BURNED BY GASOLINE. J. Fletcher Hut to Fatally Injured ' While Fixing Car. Orangeburg, July 7.?J. Fletcher ; Hutto, one of the largest farmers and ^ most prominent citizens of the Nor- . way section, was killed Saturday afternoon. His brother, Vastine Hutto, . who lives near, brought his automobile into the yard of Fletcher Hutto to have him make some motor repairs. Mr. Hutto went underneath the car to examine some of the wires and mechanism and by some means his shirt sleeve caught fire and he backed out quickly to extinguish the fire. In getting out he overturned a can of srasoline which had been placed oil the running board of the automobile and the contents of the can ran all over his back. Reaching the sparks on his sleeve, he was instantly covered with a blaze, which in a few moments burned him almost to a crisp. His brother Vastine, who was sit. ting in the automobile, quickly went to his assistance and was badly burn-, ed on his hands and in his face and head. Mr. Hutto was carried in his house and medical assistance summoned, but he died about 2 o'clock the next morning. Mr. Hutto was buried at Willow Swamp Baptist church, of which he had Ions been a member. He left surviving him, besides brothers and sisters, his wife and several children. One son was attending Furman university. Mr. Hut to was hightly esteemed by his neighbors and was prominent in all matters in that section. CANDIDATES IN BARNWELL. Thirty-seven File Application to Take Part in Race. Barnwell, July 2.?Entries in the race for offices in Barnwell county closed at noon yesterday, at which time there were thirty-seven aspirants lined up at the tape. The first campaign meeting was held today at Williston, and the candidates will gather next Friday in Blackville, coming to Barnwell July 16 and finishing up at Dunbarton on July 22. Those who qualified for the primaries are as follows: ' Clerk of court?R. L. Bronsoh, r. Barnwell; W. H. Duncan, Jr., Barnwell; R. B. Still, Blackville. Sheriff?J. G. Owens and' C. Keys Sanders, both of Barnwell. Master in equity?H. L. O'Bannon. Supervisor?J. G. Moody, Sr., Barn- . well; G. Cull Still, Blackville; J. S. Still,' Barnwel; R. E. Woodward, Williston. State Senator?Arthur M. Kennedy, Williston; A. B. Patterson, Barnwell. House of representatives?Edgar A. Brown, Barnwell; James E. Davis, Barnwell; J. W. Folk, Williston; G. W. Hutson, Elko; J. M. Killingswqrth, Dunbarton. Caunty commissioner, district No. , - 1.?F. W. Delk, Blackville, J. E. | Grubbs, Blackville; A. Ray Sanders, Olar, R. F. D.; J. M. Templeton, Barnwell. County commissioner, district No. 2.?E. G. Birt, Elko; A. L. McLemore, Williston; B. F. Owens, Dun. x barton. Coroner?J. Staff Halford. Magistrate at Barnwell?E. W. Holman, C. W. Moody and W. P. Sanders; at Blackville, I. F. Still; at Four Mile, M. L. McElhenny; at Great / Cypress, C. G. Best, Jr.; at Hilda, W. \ K. Black, W. G. Collins and' W. L. Harley; at Meyers Mill, B. W. Peeples; at Red Oak, G. L. Hill; at Williston, R. L. Wooley. CHAMPIO^ IZkT GROWER. (Continued from page 2, column 2.) older brother of the present state * corn champion, was among the first lads to join. Then a second son came along a little later, and then William, rather advanced for his age, began to take notice and to be tinea with an ambition to grow corn and through his efforts to help promote the sound and sensible doctrine that the south to succeed agriculturally must feed itself and that the southern farmer if he really tries can not only clothe the world, but can feed ^ himself and Quite a bit of the world besides. Although scarcely 11 years old at y the time of the 1919 contest, William Campbell prevailed upon Demonstration Agent John R. Blair to let him join. And now he has come in a winner the first year. William is a pupil in the flourishing three-teacher school in the village of Tirzah. He is in the fifth i grade and h? stands well in his class| es. He likes to read newspapers and I other publications and especially is | he interested in topics bearing upon I things agricultural and along the line iff of farm improvement and new and B modern methods of farming. j He takes a deep interest in things religious, despite his tender years, ?S and he has an idea he would like to be a minister. "I haven't made up I1B my mind positive what I intend doing yet, but I may study for the minis||if| try," he says.?James D. Grist in the BIB News and Courier. 666 cures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds and LaG-rippe. It kills the parasite that causes the fever. It is a splendid laxative and general Tonic. Tobacco twine at Rentz & Felder's. Y nri ri i f Beginning July 1st, v savings deposits until fu: cordance with our usu; j friends and customers t Y can secure elsewhere. < Yf interest of our customer i best of service consisten V tive banking. * :|: Ehrhardt Ban A THTTPTTA VVVVVVVVVVVV^ T T > Just Received i a T % * 2, 4,6, 8 A1 f x I Genuine t IG. O. SI i BAMBI /Hi A j HA] It's a Sad SI The line of talk the mechanic is :s sump'n' awful. He's just the of motor oil he bought, and her k:*i prospective rep cm* \>t uo i.itcu A fact that can r ever he too sire: owner is the outstanding and V] resisting Motor Oil. "GREEN F its percentage of evaporation is temperatures cf the motor, supp friction, and the consequent Ions Go to your "Gree supply you with \ Cost \ Supplied by the follow Ask for Green Flagr Gear Compound and Cup Gtoase P. M. BERRY, CAROLINA GIN G. V. KEARSE, Olar, S. C.; ville, S. C.; THOMAS SEI N I RILEY & COPELAND j Successors to W. P. Riley. Fire, Life Accident INSURANCE Office in J. B. Copeiand's Store BAMBERG, 8. C. BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS 3i CENT. I KHmmwa J T V $ re will pay 5 per cent, on * ? rther notice. This is in acal custom of giving our f reatment as good as they Our prime purpose is the s, and we assure them the j it with safe and conserva- 1 BDT, S. C. " 'f L* f I r"s m of T iiiig; | I , Large Shipment. t Y sFD 10 INCH. : s Condor | MMONSI :RG, S. C. I JLLY CEE! -MITTER, Y' Ml/STA D SOME BUM OIL IN YrR'BPX D? rvLlNDERS ARE SCORED, AND pircTOTsIS ARE ON THE BLINK i :ory, Mates!! > handing to this poor unfortunate - - e i? 1 tL. 1!x... Victim or disregard ror me qumuy e he is facing the consequences: a 1 proportions. Pstrly emphasized to the automobile [TAL importance of using a he&tLAG" answers this qualification? almost negligible under the terrific lying a constant protection against * list of minor and major mishaps. in Flag" dealer today and have hirr this world's supreme Motor Oil. s r?o more to L-egin with 1 t* T g c _"i <; ?* -i r\ 'N? <-? ving well-known dco'rrs: I Smoaks, S. 0.; CO., Ehrhardt, S. C.; STREET GARAGE, Branch1VICE STATION, Bamberg. i?Z8BMBM Iuaua I Did you ever stop j it meant to be satisfi ! is the way you will ? * AutomoK gfiffi MB mtm mi abb * I! from me. I sell n I best tires I can buj \ guarantee that I c I Just drive in my: '! in the cool and we w j old tire and put on don't charge for thi a large stock of tire firsts, no-seconds, tl jj prices that you can Give Us a Chance to Satisfy Yc v J. B. BF 1 bamb: ill 1 I I I On nrl A I 1, '20, we I Unoavinj I its. This 8 I old and : I posits. I I Farmers & Mei If | . BHRHARIK i JBr SB teBj %g& EM I J S* B uU |!g| I jl? iUff m SB b^b I ^^1 ms si ? ?S1 9 M 5??22 ^arSi i&M2H ?Kj8 HH '"' ?j ^fli 0fl9 ^Wfll I and think what ? ied? Well, that |I feel if you buy H ' V* .1 m. I 1 lie 1 ires f othing but the I ' ^ r. I give you a If an make good. -If garage and rest ' j|| ill take off your m is and tubes, all || lat I will sell at I * fter July I 11 n ) will pay I ' s er s 'ent. I :1 jfi|B - **^jj 9> ys depos- I ipplies to I mmm WBl - ? new de- I ' ' h -i &ps rchants Bank I r, s. c. I ;"~j| lj|| 9B w / SfiH 4 i - - -:.' .- ,