11907 - H k | BAMBERG'S LAR 1 THE LEADING STORE I B Y = = V THIS STORE IS FULL OF NEW MI W X ES- SHIPMENTS OF THE PAST I r X POSITION TO OFEER YOU A MOE r X WILL FIND'AT MOST PLACES. . 0 A VITE YOU TO COME AND SEE. I DRESSES OUR DRESSES ARE ONE OF A KIND, Dresses of INDIVIDUALITY, the Styles and Materials we are showing at this tirrjfe are conservative in 11 both Styles and Prices. We are showing SILKS, CREPES, VOILES,-SATINS, CREPE DE CHIN tES, and CANTON CREPES. Here you will find a Dress to please you in Quality as well as Price. % SHIRT WAISTS. V Our new Spring Waists are beautiful in Style and ; V Quality. It is useless for us to try to describe them v here. We invite you to come and let us show you V the assortment. We have them in VOILES, CREPES, GEORGETTES, PONGEES and other ^ NEW MATERIALS. The sizes are well assorts I V ed and the prices are correct. X NEW SPRING PIECE GOODS. " > if j'ou have never bought your PIECE GOODS i I <$ AT HOOTON'S there has never been a better time to begin than NOW. Our line is more complete than ever of New, Crisp Merchandise. The WHITE 4* GOODS are here for all purposes, as we hawe them j in all the New Weaves, Stripes, and .Plaids. The 11 V Voiles are here in a varied assortment in both Sol- ! V id Colors as well as the Figures, the Quality is good V and the PRICES reasonable. You will find the othV er Piece Goods as well assorted and prices correct. I Hootons Ladies Sto PERSONAL MENTION. ?Capt. W. A. Riley, of Orange- in ? burg, was a visitor in the city Mon- sel People Visiting in This City and at flay.^ ot] Other Points. ?Miss Hattie Sue Brabham, of Sh ^ Cope, is visiting .her sister, Mrs. A. L. t0] ?Fred Stevens, of Florence, was Kirkland. Pa in the city one day last week. ?Misses Bessie Kirkland and Mar- COj ?Dr. V. W. Brabham, of Orange- tha Snyder, of Lander college, Green- cai burg,' was in the city one day this wood, spent the week-end at home. vee^- , The graded school gave a week-end ' V T ?Mrs. Wallace Wright, of Colum- holiday Friday and Monday for Eas- b bia, spent a few days in the city last ter. Many of the teachers spent the week. holidays at their respective homes in ?Miss Ida Brabham, of Converse the state/ college, spent the Easter holidays at ?Miss Dora Lipford has resigned mj home. her position as bookkeeper and sec- 0ti ?D. C. Murph, of Orangeburg, retary of Carlisle school, and has }s spent Monday in the city with V. J. been succeeded by Miss Ada Bishop, 0f Hartzog. - \ a former student at Carlisle. wo ??Mts T .A. Wvman and Miss Tr * J ^wnitn?Ginifiiumi!iU!iHncnmniHH!ni!!iiiiiiiifnii)in;iin!iii!!in!ni!i!ii!iiiiiijnii!niiii!nflr% Mary Frances Walker spent Monday ft a All in Augusta. FOUL TIPS I A1] ?'Mrs. H. M. Wiggins has been | By the Observer, spending some time with relatives at ^iBiniiiiniiniiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiurauuMi# Maoon, Ga. The Observer, for reasons his own, wii ?Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ayer, of asked The Herald not to make known dis Rlackville, spent Sunday in the city his identity?yes, he admits being a tin with relatives. "he/' There are several reasons why doi ?J. r: Rice, nf Poliimhia. snent he does desire his Identity known. lik< Sunday with his parents, Mr. and 0n9 of them is he is not pub" ?V< Mrs1 J A J Rice ' licity. Another is that he does not tei * * consider himself of near enough im- us* ?Mrs. P. J. Listen and W. M. Con- portance t0 be flouted in pubIic stin in? nor, of Smoaks, were visitors at Car- anotber jg that R does not make any a ] , lisle schoo! Wednesday. difference. So, please don't ask The tel ?Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Bell returned Herald 'to tell you. ' ?e* to the city Saturday from a few egi days visit to Myrtle Beach. Making known one's identity just ?Mrs. C. W. Rentz, Jr., and chil- reminds me. Don't it get your goat w? dren returned home Monday from a when a fine young girl, the daughter the two-weeks visit to relatives in Mc- maybe of your good boyhood friend, in ' Cormick county. whom you have watched grow up ?Miss Lucile Hunter and Miss from babyhood, whom you used to Bernice Simmons, of Coker college; fondle and play with when she was in? Hartsville, spent the Easter holidays little, of course meet you on the no1 at their homes in the city. street after being off at college and the -Misses Aegina Knight, Isabel turn her head the other way? No sir, or Cantey and Mary Prances Walker such a thing never t>aPPened !1> Bam" Pr< spent the Easter holidays at their bers: betcber life tt never" Tbat ing homes here from Columbia college. bappenS in 0tber t0WnS" But y0U yo' _ . , know what I mean. pre ?President J. C. Guilds, of Co- fau ' MfS Guil(is and Miss It makes a fellow wonder, some- wh Mildred Guilds spent the week-end x. . x x xv x v . ,. ., _ ? enu times, just what they teach m some are in the city with Mr. and Mrs H C * ^ ? t* i Folk ' n' of the colleges; or is it just the plain are '*V, ?rr /->vrcir'T7Vir\rlvr ?c onnnrtQ- on< ucau ^ T J >-/a.j.v ?Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Martin, of ed to suffer with at some period of yoi Allendale, and Mrs. Martin, of West- nfe and from which they are supposminster, spent a few days in the city ed to recover? But, sometimes, they . last week Wttth Mr. and Mrs. R. C. don't recover. All colleges don't do; wo t Jones. noi ?Mrs. H. N. Folk and sons, H. N. yoi Jr., and Robert Truesdale, are visit- The stores might not be all they | rig ing at the home of the former's par- ought to be. In fact, I reckon they car ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. MeMichael, are not. Rarely are in small towns, a 1 on Whitman street.?Orangeburg But, do you know the best way to wa Times and Democrat, make them right? Do your trading to a, 6a A^A A^k. A^A A^A A^A ^k. J^A. T^T T^T T^f ^ T^y T^T T^T T^T T^ ^T" ^|" T^f 0* 4* OOTON' GEST EXCLUSIV1 OF ITS KIND IN THIS SI 3RCHANDISE IN BOTH READY TO WEAR AND PI rEW DAYS AND CONTINUAL ARRIVALS OF NE\ LE VARIED ASSORTMENT IN PIECE GOODS AND UR SPECIALTY IS ONE OF A KIND, AND A KINI COATS THE NEW SPRING COATS ARE HERE. These we are showing in an assortment for both LADIES and MISSES in both the Sport Models and Longer Lengths, just a style to please each INDIVIDUAL. The Sizes are well assorted and ' 1 -rw I TIT J J_ _ XI tne .trices are correct, we invite vou to see tnese COATS of you need one for yourself or daughter. ire and Ready-to-Wi rA"A^VV V <<^)^iryvHywyMywywywyMy"y"y Bamberg. If your store does not BIG BASEBALL GAME. il the quality of goods at the prices ler towns sell them, make a kick. Big League Teams Play in Bamberg im it into the head of the proprie- Next Tuesday. r. If a considerable number of trow a do this, the store will soon Although Bamberg: has had a num. me across, and that $50 dress? ber of big baseball crowds in the past, n you buy a dress for $50??will all records for attendance are exlp the merchant, the merchant will pected to be shattered on Tuesday, y a debt with it, and perhaps you April 5, when the Boston "Red Sox," 11 be the first one to get some of it several times world's champions, will ck. Endless chain affair, you un- play the Rochester club of the Interrstand. . national league the first of a series of three games. The coming of these Speaking of an endless chain re- two teams will bring to Bamberg nds me of a joke in the paper the some of the best known figures in the ler day. It was stated that a mouse j national game. At the head of the afraid of a man, a woman is afraid j list stands George T. Stallings, mana mouse, and a man is afraid of a i ager and part owner of the Rochester man. That's talking in a circle. I club, whose wonderful achievement of uth, too. Married men, is it not? ] winning the world series with the I married males will please rise. .' Boston "Braves" in 1914 won him the [ opposed, do the same. Carried. title of "the miracle man." Another character of national reputation is Everybody seems to be afflicted Hugh Duffy, manager of the "Red th the extravagance. It has not Sox." YeaTs ago Duffy was a brilappeared with the coming of hard Rant outfielder in the big league and ies; no, sir. We all got such a had the distinction of leading the se of it during the money-flows- league in hitting for more years than e-water period we can't seem to get an5r of'ker player. For several years ur it. For instance, take the mat- he managed the Chicago "White Sox" ? ' - ?- ?- ?iiL oinn:?/y/. :? of sending telegrams. People ana ne vies wuu mauasw ouanm6S iu 3d to write letters, sometimes us- leil?th ?f service in baseball. Sev\ special delivery stamps, when in era^ Players of national repute will be biurry. Not so now. Rush to the included, in the roster of the two egraph office and wire. Looks big- ^eams- The Rochester team is cap:, et cetera. I frequently see tel- tained by Fred C. Merkle, who spent ams on subjects which are not at fourteen years in the National league pressing, and for which a letter an<^ preferred to cast his lot with uld answer just aS well. Usually, P-ochester to continuing in the ma>ugh, somebody else pays the bills i?rs' Everett Scott, the shortstop of such cases. And it costs. . 'Pe(^ Sox," is considered the most colorful player of that position Been out to the protracted meet-1 ir\the big ,eagu,e today' and his rec" ; yet? Revivals they call them ord 0f baVmg p'ayed in 647 consecu, . T . , . tive championship games has never w, but I am a countryman, and in , , T , , ,. . ,, . , been approached by any major > country they don t hold revivals, ; ., , . ^ - ,, league player. After playing at Bamdid not use to. They held ^ _ ... , berg, the two teams will go to Ohar)tracted meetings, and great meet- , . ' , ? ? .. . . . leston for a game there, Wednesday, ;s they were. Anyway, whatever . 0 ' x. .. , , April 8, and will end the three game 1 call it, go out and hear the , . ' _ ? x , - . x. a ? j j v series at Darlington, where the Roch;acher. And don t find so much A ? . . ^ , .. , escter club has its training camp. Lit. You know, the preachers? at would we do without them? The Eagter cold gnap appearg tQ > trying to do us good, and if you kave arriVed a little late this season. > too mean to want to be better, pr0Sf. wag predicted throughout the jourage somebody else by going gouth for th}g weekj and the temper. irse^" ature is falling at this writing. A.nd. don't fnreret to sneak a aood to mineral -k tt 4 V? r\ f nlonf Cf - O ~ ? O ? ~ ~ IUV/ uj liiU lai^lll U1 Ut* rd for your town. The town might John's school will be presented at Olar t be just to your liking, but it is on Friday, at 8:30 p. m. There are 20 irs, so why not try to fix it up all characters in the play, and all are ht? Anyway, we are needing some assured of an enjoyable evening. Proldidates for city council, and that's ceeds go for the benefit of St. John's fine place to start something to- school.?adv. rd making the town what it ought im ^ be. THE OBSERVER. Renew your subscription today. A^A A^A A A i!^A A^Aj^Li^ti^k ^^|r 'S -1921! E LADIES'STORE I ECTION OF THE STATE J ECE GOODS AT THE NEW PRIC- T V MERCHANDISE PLACE US IN Y READY TO WEAR THAN YOU X ) THAT WILL PLEASE. WE IN- X SUITS 1 IP it's a SUIT you intend buying, come and let y us show you. We have them in the SPORT models as well as the tailored effects. The prices we know V will please you, as well as the Styles and Mater ials they are made of. A look is more convincing. Y NEW SPRING SKIRTS. ' T ||| ! Up to this time this has been the largest SKIRT j and WAIST season we have ever had. It may be & because our line of Skirts is more complete than V ever, for it is. We have the'New Plaids, in both V ! plain and pleated, as well as a complete showing of & the solid colors. If it's a SKIRT you need, you . 9 will do well to let us show you our line. We invite v ! you to see them, and learn how much more reason- <9" ! able they are in price than they have been recently, v ' GLOVES, HOSIERY. CORSETS, ETC. Our line of Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets and Small A Wares is always complete, for without these small & articles, our lines would not be complete, neither would your outfit be complete, and it is our desire to please your every want, especially when they are ' j iggggl OWEN BROS. MARBLE i| AND GRANITE CO. H |il| DESIGNEB8 . .,' .;*.* ' '^ffj| faVwJttJill MANUFACTURERS C f'gffi ERECTORS /^^S? *" . ;?Mp^) The largest and best equipped ^ f I monimienta] mills In the Carolinas. ?~~~Tyi^l GREENWOOD, 8. a i - '. ' ' ,. " - V- .* * ? ./?.--*./ .* . " "*? ' 'V -J - " JjfejlS MRHHHBUHHEUHHRHHHHHBHBHHHBBHHBHHHMHHnfli '-".h ^ mase-Daii I We WiU AO Be At The I 1| I Big League Ball Game I InH * f' I BAMBERG I jgyjj ^ . f- ** * IlTuesday, April 5th| AT 3:30 P.M. I * % 'r. ||3N YOU HAD BETTER COME EARLY. I Boston Americans I "? ' r . i DaaLaa(av fnfnvnnliAtiolr* 1 iiutucdici iiuciiiauuuaio | TfifTf j VI'fTjIjvto^ rC r> .1 + fSTr- ?' ?> '" : ff -- -.yv:,:* ::