Published Daily Except Sunday By '
Lewis M. Rice Editor
Registered at the Postoftice in Union,
S. C., 83 second class matter.
Times Building Main Street
Bell Phone No. 1
)ne Year $4.00"
:uc Months 2.00
hree Months 1.0 1
*ne square, first insertion $1.0l'
Aery subsequent insertion 5t
Ouituary notices, Church and l odge
utices and nonces of public meetings
nlertainments and Cards of Thank*ill
be charged for at the rate of one
ent a word, cash accompanying the
t?d?r f'f.nnt thu wurik ami vmi wi?
mow what the cost will be.
Member of Associated i'rcsn
The Associated Press is exclusively
ntitlcd to the use for republication 01
news dispatches credited to it or not
jthcrwise credited in this paper ant
ttso the local news published thciein
We find it difficult to get our consent
to condemn the disarmament conference
now being held in Washington,
but conviction impels us to the
conclusion that it is going to be a
complete failure. There is not a nation
represented- there that is iuk
afraid of every other nation represented
and they are all afraid of Ger
many, not represented. Each nation
wants every other nation to abando:
its program of building armies ano
navies, but would except itself. The
whole plan is based upon a false
premise. About all that is going tc
be "scrapped'' is such portion of shipt
and equipment found to be obsolete.
There is only one way that peace
of long duration may be secured
That is by way of the boycott. If thi
civilized nations will enter a solemn
agreement one with another to com
pletely isolate any single nation thai
goes to war, refusing to buy, sell 01
hold any intercourse whatsoever with
the belligerent nation, it would be im
posible for such a nation to carry
on a successful war. All that would
be necessary to bring such a nation tc
its knees would be the boycott. Tc
maintain this, a very small army and
navy possessed by the leading nation*
? - would be adequate. They could com
bine and be more powerful than am
single ation. Those who are responsible
for "scrapping'' the league of na
tions are now talking about "scrapping"
battleships and other war im
ploments. But the league of nation*
idea was the real way to safety. Ti c
present movement is going to degenerate
into a huge joke. It is already
a thing to be laughed at.
One of our best farmers recently
had an experience that points a moral
*? This farmer came to Union from hif
home seven miles away, and hauled ii
four hogs that he brought to seli
to the market. When he got here, hi
found that, owing to the size, then
was no market for the hogs. Th<
hogs weighed about 350 pounds apiece
The market man told the farmer h<
could not use the hogs of that size tc
advantage. The market man had thai
right, but it was hnr<t on the farmer
Now, if that particular farmer, alon >
with twenty-nine others, had eacl
raised four such hogs and pooled thei.
hogs, it would have made up a 42,00C
pounds' carload that could have bee*:
shipped to market at a fair price
Better still, had the same thirty farmers
each raised eight hogs weighing
200 pounds apiece, they could have
pooled their interest and shipped a
car containing 240 nogs aggregating
in weight 48,000 pounds. It is a
thoroughly established fact that it
costs less per pound to raise a hog
weighing 200 pounds than it does one
weighing 350 pounds. The agricultural
department, Clembon College
and every farm paper in the country
tell us this is a fact, Then, too, the
smaller hog is in greater demand.
You can find a more ready sale for
the smaller hog.
Why cannot thirty farmers, living
in different sections of the county,
plan together to produce eight hogs
weighing around 200 pounds, bring
them to Union on the same day and
ship them to market jointly? There
^ 1 .1 I L
miouiu oe no real difficulty in such a
move. It would be cooperative marketing.
It could be expanded to take
in a hundred, five hundred, farmers.
By acting together it can be done. 1
Independently, it cannot be achieved.
There is probably not a big packing ,
plant anywhere in the country that
could not use the hogs and that would
not pay a reasonable price for them.
Subscribe to The Union Times >
Our cat says to argue with a man
drunk is a waste of breath.
Our cat says don't play the game
Our cat says wise farmers can raise
cotton even under boll w^vil cond.
? ?
Our cat says it is a poor puddin;
without sauce.
Our cat says it ill becomes the liv
ing to malngn the dead.
* ?
Our cat savs it is seldom ? ? rpwro
having refrained from speaking de
. *
Our cat says honest work has ncvei
, et destroyed a man's appetite.
* * +
Our cat says he has a nice, fat tur j
key purchased from Orus Relue. '
** * *
Our cat says moderation in catinc
should be in evidence Thanksgiving
Our cat says ho reads in the Bible
hat those who live by the sword shal.
perish by the sword.
Our cat says the number of half
baked ideas floating around seems te
be diminishing.
* * *
Our cat says a theory that refuse
o be converted into a fact should be
possessed gingerly.
* ? +
Our oat says a thankless heart is a
vicked one.
* * *
Our cat says about the lonesomesf
ound he ever heard is a mill tvhistle
at 4:30 a. m. on a cold morning.
? *
Our cat says those who live by
graft often find the living precarious
? *
Our cat savs it is hi'f.ter flolnv -j
wrong start.
* *
Our cat says while we are honoring
General Foch the French government
is preparing to maintain its vast
Our cat says France does not inend
to disarm.
Our cat says it is a stupid mousi
that plays in front )f the cat.
* * *
Our cat says action should be based
upon deliberation.
* * *
Our cat says the price of cotton is
iow on the mend, the "distress" bales
having been disposed of.
Special Advertisements
FOR RENT?Store in Smith block
Apply to Mr. C. F. Hart, railroad
crossing, or to Mrs. Newell Smith
151 Thurston St., Greenville, S. C.
1196-Mon & Thur-tf
leans Molasses. Peoples Supph
Co. 1232-3.
and pressed at Sartor Pressing
Club. Work guaranteed or money
back. Your work will get the best
attention of any shop in town. Vinson
Sartor, Prop. Phone 477-J.
MONEY TO "LOAN on city and farm
property. ranging in amounts
from $260 to $2,000. S. E. ilar
ron. 1186-tf
dandruff and all diseases of the hair
and scalp. Palmetto Drug Co.
FLOUR?Call at Farmers Bonded
Warehouse and buy. Flour is on
consignment. Price and quality
the best. Farmers Bonded Warehouse.
YOUR PRESCRIPTION will bo filled
with the best drugs if you send it
to us. Palmetto Drug Co.
place near Konham lor rent. Several
very desirable farms on these
Ia >d?. See. or write E. G. Evans,
Pendleton, S. C., or P. D. Barron,
Union, S. C. 1231 -3c
DON'T BE ANNOYED with coughs
and hoarseness. Get Huiet's Cough
Syrup. Palmetto Drug Co.
VIK. SPORTSMAN?We handle the
famous "Western Field" shotgun
shells. J. W. Gilbert. I231-3t
Due to famine, four-fifths of the
on.ersation among the commtfn Chinese
relaUs to food.
???? i ??
Rioting Continues
in Belfast
Belfast, Nov. 23.-?One person was
killed in the lesumption of the fac
tional rioting bringing the list of fatalities
to 14, attended the assumption
cf the governmental powers by the
new Ulster parliament.
?? J
The State of South Carolina,
Union County.
Court of Common Pleas.
C. P. Norman, et al., Plaintiffs,
j '.asor's Garage, et ah, Defendants.
In pursuance of an' order made in
| he above entitled cause of E. P. Nornan,
et ah, Plaintiffs against Rnsor's
iarage, Incorporated, et ah, Defendmts,
dated October 16th, 1921, the
indersigned as the Receivers of the
lefendant Rnsor s Garage, (Incorporated),
will, on Salesday, December .
1921, during the legal hours of
ale, before the Court House door at
Jnion, South Carolina, sell to the
ighest bidder therefor the following
escribed property, to wit:
"All that certain piece, parcel or
ot of land, with a three-story brick
>uilding thereon, situaton, lying and
eing on the southeast comer of
inckney and Academy Streets of the
;ity of Union, said County and State,
ind being known as lots Nor,. 10 ami
1 of the property of John L. Young,
leccnsed, as appears by a plat of the
ame made by J. L. McPhenrson, C.
!3., in November and December, 1903,
fronting on Academy Street a diaanOe
of seventy-three (73) feet, more
>r loss, and running back therefrom
to negro church lot, and along JPinckley
Street a distance of one nundred
nd twenty-nine (129) feet, more or
ess. and being bounded on the north
by Academy Street, on the ease by
ot now or formerly belonging to Mrs.
F. O. Willard, on the south by lot
mown us Negro Church lot ar..j on the
vest by said Pinckney Street; the
bove described lot being composed of
wo lots known as lots Nos. 10 and
il of the John L. Young Virgin and
Academy Street property, and conveyed
to the said Rasor's Garage,
Inc., by deeds dated the 15th day of
October, 1919, recorded in the ofllce of
he Clerk of Court for said County
nd State in Deed Book No. 51 at page
04 and on the 1st day of November,
919, and recorded in the above men,:oncd
Clerk's oflice in Deed Book No.
11 at page 106; said lot being comnonly
known as the property of Razor's
Garngc, Inc.
Terms of sale to be cash, the purhaser
to pay for revenue stamps and
oapers. The sale of the said lot of
and and the building thereon is not
o include the elevator thereon nor the
casolino tank and oil pumps, but the
wmc will be ^flkl separately immedilfrply
after tn? sale of the said lot,
each separately and apart from the
uniting and each separately and
.part from each other; terms of sale
o be cash.
Each bidder before being allowed to
bid, shall be required to deposit with
he said receivers a certified check in
he sum of three hundred dollars or
i-s equivalent in cash, same to bejome
forfeited upon the failure .of the
successful bulder to comply; that upon |
ompjiance by such successful bidder1
or bidders credit shpll .Jje given on!
juch bid for such sum so deposited
svith the said receivers and such sum
;o deposited by unsuccessful bidders
shall be returned to them at the conlusion
of the sale; terms of 3ale, cash.
!'hat the purchaser or purchasers of
he said elevator gasoline tank and
pumps, etc., shall have thirty days in
whicn to disconnect and remove same
rom the building. In the event such
purchaser shall fail to comply with
their bids any or all of such property
will be resold on a subsequent day at ,
his or their risk. I
W. S. Nicholson,
W. S. McLure, |
R. P. Morgan,
I1-1C-17-24 Receivers.
we've got rn
A new Battery with a
new guarantee.
Cunningham & Williams
t i
I . f
I 1 1
X * ?* 1 $
X ? u O
x ^ i? %
X ? 'fe 9
X ? > H i
X ? . ? 4
Y ,-s JL 1
T ? o X
? Q? V* *
For Best Results j
tf? f% - M " A
, ??, J.
# I
In winter sluggish g
011 the battery. It c
disadvantages are 1;
line that vaporizes
But volatility is on]
fuel should co:obin
a high rate of e<
service conditions.
Gasoline with tlies
motor fuel.
"Standard" Motor
have found. It lia*
and ill service. "S
economical and sat
motor fuels have er
Test this improved,
car. Notice how sjj
to prove its pulling
. quality wherever v<
The mail who sells
the best lubricating
I Ria
I An^
The M
Only I
Listen I CO]
Lester 1/MfK
Company |r/u
En W
Tour |^NS
Cast positively include)
Douglas, Dorothy Edor
with the authors stipula
management has arran
at $1.50, $1.00 and 75c.
leject Negro's Nomination 1
? \
Washington, Nov. 22.?The nomin- j
tion of Henry Lincoln Johnson, ne- j
ro Republican national committee i
nan from Georgia, to be receiver of f
eeda for the District of Columbia
rtM rejected by the senate late today.
Senator Watson (Democrat) of
leorgia, who was understood to hav? t
id the fight against the confirmation, \
ice Cold
in t
;asoline means slow starting
:alls for an over-rich, wastefi
argely overcome when you i
evenly and completely at 1
ly one important property,
le ample power for heavy lo;
omhustion and complete i
?e properties is what we n
IS .1 * ...
gasoline is me nest uaiana
i to pass the most rigid test*
tandard" Motor Gasoline is
isfactory gasoline that long
tabled us to produce.
, balanced "Standard" Moto
>ry and lively your motor is.
* power. Keep labs on tl
>u buy it, and sold everywl
you "Staudard" Motor Gas
oil if you ask him for POl
(N ew Jersey)
tight, Fri
iost Talked o
s:- -Lynton Althey, Johnny 1
i, Louise Wolf and Florence
attraction has always maint
tes that not less than a $2.00 s
rtr\ri -Prw* fV, la nn rrofVAlYiAn^ 4-l?n
guu IUI i/iiio vii^aguiuuiiv/ uic .
Seat sale starts Thursday.
vas said to have laid before the com-!
nittee sworn statements of incidents;
n the nominee's career which the j c
senator declared warranted his re,,
ection. The nomination was taken
ip when it was reported favorably 1
'rom the committee to the senate.
Professional Notice f
I will be absent from the city from ^
he dates, Nov. 28 to Dec. 2. L,
23l-4tpd Dr. D. H. Montgomery. (f
???I ????- ^
Ke Radi
and a heavy strain
ul mixture. These*
ise a volatile gaso- /V
low temperatures. wjl
i lie ideal motor
ads and hard liills,
turning under all |?=j
tiean by balanced ji$f|
ed motor fuel we 1 :
5 in the laboratory V
the most efficient, ^||
; years of refining jjHj
r Gascline in your Q)
Take a few hills j|jE=
ic mileage. One /Pi,
oline will give you
L.ARINE. tf i|L
IP ANY ; til"
iday, No
f Musical C<
Wright, Thos. Barrett, Ha
ained a $2.50 price for the b
icale must prevail. To be 1
following: Only 105 seats s
Mail orders now. .(Add 10 i
Itute of South Carolina,
Union County.
Court of Common Pleas,
"ho Union Life Ins. Co., Plaintiff,
ulian J. Welch, et al., Defendants.
The above stated case, having been
urthcr referred to me, for the purpose
of taking proof of all claims
gainst L. J. Welch (other than liens
pon real estate which have hcretoorc
been established before me) and
rfifoK '
[\\ ^
itre I
v. 25
^ 1 As
\R a Shown
nnmhi ' In
ME, | Larger
Wli Cities I
? J w
Iph Coleman, Dorothy g
est seats. The contract B
within the contract the I f
it .$2.00, the remainder 9
per cent War Tax.) S
to report name, by an order of said m
Court under date of October 6, 1921.
Notice is hereby riven that a reference
will be held before me. at my
office in Union, S. CM on the 2nd day
of December, 1921, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon, at which time and place all
persons holding claims such as are
mentioned above must appear and establish
same in the manner provided
by law. W. W. Johnson,
Judge of Probate.
Nov. 21, 1921. 1282-8t
Subscribe to The Union Timet.
' . -J