The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, December 16, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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tEije pamteg Heralb' ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1891. -i Published Weekly at Bamberj, S. C. | Entered as second-class matter April: 1891, under Act of March 8, 1871. | $3.00 PER YEAR. _ Volume 29. No. 53. Thursday, Dec. 16,1920. The Denmark News and Advertiser after a brief sojourn of six weeks lias died a peaceful death. The last issue came out aween or iwu <xsu. mi mm Mrs. MacSwiney, or Miss MacSwiney, we forget which, stated the other day that the Irish freedom fight is similar to the struggle of America for freedom in 1776. America did not attempt to get her freedom by the indiscriminate murder of British officers, and she did not carry on any secret warfare, such as has characterized recent Irish activities. Neither did America have its Ulster, opposed almost unanimously to separation from the mother country. Some of the same people who ? T*Tnnnlrn-n- Wilsnn'S leaSTUe Of SCUI iiCU ?? uvui W .. . . _ ^ nations covenant, because, they asserted it smacked of international entangling alliances, are now sitting in "judgment" on the Irish question, holding a so-called investigation, the witnesses at which are all Irish Catholics, so far as we can tell by the published reports. They do not hesitate to meddle with the internal affairs of Great Britain, thus endangering the relationship of Britain and America, in regard to Irish freedom, hut they look with holy horror on the league of nations, because the league seeks the cooperation of the nations in settling international disputes. The state government is asking the next legislature for approximately $10,000,000, a sum of money not even heard of before for state governmental purposes. This is an increase of some three millons or more over last year, when more than six millions were appropriated. Such talk is out of the question. We don't believe the legislature will listen to it for a moment. The people who pay the bills in South Carolina are expecting the next legislature to materially reduce taxes instead of increasing them. The purchasing power of a dollar will be anywhere from 25 to 50 per cent, more next year than it was in 1920, and yet they are wanting a fifty per cent, increase in the appropriations. The state, like everybody else, has enjoyed a tremendous orgy of spending, but times have changed, and so has the value of money, and appropriations will certainly have to change with them. A ten million dollar appropriation will not be accepted by the people of this state and the governmental heads may as well revise downward. The taxes on the Herald Book Store, as fixed by the state tax commission, amount to $40.67 for the state and county, and the city tax will be about $25, a total on this little establishment of more than $65. We can only imagine what the real merchants of Bamberg will have to pay. The volume of business done by the book store is very small, nec- j essarily on account of the nature of j . its business, and if such items as j store rent *and lights were charged j against, the store, we are quite posi-| tive the profit left would be so small that it would require an expert accountant to figure it out. Yet this store must pay $65 for the privilege of doing business. If all the other stores in Bambeiig pay taxes at this rate we cannot see how the owners manage to make a living. It is peculiarly singular, anyway, that the tax commission should have centered | on the mercantile establishments to save its face. While Bamberg's finest farm lands, that can't be bought for $100 an acre are still going on the tax books at six or seven dollars an acre, the stores are paying on 4 2 per cent, of their stocks. Are the merchants any more prosnerous than j anybody else? Why pick on the mer- | chants? Conveying an Impression. "So she refused you?" "That's the impression I receiv-; ed." ? ; "Didn't she actually say no?" j "No, she didn't. All she said was! 'Ha-ha-ha.'"?San Francisco Chron-! inl Q Evading (he Issue. Wife?"You have such execrable ! i taste. George. I wish you'd let me! buy your clothing." Hubby?"You're on, Annabeller! j Soon as I have a suit to sell. I'll no-! tify you."?Buffalo Express. ?'Mrs. John Cooner returned home' last week from Charleston, where j she recently was operated on. She is rapidly regaining her strength. Illusions. "Strange," said the first tramp, meditatively, "how few of our youthi ful dreams ever come true!" "Oh, I dunno," said his companion. "1 remember when I used to dream about wearin' long trousers, and now I guess I wear 'em longer than any one else in the country.''? Tit-Bits. Read The Herald, $2.00 per year. WHY THAT LAKE BACK? That morning lameness ? those sharp pains when bending or lifting, make work a burden and rest impossible. Don't be handicapped by a bad back?look to your kidneys. You will make no mistake by following this Bamberg resident's example. L. B. Fowler, contractor and builder, Church St., says: "My kidney3 were weak and the secretions unnatural and highly colored. My back was as stiff as leather and so lame I couldn't bend over. Doan's Kidney Pills rid me of all this trouble and fixed me up in A-l shape again." ?0c, at all dealers. Foster-Milbura Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. ^imjorthe Ifyaterjhtk Sympho? The Paper with th HOLD a sheet Paper to th< clearness. Then J texture. It invites Then observe th your guidance and Symphony Writi criminating women taste, but because Made in three tints. Sheets and e of styles, permit CorrcsDondencc ca Macks Di BAMBERG, SOT | Should Hi im business tnat tne Accoun You don't know when much. We are glad to help yc bank here; to teach you a Ladies' accounts are in vou think. When we can be call on i RESOURCES OVE TOWN TAXES DUE. i Town taxes for the fiscal year 1920 are now due, and if not paid by Dec. 31st, 1920, penalty will be added. Executions will be issued cn all delinquents after .March loth, 1921. CITY COUNCIL. MA ST EJUS SALE. Pursuant to a decree issued out of the Court of Common Pleas for Bamberg county in the case of W. Ham Kinard vs. Raymond W. IMingo, I, the undersigned .Master, will, on the 3rd day of January, 1921, the same being salesday in said month, betw-ppn thp leaal hours of sale, in front of the court house door, Bamberg, S. C., offer for sale the following de.scribed real estate, to-wit: All that certain lot or parcel of real estate situate in the County and State aforesaid containing one *(1) acre, more or less, bounded north and east by lands of W. Ham Kinard, I south by estate lands of C. Ehrhardt, and west by lands of A. W. Kinard. Terms of sale, cash, purchaser to pay for papers and revenue stamps. J. J. BRABHAM, JR., Judge of Probate, acting as Master. 6 6 6 will break a Cold, Fever and GriPpe quicker than anything we knew, preventing pneumonia. I? | wh p b " - 1 - rv Jt J(, | - -w lyXawn e Inviting Texture of Symphony Lawn Writing 5 light. Note its translucent feel the beauty of its real lawn ; you to use your pen. e water mark?placed there for protection. ing Paper is the choice of disr ?not only because it is in good of its splendid writing surface. nvelopes to be had in a number ' expression of personal taste, rds and envelooes, also. rug Store JTH CAROLINA. 1 ?1 ave at Least the Training I \ Handling of a Bank | t Gives. I you will need it, nor how | H ! )u learn the working of a I' 11 you need to know about d vited. It is simpler than I of service to you, is is freely. |; ;r $1,000,000.00 I I Bf?WHHBISlilMI =as g M To all our friends and patron; if Merry Christmas. May the comii H hut happiness in store for you. M We are aglow with the Chris i| the most sensible and practical o H Women, Boys, Misses and Childre ( OUR GOOD FOOTWEAR. 1 A H a rmy snoes H B abv Shoes H C omfort Shoes g D ress Shoes Hf E gnlish Shoes g F elt Shoes g G enuine Comforts || H ouse Slippers g I nfant Shoes g J uliette Shoes j K iddies'Shoes g L ow Cut Shoes g M en's Shoes g N everleakers Shoes g 0 xford Shoes s= Jr ump enoes |? R ubber Shoes ill S chool Shoes M S torm Shoes H W alking Shoes ?? W ork Shoes 1 OUR PRICES j M - Yours for a Happy ) Rentz& A A a^A A A AA^ AA AA^ A A A4? ^ A4A A^A A4A ^IK i^n^ri^f *y v^n^n^r^^i^n^n^n^fi^r^n^n^n^r^fiy ?| ????? || I ^ ^ "H I TT I A A fcj It I IS STILL WITH YOU, AND \ IX I * I We have a Ne ft I :h: U I o_i: j_? ff | i JLOiiuay h i B And we will treat you as we have V I our goods with those of the Mail Or || j For Your I y y and all you have from the mail ord XX the misleading description of then XX We have a big line of Eversharp Pe XT in silver plated, sterling, gold fille XX ivory toilet sets, and an all round li c?I:J r-~u I? | tJUUU uum | BAMBERI 14* ^ RISTMAS i s, the Season's Greetings, and a m lg Holiday Season have nothing g 4 tmas Spirit and offer our trade M ?g f all Christmas Gifts, for Men, g H n. ? ' V A PEW XMAS GIFT SUG- | | GESTIONS. S A rt Squares J I B lankets M C lothing H D resses M E nvelopes M F lour H Gloves |g H ats M I nfants' Caps J umpers K nives g L ap Robes g M en's Suits = N eek Ties g 0 veralls j|p P ole-Cats III Q uilts ??? R obes ' j?? r* i i ?tociungs s T owels H U mbrellas 11 V ests s W ork Shirts \M X tracts |i Y oung Men's Shirts |i Z ebra Underwear |j kRE RIGHT | ^ New Year Also, gj : Felder | ?MMIHM k A^A A^A A^.k | A Aft iff* A ,?j#j| |t{fjjk ^i. .i I If Yr . M XX II YY Yf always done. Do not compare! t yy der Houses. Our goods are here* <$ ? it' %t* nspection If Yj XT [er house is their catalogue and ? ? 1 ?? r goods. . AA incils, from $1.50 to $35.00 each, aa d and 14 karat solid gold, also1 . VV ine of \ I Jewelry || A o, s. c. f if :> '--^ ."v * -. * ^ ^ *. ", V"