Coats, Dresses, i Hooton's . A " THIS STORE IS FUL] MENTS OF THE PAS' TION TO OFFER YO ACCUSTOMED TO S PLEASE EACH IND] COAT SUITS AND COATS* In this showing you will find all that's new. The suits are in all of the Latest "Weaves and St vies, some strictlv Tail%> 7 * ored, others Fancy Trimmed. COLORS and SIZES to please and fit. The Coats are more beautiful than ever, the length is just the correct effect for wearing j ? it rsT\T-vT\m 1 1 Iwitn tne new aresses; me cm ors are such as vou will admire, service- I able and STYLISH. Come and let us show vou what' vou can find in a real I READY TO WEAR DEPARTMENT. PIECE GOODS AND ACCE3I SORIES. In this department it would be impos sible for us to even give you an idea of what we are showing is so small a space, however, we will say that if it is anything you need for a DAY or an EVENING DRESS, it is here for you in Voile, Silks, Mixed Materials, and, in fact, any Material that's being used this Season. The Trimmings, Hosiery, Corsets, Gloves and Small Wares which are usi uallv difficult to find are here for you. I Come and make your shopping center at HOOTON'S. [ | LA.I PERSON All MENTION. SINGS OF THE W ^ * People Visiting in This City and at; They Are More Or Less Other Points. J Who Undersi v I ?D. M. Eaves, of Union, was a j Adam may or may visitor in the city this week. ; his hand at weather-pr ?Capt. W. A. -Riley, of Orange- j is written that as fa] burg, was in the city Tuesday. j time of Noah, that gem ?Bissell Beach, of McColl, is vis-; sie(* a Iong wet sPell? . iting his mother, Mrs. J. J. Beach. | lot of later weather-pr f ' n n .. . . . . such faith in his .own pi ?O. P. Folk, a student at Clemson j .. . . . , ? , , that he took ^measure colleee. is at home on ten days leave. .. .. ? .. 1 */\w LTn V?f h OY? r' ' , Sliuaiiuii. X' U1 bUVl UII ?Thomas R. Smith, of Raymond, quent events proved t * spent a few days in the city last 100 per cent prophet. wee^- successors, however, si ?Mrs. R. B. Sessions, of Ridge- batting average, it beca land, has been visiting relatives in ly apparent as times w the eity. view of the frequency 1 ?Miss Rebecca Dickinson, a stu- prognostications failec v dent at Winthrop college, is at home should be placed on a 'for a few days. ' in order to obtain accu ?L. H. Grandy, a former resident sults? or at ^ast to sp of Bamberg, spent several days in ; hal? of learnin? and ph ' town last week. ! U' and thus minimize _ ~ , . i it were, of possible errc ?Mrs. F. B. McCrackin leaves to-1 , . ... vx * n u. , . .. er bureaus were institut night for Corinth, Miss., to visit Dr. . * ^ have been in more or and Mrs. Charles Wilson. 1 .. _ | operation now for ma: ?Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Denbow re-j attendants on the go^ turned last week from a trip to Rich-! rojj an(j everything, mond and other Virginia cities. from scientific observat ?W. A. Dickinson, of Ehrhardt, home-made weather fi . was in the city last Friday shaking persisted as a pleasin I hands with his numerous friends. these years, and on k ? ?Major A. H. Silcox, of Charles- there is a se* of rules W ton, spent Sunday and Monday in the more or less recognize ' city with his three sons at Carlisle; weather-prophets. F school. of those who may be u ? - ? -- i tliASA rules the New ?Miss Mamie C. Cleckley, nurse ; " at Carlisle school, who has been ill; made a c at her home in Aiken, has returned;them and are se1 to the city. l0Tfy ' * When standing on hi -Miss Mallie Patrick left Monday the horjzon ig unobstr, for Atlanta where she will spend a quarters> ? the sky few days. From there she will so cl0ud,ess> Iook for a to.Eastman, Ga., where she has been fortv.eight hours milliner for several seasons. If it starts t0 rail ?Miss Minnie Lee Ayer, who is'o'clock in the morning i taking a special course at Lander j s0 au ^ay, and v [college, has resumed her studies |the indication of a thi there after spending a few weeks at j When it is raining ai home because of the closing of the !and darkens alternately school. ; on an ^11-day rain, wit ?Col. and Mrs. O. J. Bond and clearing at sundown. "Wise TTlnremcp Rnaoh nf Charlpston. i WIipti thp rain- ce i and Mr. and Mrs. James Rice, of i clouds are still masi kt Augusta, were in Bamberg Tuesday j blankets one sure sign < W to attend the burial of Mrs. \Y. F. j er is the patch of blue s Roach. ^ through the rift large ei . i?> en a pair of "sailor's breec The British government will Confer! Another sign of con B earldoms upon Field Marshal Sir! when the smoke from Douglas Haig and Admiral Beatty and: hovers low around t will give them $500,000 each for disT I When it ascends straig L tinguished service during the late this indicates clear wee k war. A foggy morning is u \ i , Suits, Skirts, Wa TO BE FOUND IN FASHIC dies Store an r. DP SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE. I! T FEW DAYS AND DAILY ARRIVALS U A MORE VARIED ASSORTMENT E EE AT MOST PLACES. OUR SPEC: [VIDUAL. WE INVITE YOU TO CO! SKIRTS AND SHIRT WAISTS. Here you will find a line of both that von will be pleased to select from. Tiie showing is large enough to please each INDIVIDUAL, the SIZES and Styles are so varied that the most discriminating can be pleased, the prices are in accordance with the SKIKT or WAIST you select, for thev are here for you in rIOOTON, Bam EATHER. runner of a clear afternoon. j A thunder-storm in winter (usually. 4 Plain to Those in January or Febraury) is always!^ tan(j# followed by clear, cold weather. It I ' is not, as many think, the breaking j ; * * ,* up of winter. ^ not have tried ? , , v ,. .. . . .. People living near the seashore say f ediction, but it . . . . . , , . .. a storm is brewing' when the air is 4 r back as the . , salty, caused by the wind blowing 4 tleman prophe- , T ... from the east. j and, unlike a , 4 , . , , . A red or copper-colored sun or . ophets, he had . 4 .. .. moon indicates great heat. A silvery ~ rognostications , , ^ moon denotes clear, cool weather. ^ s to meet the , < .. . , The old Indian sign of a dry month 4 in that, subse- 6 , . XT . was when the ends of the new moon 4 hat Noah was , v , ? , " Man of his were near*y horizontal; one of them ^ . resembled a hook on which the In- < lowing a lower 4 . ? dian could hang his powder-horn. 4 .me increasing- ,, , , ^ .. . . Many people troubled with rheuma- " ent on that m . ? ? , with which the tism a neural&ia usually are excel- .<5 lent harAmptpro anrl mr\ nrPfliPt ! rs. So weath- . , , , . , , - < j u- i. And then, for the special benefit ci J ;ed which same , , ^ t . , , those who never can remember any- a less successful ! . . , , ? 11 *t i thing they read in prose, but do have I : ay years, with . . . . ' , ? , a faculty for retaining jingles the tol-i < rernment pay-i ' , i j ? .. . . lowing important formulas are set outlt Entirely apart i ? ! < , i in verse: , aons, however, < a orecasting has. ? . ?! Red in the morning the sailors g pastime all a warning; ! < this verv day i 4 .. Red at night the sailor's delight. ' < ; governing it, 4 id by amateur When you see a mackerel sky, ^ or the benefit 'Twill not be many hours dry. < nfamiliar with % York Sun has When the seagulls inland fly ^ ompilation of Know ye that a storm is nigh. J t forth as fol- A ring around the moon ^ Means a storm is coming soon. 4 gh ground and \ acted from all When it rains before seven ^ is absolutely 'Twill clear before eleven. ^ storm within ^ ? Tony. ^ l after seven a . iJ uttr ^ 4 ? o ^1 t Will continue i WUU1U >UU lino mc iu uiocx i a j ery often it is half-tone of yourself?" asked the in- % ee days' rain, terviewer. ^ ad it brightens! "Certainly not," replied Mrs. New- ^ you can count j rich. "I don't wish it to look as if ^ h a chance of' the question of exercise was consider- Jj | ed in the slightest. Let it be a whole j ^ ases and the tone or nothing."?Boston Transcript, j h >ed in heavy) ?^ 3f clear weath- i Noil-committals * >kv that shows j . ?jl tiough to make j "How does Napoleon- Billkinsi^ hes." ! stand in this community?" i tinned rain is "I wouldn't care to say," answered the chimney] the prudent citizen. he housetops.! "I've made it a rule of my life ? ht into the air j when I can't say anything good about J Lther. j a man to keep my mouth shut."? sually the fore! Birmingham Age-Herald. i 1 < - ^r???II ? I ?r1.^?tWfc WKt'KIHM ? ? i ??MM??m?m????????nmmmmmmummM? wwiTT.wnwii*v ? ? ists, Underwear a )N'S LATEST DECREE AT N BOTH PIECE GOODS AND READY FROM OUR NEW YORK BUYERS P] N PIECE GOODS AND READY TO WE LALTY IS ONE OF A KIND, AND A : ME AND SEE. many QUALITIES. A look will cont'lTTPP vmi if if ic oifliov a Rlrii^f at? Woicf ? AAiV/V * VU -X -I- x t XU V_ X til V- X U N^XXXX t VJ. ? uiot vou need that it can be found at HOOTON'S. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Come and ask to see this DEPARTMENT. If it is UNDERWEAR,of any kind, it is here for you. We have the iberg, S. C., Phc A A^A A. Axi AAAkAkj^AA^AjAiAAA.AAAA A^a A^AA^A^ I People CX " BAMBERG, SO' It $ To Our ft DURING THt LIBERTY LOA BANKS OF THIS TIONS REQUIR TO PAY FIVE O WITH SUBSCRII it4j^ CARRIES ON ^ t LEDGER SEVI ^ i DOLLARS WHIC ? V SAID PAYMENT* f V JORITY OF SUBS KNOWN TO US V TO NOTIFY THL PRESS THAT IF PREVENT THE! ' 1 BALANCE DUE f t THE BONDS TH. SURRENDER T COVERING ABOl WILL BE GLAD 1 the above 1> it we coxscies i f , that the ban 4v to withholj hence our di same from ou hr ;*T BAMBERG, SCI K* A. M. DENBOW, President V ^ A jftj ^ i!^k ^ ^ ATA ATA ATA ATA aTA --- '-.':--^5l --*.' . rirS'*:^k.s->/JL IIT^ - *-.Tvc Jv-aL Wear Parlor TO WEAR. SHIP1ACE US IN A POSIAR THAN YOU ARE KIND THAT WILL GARMENTS needed, for general wear or for particular occasions; the Prices and Styles are as varied as the Qualities, for when we added this NEW DEPARTMENT, we placed a line of Underwear that will please the most discriminating. MIDDY SUITS. The most popular GARMENT of the day for MISSES and YOUNG LADIES. We have a showing of. these SUITS that will please you to look at. They are in Cope, Rose, Blue, Pink and White; the sizes will FIT you and the PRICES will please you. DRESSES OF DISTINCTION AND INDIVIDUALITY. Here you will find the most complete line of DRESSES ever shown in Bamberg. Why? Because we are making a SPECIALTY of all that's NEW and STYLISH in ready to wear. Our line consists of Taffetas, Messalines, Crepes Combination Materials, Figured Foulards, Figured and Plaid Voiles, in all SIZES and a REASONABLE PRICES Materials and Workmanship consider- 9 ed. If it is a DRESS of any KIND come to Ilooton's. >ne 83 | ' | = sBank 1 %% UTH CAROLINA. > - 4* T^ 1 ? r rienas u xx : PAST SEVERAL f I > ! 1 X DRIVES THE * I AND OTHER SEC- X I El) SUBSCRIBERS t X R TEX PER CENT. t 2 > 10 ?TIOX. OUR BANK t J ! / ITS INDIVIDUAL t X Toojo 2RAL HUNDRED J X H IS MADE UP OF J J >, AND AS THE MA- VV * # CRIBERS ARE UN- V V I E THINK IT BEST T T IM THROUGH THE 1 CIRCUMSTANCES ?& * H FROM PAYING I t AND RECEIVING jf JL IT IF THEY WILL J J HEIR RECEIPTS X V ,K PAYMENTS W7E V T rO REFUND THEM ITIAL PAYMENT. && iTIOUSLY FEEL $ JL K HAS NO RIGHT JJ > SAID FUNDS, M4 ^SIRE TO CLEAR Y T R BOOKS. && YT FTH CAROLINA C. W. RENTZ^ JR., Cashier ^ , . . .. . .