The Union daily times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1918-current, March 10, 1922, Image 3

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11 DON'T FORGET FLYN Iy With your next order include a pound of ShefY ford's Pure Cream Cheese, either plain or pi- RECEN ^ iriento. Kingan's all pork link sausage, either IN PATENT & large or small links, in pound packages. CTD A D DT TA y Jutt received a new shipment of our fa- ^IlvrVl I Uli V mous Pansy Flour. NEW LOW H THE CASH GROCERY _ TJ-jTjj Jno. A. Hollingsworth, Prop. - - Phone 367 I GO TO C V II MAN IS A TRINITY?MIND, BODY, SOUL <4* fo neglect one is to injure all. Building one helps nil. "A sound mind in a Ay sound body," a free soul in a healthy mind?means a full grown man. We invite you to care for your body by frugality, thrift and honest work. X The churches offer development of the spiritual nature. The schools are for the process of mental training. Money plays an humble part, albeit a very im% ' portant part in the entire process. Consecrated wealth builds for Cod and for humanity. oy We invite you to use our bank as your savings bank. We will endeavor to deal justly and liberally with you. fx THE BANK OF UNION C. C. SANDERS, Pres B. F. KENNEDY, Vice Pres X J* W. W. ALMAN, Cashier. If TO ALL AUTOMOBILE OWNERS f t X Now is a very important time to take care of your electric storage battery. If your battery is not fully charged and the weather should change, and turn suddenly cold ycur battery will freeze and cause you considerable trouble and expense having your battery repaired. So if your motor does not turn fast when you touch the starter pedal just phone 289 and our battery expert, Mr. Ray ^ ^ Stewart, will answer your call and straighten out your battery troubles for you. We recharge and repair all makes of batteries. We examine and put dis iiiieci waier in an makes oi naileries lreo oi cnarge. no sen you any Kind oi IJt ^ battery that you want. We recommend the heavy constructed Ford battery for J replacements on Ford and other small cars. So don't forget when you need battery service to phone 289. || ?J. L. BOLTON union, s. c. I JUST RECEIVED % Shipment of Low Heel Strap Pumps?Black Kid, f ' Brown Kid and Patent. *1* Remember, its not how much we can get, but how X little we can take. || Austell's Shoe Store 11 WE ARE PREPARED To serve you daily a choice line of fresh meats. XX Specials for Saturday: Lamb Chops, Veal Cutlets, King Mackerel Fish Sliced, Fresh Norfolk Oysters, XX Choice Steaks, Pork, and all kinds of Sausage. |a Prompt Service and Courteous Treatment. f! GODSHALL MARKET CO. X PHONE 52 H ft . THIS IS IT 0 WHY THROW YOUR OLD SHOES AWAY? ^ ^ They Can be Made Like New at W. E. TREE'S ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR SHOP xx V V Quick service, the best of workmanship. Call to see U3 before you discard your old shoes. We can save you money. I W. E. FREE fi 14 ! ? ? ^ ... ^ ? - I III! II III II no You Like liood toitee/ flUy Jjgyg THEN TRY J Y 1 _ __Under your eyes and around XX PORTER'S BES-CUP-0 \ the mouth when you can It makes the best cup of coffee. ? Strength, flavor and aroma. We have them removed by our are in the coffee business and do special electric massage and not sell tin ware. The value is in U the coffee end not in the rent.. careful ,reatmenl- Ca" *? "One cup makes a satisfied cus- see us at Porter's Coffee Emporium McMillan-Jones a.C union, 9. c. Barber Shop ?<? ?????????????? M ,|| I .H I I N?VINCENT SHOE COM) ^*111- *? ;'_" l" < ?* :.* . ' *>.: ? - vi % HNG NEW SPRING AND SUMMER PUMPS AND LEATHER, BROWN AND BLACK KID OXFC IPS. THE VERY LATEST IN STYLE-ALL PRIC! PRICE LEVEL. IN?VINCENT SHOECOMI iHURCH . Pilgrims Knew the Bible Three hundred years ago a little band of men and women lived on faith and hard work in the forests of Massachusetts. They arc known now as Pilgrims because they sailed from England to find a place to worship God without restraint. They brought their pastor with them?few modern immigrants do. Bible Develops Character The Pilgrims were poor and unlearned, but they knew the Bible. That knowledge developed a type of character we all admire! These first settlers would not be known to posterity had they not been so well acquainted with their Bible. Is your Bible a parlor ornament, or a study book ? Read it today around the family lamp. Read it every day. WHERE TO WORSHIP Grace Methodist Church Westside Baptist J. W. Kilgo, A. T. Stoudenmire, Pastor. Pastor. Episcopal Church First Baptist Church L. W. Blackwelder, _ >. ? E. S. Reaves, Rector. w Pastor. Church of Christ First Presbyterian Church Thomas H. Burton. j p Matheson, Minister. Pastor. i\l on-Aetna Church n , u Green Street M. E. Church H. Haydock j B Chickt Pastor. Pastor. Bethel Methodist Church Unity Methodiat Church W. H. Cogburn, J. A. Chandler, Pastor. Pastor. UNION MARBLE & GRANITE CO. MAIN STREET, UNION, S. C. n f?s'8r s ^oe Shop uuick oervice has moved into quar % -km TERS WITH UNION AND PLUMBING COMPANY. Good Workmanship we w,ll appreciate r A CONTINUANCE OF Don't forget to call at the vnito DATDnwArc A wn A ? i i .? PATRONAGE, AND sanitary barber shop with baths. WILL TRY TO PLEASE J. C. Deadmon YO"' In Smith block, Main street. G. FOSTER MORAL CHARACTER In (he strongest collateral that can be obtained. .Of course tangible assets are worth while; but Intangible ones are absolutely necessary. Money is a tangible thing. It Is good or had according as it falls into moral of immoral use. Money la a good servant but a tyrannical master. We invite you to make your dollars serve you. First, you will have to save them. Our bank will safeguard them for yon while you are accumulating. Bank With Us, Than Bank On Us. FARMERS BANK & TRUST COMPANY C. n. TEAKS, Prw. R. L. LITTLBJOHN, Vice Pre.. C. K. MORGAN, Vice Pre.. '?' ?jl* ?LP 111 1 r ,-iTQ L 4^4 A^4 4^^ A^lr A^A |>% A^A A^A. A^ik A^4 |.^4 i^A ^ ^T # ^ ^ "y "^7 T|." T|t" + ^|T ?! + $* % % % 'ANY UNION LUMBER COMPANY If OXFORDS BUILDING MATERIAL f| IRDS AND || ED AT THE Our stock is complete. Let us A A ii Quote you. 'ANY PHONE 197 II SUNDAY 1 NEW ARRIVALS || Smithfield Hams yy Kingnn's Hams Vy Picnic Hams y*Y Kingan's Little Link Sausage y V Tennessee All Pork Sausage W Fresh Norfolk Select Oysters I Vy Crystalized Cherries I Y Y Shelled Almonds Vy Shelled Pecans VV Shelled English Walnuts Y HARRIS-WOODWARD COMPANY f! HOME OF QUALITY AND SERVICE ?|*?|* NOTICE, AUTOMOBILE OWNERS! ft ff WE HAVE PURCHASED THE WILLIAMS VULCANIZING WORKS AND WILLIAMS & CUNNINGHAM BATTERY LINE. YY YY WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF FEDERAL TIRES IN SIZES 30x3 TO 36x6 INCLUSIVE. WE CAN NOW T Y tf GIVE YOU FULL SERVICE IN AUTO NECESSITIES. yy CRESCENT FILLING STATION $ YY "HOME OF SERVICE AND QUALITY" A A XX ' E. F. KELLY & BROTHER REAL ESTATE Xt [ For 25 years we have been building a business along , yo safe, sane lines. We have had many transactions, some YY large, some small. Our best friends are those with whom YY we have done business. .Selling land is our business. If YY you with to sell or buy, see us. y V E. F KELLY & BROTHER ff THE LAND MEN. M YY MANY PEOPLE GIVE ALL THEIR ATTENTION TO THE YY NEEDS OI THE BODY AND NO ATTENTION TO THE NEEDS YY OF THE SOUL. THIS IS VERY SERIOUS, FOR THE BODY YY WILL SOON PERISH, BUT THE SOUL WILL LIVE FOREVER. YY WHY NEGLECT THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF YOURYY SELF? ___ |Y BIG REDUCTION IN BREAD PRICES ?| YY We are now giviv.g you 17Vie ounces for 10c, where other bakeries \ Y YY are only giving you 15 ounces, which menu i 2c more worth of ? % A bread. We are giving you the reduction in weight instead of havYY I infr odd cents, and orive vou the same t?ood mi ilitv ?c liurctnf ai-a A A - ?' yy Our motto is cleanliness, quality and service. Ask your City ? ^ Health Inspector about our place. THE UNION BAKERY II M. M. DIXON, Proprietor. ft T. D. NOLAND it The churches in a commu- . fitO t f , <{ PRESH MEATS, FISH ?t duct and character. IVloral T Vy character is the foundation ? my?v A17PTrnn AA to all real development. AND OYSTERS Support your church, sup* port it liberally. UNION, S.C. PHONE 199 TY % .;'j * ?' ^Hj_C - *5hjl ... : ' :