f- I"2 i p it h are er t pla( SKIE ES II Commenc N f * ^rfrT ^ i \ y Thev are here for c vou in the KIND ?/ yoxi will want when you the line. We them appro( priate for clay or wear. They O v are Georgettes. Organdies, Swisses, /Faffp+QS fVinilvirm jlx v tvi^/j ka-rs/ a^o.vv tions various materials and in Georgette Yoiles; so if it is a DRESS you wish we think we can please you. Coat Sui If you have not boug the opportune time; th< serviceable +han a SUII robe not complete un If either vou need E phmonaij mention. People Yieittig in !Au City and at Other Points. , HJo i/vn TV P TTnnrton crT\an + o Hov ?uajui t> . v. x/uu^au c* uuj last week in Edgefield. ?Captain William Watson sp&it the week-end in Johnston. ?Marvin Bishop, of Ehrhardt, was among the visitors in town Monday. ?Miss Bessie Armstrong, of Asheville, N. C., visited friends and relatives in town last week. ?Miss Emma Beatty, of Georgetown, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. I. B. Felder, in the city. ?Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hendricks, of Batesburg, spent the past week" end in the city with relatives. ?Malcolm Moye, of Charleston, spent last Friday in the city with his brothers, J. C. and F. M. Moye. ?Dr. G. W. Garland left last week for Long Island, New York, to spend the summer months with his sons. ?Mrs. W. A. Moore and little daughter, Bettie, spent the past weekend in the city with Mrs. J. B. Black, Jr. ?Capt. Boland has gone home on* account of a badly sprained ankle, x received while in base ball .practice. His friends hope he will soon be able to return. Th? Kearse H. D. Club. The home demonstration club of Kearse met with Mrs. B. V. Kearse on Tuesday afternoon, April 27th. This was not a regular meeting of the club but was one of the most interesting and attractive entertainments the community has enjoyed. Miss Varn was assisted by Mrs. Dora Dee Walker and many phases of the work were discussed in a most splendid way. It is always a treat to listen to Mrs. Walker along any line of thought and her remarks on this oc-1 casion were very much appreciated., I We are looking forward to having I her with us again soon. After business discussions the guests were invited into the dining room, where a delightful luncheon, consisting of salads and sweets, was served from a I i s Ladies AS ALWAYS BEEN THE ] STILL NEW, AND ESPEC HE COUNTY ARE SO NEA 3E US IN POSITION TO S] ?TS AND PIECE GOODS 1 J ACCORDANCE WITH QU ement Dresses W~ ^ ? Ay ts^. M ^ ts and Coats ;ht either of the above now is sre is nothing more stylish or [ or COAT; in fact your wardtil vou have one of the above. %J % come and look these over. E A. HOC ? BODY OF SOLDIER RETURNED. Barnwell Youth Who Died Enroute to France Buried at Home. Barnwell, May 1.?The body of Walter D. Richardson, late of the American expeditionary v. forces who , died in a hospital in France in September, 1918, reached Barnwell this morning and was laid to rest with Masonic honors in the Baptist ceme tery, the Rev. L. E. Peeler, pastor of the Barnwell Methodist church, conducting the funeral services in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and sympathetic friends. Mr. Richardson, who was a son of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Richardson, of this city, enlisted in the signal corps of the army early in 1918 and was sent to a training camp in New Jersey. He embarked to France when the epidemic of influenza was at its height and contracted the disease while aboard ship, dying shortly after his arrival. In response to a request from his parents the government ordered Mr. Richardson's body returned to America and the ship bearing his mortal remains arrived in New York on April 29, wrhere it was met by Dr. E. L. Patterson, representing the local po?fc the American .Legion and J. Emile Harlev, a brother-in-law of the young soldier. i ne nag arapea easKei was mei at the train by veterans of the world war, members of the Masonic order and numerous friends and relatives who accompanied the body to its last resting place, where Judge C. C. Simms paid a glowing tribute to the memory of the dead soldier, after w'hich the newrly made grave was covered under a mound of beautiful flowers. Mr. Richardson, who wras a mem- j ber of the Masonic and Pythian ord- j ers, was a young man of sterling | character, who numbered his friends by the score. beautifully ornamented table. Roses wrere in evidence throughout the home. The next meeting will be held with Miss Hilda Kearse Friday afternoon, May 14. I 1 DO YOU WIQ The Best is Ni U JLO And Piece Goo PARTICULAR AIM OF THI TALLY WHEN THE COMM .RAT HAND. CONTINUAL TOW YOU THE MOST COM ^O BE SEEN IN THIS SEC ALITY. Shirt Waists for L Small 1 In our showing of SHII many of the NEWER kinc in Voiles, Organdies, Crej Georgette Crepes. The si: the prices from $2.00 to $1; over. Can't you select th< from a showing like the al Skirts in Cottoi We believe our showing plete than at any time in t to fit the LARGE as well and FANCY, COTTON < PLAITED and WHITE Y be glad t a tt ati t\at rumim jjj.s?uj.a. x uii urn TION OF THE STATE. W] arge, Medium and Ladies. IT WAISTS you will find I and STYLES. They are ft/ >es, Crepe de Chenes, and zes are from 36 to 56 and 5.00. Come and look them 3 kind vou need and want ft/ love? i and in Wool. of SKIRTS is more cornlie past, for we have them I as the small in PLAIN, >r WOOL. ACCORDION ^ASH SKIRTS. We will and look the SKIRTS ovle kind you want. %/ Kinds and Qualities. impossible to give an idea ICE GOODS we have for cular time ORGANDIES, HENES, GEORGETTES, VOILES, FLAXONS and and we have a varied asove. In addition we are ent in WOOL, SILK and md let us show vou. % iberg, S. C. COURT SETS TRIAL DATE. Carlos Corbitt to Face Jury Thursday Of This Week. Orangeburg, May 3.?The May i term of the court of general sessions for Orangeburg county, convened this morning with the prospect of a two weeks' court.- The important cases the court are those against Carlos Corbitt, charged with killing Fanaing, Salley, and Cooper, and the :ase against Arthur Daily, charged with the murder of Magistrate Jeff D. Wiggins. There are several other murder cases set for the term. Carlos Corbitt was arraigned this ifternoon on a charge of murder in three cases. The prosecution is represented by Solicitor A. J. Hydrick, T. VI. Raysor and Adam Moss, all of Jrangeburg, while the defendant is epresented by Wolfe & Berry, J. Le*oy Dukes, J. H. Fanning of the Drangeburg bar, Cole L. Blease and Brooks J. Wingard of the Columbia Dar and Mendel L. Smith of the Camlen bar. This case is set for trial on rhursday. Another Good Reason. "They say a woman can not keep a secret." "That's why I believe in having vomen in politics, I'm in favor of jitiless publicity." ? Washintgon 5tar. First Chorus Girl?So you've jroken off the engagement. Did you jive him back his ring? Second Chorus Girl?Gracious! No. m Diamonds have gone up since it was jought; so I offered to give him what le'd paid for it.?London Opinion. t True to His Bringing Up. The young sen of a college profesor was caught throwing dirt at a yoman passing his home. On being aken to task, he remarked: "Huh, e don't like he:.' anyway; she swears; he says ain't." Many of the women in Siam wear heir finger nails very long and have hem tipped with silver. EOT SHOPPING AT HOOT'S It Is Here For Your Inspection In Ready To Wear You To Come And Let Us Show You. 1 NEW THINGS WHILE THEY DF ALL THE SCHOOLS ALL QVrFACTURERS OF REPUTATION 3SSES, SUITS, COATS, WAISTS, E INVITE YOU TO COME; PRIC f;5p Middies and Middy Suits. ,| The most popular GARMENTS of the day for the GIRLS and YOUNG LADIES, and we have the kind and sizes to please both. We have the SUITS in I ? ? T*. ,7^^ ^ 4 ' \\ * . WHITE and CQLORS, and the SEPARATE MID- f DIES in WHITE two QUALITIES; so if you need jl either call and see the linfe. ||j| 7 "m Muslin Underwear. ||| | Come and ask to see this DEPARTMENT. it - |||| C.'J is underwear of any kind you need it is here for you. b | We have the GARMENTS for general wear, or for |||| ' SPECIAL occasions. The PRICES and STYLES |||| are as varied as the QUALITIES, in other words we ;]s| have a line of UNDERWEAR that will please. /jjjj "J , Phone 83 ' J|1 Tires At Wholesale I We have no dealer in Bamberg (home town, you know) and so we are offering Tires and Tubes at ||| wholesale prices to individual customers. Tires are || guaranteed by us and by the factory for 5,000 miles gl of good service. Prices on different sizes follow: || Casings Heavy Tubes 30x3 non skid $14.27 $2.54 I 3fW31/. nnn skirl *17 34 $3.00 II L/V/iVW / V J-ivyJ-L UJIV^U * "w 32x3% non skid $20.97 $3.24 H ?1 31x4 non skid $24.11 $3.84 Iff il 32x4 non skid $27.64 .$4.00 K 1 33x4 noil skid $28.87 ' $4.17 B 34x4 non skid $29.67 :.$4.34 %|? M Write us for prices on larger sizes and on our If m 10,000 mile guarantee General Cord Tire. Give us |g M a trial?we ship on uay order is received. Send m check with order, please. m ( Extra Special?We have on hand limited amount M Ford sizes in the "Morris" Tire, guaranteed to be If "firsts" and free from manufacturers defects, that E we can sell you in 30x3 non skid for $10.00; 30x3% am non skid for $13.50. M b. & g. tire company i H. J. Brabham, Pres. and Treas. m Phone 4031 726 Main St. Columbia, S. C. - ? ? ^lll[||llll|l|llllli:i!II!llllllllllltllllllllllillll!iinillllllllll!lilUIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIllllllliniIIIINII!ill!nillllllillillllliIltlllll!IIUIIIilllllll!tll!lllltllllllUllllllilllllllllillllllt!l!!l||||lll!ll!lll!ltlQIII!lllllllllilUllllllir ^ I . Of jewelry for grad| nation presents. Dia- j " mond rinses, brooches I | Ngw and laValliers. Some- ? | _ . thing new in the line Lme Cameos and a big v stock to select from. REID'S JEWELRY STORE | , BAMBEBG, S. 0. I . j v-: i - 'A . : V : ;:v- -il v _ ' 'v-* v'' : ' - ^.1/