The Union daily times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1918-current, September 22, 1921, Image 3

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LADIES jU' . ?* . & if: A. i >; v READY-TO-WEAR SALE % V / 1 - AT J. U. JOLLY'S Mew Store I have bought more Ladies Coats, Dresses and Coat Suits than I will need, so for Friday, Saturday and Monday I am going to give 10 per cent off regular price of all Ladies Coats, Coat Suits and Dresses. You can compare our prices?we will sell you cheaper and for three days only give you 10 per cent off also. We have also just received a large shipment of Ladies Hats, Skirts and Silk Waists.. Buster Brown Ladies.full fashioned seamup-the-back Silk Hose, $1.00. . It costs you nothing to look. Don't miss this if you need a Coat, Suit or Dress. Positively no reduction after Sale. J. L. Jolly . "Sells it For Less" . ' i , ' i Big Reduction In Market Supplies - SAVE MONEY BY TRADING HERE WHY PAY MORE? PHONE US YOUR NEEDS, NO. 210. ? XL. . . JL . * ? r>? Mixed Sausages, pound ..... 25c Steak, pound 30c Winnies, pound 25c Pork, pound 35c Cured Ham, pound 45c Stew Meat, pound . .15c Roast, pound 20c and 25c Oysters, per quart . 70c Fresh Mullet Fish .:. 20c Other things in proportion. MITCHELL BROS. South Pinckney Street (Old Meng Store) ?= " 1 * . , i.. - -4 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC If it is an easy shave or a good hair cut you are looking for, come in and see us. We can dp it and will do it. Our shop is located in Smith Block, - next door to the Express office. Our price is right, here it is: Shave 15c Hair Cut 35c Shampoo. 35 and 50c v Passage 35c Children's Hair Cut _25c Bath 25c Your barber work will be highly appreciated. CANNON & DEADMON v ?-?j--^? -l - - ?|?' .'jj... = Advertise In The Union Time*. It Pnye To Adverttae. ? This is. Certain Th? Proof That Union Readers Cannot Deny. What could furnish stronger evidence of the efficiency of any remedy | than the test of-time ? Thousands of people testify that Doan's Kidney Pills have brought lasting results, i Home endorsement should prove ! undoubtedly the merit of this rem: edy. Years ago your friends and neighbors testified to the xelief they | had derived from the use of Doan's Kidney Pills. They now confirm their testimonials. They say time has com-' pleted the test. A ;k your neighbor! Mrs. G. W. Fowler, 18 Lawson St., Union, Says: "I suffered from weak kidneys and felt miserable in every way. I used different medicines,but without^ much success until I got Doan's Kidney Pills from the Palmetto Drug Co. They acted directly on my kidneys, removed the pains and made me feel a great deal stronger." OVER SIX YEARS LATER, Mrs. Fowler said: "The cure I spoke about in 'my former statement has been permanent. I advise anyone suffering from kidney ailments to ase Doan's Kidney Pills; they are fine." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs. Fowler had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo N. Y. When anthracite coal was first offered for sale by a man in Philadelphia in 1812, he was treated as an imposter and threatened with arrest for attempting to sell what was declared to be merely "black stone." In Spain, Portugal, Greece and Switzerland girls as young as twelve years may legally contract marriage witnout tne consent or their parents. For Best Results jy t Use W&*' LIVE STOCK REMEDIES Sold by Druggiat* and Dealer? A recent writer states that Portuguese men are so notoriously indolent that it is no exa? aeration to say that two-thirds of the work of Portugal is done by women. Nine thousand scrubwomen are required to. keep New York office buildings clean. _ _ The new British census is expected = to show a surplus of *2,000,000 women in England alone. Savings banks were invented by a clergyman. Speaking of Facts, Here They Are We have the goods, service, and quality and in addition to these we make every possible effort to please the public with courtesy and politeness. / / Palmetto Drug Co. The Home of Pure Drugs and Druggists Sundries. Phone 7. {L Notice of Final Discharge County of Union. Court of Probate. Notice is hereby given, that on the 10th day of Octooer, 1921, at 11 o'clock, a. m., in the Court of Probate fbr said County, the undersigned will make his final settlement as guardian of the Estate of Malcolm Vice, and that thereupon he will apply to the Judge of said Court, for his final discharge as such guardian. 1^ L. Wagnon. ' This 8th day of September, 1921. Published in The Union Times for 30 days. 9?8-15-22-29 ' DRY CLEANING ^ Eliminates the soil from the finest | and most delicate garments without loss ox color or snnntcage ana cleans your garments clean. We have the equipment and the know how, that is wnat counts in cleaning clothes. I will appreciate your business as much as anyone. Special attention to Parcel Post. We will call and deliver in a dust-proof motorcycle. Nicholson Bank Building, Phone 167. Agent for two of the largest Dye Houses in the South. Hames' Pressing and Repair Shop Money to Lend. On improved farm lands, well situated and equipped ?$1,000.00 to $10,000.00. J. E. Mmter," <Jj SEDAUA. ? Financial Correspondent for Union Central Ufo Insurance Co. ' I , TO i . \ ' = - i igegegge^gg Test this Gasoline . """ ' forYo isi*self,ontheRoad HOWEVER sincere one mo- enables your car to start easier torisi's statement may be, and run more smoothly. It his experiences with />/.? i??p i?o? ?n= r?^1 A ? - -A* CIO VAil a jMiiuug jjuwcr, i juc cannot be applied exactly to recent improvements in the iyour operation of your car. product, made possible by the Most drivers know that indi- work of our Development Devi dual cars have peculiarities. partment, have made "StandWe do not ask you to use the ard". Motor Gasoline the best improved "Standard" Motor obtainable. Gasoline simply because you But remember that the final have heard that it is the best test of gaSoiiue quality is how on the market. We want you it performs in your motor, to try it for yourself, accord- Try "Standard" Motor Gasing to your own requirements. olinc for yourself under varyOn a basis cf results, alone, ing road and weather condiwe would gladly have you de- tions. It will pay you to begin cide whether or not you should at once. use it ieeularly. A great combination is "Stand" Standard" Motor Gasoline ard" Motor Gasoline for power is a light, volatile fuel which and Polarine for lubrication. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ^rfrspgsj NO PRICE IS RIGHT UNLESS X$ Gei/Hthe QUALITY IS RIGHT ^ Ji^ce! j CE^I DE your own syrup manufacturer. Take all the V 1 " profit yourself. But be sure that you buy Vv'|< j.M(Hi/ a cane mill that extracts all the juice. The Famous "OM Red Mill" \ || j^F The best-known cane mill on the market. It is a dandy mill for the planter who grows but a few . acs of cane or sorghum. It is right on the iob the moment youwant to do the grind- ft/y * i[ *j^TXSO .- q ^i'.^ ing. It is a powerful mill and it fairly eats up the heaviest cane. A Complete Syrup-making Outfit Curlee Clothing Co., make their clothes as good Besides the Chattanooga "Old Red Mill," we can also furnish I as they can and they make the price as low as they a Chattanooga furnace with legs or rockers, and a Chattanooga rn, ,, . ... , .... evaporator, made in any eize to meet the capacity of your mill. I Can. Then they give a W1 ltton guarantee with If you wish to build a brick or stone furnace we can furnish I every Suit Or OVerCOat, which means that if a gai*the door, back plate, grate and steel pipe. r , You know this reputation of .Chattcnooga Cane Mills. They ment fades or WOrkmanshm IS not ?rnori von ore* o urely do get the juice. | new garment wjp pay y0U ^ investigate the I The Union Hardware Company | proposition. | Farmers Headquartci s 8 New Fall Suits for Men and Boys Hats. Shoes I UNION, S. C. I anH FnrniQhinoQ I Cane Mill Prices are Reduced I 8 - . . 9 Stronger than the law Shoes for the whole fam- I . , 41 ^ T4 77" ! ,.~~7 ,, . ~ I ily. Bradly Sweaters. 1.. A scientist says the* in twenty- Judging by results in Russia the I Ave thousand years we shall all be undertakers' union ought to be strong 9 eleven feet high. However most of for the Soviet form of government I S| ns hone to lead such good"lives that evei'ywhere.?Burlington News. I |1\||I|!U f I l| l |J|h!| I1#! shall bb considerably hbghe# than that ' ' I UlllUll LLU 11111 ill LU? fi by then.?Tacoma ledger. TheTo will bo several women dele- 9 ' j ^ ^ X 1 "L '' '' gates to the conference on unem- I nHUfl? "Ml? W WAV QTODV B What will be the largeat wireless ployment. It takes a woman to set 9 INIbYV tVAI OIwK? station in the world is to be^rected at a man to work.?Otnaha World ^MOW