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i| FRONTS [[ MAIN STREET I I ! IWRECI s! so ANXIOUS WERE THE PEOPI.F goods were grabbed from m they came from far and ne til people that many went ou 1:1 that you get such bargain keenest judge of values wi 1:1: || The Enthus: if The Reason V w iv A rAiirvTniAki * - m a tunrusiun Anu tKASH si H FIND SOME OF THE PRIZE OFFE $:*: EXTRA SALESPEOPLE HAVE BE ft PROMPT ATTENTION. k ? k Probably Ne1 a A^4. A^A A^4. A^A A^A A^A A^A "^r T ^ 4F 4F "w i T^f y ^ ^ 4F *r "y ? ^^^^ J^^H5^h5^H5HJHJMJ^JHJH5M5H5H8H5HJM5HJH5H^; i EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST SCHOOL I Z Vr , fc X y y y That is why our Mr. Hog&n (baker) can make a ^ Y better cake than you can at home he has had more y > % J experience. ? | BAKE-R1TE CAKE f Y X Y Will cost you less than you can make similar cake at ^ Jt4 home. Why? Because we buy our ingredients in bulk ^ at a price even less than your grocer can?and we A A pass this advantage on to you. Come and let us show y y you. y l UNION RAKF.RITF TO i w *1 v *1 It 1 1 JU V \J. I V 1 v !i f GET OUR PRICES ' t ON EVERYTHING BEFORE YOU BUY. f' 0 ~ WE SELL IT FOR LESS. HARRIS-WOODWARD CO. I IIIMIII Eggs From Every Hen There Is no excuse for a loafing hen. You can make layers "^3^ PF<*wE|HKK1e and real monej -makers out of every solitary hen you own. |? CSV^T Egg Producer ^55^25*^ Thc wonderful poultry tonic, develops the egg-produrlug organs; niukes early layers of young pullets; keeps poultry healthy an>l produces fast growth in young chicks. i Son Is the time to Increase your eggs supply for the winter, while eggs are selling el high prices. Three times the eggs your hens have been laying. Crt n two and n half pound ho* of Caro-Vet Kgg Producer from your dealer, or tend Sue for a I wo end a half pound box to CAROLINA RE.MKDIKS CO , Inr. Caro-Vet Bid*., Union, 8. C Satisfactory results guaranteed by money-back offer. jp . ' ** 4 A^A A^A A^A A^4. A^A i^A A^A A^A A^A ^4. J t^~ T^y y IOM KED i TO GET THE BARGAIf RACKS. IT WAS A GO AR AND THEY, CERT AW T FOR MORE MONEY A IS RIGHT IN THE HEAR RE THE MOST ENTHUS ittsm Was Vas the Valn( ICH AS TODAY THE BES RINGS WAITING FOR T1 EN EMPLOYED FOR TH1 ver Agaii A A A A^A A <$T ^ The Fruiterers Company, of Londoi. has presented the lord mayor with a splendid array of English frvnt in accordance with a century-old oas torn. The lord mayor is entitled to ji sample of every package of fruit that nt.-rs the city. Baltimore plans to prepare a local exhibit of the commercial and industrial activities of the city, place it wii uuiwu ?i xnp, 2tnu Kfiiu it on a iumonths' cruise to all the seas. " ADDITIONAL PROOF I had some form of skin trouble on my let? for the last IB years, lately it became very badly swollen and inflamed?after one day's use of "Storm's Lotion" all of the itching and soreness was prone; after 10 days' treatment 1 am cured. (Signed) C. H. Willard, No. 49 Lybrand St. Union, S. C. "Stomas Ix>tion" guaranteed by Storm's Drug Store. l ake Yeas Tablets The Build Firm "Stay-There1 i If you want to quickly clean your sk I flesh on your bones, increase your ner per cent, letter, simply try taking two < with each meal and watch the results. Mastin's VITAMON Tablets contain highly2concentratod yeast-vitamines as well as , the two other still more impor- f. tnnt vitamines (Fat soluble A A and Water soluble C) and are I now being used by thousands. \> They positively will not upset J * the stomach or cause gas, but. / on the contrary, are a great aid to digestion, to overcome constipation and as a general condi- jfl tioner of the whole svstem. Pim- ML I plea, boils and slcin eruptions seem to vanish like magfo, the V complexion beoomes fresh and " clear, the cheeks glow with ruddy _ health, the flesh becomes firm, the eyes bright. Mas tin's VITAMON Tablets are positively guaranteed to give you new health, energy ana ambition and improve your appenranoe. Do not accept imitations or subeti- "J* tutes. You can get Afastin's f^i VITAMON Tablets from any eon good druggist. L_ ^KJdASTINSW CCHGTH0. vjfbr ?* BY IS FIRST THAT THEY WR OD NATURED CROWD A ILY KNEW BARGAINS W1 iND CAME BACK AND BC T OF THE SEASON AND ( IASTIC AND LIBERAL BL Greater r s Were Grea 1 BARGAINS ARE OYER! HEM. WE ARE SORRY ft E REMAINING DAYS OF T i Will Yo USE SLOAN'S TO : EASE LAME BACKS YOU can't do yr>rr best when your bark and every jiium'Ic i ac!ics with f.?ti,;uc. Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, without rubbing, and enjoy a |>enefruuve plow of warmth and comfort. Cood for rheumatism, nei,raLia, sprains and strains, aches and pains, sciatica, sore muscles, stilt join s and the after effects of weather exposure. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighlior. Keep Sloan's hntidy. At all druggists?35c, 70c, $1.40. Sloans Liniment (gq A woman loses her right to vote in Massachusetts if her husband establishes his legal residence at a club. Her only recourse would be to go to the club and live with him. Subscribe to The Union Times. ?t Vitamon To Clear Skin " Flesh?Increase Energy. e in and complexionsput aome firm healthy ire force and power and look and feel 100 if Mat)tin's tiny yeast VITAMON Tablets s^HUHh wha* um an liw f? t? with an mI?, llM akin, flabby flach, aunken eh?ka, eh? ?nde? (Ka my? ec a careworn, airkljrklaa fa?f Let Vita?en cemci the? dltMM. * ! 9 Are Poeithrely Guaranteed \ to Pol On Firm Flesh, Clear the Sldn and Increase Fmu Whan Taken With t 1 Every Meal or Money Back I UJh in 1,1 ill I rntikm b I.i y l j k l jo ? r.dvurc<; .i% ... CROWDS I XX ECKED THE STORE. TABLES WERE OVERTURNED AND M ND THEY WERE WELL REPAiD FOR COMING HERE. M HEN THEY SAW THEM. SO ENTHUSIASTIC WERE THE || IUGHT MORE?AND NO WONDER. IT IS NOT OFTEN || 3N MERCHANDISE THAT YOU NEED MOST. THE IYERS. If I? %% rhan We Expected? || ter Than People Expected || LOOKED. THOSE WHO COME BACK TOMORROW WILL j.j. IDEED BECAUSE EVERYBODY DID NOT GET WAITED ON. U HE SALE AND WE WILL DO OUR U TMOST TO GIVE YOU II XX Ill u Get Such Bargains |f J *1**1* ! l++X+<%>+l++l<'K+*Z* +i* * ??* &<&&&&&&&& r |2 I At Anrtinnl rti nuiiiuii WE WILL SELL AT AUCTION ON I SATURDAY, DEC. 17th I AT 2:00 O'CLOCK I The Wade H. Howell Plantation I (BOGANSVILLE, NEAR BUFFALO) I This tract of land consists of 265 acres good farming lands with 8 dwelling and tenant houses, and will be sub-divided into small 3 farms and sold for a division. ? mi 1 mm m - - I his place is well adaptel for all usages, it being near the City of Buffalo. One would do well to run a truck farm. And you will not regret it. Be on hand, put in your bid and get a cash prize. YOUR PRTCE - - - - - ~EASY TERMS CASH PRIZES .... BRASS BAND SOUTHERN STATES REALTY CO. ' Land Selling on a Sound Business Basis." HOME OFFICE GREENWOOD, S, C. n 11 - | fc. I\ ft.e!!y & Brother, Local The Garden of Light is a place in J k i ?t llKTk.IT A he beautiful park of the oily of Sao THE IDEAL GIFT 1 IN i" LU JLf\ aula, Brazil, where clear, win,li,,K Waterman'. "Ideal" I ^ raters are bordered by tall palms _ . * _ iding colored lights that tint them hounlain Pen. m M gm* Ag# (&> v night. Gorgeous flowers and mar- UNION DRUG STORE A ^9 le statues bending over, are mir-, YAPORUi ored In the long lake. I??? - Ovt 17 Million Jar? UnJ Yt*b w.