*" I pamfcrg Jieralb ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1891. ^ / Published Weekly at Bamberg, S. C. Entered as second-class matter April 1891, under Act of March 3, 1S79. "$2.00 PER YEAR. Volume 30. Xo. 19. Thursday, May 19,1921. Citizens' Military Training Camp. The following announcement from headquarters fourth corps area concerning a civilian training camp is of special interest to civilians residing within the following named states: ! North Carolina, South Carolina. Geor' gia, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee,! Mississippi and Louisiana, which are j located within the territory covered I "by the fourth corps area. Location, Date and Duration.? There will be a citizens' training camp this summer at Camp Jackson, Co-: lumbia, from July 18 to August 17, 1921, along the lines of the early j Plattsburg camps, for the purpose of; training such civilians as mav be se-| selected upon their own application.; Duration of camp, one month. Eligibility and Qualifications.? Those eligible are physically fit male! citizens who have passed their sixteenth birthday and who are not over S5 years of age. Applicants must1 have average general intelligence and! be of good moral character. Xo educational qualifications are necessary j or required. Application for Admission.?Each candidate for admission shall file a: certificate from a qualified physician j stating that his health and strength are adequate for the*course of-train-; ing; such certificate to be on official; blanks furnished the applicant: also! *s porfi fi from a ephrtnlmocfov m vvi x i viii u ov ii WAimiOi v-A ? clergyman, priest, or rabbi: to the effect that candidate is of good moral character and average general intelligence. Expenses.?Accepted candidates will be furnished transportation from their homes to the camp and return, and travel rations for the necessary number of days' travel, or he may be reimbursed by the government for actual cost of meals for time actually consumed in travel at a rate not to exceed S3.on ^er day. In lieu of such fransrortation and meals they may be paid five cents per mile for the distance by the shortest usually traveled routes from their homes to camp and return. Upon arrival at camp, the candidates will be furnished clothing, meals, eo,uipment, ammunition, etc., at government expense, for the duration of the camp. Scope of Instruction.?Scope of instruction includes the school of the soldier, squad, and company; small arms rifle practice: guard duty; camping and marching; individual cooking; care of equipment; personal ivgiene, physical development, discipline and moral. Civilians who are interested and desire application blanks or additional information, can obtain same by addressing Major F. R. Lang, U. S. . army, Carlisle school, Bamberg, S. C. the parties made their getaway witiiRenew vour subscription today. I If you have a single dollar some good purpose: " I DOLLAE 1 -Money is me oasis i t are necessary in the 1 maintenance of pros By depositing your monej helping out on cred readily available, dollar is a Pat: There is no excuse for a 9 t t ^PiBB-n 8nnnrnnnn" I I 0111 u IEI5UI (IIIUG I t f : f District Manager A | The Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Co. | A Philadelphia A T T I C ~ 1 tk A M rtTIT A kJCC 111C auuui LUC IX^YV Y X % :l "Farm Plan Insurance" :l T ... T X Covering you for Fire, Lightning, X Tornado, Windstorm, and givX ing a complete distribution. % * : !* X X f All kinds f V Y t uo n i I surety Bonus t X Representing X X # A American Surety Co. A New York Y 4 1 x x I | Bamberg, S. C. J* mAll children troubled with Worms have an un- j healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a I rule, there is more or 1 ess stomach disturbance. f| 'W GROVE S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC given regu- g j| * g g j| ? * Sj larly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood,j g Ha^j M improve the digestion, and act as a general Strength-j ra j|j jgj enmg Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then ! H jjj| ^ % IL m } 1 throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be I B y& War in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottk. NOTICE OF FINAL DISCHARGE. I Notice is given that on the 28th : I ?????__*_ day of May, 19 21, the undersigned H ^ , . will file her final return and will ap- j t^Ol. Pt9 K.# LclR0C]UC; t ply to the Judge of Probate for Bam-> g berg county for an order discharging | I ; her as administratrix of the estate of | j? Mrs. J. A. Bvrd, deceased. : B LLrTil 1 ANNIE LOU HENDERSON, | j fl? reCOfdS Administratrix. ! fl April 28, 1921. 5-2 6! B j 1 _I depositor has ever ^ ^ ^ ' 1^1 | | g Loans and disccunt's, includin j rec II prJJ I' I I ^otes an(* b*lls rediscounted with I l g||HI| 11 serve Bank pother than bank s^iffunl l/i ^ a I AI1 other United States Govern g g Other bonds, stocks, securities, et that is not employed for I I Furniture and fixtures it is a SLACKER I Real estate owned other than bank ; to day. | I Cash in Yault & Net amounts due from national ba 'or credit. Credits 3 Xet amounts due from banks, ban] establishment and 5 ^ the hnited States (other tha Deritv S I Fhecks on banks located outside of * P S bank and other cash items r in a good bank you are | 1 Total yCUT Money is |j ? State of South Carolina?Count safe, and your In ' w- A- K1-Uter> presi;lenl riotic Dollar. I | and belief" Correct?Attest: Slacker Dollar to day. i i robt black, "'Si J- B- BLACK, 1 $1,000,000.00 I c Js- = i 1 A T17?,j fU jj | n rroiu iu uic nui ^ s^jMMSifm*rss^!mmsmitajm-ui "i ?mm \ I?^M? ll^ri i .. ~ i Ii ne LutK) 13 - LUCKY MHMBMH ^ 1 ^ * Carlisle Auditorium, Fi THE SENSATION I Brilliant Array of Special Latest Songs, Jokes Real Artists in a si n ?pi 'j I An nonr primiui 01 AUSPICES CARLISLE ATI ADM1SS Adults, 75c; School Children i CURTAIN 8:30 I * NATIONA RAMBERG. SOUTH CARO . I . ii he National Bank Examiner for South ( lowing remarkable statement. He of the Treasury Department at 1 lost a dollar in or through a Nation EE FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT BAMBERG, IN THE STAT BUSINESS ON APRIL 28, 1921. )URCES. liscounts $196,617.2S Capital stock paid in . Surplus fund acceptanc^ Undivided Profits 52,337.08 Less current expenses $144,280.20 ,'cured, $1,147.13 1,458.16 Amount due to Feder 1: Net amounts due to : ment securities ' 50.00 cashier's checks on o c 1,438.62 Demand deposits (otl 3,195.48 serve (deposits pay :ing house .... J 2,498.51 Individual deposi - on ca Time deposits subject o,yii.?4 subject to 30 days nks 8,866.65 Certificates of del ^ * 4-4 m /\ rl Anneito kers, and trust companies umci LXi-Li^ ucpucno n included above) 36.52 BjI]s payaWef other , ! city or town of reporting eluding all obligate . > 505.02 er than rediscounts $168,241.00 Total ! y of Bamberg, ss.: t of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the abovi Subscribed and sw R, i should be sufficient. This is the only Na /' BAMBERG, SOUTH CARO f Minstrels I MEN == 13 I ridav, May 20, 1921 1 OF THE YEAR I Scenery and Costumes I ans and Sketches By I Their Lines | II ' \ ( IUI1 VU11I31W VUUW13, t>VV OT ? IsrHr P. M. SHARP I L BANK LINA i : Carolina, has just made the fol- 1 says: j Washington show that no >al Bank in South Carolina" E OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AT THE CLOSE OF I LIABILITIES. I $ 30,000.00 | 3,500.00 I $7,903.16 1 , interest and taxes paid .... 2,869.03 a . 5,034.13 al Reserve Bank (deferred credits).... 1,800.45 -* / national banks 1,441.08 | \vn bank outstanding 588.51 ier than bank deposits) subject to re- I I able within 30 days): ! ts subject to check 37,024.76 to reserve (payable after 30 days, or or more notice, and postal savings): losit (other than for money borrowed) 45,865.06 32,987.01 ; ,han with Federal Reserve Bank (in- j )ns representing money borrowed oth- ^ ) 10,000.00 $168,241.00 I e statement is true to the best of my knowledge 1 W. A. KLAUBER, President. | -orri to before me this 9th day of May, 1921. 9 A E. L. PRICE, JR., Notary Public. || tionai Bank in Bamberg County. 1 BANK LINA IB99HBnH9H9HnHnnn s \ . /;;-rs V " ; . ,/j- _ V . . -