I^hx'topsy shows no poisox. ^Hcials Investigate Allendale County | jST Deaths. W Arsenic poisoning did not bring bout -the deaths of four members of the family of Joe Lee of Baidock, Allendale county, judging from the con** A - ^ ^ J I n no rdltion or tne swiuu.u auu latcdiiu^o of the mother of ILe family, according to the report submitted to Governor Cooper by Dr. C. V. Akin, representative of the state board of health, who, in company with Dr. A. H. Hayden, epidemiologist of the state health body, went to Baldock Tuesday to investigate the deaths I from a health standpoint. Four members of this family have died and the father is now very ill in 1 a hospital in Augusta. T iree children of the family died last. week and the mother passed away last Monday. The state health department was req,uest' ed by physicians and citizens of the - >' community to send representatives to ~ * make an investigation, and Tuesday \ Dr. Hayden and Dr. Akin went to Baldock. Wednesday morning Dr. Ai1-; ""J" ? f&nnrt rwn f-io no C(1 t H the H !K1U mauc a. i uu i uv vv?uv governor. H To Examine Internal Organs. Dr. Akin said Wednesday that the B- internal organ of one of the children B had been sent to Clemson college for HI examination, and that the internal orW gans of >the mother had been sent to Cliarle9ton. If arsenic in sufficient ' ** * 1 ? {nopAot I Quantities XO cause ueaiu was ed with" food or watpr, the examinations now being made should readily detect tbe presence of the poison. Dr. >; Akin said. A .well, located near a stable lot, furnished the water for the family. Dr. Akin says physicians of the community said, they had examined the water and found present in it "wiggle Ioto-o nnni'hftrq and very 1^ VOH9 iU JLUi QV ? . much alive. The presence of these animals in a living state was opposed to the theory of the well being poisoned, Dr. Akin says. Symptoms described by attending physicians also tend to rule out the poison theory. Files Report. \ The report of Dr. 2Akin on the ; * cases follows: "At the request of certain physi. *v clans and other citizens of Allendale * county, the South Carolina state board of health and representatives to investigate several deaths occur nty in fcimilv residing near IBaldock, Allendale county, South Carolina. "The suddenness of the illness and the severity of the symptoms of each of the five members of this family led to the belief that some poison liad been ingested. It was for the .iMiiTYi-kcui rtt bodv of the mother, If;;. * the last of the family to die. Two local physicians were designated by the > 4.coroner's jury to conduct the postmortem examination which was carried out with the assistance of the state representatives. ' "This examination, which was com' plete and exhaustive as regards the abdominal and thoracic organs, failed ["X to disclose any evidence of injury to the stomach and intestines, as might have occurred from the ingestion of one of the metallic or eseharotic poisons. On visual inspection the stomach and intestines were | as normal as might he expected at the autopsy of an individual suffering from a febrile condition for a number of days. Inspection revealed a y corresponding absence of gross lesions in the instance of the liver, gg pancreas and generative organs. I "The spleen and kidneys, however, * disclosed evidence of severe strain as might have been imposed by some acute infection process in which toemia was a consistant and aggravated manifestation. Both spleen and kidneys were greatly enlarged and congested. BBB "In order to definitely identify - the poison, if any ingested poison had resulted in the serious illness BBIBfit and death of the four , members of HHHK this family, specimens, consisting of Rrt|P|| the stomach, a portion of the intesMHh tine, a section of the liver, the spleen and one of the kidneys, were placed in sterile glass containers and shipUH ped to a state institution for comliHuniB plete chemical and pathological ex SuHHhW animation. "It is not possible under the oir' cumstances to diagnose the cause of death as none of the subjects were seen during the course of the illness, but it is certain that the internal organs of the person examined at au. topsy failed to show any of the marked signs of injury and disruption which would be expected had death resulted from the ingestion of one of the common poisons ordinarily encountered. "If arsenic, or some other readily istration for the first time in twentytwo years? The Democrats elected murAroHtf AQn/liHofQ W i 111 O TT1 LUCLJT V/* tt I L%> wauutuatv^ ? T A&AAbVAA* S. Hackett, and seized every other berth in the city administration ballotted on, including a large majority of the ninety aldermanic seats. Detroit reelected Mayor James Couzins, whose campaign was waged on a platform calling for municipal traction ownership, while Cleveland gave Fred Kohler a substantial plurality over Mayor William S. Fitzgerald, Republican, and voted to rhanffe to a citv manager plan of gov ernment in 1924. It was Kohler who, when dismissed as chief of police by Newton D. Baker, then mayor, told his friends he would some day vindicate himself by being elected head of the city government. He conducted his campaign without the backing of an organization and without making a speech. Cleveland is said to be the largest city which has adopted the city manager plan. Republican mayors were elected in Indianapolis and Cleveland. A trout may ignore a bait a dozen times successfully and strike the thirteenth time he sees it. XOTICE OF PROBATE JUDGE'S SALE. Pursuant to an order of -the Probate Court in the matter of B. D. Carter, petitioner, vs. Lizzie Hicks, et al., the undersigned will sell at public auction -to the highest bidder, at the uourt .House, tfamoerg, s. y? on me first Monday in December, 1921, between the legal hours of sale on said day, the following described real estate: (1) That certain tract of land, with buildings thereon, situate in the County of Bamberg, State of South Carolina, containing sixty-five (65) acres, more or less, and bounded now or formerly on the north by lands of Cl. ATrttra fiinL-incnn aoct hv V*. .U V/J t i/lVftiUUVUt V/U>Jb Kf J iWUUO V A. J. J. Smoak; south by right of way of Southern Railway Co.; and west by lands of C. W. Rentz and lands of estate of John Hieks. Said tract of land being the same of which John Hicks died seized and conveyed to him by H. M. Graham. (2) That certain tract of land, with building thereon, situate in f Court for Bamberg County in deed book D, page 374. | TRACT II. All of that certain tract or parcel of land, situate in the County of Bamberg, said State of South Carolina, containing itwelve (12) acres, bounded as follows: By lands of Julian Byrd, Mrs. S. Byrd, Mrs. Annie /fnpVpr and bv lands held by D. R. Morrow in trust; the said tract of land being the same described in deed executed by R. A. Morrow to D. R. Morrow, dated November 22nd, 1893, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Bamberg County in deed book "D," page 380. TRACT III. All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate in the County of Bamberg, State of South Carolina, containing thirty-eight (38) acres, bounded as follows: North by lands of Mrs. S. Byrd and by lands or D. K. Morrow, Trustee; East by lands of Mrs. S. Byrd; Soutb East by lands of Mrs. Annie Tucker; South West by lands of D. R. Morrow, Trustee; the said tract of land being the same described in deed executed by R. A. Morrow to D. R. Morrow, Trustee, dated November 22nd, 1893, recorded | in the office of the Clerk of Court for } Bamberg County in deed book "D," j page 381. o.,vn,>iooor. nav fnr naners and 1 U1 V/UUOVl vv X x revenue stamps. J. J. BRABHAM, JR., Judge of Probate for Bamberg County and Acting Master for Bamberg County. r * . . v> v- -V ' *" K ORDER FOR SPECIAL TERM^OF COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. The State of South Carolina.?In the Supreme Court.?Order. * rv U n t* 1 m rr KnQTl .-1 scllisidliui \ suumug uat 1115 made, by petition signed by members of the Bar of Bamberg county, that a special term of the Court of Common Pleas for Bamberg County is needed to attend to the business of the said Court; And it appearing that the week beginning with Monday, November OS 1Q91 will Hp a cnitahlp timp for hoiding the sai4 special court; Now, therefore, It is ordered that a special term of the Court of Common Pleas be held at Bamberg, South Carolina, to begin on Monday, November 28, 1921, and to last one week. It is further ordered that the Clerk of Court for Bamberg county forthwith notify the jury commissioners of said county of the contents of this order; and that the said Clerk of Court publish a notice of the holding of the said special term of court in The Bamberg Herald, a newspaper published at Bamberg, South Carolina, once a week for three weeks preceding the opening of said 'court. EUGENE B. GARY, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of South Carolina. Dated Cctober 26, 1921. 11-24 ~ A TONIC Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores | Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect 60c. SL . STOP SCRATCHING, USE ZEMERINE For Sale at Local Drug Stores. HERE'S PROOF A Bamberg Citizen Tells of Hit Experience. You have a right to doubt statements of people living far away but can you doubt Bamberg endorsement? Read it: R. Clyde Rowell, clerk in county auditor's office, Carlisle St., Bamberg, says: "My kidneys were in a bad heme irregular and weak in ac. tion. Th,e lumbar muscles of my back were lame and weak and I had constant pain acrose the small of my back, through my kidneys. One box of Doan's Kidney Pills rid me. of every symptom of this trouble." 60c, at all dealers. F^ster-Milburn Co., Preps., Buffalo. N. Y. X Haklfnal CANrtinatlMI CurmA in 14 to 2T~Day8 "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a speciallyprepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual : Constipation: It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. i Money back without question HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES /fhf Ny (Hunt's Salve and Soap), fail in / II jjf the treatment of Itch, Eczema, gA Ringworm, Tetter or other Itching skin diseases. Try this treatment at our risk. MACK'S DRUG STORE. # t J. P. Carter B. D. Carter j J. Carl Kearse Carter, Carter & Kearse ATTORNEYS-AT-l. A W Special attention given to settlement of Estates and Investigation of Land Titles. Loans negotiated on Real Estates. nr>- l. io drop a v^uugu yuictv take HAYES* HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stops the cough by healing, the inflamed and irritated tissues. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE for Chest Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the chest and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The healing effect of Hayes* Healing Honey inside the throat combined with the healing effect of Grove's O-Pen-Trate Salve through the pores of the skin soon stops a coogh. Both remedies are packed intae carton and the cost of the combined treatment is 35c. Just ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. r PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ? ' Hi AND BOILERS Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills, Injectors, Pumps an4 Fittings, Wood Saws, Splitters, Shafts, Pulleys, Belting, Gasoline Engines LAROESTOCK LOMBARD Foundry, Machine, Boiler Worke, Supply Store. AUGUSTA, GA. S. 'Gr. MAYFIELD ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in all courts, State and Federal. Office Opposite Southern Depot. BAMBERG, S. CJ. ' <- Si To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets.) It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the | Cold. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 30c. nsBnnEZsanaanEiH an aa 15 9 g iilUlgCdUUil g *3 Many persons, otherwise O El vigorous and healthy,, are Q Q bothered occasionally with Q gj Indigestion. The effects of a am pg disordered stomach on the p. J" system are dangerous, and "J prompt treatment of-indiges- H o tion is important. "The only Q medicine I have needed has pq Jj been something to aid digesQ tion and clean the liver," Q Mj writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a n J McKinney, Texas, farmer. J H "My medicine is H HUM'S BLACK-DRAUGHT Q for indigestion and stomach' M 5J trouble of any kind. I have 5 H never found anything that H H touches the spot, iLKe uiacK- n B Draught I take it in broken 2 doses after meals. For a long B Q time I tried pills, which grip- H Bed and didn't give the good results. Black-Draught liver B {J medicine is easy to take, easy Q to keep, inexpensive." ma m * Get a package from your druggist today?Ask for and ?5 insist upon Thedford's?the D D ^pnly genuine. 0 H Get It today. DD e? DO BflflflBBBflBBBBfi R. P. BELLINGER j ATTORNEY-AT-LAW General Practice in All Courts. Office Work and Civil Business a Specialty. Money to Lend. Offices in rear over Hoffman's Store. BAMBERG, S. O. I No Worms in a Healthy. Child All children troubled with Worms have an on* healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a role, there is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regu larly for two or three weeks will enricn tne diooo, improve the digestion, and act as a general Strengthening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will thea throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be la perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. lIMillPI! I Best material and workman- H ship, light running requires li little power; simple, easy to I handle. Are made in several sizes and are good, substantial B money-making machines down | I to the smallest size. Write for R catalog showing Engines, Boil- H ers and all Saw Mill supplies. I m LOMBARD IRON WORKS & S R SUPPLY CO. I I Augusta, Georgia J j The Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXAI TiVTt BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not canse nervousness nor ranging in head. Remember the fall name and look for the signature of B. W. GROVE. 30c. DR.G. M. TRULUCK SPECLIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Barton Bldg. Phone 274 I ^^^Orangeburg^^^^l RILEY & COPELAND Successors to W. P. Riley. Fire, Life Accident INSURANCE Office in J. D. Copeland's Store BAMBERG, S. O. BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS And nothing Pwil^ ^ der the body more , liable to dangerous diseases than this same poisonous condition. Don't be constipated! It isn't safe! It isn't sensible! It isn't necessary! Be well?but don't rely on ordinary laxatives to help you. Try instead the newest scientific treatment for constipation ? ; RICH-LAX This preparation not only overcomes constipation, but it does away with all the nausea, cramping and deranged digestion caused by ordinary laxatives. Guaranteed at Our Store. We are so sure that Rich-Lax will please you that we want you to come to our store and get a bottle and try it entirely at our risk. If it doesn't suit you, if it isn't the best laxative medicine you ever used, simply tell us so and we will promptly refund,the full purchase price* MACK'S DRUG STORE. ^ Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to pure Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can get restful sleep after the first application. Price 60r ' I SOUTHERN A( 9 IT 1 !1 n asnvij THE GIANT 0 Its immense popular! fact that every line in i farm families by men ai appreciate Southern con cally unlimited personal subscribers without chai Every year we answer hundreds of different sub When you become a subs sonal service is yours. 1 T, Ina v.e 375,000 CIR I FIRST NAM 4 Member Federal % BAMBE I 5 PER CT. FA | Y ' Y ?0FF1 ' Aim n i it if 4 I UMLBANH| I Reserve System X I BO;s. c. S ' ID ON SAVINGS | I CERS- f I VICE-PRESIDENT X DR RORT. BLACK IB OLEMAN X 1 > A A A A A A A A A A A A ? " TVVTWVVI^ttv^ |H RRIVED | I AND BACON I ket 85 Years?Con- |B n the United States. FRUIT CAKE 1 erved in the White bE . jv flB ianksgiving ' Day. )ucker I :rg, s. o. Jg service L ? wA w k // W w *9 4 'V 1 8 I PATRONS AND NON- ^ jB SANK, ALIKE. * i'';$ ar in which we may be of it will highly appreciate *l; jfl inly as it is helpful to you, ifiB ER $1,000,000.00 I S^mS I4 rn WJ V P a^V Wi^ awBaMEBSB |HHb r LL^llj < f r^n^m^m bm NKIN^CO^l 5S5SSSSSSS^m| H| ?J > vr3^Bw IBB ' B