The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, July 15, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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TOBACCO GROWERS IX SESSION, j A. M. Denbow Made Member of Exec-! utive Committee at Florence. Florence, July 7.?The South Carolina Tobacco association, in session here yesterday, passed a resolution urging the growers of tobacco to deposit money derived from sales in the banks and keep it there as long as possible. The resolution was drawn and adopted following a talk by Bright Williamson, of Darlington, on the matter of financing this year's crop. -Mr. Williamson referred to the fact that money is tight and that the banks when borrowing had to pay a large rate of interest. He said he thought he spoke for the banks of the tobacco belt when he expressed the willingness of the tyanks to do everything they could in the way of extending accommodatfons to warehousemen and buyers for handling the crops. He believed, however, that the farmers could finance their own i | crop if they will put the money in the bank and keep it there instead of buying automobiles and other things they do not need. 'Hie association appointed a committee of three,,con-1 sisting of Bright Williamson, J. W. McCown and T. Benton Young to prepare advertising matter and ispreaa the prapaganda generally, so that the farmers could all cooperate in L the effort. Another thing decided on by the association was the effort to have the tobacco season extended until September 20. The breaks will be held on July 20, and there is a general demand among the farmers to have Mhe sales on all warehouses at least sixty days. It was determined to reorganize the association and change namp. from the South Carolina bXXV ? Tobacco Growers association to the South Carolina Tobacco association. An effort will be made to extend the membership to all classes of business men, including merchants, professional men, bankers, warehousemen and buyers. The plan is to make the association thoroughly cooperative. \ The meeting was called by Vice President N. A. McMillan, of Mul/ lins. It was attended by men from all parts of the tobacco belt. Bright Williamson acted as chairman. The 'following officers were elected: President, . N. A. McMillan, of iVIuilins; vice presidents, Bright Williamson, of Darlington, W. C. Hemingway, of Hemmingway, and W. E. Lea, of Timmonsville. A committee was charged with th? duty of employing a paid secretary and treasurer. An / executive committee of fourteen members was named, including A. M. Denbow, of Bamberg. During the meeting, well posted buyers and warehousemen expressed the opinion that good, bright tobacco would sell well this year, but that there was little prospect of the poorer grades, especially, the dark stuff, to bring as good a price as it did last year. On account of the embargo oh foreign shipments, American manufacturers would have to buy the crop, but it was stated that they had less \ tobacco on hand of the good grades than ever before and would be ready Vmvorc Onp> hnver who has just re uj V4 VJ. V ? V ? v _ turned from abroad stated tbat the foreign markets were glutted with tobacco and it would be 1921 before they would take any more. . WOMAN CHOPPED TO DEATH. < Husband Charged With Committing the Murder. St. Matthews, July 5.?In the Sandy Run section t'nis morning, Willie Williams is alleged to have chopped his wife to death with a hoe. The father of the murdered woman, who was near by; says that Williams followed his wife into the smoke house and in a few minutes came out and left. The father went k in and found . the woman dying, it is said. Her head was literally chopped to pieces and a hoe with a short handle and blood stains told the story. Williams made his escape and is at large with Sheriff Hill in pursuit. Williams had only last Saturday been bound over to the higher court charged with brutally beating his - ife, who was ill and has an infant. She had been directed by Magistrate S igerer to go to the home of her father, where she could live in safety. The magistrate had directed Williams to give her her clothes. She had gone to her .former home this morning or. this mission when she was killed. Bog Bite is Fatal. Washington, July 8.?Michael W. Hester, 56 years of age, of Easley, S. C., died on a train at Alexandria, Va., today as a result of being bitten by a dog seven weeks ago. He was being rushed to Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, for treatment, accompanied by members of his family and Brs. Ponder, of Easley, and Charles W. Gentry, of Greenville, S. C. Just received, shipment of tobacco sheets. H. g.FOLK CO. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic T TT -?. A ?. ? ? . -* - ? a J. V. MAUL restores vitality and energy by pacifying and enriching the blood. You can soon feel its Strength- SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER ening, Invigorating Effect. Price 80c. ; Barnwell, S. C. 660 quickly relieves Constipation,! _ ^ _ _ ... . . 1 ? . . * ' Farm -Surveys and Subdivisions a I biliousness. Loss of Appetite and i SpecjaltJ% Timber Estimating. All Headaches, due to Torpid Liver. ! Work Guaranteed. _^iiiiiijiiiiiiii:iiiii?iH?iiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:imnuni!iiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiuiiiHaHiiiiiiiuiin?wiiroiwiwMMyiiiiiiMBi?MiiwMi"**nii|Min|mHiMMi?HMMBMBy?iaBtMMWiiiw^ I REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD I - - . ^ / ff i I li you wish to buy or sen g I Real Estate See I = = CARTER, CARTER & KEARSE | LAWYERS * BAMBERG, S. C. j ^iiiiiniHiiiittmHHiritiiiwHWHmiiwnmitiiniiiiiiiHHiwiwwHHnHmiflinitiiiBiiiiiBiniiimiwii'riiiiwHniiiinifflnniiTimiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiniiminiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiilny 4 f ^-DRINK^^ t T - : Y in r?i?i iijumi umi t t i , | X It's Different and Better * * V i I | BAMBERG BOTTLING CO. f A BAMBERG, S. C. A A ^ Improved Train Service WITH THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS X "Ziron Did Us Both Good," Writes Mr. Gentry, of Norene, Tenn. 4 IT is a well-known medical fact, that writes: "Ziron Iron Tonic has made good iron is a necessar" constituent of the in my family. I have used it to a very blood, and that biood lacking iron is great advantage to myself and my 14the cause of many troubles that only iron ye ar-old boy. It did us both good. 1 will cure. think it is a good medicine for what it is Ziron, a scientific compound of iron recommended." j with other valuable ingredients, is the If you are pale, weak, tired, feel down remedy to take when your blood needs and out, take Ziron. It will put iron intc more iron, and your system requires a your blood, and should help build you up. tonic. Ziron is mild and harmless, does Get a bottle from your druggist today, not stain the teeth, and is good for chil- and give ZIRON a fair trial. Sold by dren as well as adults. him under a money-back guarantee. Mr. P. G. Gentry, of Norene, Tenn., Ask him about it He will tell yotu ^iini!!l!l!III!!l!!llllllli:iillUJIi!l!inilU!!IIIII!lillillllllllllllllIUII!IIIIIIIIIIIII|lll!Illlll!![|||||IIIIi!||lll|[|i:il|||ill|[||'illll!lllJIIIII!llllllllllinilllilllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIII!!IIIIIII!imilll!lll|]llllllll!il!IUMIIIIi:!ll% j A FULL LINE OF j ANSCO KODAKS AND FILMS | ? a -11 fit-n hp*. = - TO x ASHEVILLE AND WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. Effective Sunday, June 20, 1920, continuing throughout the summer season. A New Train Between Columbia and Asheville, N. C. No. 3?Read Down SCHEDULE Read Up?No. 4. 11:50 p. m. Lv Columbia Ar. 2:50 a. m. 12:45 a. m. Lv Alston .... J. Lv. .2:00 a. m. 1:10 a. m. Lv. f Blair f Lv. 1:34 a. m. 1 1:20 a. m. Lv. f Shelton f Lv. 1:24 a. m. 1:34 a. m. Lv Carlisle Lv. 1:09 a. m. ( 1:42 a. m. Lv. f .... .-. Santuc f Lv. 12:59 a. m. 1 2:05 a. m. Lv Union ... Lv. 12:45 a. m. 2:30 a. m. Lv Jonesville Lv. 12:24 a. m. ' 2:48 a. m. Lv Pacolet Lv. 12:11 a. m. 4:00 a. m. Lv ^ Spartanburg Lv. 11:45 p. m. 5:15 a. m. Lv Tryon Lv. 10:15 p. m.. 5:55 a. m. Lv Saluda Lv. 9:45 p. m. 6:30 a. m. Lv. ^ Hendersonville Lv. 9:10 p. m. 7:30 a. m. Ar Asheville Lv. 8:00 p.- m. f?TTMflS' Stnns Nos. 3 and 4?Pullman drawing room sleeping cars, Charleston and Waynesville, Wilmington and Asheville, in connection with A. C. L. Nos. 54 and 55. . No. 3?Pullman drawing room sleeping car, Savannah to Asheville in connection with S.A.L.No.22. No change in other train service. Summer excursion tickets now on sale. For further information and reservations, call on ticket agents, or R. W. Hunt, District Passenger Agent. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Helped Father and Son = rtl. rv^rivt u w T? w*> ^ ? ? ? - ? _ Developing and Printing REID'S JEWELRY STORE | BAMBERG-, S. 0. 1 %^i",:!Ki!ii!!(ii':!iiiii!i'!i!i;!:?iii!iij!iiiiii!iiiii:iiiii;!iii!!!!i!H!ii!ii!;i:i!!iiiiH!i;i!i;i!Hiiiiii!!iiii;ii!::!ii!!iii!;i!ii:ii:iiiiii!i;H;!:;!!ii!:iiiiiiiiii!ii!!i:ii:i!!:i'iiiiui!i!n!ii!ni!iiii:iiiiiiiiiui;niiiiiiiniii!i!:!iiii# f OWEN BROS. MARBLE frU AND GRANITE CO. I I DESIGNERS msfcgSgggh MANUFACTURERS H| ^ ERECTORS /x^W^l Tli? largest and best equipped >/ ^*7^ '...;;-;.;v^V monumental mills 1b the Carolina^. ?'?" ' GREENWOOD, S. O. i II! !? ? ?n?iMii i ! ! i . Grossett & Dunlap novels on sale I at Herald Book Store for 85c. Priced $1.00 elsewhere. HHRfflOOF A Bamberg Citizen Tells of His Experience, You have a right to doubt statements of people living far away bui can you doubt Bamberg endorsement? Read it: R. Clyde Rowell, clerk in county auditor's office, Carlisle St., Bamberg, says: "My kidneys were in a bad state, being irregular and weak in action. The lumbar muscles of my back were lame and weak and I had constant pain across the small of my back, through my kidneys. One box of Doan's Kidney Pills rid me of every symptom of this trouble." 60c, at all dealers. rosier-Mnoum Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. DR. THOMAS BLACK DENTAIi SURGEON. Graduate Dental Department University of Maryland. Member S. C State Dental Association. Office opposite postoffice. Office hourse, 9:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. ; [HHH7#fWa MBBIE H wkewSBi |] without question if Hunt's Salve nil faib in the treatment of Eczema, IJ 1 r / Tetter,Ringworm, Itch.etc. Don't I J i become discouraged because other V i*3 treatments failed Hunt's Sals* i/mT ^aw relieved hundreds of such cases You can't lose en otji ffimHRg ? Money Back Gaarantca. Try it at our risk TODAY. Pries 75c MACK'S DRUG STOKE, Bamberg. A. B. UTSEY , INSURANCE Bamberg, S. C. j p|| PORTABLE AND STATIONARY Enbines AND BOILERS Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills, Injectors, Pumps and Fittings Wood Saws. Splitters, Shafts, Pulleys, Belting, Gasoline Engines LARGE STOCK LOMBARD Fo?mf*ry, Machine, Boiler Works Supply Store. x AUGUSTA, GA. | Capil BBSS / SSBS3 \ SSS c== 1 Y M your M but i H cumi M and i m his n | Total Res 1 Pan I i l/U | . ba: B C. W. EENTZ, SI m W. S. BAMBEEC SiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiNiiiiimHii i R. P. BELLINGER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW General Practice in All Courts. Office Work and Civil Business a Specialty. Money to Lend. Offices in rear over Hoffman's Store. BAMBERG, S. C. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a speciallyprepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. J. F. Carter B. D. Carter : J. Carl Kearse . Carter, Carter & Kearse A TTORNE YS-AT-LAW Special attention given to settlement of Estates and investigation of Land Tltlea. Loans Negotiated on Real Estate I For Con ' &? M Constipation is the || By an entirely new j M the food waste witho If This prevents strainii m tiny muscles in the 1 ; 8 contracting and expi ; 1 1 way, to squeeze the ; || out of the system. g) It is absolutely han \ 8 take. Try it. }B ^ ^ ^ The Modem Method of iillllllllllllllllllllllllilllll 1 talize Yoi / ' 1 t our success depends not only native ability and your experi ipon your capital. The man wl dates capital by saving his rr intelligently using a bank, do atural capacity. ources Over $5< MBERG, SOUTH CAROLK A M. DENBOW, President i., c. w. t. Vice Presidents llllllittllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllltilll / ; \ Money to Loan OX REAL ESTATE HOME BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. J. WESLEY CRUM, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Bamberg, S. C. Office Opposite Southern Depot. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Loans negotiated. No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an unhealthy color, which indicates poor Mood, and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the Mood, lasprove the digestion, and act as a General Strengthening Tonic to the whole system. Natare will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child wU be in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 68c per bottle. Rub-My-Tism is a powerful antiseptic; it kills the poison caused from infected cuts, cures old sores, tetter, etc. K S $9 ^p sftipation I chief cause of piles. gg principle Nujol softens m ut forcing or irritating. S lg and enables the many m walls of the intestines, m mding in their normal f| ! food waste along and m ' m . mless and pleasant to x I > fit i''!i'J!rim,T> IBB jjj raraieMa^^jjjj I Ration ill?-:ii| irself I : ; ^ | j?f? .. jj U]jm "*jBP uP?n |K?g ence, ? - ^E'"-S\m 10 ac- lg|| toncy , ' R S ubles , 1 : ' H t i= \ EE fgfj = :v-.#l 11 1 :l ' ' ' EE '" ass . t 2" ras 00,000.00 11| * y ^ sssB A ^3; < 'JMH SS '-** A -s | sbs ^^BsB PTTIXTTE TP. 9 A J.VJUX^ JL iLJ , W HINHIIIllllHtlflllBlltlNWtftfHIlljllM