* Yeast Vital B Re gf Banishes Skin Eruptior Strengthens The Nerv< \ under lskin . noflabbiness ---- ^ , >i*U ( ^ NO HOLLOWS Of what use are beautiful features the U you have an ugly sliin, flabby brig flesh, hollow cheeks or a scrawny :a i neck? Mastin's V1TAMON Is pos- " Itively guaranteed to give you new r? health, beauty and a wall-rounded 8? face and figure. are gua Mastin's VI-TArMON?the original ant nothing else like it, so do not accept Mastin'a V1TAMON Tablets at all got T? ORIGINAL YEAST AND VITAMIN CENUINE TABLET Why The First Good Heal r? 1 - asie rroducts in the rsii Rheumatism, Sk A Lowere Many People Do Not Unc When you have that feeling of fatigue; when you lack the energy you. need for the day's duties and pleasure; when you are troubled with pimples, blackheads, bad boils, sores or some other skin eruption; or when you have rheumatic pains in the muscles and joints, don't wait until you collapse in a state of nervous prostration, or until in your weakened condition you contract some serious disease, but start at once to get the waste products out of your blood. Nature has certain peculiar ways ?* " to warn us. Fortunate, indeed, is the person who knows her danger signals. Thousands and thousands of men and women during the past 50 years * have relied on S. S. S. to clear their ^ blood of waste products. S. S. S. will ASAF1 For JE1 | Nothing short of a privs box will afford absolute prol .Tpwolrv has two kinds oi mental. Only the intrinsi considerable cost. But hen of insurance. Here one lea' remains until she again wai "Large Enough to Serve Any? cLinr 12 NATIONA \ N ** / s - iumn" Tnrr" ' i ^ Quickly changes the dimly J tT Tf t lighted, uninviting room in4o brilliantly lighted cheerful place at less expense and with greater safety than N [Tirrrnrrj^j a 400 candle power 141 light without wick, III chimney, smoke, smell, wi , grease, dirt or trouble. fS There is really no excuse now-a-days for #the sight ruining, old-ia*nionca f|> Call and Sen ThU Wonderful Lamp. Let u< explain it* aimple construction, "" 'it*'' ? 1 qntfkly^ with a common *> mmmrn Unaffected by lii|h ^ wind, rain, mow nnd allT n ?IVa leet and built (or harddniry man end atomm keeper and lor night Jim Hi rttr M A ana early momma chor jEaNlUf fl* f tna around the hou*e, KTarHiyVl 91 b*m, milk-ehed, feed- j I > A 400 candle-power Rva JlABlj ? 1 / ' 3^o com non Tablets al Beauty is. Puts On Firm Flesh*, as and Increases Energy. ncentrated Tablet* Easy and Eco? lomical to Take. Result* Quick. I you want to quickly clear your sldn and iplcxion, put some firm, healthy flesh on ir bones, increase your nerve force and ircr, and look and feel 100 per cent, better, ply try taking two of Mastin's tiny yeast [ AM ON Tablets with each nical and ,ch results. Mastin's VITAMON contains hly concentrated yeast vitamines, as well the other two still more important vitatej (Fat Soluble A and Water Soluble C). lples, boils and skin eruptions seem to ish like magic under its purifying influe, the complexion becomes fresh and utiful, the cheeks rosy instead of pale, i lips red instead of colorless, the eyes ;ht instead of dull. The whole system oned and invigorated, and those who undcr-weight begin to get some firm, ly-there" flesh. So rapid and amazing the results that succesc is absolutely ranteed. Be sure to remember the name? 1 genuine yeast-vitamine tablet. There is imitations or substitute*. You can get >d druggists. m Are Positively Guaranteed to Put On Firm Flesh* Clear the Skin and Increase Energy When'Taken With 1 Every Meal or Money Back Aid To 1th Is Pure Blood Dod Cause Many Forms of in Disorders, and id Vitality. lerstand Nature's Warning. | improve the quality of your blood by relieving you of the waste products which cause impoverished blood and its allied troubles ? skin disorders, rheumatism and a lowered vitality. The same qualities which give S. S. S. its beneficial effect in clearing your blood of waste products make it extremely desirable for keeping your blood in good condition. S. S. S. may be had at any drug store. Write Chief Medical Director, SWift Specific Co., 715 S. S. S. Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga., and let him help you regain your health and strength. Give him a full description of your case., He is helping people every day (without charge). Ask him to send you his illustrated booklet, "Facta About the Blood"?free. ^ S. S. S. is sold at all drug stores. E Place WELRY tte box in our safe deposit :ection for your jewelry. : value?intrinsic and senti c value can be insure?at ? one has assurance instead yes her jewelry?and here it its to use it. Strong Enough to Protect All." L BANR. < ~ SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER Double Box of Stationery 48 sheet, rA 48 envelopes tLFTfcV Only one to a customer STORM'S T^E REXALL STORE Bailey and Courtney Funeral Directors and Embaliners All calls responded to promptly, day or night. We can furnish Motor Hearses or Horse drawn Hearses. Our motto is Service. Office Phone 168 Night Phone 286 and 88. FURNITURE SALE~ I will,hold a sale of second hand furniture each Saturday until further notice, before the Court House door, from 2 to 4 o'clock p. m. Included in the list will be second hand Singer sewing machines, new feather beds and pillows. You can pick up some line bargains in furniture by attending these sales. L B. GODSHALL I don't know whether I mentioned spending the night at D. B. Williams' stop with them, and was made so home on Buffalo route. I enjoyed my welcome. I want to say this, and I will close: The best way to whip the boll weevil is to sow wheat and oats, plant corn, and it doesn't matter whether you plant any cotton or not. The boll weevil may be a blessing in disguise after all. I kind of believe it is. There may be a time coming that two or three bales of cotton to the plow will be enough for you. You may get as much for that as you would get for five bales. I am not a prophet, but the farmer is getting too little for his cotton. I have hear people say it tok about 13 orl4 months in a year to make a crop of cotton. It is toiling all the time. It is a orop that takes most of the night to make and to market.. I have seen poor farmers' wives in the cotton field with small babies sitting in goods boxes or on a pallet under the shade of some tree. I have seen a tent spread as a shield to keep the sun from shining down on that sweet little baby that "had to be taken care of to make 7 or 10c cotton. I believe it is going to change. The bottom rail will get on top some of these days. We have lost another great man, that is Sheriff Fant. His place will be hard to fill. We are in sympathy with the family. Miss Savannah Smith, who stood a very serious operation in the Uhion hospital a few weeks ago, is at home near Lockhart Junction and am glad to say to her friends that she is getting well. Moxy. t il t J T - " X T 8 T > ? *-< ! ! 00 ? 4 > O uj O v U, H? V > -pS V O b ** * o > -I 4 to g- f t Y > o o ; y u 10 5 y J? nj V ! 2 | t X i t * WOOLEN GOODS I give great care in cleaning. We have been very successful in cleaning all kinds of woolen goods, and other heavy fabrics. Why take chances on having your clothes cleaned when you can pcoftt by our ex perience? Phone us and we will call promptly and return your suit looking just right in the shortest time possible. Phone 167. We will call and deliver your clothes in a dust proof motorcycle, anywhere. Hames Pressing and Repair Shop. Nicholson Bank Building. PHONE 167 Agents For Two Dye Hotffees. International Monetary Conference London, Nov. 17.?The International Monetary Conference is scheduled to meet here December 6 and 7. Rep. resentatives from the United States, France, , Italy, Holland, Germany, ** ;i nunum nuu iuccaiuu yv 11 aiunu, ao well as delegations from British institutions, financial and commercial. Professor Irving Fisher, political economist of New Haven, Conn., and Dr. Walter Rathenau, German industrial leader and Minister of Reconstruction, have already accepted invitations. ' Advertise in The Union Times. DRONCHmS B J At bedtime rub the throat and W cheat thoroughly with? VISJ1S Om 97 Million )*n Vmd Vasrfe * ?V 4 N Makes I Good ?ru ccnfk.icnvc airJ s~' Greatcr coiji; dene always he ros*??u: worjlic". Iti v. :?J ! co3{?c;o?h. ?*-.c in iari ?will pV.i' yon tl\i mum service i * ro Volatility, r::'c ;ru velopcti hi the cyl mileage ncr gallon he found hi 4CStan "Standard"' alotoi iorv an ! ccM ic availah'ijyv of mi and balanced '.."II 1 Discover iV> j*ood imitations. Drive quality wherever 3 The best ?*ara?2;e 1 for every car. STAND Diphtheria ' , By Dr. Eugene 0. Chi men?, Health Officer, Greenville, S. C. With an increase in the number of cases of diphtheria reported from practically all parts of the state it is up to parents to inform themselves of. the nature of this disease and the methods for its prevention. Diphtheria, or membraneous croup, is ATI frcntii infocfinna ^ioooaa tViot of tacks usually the throat. It sometimes causes the child very little discomfort and the disease may be fairly well developed before a physician is called. Too often the case is regarded by the parent as an attack of simple sore throat, but all sore throats are dangerous, and the possibility of diptheria should be kept in mind until proven otherwise. Observation of a large number of children has shown that only about 140 per cent of therp will take diptheria, even if exposed to it. So tnc first step in the prevention of diptheria is to have your children, especially those between the ages of two and five, tested, and if the test proves that they are susceptible, have them inoculated against dipthevia. This can be done easily and cheaply bv your family physician or local health i officer, and the child rendered immune; for a period of about five years. When a case of diptheria develops in a family the patient should be isolated at once; all oating utensils, bed i linen, etc., should be boiled each time! they are used by the other members of the family. Children under four-j teen years, who have been exposed to1 the disease, should be given sufficient! antitoxin to protect them for three, ori four weeks. Especial caution should be observed by the person caring for the case so that the disease is not carried to the rest of the family. Where possible a cap and gown should be worn in the sick room, and the hands thoroughly scrubbed with lysol solution each time upon leaving the room. The patient should not be allowed to get up except upon the doctor's orders, for dangerous coTY^plications may icauib iiuiu up uiu BUUI1. v/iuy j after the doctor has examined the child's throat and found it free from! perms should the child be allowed to po out of the house or play with oth-( er children. . It adulates an ? Up-Set Stomach Relieve* the m* end acidity. Prevent* severe ndlqestion. dyspepsia, cholera morbus ana other resulting troubles. > for wjglts Exactly whet the name Impllot A tallMioonful after ev Try r.iosl. aiix your onaoeiff -) % Less ,'es every inpmber of the fn ; isfaetion. si* e from flie knowledge fh" sive. It will start prompt turn over slowly wliile >01 iid wliirl von up heavy g-ve av shifting. * you get and practical freed j,e part to quick, *e. < satisfaction that comes ?Y ck-bcitom cost. [1 completeness of comln::?!i inders, range of carburetor i?all desirable qualities hi idard" Motor Gasoline. i* Gasoline, because of iir.i: i-'s, perfected refining pi\ des from different fields., h > !o-day it easilv leads in or. . J J j ness for yourself, if yoi! I in at the "S. O." sign, ^ou get it, ami easily men advise the use of TO?,. ARD OIL COjV (New Jersey) You must place your Ford cars. The sales depa yourself worry by placin Renlizi no* as well as vo much everybody wants a a FORD on, and the seco FORD and pay for it as h Plan No. 1.?Pay cash Plan No. 2.?One-third monthly payments with ii Think this over and we with you and if you will how liberal our terms arc J. W. LIPSO J. L. BOLTON Valuable Home for Sale Oon salesday in December, next, be- ' fore the Court House door, during the hours of sale, I will sell to the highest bidder the home place of J. G. Long, deceised. I 1 This lot and buildings is located on | North Mountain street near Central, Graded School, and has frontages of 95 feet on Mountain street and 85% 1 . feet on Church street, having a depth ' of about 280 feet. The dwelling is of seven living rooms, bath and all modern conveniences. Good bam and other outbuild- . ings. ' Terms of sale: one-half cash, balance one year at 8 per cent interest secured by mortgage of premises. See me for description. J. M. Greer, 11-18-25; 12-2 For Heirs. In a new restaurant for French members of parliament, placards on the walls request members of the house not to flirt with the waitresses lily Car Expensr Ja. ti^ 51 y v hi* i %ives : !"{?.:/ " T.\ ill I/, cvni rn fold ': > iJ.iOr.Jf 121 f, ! vito u lo, , % ({k !?:' } >1*0111 carbon \\. , r ' . i rombjsst'dii in ' cuing, t'P on, pressure dc- j? i\: sJ a *jwslRif?nf., big $$'4 rt v' J:* fnc* ??*:m mT^ r*. >lt* labora- j|j| i ji] and llio. |jjl fij||| ii'vn improved \ we been n >?!ii If-T HH' rtilllK' i.i'r.il Vfr-fT I mj AKI.Ni;?a grade /fi'jjj?? rh I* BlV'VxS IP ANY m j ?| ;|! orders in advance if you wi rtment is ahead of the manu: g your order ahead. V u do how hard it is to get FORD, we have two plans no nd one is so easy that any o e rides. when you are delivered the F cash on delivery, balance < iterest and insurance on defe i will be only too glad to go only do just a little figuring Yours for more FORDS, 3MB, DEALER, JONESVI [.DEALER, UNION, S.C. Snecial Advertisements V0R SALE Pure Bred White Leghorn j Pullets, 50c and 75c. Mrs. Robert Scott, Joncsville, S. C., R. 1. 1225-4t ^OR RENT?Several desirable farms near Adamsburg. Also other farm- . ing land near Monarch. See P. D. | Barron, Union, S. C. . 1225-3t ""OR SALE?Saw mill outfit, consisting of traction steam engine, saw mill. Tog wagon and cart at bargain; on terms. See The Times. 1227-3t LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN?One setter dog, named "StoVer," nearly grown, white lemon ears. Reward if returned to J. A. Crosby. 1227-3t FLOUR?Call at Farmers Bonded Warehouse nnd buy. Flour is on consignment. Price and quality, the best. Farmers Bonded Warehouse. 1224-tf MONEY TO LEND on real estate for r ish prompt delivery on factory. You will save ?) ' money, and also, how w that we will sell you ne who tries can own a 0R1). I divided into ten equal | rred payments. I over the second plan 1 r we think you will see | IlLE, S. C. I ,PHONE 289 I 2f> NICE COOP FATTENED HENS at 22Vic pound. Phone 89-W. ltpd I AM PREPARED to treat) external cancers on basis of no cure'no pay. References from neorklo w? , 1--" /WW tvuvv*. Write or call to see me. K. M. Gregory, Union, S. C. 1215-tf MONEY TO LOAN on city and farm property, ranging in amounts from $260 to $2,000. S. E. Barron. 1136-tt > WANTED ? Intelligent and well \ / known boy to take orders for Standard electric lamps at less than standard prices. Good opportunity; good commission. "Electric Light,* care Union Times. ll-17-18pd ? .. Li? _ ?i.i Ten years is th? average life of an oyster. A successful machine for cleaning the barnacles from the hulls of>a vessel without the nahessity of docking the craftjJias^hiflLdMdifll^?