^.W F. UNION TIMES /vkliibrd Daily Except Sunday By . rtc. UNION TIMES COMPANY Low ia M. Hice Editor K?xi>t*rr<l at thy Postotlice in Union. S. C.. a* second class matter. Times building Main Street lied- Telephone No. 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One* Year 11.00 Six Months 2.0) Three Months 1.00! ADVERTISEMEN fS One Square, flrit insertion $1.00! Every ubsequcnt insert, n 60 Ubitujiy notices. Church and Lodge notices and notices of public meetings, en ! terta nme'its and Cards of Thanks will be | charged for at the rate of one eent a wind, cash accompanying the order. Count the words and you will know what the cost will be. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusive y en I tit ed to the use for republication of newdispatches credited to it or not otherwise ' credited in this paper, and also the local j news published therein. ~ ! ' ^ ~ " ~i SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1922. j We expect to get busy with the| ranni tv ontornricn ut nnrn This bk> i uij i iinu iiHHi1 report wneiner trie oads used were in good condition for tvnvol. the routes well arranged, boxes j.rop riy erected, so as to be easily reached by the carriers without difficulty and without obstructing travel the carriers serving their routes as officially prescribed, the schedule observed. and whether the famil:es served were satisfied with the service rendered, or there were improvements which could he suggested in the interest of the patrons of the Department. It became necessary, in connection with the insnoctions, to request many patrons to take action to the end tha* their boxes might conform with the regulations as to kind, condition, location, or height, and in having the name of the owner plainly on them Also, to bring to the attention of road overseers or other responsible persons the need for improvement in roads or repn'r or construction of culverts or bridges. "It is the desire of the Department umi us purpose, ro proviau adequate and convenient service, so far as may be possible, to all persona residing in rural communities, but this end can not be at t a'nod without the full coop oration of the patrons in the efforts of postmasters and carriers to serve them promptly, regularly and satisfactorily. "Whatever facilities the work of the carrier is of direct benefit to the patrons. for the greater the ease and sneed with which a carrier may cover his route the earlier and bettor the ser"ice afforded. "So, patrons of rural delivery can gr? atlv help themselves by helping their carrier, seeing to it that roads no kept in good condition and promptly opened after storms, by keeping the approaches to theii boxes clear, and by promptly and willingly correcting any irregularities affecting their b -xes when asked to do so. "Another great assistance that patrons can render carriers is ky keep ng themselves supplied with and using stamps instead of placing unstamped mail, with money for the purchase of the required postage, in the boxes. This delays the carrier and ooivdimos imposes a great hardship on him. esneeinlly in cold or stormy weather. If preferred, stamped envelopes, either printed or plain, may be obtained from the carrier, are of good ounl tv. and cost but little more than tlm value of the stamps upon them, and are redeemable at the value of .he stamps If damaged, but return(d in a practically whole condition. If necessary to place money in a box. rt should be put in a coin-holding receptacle or be properly wrapped so as to he easily picked up by the carrier. "Mencv f'-r the purchase of money orders should r.ot he left in the boxes h^u should be handed to the carrier j and a receipt obtained." most conscientious people define wickedness as anything that promises enjoyment. In a Missouri county last year there, were I^O marriages and 100 divorces ; In that section of the world at least mnrrage is still a tie.?Burlington j Mews. Siree Secretary Mellon will permit the payment of income taxes on Victory notes, nil that remains now is to get the Victory notes.?Pittsburgh Gazette Times. John D. Rockefeler has just given forty-five millions more to education thus proving thnt gasolino is our greatest force for civilization.?Syracuse Herald. must do. if the concern is to function this season, we must lose no time. It is a case where prompt action will: tell. Next year it will he very easy to I interest people in a cannery, a potato drying house and, even a creamery One year c f the boll weevil will teach us that something must he done. We are trying to move before we are made to take such steps. We hope to get quite a number of additional sub scribers to stock. Our goal reached Is the minimum, not tho maximum. i The Fourth Assistant Postmaster General has sent out the following information f.ir nntmna of moil mninc and it will bo well that the patrons or such routes rend the information given: T.y direction of the Post OfTice Department. postmasters throughout the c; untry l ave recently made an inspection of the rural routes from their offices. The purpose was that they r-'ght ascertain by personal observa Aid the 1 The preacher* of this town * their best to make it a bett which to live. Come and work with them, si Do not sit in the bleachers 1 No American would live where there are no chui churches cannot exist wi hearty co-operation of men 2 who want the best for them? Support some church wil your ability. iVo man can srrv* tu icrvc Qod a i Our cat says you should place your .die dollars in the bank. Our cat says times may be hard but! all optimists will tell you they have been harder. # * Our cat says when the politicians set through with Ilenry Ford's proposal Ford will not pet Muscle Shouht. m * Our cat says the subscriptions to the cannery are still being reciived. Come 011 in! ? Our cat says we all like to have " scape pout to lay our sins upon. ? 1 Will Scrap Entire Chinese Navy Peking, Feb. 17.?Oilicers of the Chinese navy have proposed to go tho Washington Armament Conference one better by scrapping tho en: tire Chinese navy and selling it to | pay their salaries wh?lch are in ar-, rears. (The Chinese navy consisted in 1920 of six protected cruisers, three lestroyers, eight torpedo boats, three torpedo gunboats, four gunboats and a considerable number of river gunboats. Nine of these, however, wore under the control of the Southern Chinese government located at Can ton.) The Chinese officers proposed air 'hat all hattlesh:ps and cruisers should he scrapped. Th.? f' b i noon nenee o o lUnt U ? in the interest of their salarier rather than of the peace of the worl that the Chinese naval officers pro nosed this drastic step. As in the ease of many proven* ment departments of China at th present time, sa'aries of mar* months back are due the officials an nersonnel of the navy, and the cor. | ference of officers was called to con aider ways end means of forcing th Ministry of Finance to allocate to th Ministry of Marine sufficient mens to make up these deficits. Feel'ntf that the sale of all nave property and abolition of the nnv* was the ? irest way of obtaining th necessary funds, the officers decide to put this proposition before th people. Their alternative, in case thi scheme failed to meet with apnrova' was that officials who had i'leprul' withheld th'ir pnv f?-om them !:' made personally respons!ble. Hungarian Immigrants Being Turned Btc: Budapest, Feb. 17.?The fate of fh Hungarian immigrants who nve hfin' turned hack at Ellis Is'atul heiau? they exceed the quota of admission I permitted by the American govcn I ment, is giving great coneerr. to th ' immigrants' relatives and to the pub lie. Th? articles of the Magyar Ner r -ava. a Hungarian newspaper pur lished in the United Strttes, describ ing the despair and sufferings o' these unfortunates, are being repro duced looallv. Newspaper editeria'* urge the Hungarian government V take up the matter. Serious charges are made agalns' the Hungarian Immigration Bureau for permitting the emigrants to g to America in the face of the fac that they knew the quota had b"e exceeded. The relatives of the?emigrants are prepating an appea for help to President Harding. Briand remarks that golf is "silly ' But it is interesting to note that Mor aieur Aristire waited till he was *v j.rivate citizen before airinpr his view: Otherwise tho Franco-British enten' would have been smashed to bits.Cleveland Plain Dealer. - . ^ Subscribe to The Union Daily Timet Preacher yv ; arc doing f ' in a town \j > indwomen ^ elves and for their children, h your time, your energy, i x> masters: ye cmmma$ , if' rul mammon ' Former Turkish Minister Being Held by Soviet . .-'1 Moscow, Feb. 17.?Enver Pash* who was Turkish Minister of Wa during the world conflict, and wh has just been arrested by the Soviet authorities in the Caucasus, was be < Sieved here to have been on the bes < of terms with Mustapha Kemal Pa ;ha, leader of the Turkish National ists in Anatolia. Reports that h would be sent to Angora to be trie?. by the Turkish Nationalist govern mont for high treason add only an other surprising chapter to th ; maning career of this Turkish ad venturer. Enver Pasha was sentenced t death by a Turkish courtmartial af i ah 1 h/? tifo v nliinrrinrr Tiirlnot IV 1 VIIVT ?***> 4 into the great struggle. He escape , ar.d for a long time has been heat of a mission stationed in Moscow. It was understood here that he ha; tit.- ined material help from Russi; ."or the Turkish Nationalists headeby Ivcmal and that he would remai in Kemal's good graces so long a he kept away from Anatolia. T.nver has made frequent trip from Moscow to the Caucasus an other legions nearby where his move rients have been unknown. One e the latest reports was that he wa organizing Bolshevist occupation i the Caucasus and that an army wa icing organized there with the sup port of the Bolsheviki for the pur pose of marching into Anatolia. Th Ita.slan Soviet government recentl; cut off the food supplies, house ant p'ci.ty of Soviet rubles which it hat1 generously donated to Enver Pasha': mission during the past year. Propose to Issue New Irish Currency Dublin, Feb. 17.?Proposals for l new Irish currency and Irish postag stamps are being discussed by th Free State authorities. Blinking circles acre ore Mid strongly opposed to any alteration ir the currency on the ground that i will hamper trade and cause compli cations by the establishment of ye : another fluctuating 'foreign ex {change,'' but national sentiment ma I sweep these objections aside. Som ' predict that before the end of th 'ear Irish printing presses will b timing out Irish treasury notes. Reckoning by pounds, shillings an cnee will doubtless continue fo t ?r.e time, and English silver an .V per will continue to circulate; bu t is anticipated that the Free State i:l adopt the decimal system o oinage as soon as practicable an hat Irish dollars and cents, or what ver their equivalent Gaelic name nay he, will ultimately take th :n.vr mi mi; mulling money. As for postage stamps, the pre osal is that Ireland shall conteni .crself for the present with making n arrangement with Great Britai' ' >r printing a surcharge inscription reliably con is'.ing of a shamrock o arp. combined with the word "Erin' n Iiish characters upon the face o' 'no stamps now in use. I atev on, the Free State will do i'M its own stamps, and they are ct likely to boar the English king'5 mage. 'Better Pastures For South Carolina" Clomson College, Feb. 15.?Milk an.; outer and pork and beef can not b reduced at low cost without good ' rm?.nont pastures, hut these can b ,i vi'.h a reasonable amount of prep>n and care, according to S. L e.Tor-Js, Extension specialist in for '? crops and pastures, in Extension rcu'ar 3?, "Permanent Pastures for 'ci.th Carolina," which is now readier fr.-e distribution, farmers who tempt to solve the pasture problem ?y fencing in seme waste land and mil it a pasture, says INIr. JcfTord', iv 't tir stock pletny of exercise bu. ittle real grazing. There should be Mention to selection of pasture nr.ds, preparation, and seeding of n mi'able combination cf grasses and '< gurus. Circular 32 discusses briefly such iibjcets as locating the pasture, preaiir.g the land, suitable grasses and tguiv.es to ure on different soils, seed -to., and special disoussicr. of les'( d r/.a, carpet grass, Bermuda and ijdln? grass, (!r.ins Mixtures Suggested. Coastal Plain Bottom Lands: I^esedcza, 8 to 10 lbs. per acre; carpet ra a, f> to 6 lbs. per acre; Dalits ; ass, 3 to r? lbs. per acre. Coastal Plain Uplands: Lespedeza, to 10 lbs. per acre; Bermuda cutinrrs. Piedmont Bottom Lands: Lespedeza,' < to 10 lbs. per acre; Dallis grass, 3 o B lbs. per norc; Bermuda cuttings Piedmont Uplands: lespedeza. S to 10 lbs. per acre; Bermuda cuttings. iubscriptions to $5,000 Potato Drying House rhos. McNally $100.00 ?. J. Parham lou.oo >r. J. W. Buchanan 100.00 ewis M. Kice T 100.OO I. D. Hancock 100.00 L J. Browning . 10U.UO J. F. Kennedy . . . 100.0?? 3. R. Garner ......... 100.00 1. R. Charles . ....... 100.00 Mrs. Jno. R. Mnthis 100.00 1. E. Kelly 100.00 Citizens National Bank .... 100.00 I. Cohen Co 100.0O vlacbeth Young 100.00 I. L. Bolton 500.00 Mtizena National Bank .... lOO.oo I arris-Wood ward Do 100.00 I From 100 00 Dr. Theo. Maddox 100.00 Dr. J. G. Going 100.0o Bernard Fant 100.00 1 f. L. Jolly 100.00 j Y. S. McLure 200 00 ' ^ B. Sparks 100.00 Dr. Russell Jeter 100.00 W. B. Murphy lOO.Oo Total $3,100.00 Unless $5,000 is raised, no subscrip Lion will count. If you don't like i annery, come on into a potato dry I louse. We need both. Both will help.: !"he potato dry house will pay quicker j lividends. Come on!. Phone No. 1 and say $500, $l0o or (\ .000. Subscriptions to $5,000 Cannery : wis M. Rice t 50.n01! K. Hughes 50.00 ! t. M. White 50.OO | F. McLure 50.o0 *V. >D. Wood 50.( 1 | ?r. Russell Jeter 50 on f. E. Minter 50.00 W. Beaty 50.On | B. Strange 50.00 ' \ H. Garner 50.00 I. L. Davis 5<>.0" . R. Whitniire 50. "10 Joy Willeford 50.'?o 'am Berelowitz 50.00 inm Kassler 50.00 0. R. Lancaster Sum. | 1. V. Askew 60.00 brass 50.01 ' lacbcth Young 50.00 ' \T r.urtmr. .*.D till liuude Wilhurn 50.011 i. Moblcy Jeter, Jr 50.0c .. G. Young 50.0'1 . W. Cornell GO.Ou J.Jean Whitluck 50.00 V. G. Kennedy 50 (Mi ictor Smith 50.(>o "to. W. Gregory 50.00 .. N. Sprouse 60.00 v. W. Johnson 50.00 C. B. Sparks 50.00 U. U. Ammons 50.00 T. B. Gault 50.00 Dr. A. P. M?Elroy 60.00 ieorge Willard 50.00 lordon Bishop 50.00 fi. T. McMehan 60.00 ILJAairis .... t,fcMjo Pw J. Parham 60.t)0 Jr. J. W. Buchanan 50.00 I. J. West 60.00 l. D. Hancock 50.00 r. W. N. Glymph 50.00 t. P. Kennedy 50.00 'oyan Austell 50.0O J. Browning 50.00 5. W. Stone 50.00 Irs. Jno. R. Mathis 50.0J Cohen Co 50.01* litizens National Bank .... 50.00 I. C. Wilhurn 50.00 j Jr. Theo. Maddux 50.00 liss Mahaln J. Smith .... 50.00 diss Edna Tinsley 50.00 Iradley-Estos Co 50.00 V. S. McT.uvo 100.00 J. B. Barron 50.00 . Ll. B.irron 50.00 ' von Ba' orv 50.00 Will H uniphrk-s 50.0.i Mrs. Ida Bailey 50.00 '.ouis Gault 50.00 W. B. Murphy 50.00 R. W. Beaty (additional) . . 50.00 l^ewis M. Rice (additional) . . 50.00 d. R. Jeter (additional) . . . 50.00 L>. Norman Jones 50 On C. C. Sanders 50.0 7. K. Morgan 50.00 Thos. McN'ally 50.0(? ill Lee Kelly 50.00 C. Allen 50.00 1*. E. Wilburn 50.00 uonsonciareu ice & fuel uo. . . bU.UU Ray Willeford (additional) . . 50.90 Union Marble & Granite Co. . 50.00 A. W. T. Ravenscroft 50.00 B.'B. Going 50 00 f. K. Brenneoke 50.0 Dr. O. L. P. Jackson 50.00 Storm's Drug Store 50.00 J. M. Wood 50.00 J. A. Hollingsworth 50.00 B. A. Owens 50.00 T. J. Vinson 50.00 O. E. Smith 50.0? Herbert Smoak 50.00 Thos. H. Howe 50.00 Mrs. I'. B. Barnes 50.00 Cash 50.00 Mrs. Ij. M. Jordan 50.00 Godshall 50.00 F ive additional subscriptions have been provided for. in case there are no other subscribers 250.90 Grand total $5,000.00 The above $5,000 will build a cannery. More capital will build a better one. If you are willing to take a hare, $50, we await your word. On1 thousand more w 11 ndd materially to the success of the venture. W. J. Tucker 50.00 W. B. Aiken 50.00 R. E. Foster 50.00 Mrs. Asquith's mot that Americans are more progressive than civilised is accepted as a compliment. Most of the world is neither.?Chicago News. When people beconle so sophisticated that they can't be shocked, what will movie producers do then, poor things??Baltimore Sun. flas^Lr:;. HI r PALIVIET n Is a 3c'2".t'.".c Llend of 3 mcr.in'e ar.d will e found n fi-ia! on c r. ? a d truilc ci I as the be : colt >:i fertilise |jf (I'luirarti od Ana Ammonia ?| . It' your local A^cnt cai ^ you coniiiuniiri'te with us I A. F. PRINGLE, INC. c v . v v v.. *o.niirsi?fil "TSE Thin Peop' "1 - jj lucre afto weight 10 to 2-" pom.ds > ?.* ; FalliVI month. By simple guaranteed, sots, Wj |\18 Tollable treatment. Argo-Fhosphato Mfi f, VS will increase your weight with good BiW II \m eolid stay-there fle-h and mitrcls. WHj j ' J Wrlto today for ITItEE sample. , T^ AE Enclose etainp to American Drug Bilca Co,, Maldon 48, Mass, TT ATT? GROWER ? n:LT5r.r:DC?"A n,\m : ( /,i1 -?-i''/fSijA' BElIEDy grorra liair fjTF^a'r.y. ' quickly, removes dand?. It: t! ruiT, darkens gray or ji*^ * ft'led hair, 6lcpn f_V.log , ifjf/*- h'.fftf and makes it beautiful, j 7oc ana i 1.2J a bottle, ffildrcd Louise Co., Maiden 43,11a: .. 1'WvH ' ^S337er i 3 i A 6mooth hr.l'lc >s el: In for every 6 woman }n.?y Ih> had with tho aid of A n little MK.DOL pa- to. medo by mixing ft V')' f a little Medol with water, and apply 1 a 10 ^air? uot a'auted find in n jilljr I IDW/f{' m you cau wn.-'li the hinis right oil. , KvA"is folcl )a< ' ' '",1 COO bottles* nWI American Propiiatary i-'yuulcate, i ? Hsld'.u43,:iaM. | "Hands Up" ' * _ - ^ ' rl . | Mama twos I ?jjE?jj* MIMTQL' 8 wm AReaiBcslIfcveloper Discovered at ImA. J? no?Jtona?.ppliocin!i(lita.nlmorn.ni "4 J'\ J worka wonders when uroJ in con\ U ucctlon with5gT&inToa&liit Tablet*. P Rosotor.o in put up in Wi", $ 1.00 i nd t $2.50 j ira. American Propriety " * ? yuvlicu.o. M'?Woa 42. iu.e*. 5"e-o?r' I an in Subscriptions to a Cannery We i.eiooy hubscript to one share of stock in the cannery at Union S. C., to be paid for in produce, and of the par value of $30.00: J. E. Minter $30.00 Lewis M. Rice 50.00 C. E. House 50.00 C. K. Hughes 50.00 Robert W. Beaty 50.00 T. B. Jeter 50.00 W. O. Jeter 50.00 J. O. Sumner .. 50.00 W. R. Kelly 50.00 Marion H. Gallman 50 00 Arthur Crocker 50.00 We will gladly receive subscript :ons to the abeve from farmers in any section of the county. The cannery; is an assured feet; we wish to make' t an a sured success. Who will phone "No. 1'' and say "Yes, put me down one share"? No sales promoter: no red tape; s no, honest administration ami wholes le team work. Come on in! MOTHERJAVE IT Virginia Lady Suffered With Achea and Pains Until Mother Began Giving Her Cardui* Dublin, Va.?Miss Mary Alien flnghett residing on Route t, near here, recently told a visitor of her Interesting experience with Cardui. Misa Hugkett said: "I had been su(? ( ring (or some time with painful . . . J I was pale, didn't feci like going. Would Just drag around, and couldn't runt M Hn nnv cnnil I wmiM antra* once a month with my back, sides and head. My limbs would ache and I didn't know what to do, but I knew I muBt do something, for I didn't get well by letting It run on. "My mother Is a believer In Cardu^ for she saw what It did for others as well as herself, so she began giving it to me. "It wasn't long before I saw a change. It was just what I needed. It regulated me. I began to eat and 9loep, aid the pain stopped. "Cardul Is without doubt the best femr la tonic made, and I am glad 1 lan recommend It to others." If suffering with symptoms such as Miss Hughf-tt mentions, or other ailments peculiar to women, why not begin Cardul at once? Its merit Is well established by successful use for more than 40 years, j iTry Cardul! Your druggist eells 1L NC-138 i CHICHcSTE S PILLfc v7 ^ *j ;i:*. m \ v. . ? nu.i m#. * |.i??il? I , r l>r .iffffUl for /j\ /,((:.*> - - lflr.in.lA. C 1*111? . i ! ' .?..!] III"! .lii<.VVs ft J T..1.0 . ' . ..I vnnr V fx - rr " ' -*? * n j A t J i u 1'U.i.h, i r \ <j? FJ * ..jv . Krl; /- r .mi.. ... ? . "!?CI IMJ : : inmUKr J- A. Sawyer ? A, G Kennedy Rjnvyer & Kennedy Attorneys and Counsellors at Lav No. .'13 Main Street Union, S' nth Carolina Enpratred in the eeneral proeMee o 'nw. Wo no longer repros"nt th Union-HufTa o Mills Co., the Unio? Mannfar tunanr & Powpv Co . or tVT'nion <? O. nn ftn?-in<?? Railroad Co SPFCTAT. Anvr^TITMFMT SOMFTTTIN'O VFW under the sun i i Barnes' Studio. See for yonrseM, 129P-tf OATS FOR SM.R 90-Jay or B n oats. J. W. G.lbort. 1306-3t TO FISH TANKAGE various am^,re(k CHARLESTON, S. C. | ~ IM "I ' IIWH' I""HE "II' 'IIP j TO THE PATRONS OF UNION SCHOOLS: Now that your children's eyes have been examined by your doe tor, remember that if he does not make a specialty of this kind of work, that I am prepared to fit glasses. I give my whole time and attention to this work and guarantee satisfaction. I am here at all times to make good my guarantee. Let me name to you some of your neighbors or frleads who are satisfied users of my glassy. ji Yours For Better Eyes For the Children, ! F. C. DUKE ij STATU LICENSED OPTOMERIST. 1 _____ I < SHALL Veterans' Get the BONUS? Congressional chicks never sign checks against the treasury before they are hatched?but there's sufficient ** evidence to indicate that compensation bill will likely come out from Washington ere many months are gone. And then we shall see how splendidiy many veterans will employ their share! Many a young man will thus lay the foundation of a splendid future. Let these young men come to us?and we will help them in every possible way. "Large Enough to Serve Any?Strong Enough to Protect All." CITIZENS NATIONAL BAN OIL FINISHED PORTRAITS? See J HAY, HAY?No. 1 Timothy i Barnes' show cases 1298-rf choice Timothy Hay. Come Bee I for hay. J. W. Gilbert. 1306 LIVE AGENTS WANTED to handle ?^ city trade for the genuine J. R. CANDIDATE S CARD Watkins Products. Write quick j hereby announce myself as a c? for free sample and particulars. The didate for the office of Mayor of tl J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. 73, New c?ty of Union at the next Democrat York MY 9 4 11 ia 9"> primary to be held for that office ai ' Y' 2?4-ll-18-2o pledge myself to abide by the nil ? governing said election. \ft.M I-Oli UK.M?Iwo-horae faint j# F> McLure. ' -ix miles from Union on new cut top ______ -oil Meansville road. Good dwell j announce myself a cani nig and outbuildings. Soil im , J .. ' , .. ' proved. Apply W. S. McLure. for Mayor of the CJty of Uni 1241-Tues. Sat. tl in the approaching city Democrat, . . I , 7 primary, and pledge to abide by^w .ANTED to hear from owner having i *1 * , , rules governing said primary. B tarm or unimproved land for sale. q j, John J. Black, Chippewa Falls, Wis- * I cousin. 2-11-18-25 F0R ALDERMAN?WARD ONBj ' ' " I hereby announce myself a canJ /ANTLD-To sell you the famou- date for Alderman for Ward One, c|. Vesta Battery, guaranteed two . .. . , , , ,, , years in writing. We have one to 4 f Union, and pledge myself to abiA show you, been used four years the result of the Democratic Prihiafl still charged. Julian E. Hughe> election. Ben L. Berry.E \uto-Service. Opposite old stand. i m IlilO 'IV. PL O.. I " FOR ALDERMAN?WARD TWO' 1 .'ANTED-you to know that we have , ' h?rebs; " ounce myself a cand just received a big supply of fresh d?t,T for Alderman for Ward 2 a. garden seeds. No left over. Union W1* * fb,de tbe 1 l.rug Store. 1298.Th-S.t-tf, th? U"m0?r?tlc el?tlon. J. W. Gilbert. It. AUTO MAN?When in need ~Z ~ " a spring or ring ami pinion gear, tczema Cured hearings or other auto uccessorier After Five Applications fur any car, see nie before buying _ M f , I can save you money. 1 have the Of Storm s Lotion best lire on the market and at a ^ _______ !i i\v price J no. K. Ma this, Anut< . . . , at. Accessories. 1275-lOt-eoo 1 have had eczen,a on face ffl ? two years. After five applications o Oil KENT?One nice six-room bun- Storm's I-otion the skin is in a pet galow, desirable location. All mod- fectly healthy condition. I heartll ern conveniences. See Theodore recommend its use to all sufferers c Maddox. 1304-3t skin trouble. (Signed) J. B. Betenbaugh, .11UCII COWS FOR SALE?At rea Union, S. C., R. F. D. No. 2. sonable price. Ten or more; all ages. _____ Some with young calves. Mrs. M. Sol(1 at Storm.8 Druff Store< E. Pittman, Carlisle, S^C. Phone 76 for a bottle today. i OUNG MEN, WOMEN, over 17, de- Y^Tkn fllllflf siring government positions, $130 rvrlv ytllviV OilIVVIVI monthly, write for free list of posi- P H H N F 1 7 tions now open, J. Leonard, (former ? " 11 L a U f Civil Service examiner), 1235 Equi- tt . ? ?. table Bldg., Washington. D. C. Wa cal1 and d?l?ver you 1305-3tpd clothing in a dust-proof motor cycle. We remove spots sun ?AL Cash on delivery. Tor . . _ . ... ... , lots. Excelsior Knitting Milt stains from clothing withod ''hone Oil 1262-C injuring either the fabric oi r\ T-, nun r\ . ?. _ the cnlftr. ftlll1 mailt v/IV o/\ijCj?wiiu i-ruuin cuiwiKe, m ?w wav%w eluding one extra lot. Electric ods make clothes look liki lights, water, garage. To go at a new, in the shortest possibh bargain. Will Gallman. ltpd WANTED?Four or five rooms, or a Give me a trial. 1 certainly house, in nic# section. Address will appreciate it as much ot "A. B.'\ care Union Times. 1305-2pd more than anyone else* 'OR SALE?125 pounds pure strained HsmCS Pressing honey, tahen from the comb by ma- : 6 chinery; fall crop. It's thick and Repair SHot) fine 2r,c per pound. J. M. White- " , , head, Jones. i!le, S. C., Route 2. Nicholson Bank Building 2?18-25-pd Phone 167