II I BIBH fflK B aHA BK HP 7 / BaHsSfi^Bufil j- ) ^H99nE9^IBnSH9BB ^^^SBS^^^BIRsh'M t j mBHraB|B in^HgH| ** .'? * f 'i; . 1 j - Ill I* r. ] * Find the 0 : . I rr I COSTS I xi.iL: || llUUllllg ' i I T0 1 'I TRY I v I wi S First Prize I Second Prize | Third Prize H w 1. Contest cl B on or before that The Herald office < IS | 2. Contest is side of Bamberg. B I ed with The Hera] I 3. Answers : 8 I Write your name; I j you write of anytl II 4. OnlyEng j n I Obsolete and forei is I I i 5. The same | I J elude however th* B object. | I 6. Only sucl] I B I come, and in the di | m 1 phenated words a I I I words are not to b II | 7. The word | B I if the one is used, I ADDRESS ALL I I REPLIES TO fr ? [l rnrr , wirnu j OPEN TO ALL OUR RI An Educational Test \ bjects in this Picl If two 1-year If thre If one 1-year or one 2-year or one ? - cnKcnrintinn ia qiihanrintinn is Rllbscr UU OUUOU xp* OUUOV/iif/vivu AW WMWW* *r _ >11 is sent in sent in with sent in with sent : tth answer. \ answer. answer. am $3.06 $25.60 $35.66 $56. 2.56 18.66 25.66 35. 2.66 16.66 15.66 25. HMH RULES oses June 20,1922, and-all answers must be: day, though it is not necessary that they i on that day. ; open to everybody, whether they live in or Employees of this newspaper or anyone con id, however, are barred from participating. should be written on only on,e side of the p and address plainly at the head of your list: ling else, use a separate sheet of paper* lish words found in the dictionary can be " [gn meaning words will not be coiftited. object can be named but once. This does not i naming of an object which is a part of an< l compound words which by long usage hav ctionary are given, as one word, can be used nd words that appear in the dictionary as ;e considered. may be given in the singular or plural force the other cannot be. THE BAMBE1 On Or Before PAPERS?LIBERAL CASH P Vorthy of Anyone's Best ture Beginning wi Copyrighted 1922, 10NTEST CLOSES JUNE 20TH, 192: e 1-year j 3-year * I Iption is If no subscrip- s in witb tion is sent in s jwer. witb answer. 00 Fourth Prize $1.50 00 Fifth Prize 1.00 00 Sixth Prize - .50 OF CONTEST mail- | 8. The first prize will be a\ :eaeh I swer has the largest and nearest I picture which begin with the le , out- I nearest correct, etc. Neatness nect- I into consideration, but every c 1 the spelling so that no mistake i I 9. Only one prize will be aper. | household, or to any group outsi s Tf j ? w * operated in the answering of th 10. The award of prizes a,( used. final and each contestant agrees 1. In arriving at this de point for each correct word, wh ' S5e" so on te the end of the list. A m 3 Jei granted to each contestant to al] once of opinion; but each incor: e be- count one against. . Hy- 12 If two contestants tie i i two ond prizes will be divided betw their class. The'next highest v i, but three tie for the first place, the f divided between the three in th< RG HERALD, I OHBHWHHBHMHBBHHHnHn \ RIZES II ; Efforts 1 St II Ebco E. Lawsoo^ Mian- J If two 1-year If three 1-year B H /. f one 1-year or one 2-year or one 3-year B IB/v nbscription is subscription is subscription. Is H ent In with sent In with sent in with H mk- > answer. answer. answer. 9 kB $5.08 $10.80 $15.00 9 2.50 5.00 10.00 IB 2.00 5.00 5.00 I tm ? . ?' varded to the Contestant whose an- 1 1 : correct list of objects found in the i 8 Bj U"D on/jAr>/l r?W(7fl fn tVlO nAT"f" I UBS LIC1 iJj OCWLLU, lj\j uixv and penmanship will not be taken |?gj ontestant should be careful about |:?|| awarded to members of the same k^H ide of the family who may have co- I 38? is puzzle. | W s determined by the judges will be | m i to abide by their decision. vision the judges will allow one I S ich must be numbered, 1, 2, 3, and K? largin of 15 incorrect words will be I m low for a possible legitimate differ- Up rect word above that number will - IX :or the first place the first and sec- nfifl een the two pro rata according to | MflflflUI ill receive the third prize, etc. If I ^jdHnnR rst, second and third prizes will be ^ same manner, etc., etc.