The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, September 09, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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K\)tpamfoerg Jieralb ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1891. Published Weekly at Bamberg, S. C. i . Entered as second-class matter April 1891, under Act of March 3, 1879. $2.00 PER YEAR. Volume 29. Xo. 35 Thursday, September 9,1920 Woman suffrage carries with it more privileges than merely voting. They may sit on juries and may have the pleasure of paying poll and road tax, which in this county next year will be only $6.00. The women of Bamberg county if are given the opportunity of registering on Wednesday, September 25. Anybody else may register, also, but the books will be opened on that date especially for the benefit of the women. , Congressman Byrnes says that if there is a Democrat in the country who could be elected president this year, that mam is Cox. Without a doubt he is the greatest fighter the Democratic party has, and if he does not win it will not be his fault. The Herald is being published with considerable difficulty until the city power house is put in repair. We have current only about half the time and then sometimes the voltage is too low to run our presses. As ?oon as normal service is restored, The Herald will endeavor to make up for all deficiencies n^w found in the paper. In order to accommodate a bulk of political advertising this week, The Herald is compelled - to omit , some of its reading matter. As this is the last issue before the primary and the only opportunity the candidates have to get their views before the voters of the county, we have allowed more advertising space than we would ordinarily. The Herald suggests that if the people will eliminate superflous expenditures, the effects of boll weevils and bad weather will be felt less. There is a general wanton disregard of the value of money which should be curbed. It appears to be an established fact that after the first year or two under boll weevil conditions the people are more prosperous than they were when they depended entire-' lp on cotton. The wise man will not wait until all hope of growing cotton has vanished before making preparations to raise other crops. It is quite true that the evolution of changing from cotton to other crops is a difficult operation, and one which we should all like to be delivered of, but it seems certain that cotton will never again be the crop it used to be in this section. Cotton can be grown under weevil conditions, but not on the scale of the past. Just received, shipment of Double Spring Laboratory Model Motor Edison Phonographs. Best motor made. W. H. Chandler. Just received, shipment of Double Spring Laboratory Model Motor Edison Phonographs. Best motor made. W. H. Chandler. Cotton sheets reduced to 60c at G. 0. Simmons's, Bamberg, S. C. ^ i^I ^ One shipload of 100,000 bags of coffee is sufficient to make 300,000, 000 cups of coffee. Cotton sheets reduced to 60c at G. O. Simmons's, Bamberg, S. C. A yVAV A AT "A "A" ^ A ft 1 firs " YT YY YY YY tt Now yy yy is the tim yy count. yy know wha i 1 now. yy 5 per c] yy Yy yy YY If FIRST r tt Paper Prices Soaring, But Demand Continues. Atlanta, (la., Sept. 6.?With the price of all kinds of paper "gone out of sight" it would certainly seem that the consumption of paper would fall off but such is not the case according to Atlanta stationers, who declare on contrary that more paper is being used now than ever before. Private individuals and business firms may not feel the effects of the high cost of paper, but the publishers of newspapers and magazines are /Tin fmn t orl n-itVi tlio rvmcf oorinno w***.* VA4 VVU ? * X XX XX* V O t *vuo problem in the whole history of the printing industry. Two of the best speeches at the ChiI cago convention were made by women. Cotton sheets reduced to 60c at G. O. Simmons's, Bamberg, S. C. CARD OF THANKS. _____. We wish to express to our friends our sincere thanks for their many acts of kindness during our recent bereavement in the death of our husband and father, and for the kind expressions of sympathy given us. MRS. W. P. BLUME AND FAMILY. Cotton sheets reduced to 60c at Q. O. Simmons's, Bamberg, S. C. CURED OLD SORES ON MAN'S HEAD He was ashamed to go in the presence of others because of old sores on his head. Treatment after treatment failed to give him any relief until he tried Zemerine. One treatment brought relief and today he is never troubled with the loathsome disease. This wonderful preparation has been used by thousands with positive results in the treatment Ef eczema, Scoffula, Piles, Itch, Old Sores, Ringworm and many other skin eruptions. Simple directions accompany each bottle. Sold and recommended by leading druggists. If your druggist does not sell Zemerine send $1.00 to the Eemerine Chemical Company, Orangeburg, S. C., and a large size bottle will be mailed you postpaid. If you are not satisfied after a fair trial your money will be cheerfully refunded. r TALC onte .15/ U 'T^HE blended perX fumes of 26 flowers ^ ?the fragrance in U Talc Jonteel is an \\ odor indescribable, VI because like nothing you have ever known v. ?alluring and elusive. \ And the powder itself ?smooth and fine, /wrvt nnrl eAAfkinrr A cw* auu awuwi^. n? here for Talc Jonteel today. *7 1. Mack's D BAMBERG, SOI $ t National B BAMBERG, S. C. \ e to open a permanent SAV! The boll 'weevil is here. ^ it the future holds. Save y< ENT. PAID ON SAVINGS D JATIONAI A^A J^k. A^A A^A A A4A A^A <|Tir V hi: will k echairmax of the GREAT AGRItTLTl'RAL COMMIT| TEE. Senator Smith will he the j chairman of the great agricultural j committee of the next congress if re| elected. Can South Carolina afford ! to miss this change to head this imj portant committee? The answer is? VOTE FOR SMITH.?Adv. Cotton sheets reduced to 60c at i G. 0. Simmons's, Bamberg, S. C. R. P. BELLINGER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW General Practice in AU Courts. Office Work and Civil Business a Specialty. Money to Lend. Offices in rear over Hoffman's Store. BAMBERG, S. C. ! ? I Some Facts I About the Wm Massachusetts Bonding and IS Insurance Company if It has over 118,000 policy- ? holders in its Accident and ||| Health Department. Sk It has paid to policyholders B from its Saginaw, Michigan, ||| I Office over $8,000,000 in ac- ? cident and health benefits. g| It has the largest Monthly gSgj Premium Accident and H i Health Insurance company H in the world. gg It has returned to policy- 1|| holders in benefits during ||l Xl* vrrvAMn n lor?r*AT? HK? 1116 past LCU J'Cdia a iai . m&fi proportion of its premium ||| M income than any other simi- H R| lar company. H I? It has a paid-in cash capital B9| Wjk of $1,500?000.00 gg R; See "The Accident Man" B H. Floyd Steedley, Agt. ? M BAMBERG, S. C. || rug Store JTH CAROLINA. A^A A^A rT^y T^V T^T 4r kj^kj^kjjtkj^kjAkjAkjAkjAk^tkjAkj^kjAkJ^ ^ :4^VVVVVV <rW ^ ank | ff ft ft ft ft ft - ft ft [NGrS AC- > IVp Hn nnt. If v V1V AAV V ^ ^ >ur money Y*$* EPOSITS Y; ?? . BANK || ?V A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^IV i^|" ^r^ir / I! Vote for | I am very proud of the largo vote gi 1 because that vote was the reward of ther 1 want the office of lieutenant governor, n office 1 have to employ other than the fa Though born and raised in the popuL lina, I never.appealed to any sectional t 5 trary is absolutely false. My opponent c | by insinuation that I was doing so. Th that everv low country county went for i I usual divided. | Though a member of as many f'rater ed those memberships in any literaturel I speech or private conversation during the i I ?m"\r a-F flipm T wnnlrl QffiATTi "Tl rl P In \J il uxi v v/i. l 11 v. in. x n vuavL kjv> vx aa tv/ ^ ? jl j / | ship. I respect too highly my members j I me to their ranks to seek to use them as i I did mention mv sendee as a soldier j I wars, not because I thought that double a my country qualified me for civic offic | patriotism and because one of my oppon i other things being equal, the voters ougli I to give their preference to the man who 1 country. ; Are other things equal between mys< ' over the second primary? I have had le, and unless the governor should die in off | the lieutenant governor is wholly legish j 1 from Greenville county from a field of 2 I given a candidate for that office in Gree: s I as a lawyer I knew the needs of the far 1 la'ture with my knowledge of law. I wa ii iii ? ii i tne iarmers composing tne wareno 1 vited me to make the race for lieutenant ? I done had not my service in Europe that My opponent in the most general ter: I I was the only candidate who made specifi j fair to capital. I did this at the first ca: number of other meetings during the can 1 tion lawyer, and have always been supp of mv countv. Thev know I am their fri Wl *' ^ ^ ship to them. I have not been a factionalist and ha ing or prejudice in this campaign. We c< South Carolina if the divisons of the pai I I votes of today. My opponent preached 1 I I as I am able to observe, is the only cand I I sought to profit by reviving the bitter fa< I I the votes of every white Democrat rega: V"A"?"AhAA,VVVVVVVv X | Own a In the New Attractiv* I "Dixie X X WejHave Completed the Following Dwell v North Main Street, Western Side Built-in Ideas. Ideal Home i Y East Side Edisto Street, Five Roo Y ranged. Go Out and Look at On Street Leading to G. Frank B; Two Story, Seven Rooms ai You Would Be Proud to Owi Y We shall have others completed k Y a home see us. We can help Y X THESE HOUSES ARE WITHI1 % THE COURT HOUSE AND CROWDED AREA M PLACE TO RAISE ( f ALL THE ADV. Y PLENTY OF X PLA % & We also have about 25 desirable 1< & most liberal terras. ? THERE IS NO REASON WHY : IN BAMBERG SHOULD NO x ! Bamberg Rea X J. D. COPELAND J. J. SM ? President Vice Pre! <? This enterprise is backed by some ^ ty to help solve the house \ tarrvry Mauldin ' von me in the primary on August 31st., loan campaign I conducted. I do not j or any other office, if to obtain that | j irest and cleanest methods. j his Piedmont section of South Caro- j 'eeling and any intimation to the eon- 1 | | 'ontinuallv and adroitly drew that line 1 ? ?. a | i e proof that it was drawn for him is him, which the Piedmont counties as nal orders as my opponent, I never list- * distributer nor referred to them in any campaign; nor did I wear any insignia | to office on fraternal order memberhip in the orders which have admitted stepping stones to office. , in the Spanish-American and World 'olunteer militarv service at the call of . t/ e, but because it was a guarantee of my ehts often said on the stump, that t in casting their ballots for any office, j | isked his life in the uniform of his elf and tne opponent with whom I run gislative experience, and he has not, ice, which God forbid, the service of 1 j hive. I was elected to the legislature 1 1 candidates, by the largest vote ever nville county. Being a farmer as well < mers and could serve them in the legiss so helpful in warehouse legislation . use association of South Carolina in- J governor in 1918, which I would have 1 summer made it impossible. ms says that he is in favor of labor. I " c declarations satisfactory to labor and j mpaign meeting in Columbia and at a lpaign. I have never been a corpora- j orted by the votes of the working men 4 iend because I have proven my friendve not appealed to any factional feel- | an never have the needed harmony in | st are to be permitted to determine the larmony on very stump, and yet so far j; idate in the state campaign who has ctional antagonisms of the past. I want rdless of his past factional line-up. ? DSCAR K. MAULDIIN. . Home I 5 Residential Section Place" I lings Ready for Immediate Occupancy X , Four Rooms and Bath, Latest X 'or Small Family. X ms and Bath, Conveniently Ar- f it. ? > amberg's Residence, West Side. X id Bath. Fine Lot. A Home ~ X t ' iter and if you are interested in X arrange terms. X T FIVE MINUTES WALK OF Y ARE YET NOT IN THE I " ' A.KING AN IDEAL X CHILDREN WITH f ANTAGES OF ROOM FOR Y * ' % J )ts which we are offering on the Y r'\ EVERY ABLE BODIED MAN iT OWN HIS OWN HOME. JtiT f nmnnnir I ii) V/Uiiijjaiijr | OAK, W.A. KLAUBER, % sident Manager of the best men in this communi- I ! problem for Bamberg. ? >+++++++++++++++++4* jfl