MOB BEFORE JAIL .BROUGHT 10 HALT a 9 ATTEMPT TO GET PRISON EES RESULTS IX FAILURE. Stern Warning Given. Chief Warden Tells Men and Women They Would "Be Shot Down Jbiivr nai^? Barnstable, .Mass., Aug. 19.?A mob of nearly 200 men and women carrying ropes early today stormed the local jail, threatening to lynch three Cape Verde island negroe prisoners charged with highway robbery and criminal assult on a young white woman at Buzzard's Bay. At 2:30 this morning 25 automobiles, whose occupants included women as well as men, drove up to the local jail. Others came on foot and together they marched on the jail a. t Al entrance, iney aemanaeu me mice negroes, John Dies, Benjamin Gov mez and Joseph Andrews, from Sheriff Irving L. Rosenthal. There were shouts of "Let's get them," as the mob approached the brick structure, but when the jail defenders, five men in all, fired in the air, the crowd came to a halt. Chief Warden James Boland warned the mob back, shouting that at the first attempt to attack the jail they "would be shot down like rats." The warning had its effect, but the crowd remained outside the jail nearly an hour and a half, still threaten ing an attack, while Sheriff Rosenthal, Chief Warden Boland and the three others stood guard with shotguns. There are ten prisoners in the Barnstable jail. Usually two men are considered sufficient to guard it. Last night because of the Wareham v-; incident the sheriff personally took command and augmented the force to five. Today more guards will be added, and Sheriff Rosenthal intimated also that he might ask for state troops to help him. The second regiment of field artillery of the Massachusetts guard is stationed five miles away on its summer encamp > ment. Dies and Gomez were held in $15,000 bail each yesterday and Andrews was to be arraigned today. All three have been identified by the young woman and William Eldredge as the -men who held them up and criminally attacked the girl at Buzzard's Bay earlv in the week. Today's was the second early morning threat of violence against one of the negroes, a crowd having attempted yesterday to get John Dies from the Wareham lockup. He was brought to the jail here after the Wareham police had dispersed ^ the crowd by firing over their heads. Andrews was arraigned this morning and held in $15,000 bail. Hearing for all three men has been set for August 29. There was no demonstration at the court house. tmt m Find Safe in Lake. Lake City, Aug. 19.?While in bathing today in Lynch's river seven miles distant from the home of S. W. Young, a party of young boys discovered the iron safe that was stolen I K& ' Vnnn rr' o V> r\rv? Qnn Ho r r?l