| WEDDINGS IN THE COUNTY | Kearse-Dush. On Wednesday, June 23, at high noun, a lovely wedding took place at Kearse Methodist church, near Olar, where Miss Winnie Davis Kearse, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Kearse, was united in marriage to Laurens Earle Bush, of Ellenton, S. C. The pretty little church was very attractive for the occasion, tastily arranged with pot plants, ferns and flowers. Soft draperies were used and a dainty basket exquisitely formed of pink tulle and hydrangeas, under which the bride and groom stood during the ceremony. As the strains of Lohengrin's wed ding march were sounded by Miss Sadie Harter, of Fairfax, the bridal party entered. First, the ushers, Tom Dunbar, of Ellenton, and Richard Roberts, of Ehrhardt, took their places. Then came the officiating ministers, pastors of both bride and groom. Next marched the little flower-girls, Mary Frances Ritter and Helen Kearse, who were pictures of fairy beauty in their costumes of delicate blue. Immediately followed the bride on the arm of her sister, Miss Helen Kearse. The bride was modestly attired in t t X 2. 4.6. 8 AND 10 INCH. . . X ' ' ' X v . Y f Y Y . Y X Genuine Condor X | X Id 0. SIMMONS I Y X BAMBERG, S. C. 4 ' The young hrido need have no fear for her [ hisci:ii3 if she will use Valier'c Dainty Flour, jl HtMLr*IfaW J_UCUii; ana pastry comu li-jiix uic u?tn v.. u.v>... ( ancV fer.ihcrly l'^;ht?a delight to her and a joy to Him. jj - iiylT^'BsbWIhero is a satisfaction in using Vtiicr's Dainty Flour ij v I rJwS '-ocs not come ?rcm ordinary flcurs. VaSier's Damiy Floor i? oauofully milled from selected soF: win- _p. ffr v;heat. Jlt^is silk sifted to a texture ^W^WW 'A = r es, wi h a flavor and tasti that WK j \ * n. : lelight the appetite, but conserve &S?c=* * rise i:.-.i!th. ?? WINTER[ -f y \ . Dai:\'y Flour Requires Less Lard. fflK/s #r best ou*l,t a , . r ^ j?V -v^vV Order a sack from your grocer . C to^a>"~" ccept no other, a L C. E. SHUMAKER FLOUR CO., Wholesale Distributers Augusta, Peoria ? I . . ^ Repair The Wear Hard Work Often Breaks Down a Person's Health and Creates a Need for Ziron Iron Tonic. L_ i ? MEN and women uho do bard tonic ingredients, which are recemkkn ?? rg?l' taLS^Tmi^n. HIic^MMntama^ 1UH mmi Who do exhaustive brain work of vari- Tery &ni was gettirg weak and ous kinds, often feel the need of some- run-down from hard wwk. When I thing to help renew fagged forces and commenced taking Ziron, In a tew days tone up the system. < 1 strcmgeriind new J hare taken _ _f. _*TTv , . two bottles I ftiel as strung as e?r, To help repair the wear caused by j kept at ^sork all the over-work, to gain renewed strength time." and energy, many hare obtained good Ton cannot loee anytJaiag by giving results from taking Ziron Iron Tonic. Ziren a trial, but very Itkeff will gain Ziron is a perfected preparation of much, pure medicinal iron salts, combined Your druggist wfH sell yen the with other valuable strength-giving first bottle on a money-back guarantee. giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiii " ~ | FOR SALE | 1 WHITE SPANISH @13c PER POUND jj ^ 1ST f! R.TTNTCER.S (n) 19n PER POUND M ' Oil *V W W M ?v ? V ? ? - ? U f. o. b. Bamberg, S. 0. j| U SELECTED SEED?100 LBS. TO BAG J | The Cotton Oil Company ( | |j BAMBERG, S. C. j| Iuauoutu; i BH I Did you ever stop and think what M it meai?t to be satisfied? Well, that j|S is the wav vou will-feel if you Ijuy if * c * $p &5Jmu[ ill i i iffffij pff mm Automobile Tires I B I from me. I sell nothing but the H. II best tires I can buy. I give you a M l guarantee that I can make good. m | Just drive in my garage and rest If e in the cool and we will take off your H ) old tire and put on a new one. We || s don't charge for the work. I have m j , a large stock of tires and tubes, all if m firsts, no seconds, that I will sell at [| |f| prices that you can't beat. jra I Give Us a Chance to Satisfy You Once, that is all we ask I I 111 Ip i J. B. BRICKLE BAMBERG, S. C. fcg| B ? HfeSi On and after July I 1 * )OA *11 Bill It, ^u, we win pay i ' r; Per Cent - ' |rti ' ffl | * * jaMa On Savings depos- I j A- J*jfiti a __ ^ #*3?hb ^^HppH^Hppmi^p wlPwjg I1 its. This applies to I old and new de- I posits. IJ I Farmers & Merchants Bank I 1 | | BHRHARDT, S. C. g M ' m rx '*M .:,i- i-i.. :";;.svS^B