skin trouble. R (Signed) J. B. Betenbaugh, ^ Union, S. C., R. F. D. No. 2. A Sold at Storm's Drug Store. Phone 76 for a bottle today. Second Lap in Subscriptions to a Cannery We hereby subscribe to one share of stock in the cannery at Union S. C., to be paid for in produce, and of Ci the par value of $50.00: of J. E. Minter ,. .. .. $5U.OO to Lewis M. Rice 50.00 tn C. E. House .. 50.00 re C. K. Hughes 50.00 Robert W, Beaty 50.0C' Si T. B. Jeter 50.00 W. 0. Jeter .. 50.00 _ J. G. Sumner 50.00 W. R. Kelly 50.00 Marion H. Mailman 50.00 ?.v Arthur Crocker 50.00 R. W. Admns 50.00 Lewis M. Gault 50.00 J. E. Kelly 50.0(i J. G. Sumner 50.00 W. R. Kelly 50.00 ,7 Morris Leonard 5o.oo Judson K. Mendor . . A 50.00 M. O. Rtlue and J. C. Whitlock 50.00 , E. L. Spears 50.00 Orus T. Belue 50.00 C. C. Willeford 50.00 C\ C. Sartor 50.00 We w.ll gladly receive subscript oiis l'? to the abave from farmers in an> section of the county. The cannery is an assured fact; we wish to makeit an assured success. Who will phono "No. 1" and say "Yes, put mo dowir one share"? No sales promoter; no red tape; sane, honest administration and wholesale toam work. Come on in! Polish Emigrant Tide Turned Toward Canada Warsaw, March 19.?The stoppage of emigration to the United States lij has turned the Polish emigrant tide toward Canada, according to r portof Danzig steamship officials hero. ~ tne same time the number of immigrants returning to Poland from America continues to increase. The total of incoming and outgoing emigrants passing throught Danzig in 1921 was 140,000 as compared with 126,000 in 1920. ^ Issue of Its Own Bank Notes Moscow, March 19.?The Russian State, Bank is contemplating an issue of its own bank notes to meet T( the general shortage of currency, par- , ticularly in the provinces. The Rosta (news agency) announces that the bank has been directed by the Finance Ccmmissariat to work out an emission plan. Hundr nt eacl ie let us with lanning vEWIS M. R] )HICHEST?R S PiLLS 4 TI1K IMA MONO UrUNI?. A LmIImI Auk your l>ru((l?t for Ai\ Clil-<'b<?.|oi') INrnnfinil Tlmnit/A\ J I lMlL < > K?-d *na Uold nieulllAV/ -v ^Aq boits, koalco with Blu? Ribbon. \/ V H yc?i? known A* Best, Safest. Alwiys Reliable v?' SOLD B? DRUGGISTS CVERVWHtRt CHILDREN S GOLDS should not be "dosed." Treat w them externally with? X/ICKS V a ro Rub Over 17 Million Jars Used Yearly JO 3DIJONJ Notice of Registration The books ot' registration for the ity of Union art- now open at nij Ree :n the Union Clothing Co.'s stove qualify. Yo must have your city x receipt for 1921 and your eountj 'gistration ticket. I). W. Mullinax, .tpert isor of Registration for City of Union. 3-r,.8-10-13-15-17-20-22-24 F?ECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS Olt SALE- A llaynes 7-passenpei 1921 automobile. Car in pood eon(lit ion and will bo sold at a rea bargain. Telephone 3t>4 or 150. 1330-C OIWCJ MEN, women, over 17, de sirinp government positions, $13( monthly, write for free list of posi tions now open, J. Leonard, (forin: r Civil Service examiner), 123C Equitable Bldp., Washington, I) C. 1329-3tpd EFORE YOU DRIVE a nail yot must pet your eye on it, and before >??i? drink delicious Oranpe-Crush you must pet your hand on that Crinkly bottle. 5 cents everywhere. 1331-3t tEE For a short while I will pive free adjustments on Saturday eveninps of each week from 2 to 7:3C p. m. in order to prove to you the value of Chiropractic adjustments. Office in Hamblin. I>ldg. W. W. Cooper, Chiropractor. 1328-5t \RNES is no political candidate, yet he has an eye on the dear babies. See hint about it. 1328-tf ANTED.- Salesman to absolutely be*it all competition selling stnple ar.'clc. Repeat orders insured. Exclusive local territory. $100.00 and commission. Manufacturer, 1108 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Itpd EST SPRINGS WATER -Deliv cries made only on Saturday nne upon standing orders, through the winter months. Rhone 2320. J Boyd Lancaster. >WN COUNCIL QUITS JOB because they couldn't find any OrangeCrush in Crinkly bottles. They are running ngaifi on the platform of good morals, uplift of the town, and Orange-Crush in Crinkly; bottles. Re everywhere. 1331-3t - ? I 1 p 1 " I li ^ 1SS ed Farmers | i one acre of I JOES ' talk it over I you I & Products Go. [CE, President I Eggs From Every Hen ! There Is no excuse for a loiflnft hen. You can make layers and real money-makers out of e\ery Solitary lieu you own. Eflfl Producer T'ie wonderful poultry tonic, develops the egB-produclng organs: i.lakes enrh leers of young pullets; keeps poultry healthy and produces f: st growth In young chicks 2 1-2 lb. hox, 50 cents, i Wi c.trrv a coinpicte line of faro-Yet Standard Itemedles tor Horses, Mulos, Cattle, Hops nml Poultry. We will glodlv refund your money Ifayou fall to get satisfactory results front the use iet" " > ? v?-t remedy LIST OF DEALERS IN UNION COUNTY J. E. Fowler ', Union, S. C. H. T. Iligglnn Buffalo, S. C. Storm's Drug Store .... Union, S. C. Kel'er's Drug Store ... Buffalo, S. C. | J. Mobley Jeter Union, S. C. E. R. Brown Buffa'o, 8. C. East Side Drug Co. . . . Union. S. C. Mutual Supply Co. . . . Carlisle, S. C. i lllymph's Pharmacy .... Union, 8. C. The Bates Co., Inc. . . . Carlisle, 8. Ci Union Drug Store .... Union, S. C. R. A. Brawley I.oekhrrt, S. C> ' Harris-Woodward Co. . . . Union, S. C. Keiton Mer. Co Kelton, 8. O. K. C. Fore Union, S. C. Murrah'x Pharmacy . . Jonesvi'le. 8. C. Porter's Coffee Emporium . Union, S. C. Jonesville Drug Co. . . Jonesville, 8. C. Fowler's 1'hnrmney . . . Monarch, S. C. Miss Hannah West, West Springe, S. C. J. 11. Itetenhmigh . Union, S. C.. Route 2 W. ,T. Retell! . . . West Springe, S. C. J. E. Minter Sedalia, S. C. C. C. Lancaster. . Jonesville, 8. C.. R. 2 B. G. Williurn & Son . Cross Keys, S. C. Cheek & Lawxon Union, 8. G. mmmtmr. . Terr .iMwMibHmnnMiBneinHasMMHHHMeaeeHHeiHHHBniBHiM BUSINESS I BENEEACTOR The colonial law of Virginia contained this provision: "He that doth set up a convenient market place shall ( he regarded as a public benefactor." The thought thus expressed conies pretty close to a r vast and vital truth. Our business institutions 9erve at once to supply our needs and an outlet for our produet. The "market place" is very largely the source j of our prosperity indeed?and we bear this trutht in mind in nil our relations with business men and their banking. ) "Ijargc Enough to Serve Any?Strong Enought to Protect All." I ? r~Y ^ ? '"jr TT" VT ^ V ,1 1 ! NATIONAL BANKCONUNDRUM?"Why is Ru-Co so EGGS FOR SETTING- Thoroughmuch like I?illy Sunday? $5.00 will bred Partridgo Wytndotts, $1.50 for bo given to the person sending the 15. V. L. Fowler. 3-17-20 corn et answer. The contest holds i ..... ^ , for two weeks; the answer is sealed C/TD dTDA/I/^I? in an envelope and locked in The ? vR V^UlV^ oU% Vlvll Times' safe. Send answers to Tri- P H O N F 1 C 7 State Medical Co., Box 177, Union IIlUllE. lUf (' l.MO-tt We ca!l and deliver your FOR SALE?Some bargains in used clothing in a dust-proof motorears. Hughes' Garage. 1323-tf cycle. We remove spots and stains from clothing without LEAN PEOPLE MADE FAT by injuring either the fabric or drinking just lots of that Delicious the co!or Qur m<Mjorn methOrange-Crush, made from puce , . .? . . ... fruit juices, end put up in Crinkly od* ?ke, ?* Bottles. If you doubt this, just n?w? in the shortest possible look at Walter Stokes. He drinks time. it every day; 5c everywhere. 1329-3t Give me a trial. 1 certainly ? will appreciate it aimuch or MONKEY BITES CHILD and caused MOre than anyone else. a lot of pain, but the doctor prescribed that delicious Orange Crush f-fntriea Peaocinn in Crinkly bottles, which gave im UtllieS rreSSing mediate relief. The child is w v Rpriftir SllOD well and happy, and legging for the * . _ ? * "Orange-Crush habit" at 5 cents a Nicholson Bank Building bottle everywhere. 1831-31 Phono 167