The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, February 05, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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PERSONAL MENTION. People Visiting in This City and at Other Points. ?Mr. W. H. Ritter, of Ehrhardt, was in the city Friday on business. ?Miss Winnie Kearse spent a few daye last week in Augusta with relatives. ?Miss Ethel Black, who teaches at Estill, spent the past week-end at home. ?The Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Snyder, of Batesburg, were visitors in the city last week. ?Messrs. J. D. and E. D. Dannel ly, of Ehrhardt, were in tne city Tuesday on business. ?Mr. Ben Tolbert, of Columbia, isited Captain Lupo at Carlisle school last week. ?Mrs. C. E. Forbes, of Charleston, was a visitor at Carlisle school one day last week. ?Messrs. Bert Dannelly and J. F. Chassereau; of Ehrhardt, were visitors in the city last Thursday. ?Mrs. E. A. Inabinet and children, of 0rang9burg/ spent last Saturday and Sunday with Mr. hnd Mrs. R. M. Bruce. ?Captain Van C. Walton, formerly commandant at Carlisle school, was in the city for a while last week en route to Nashville, Tenn. ?Mr. Decania Dowling returned Tuesday morning from a trip to Chii cago. While there on business matl ters he attended the big automobile I show. & ?Mrs. L. E. Hanberry, of DenH mark, went to Jacksonville last SunH day for a stay of several months. She H is with her son, Mr. Everette Hanberry. HAD NARROW ESCAPE. k Several Persons Injured in Automo u bile Collision. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Patterson, Jr., Messrs. Louis Murray, of Columbia, and Mr. George Todd, formerly of this city, had a very narrow escape from death Sunday morning when the touring car of Mr. John Spann, of Allendale, collided with their ma~ chine. The accident occurred about three miles north of Allendale, on the Barnwell-Allendale public road. Mrj Patterson and the other members of his party were returning home, with Mr. Murray driving their car. They state that when about three miles from Allendale, they saw another car coming around a curve at a high rate of speed. When the approaching car apparently made no effort to turn aside to pass them, or was unable to do so because of the rapid rate at which it was traveling, Mr. Murray, in trying to avoid a collision, turned to the left, but was unable to get his car out of the path of the other machine in time to avoid a collision. Fortunately neither car turned over, but some of the occupats of Mr. Patterson's machine were thrown out and more or less seriously - injured. Mr. Patterson's nose was broken and his wife was severely cut about the face and neck, from which WVUUUS SiiC U1CU piUiUOCiJ. Mt.. xuuu was also injured about the head, being rendered unconscious for some time. Mr. Murray escaped practically unhurt, and it is understood that neither Mr. Spann nor his son, who was driving, was seriously injured. Mr. Patterson's car was almost demolished but Mr. Spann's machine was not so ; badly damaged. * Mr. and Mrs. Patterson were able to return home Monday morning.? Barnwell People. ; Both Correct. v. Teacher?Correct this sentence; "The liquor what the man was soon i "The liquor what the man bought was soon drank." Bright Pupil ? The man who bought the liquor was soon drunk.? Deroit News. The prettiest line of box papers at The Herald Book Store. 40c to There will be a special meeting of Oman lodsre No. 38. A. F. M., on Friday night, Feb. 6, to confer the Fellowcraft degree. All officers and members are urged to be present. Adv H. L. HltfNANT, W. M. NOTICE Of special -meeting of the Stockholders of the Farmers Tobacco Warehouse Company. Notice is hereby given that a special meeting . f the stockholders of the Farmers Tobacco Warehouse Company, of Bamberg, S. C., is called, to be held at the office of Bamberg Banking Co., at Bamberg, S. C., at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the 6th day of March, 1920, to consider and act upon a resolution determined upon by the Board of Directors of the said corporation to Increase the capital stock of the company to an amount not more than Twenty-five Thousand Dollars. FARMERS TOBACCO WAREHOUSE COMPANY, By C. R. BRABHAM, President. Dated Jan. 30, 1920. 2-26 i American Aviators Released. San Antonio, Texas, February 1.? j Lieuts. E. F. Davis and G. E. Grimes,j United States aviators, who havej been held by Mexican authorities j since Wedneday last, when they made j a forced landing near Guerrero, were , released at Nuevo Laredo this afternoon and crossed the Rio Grande to ! Laredo, Texas, Col. J. E. Fechet, Southern department air service officer, announced tonight. Pay your subscription today. I Foot discomfi For the benefit of our patrons graduate Practi; / Uk foot c I a He will examine y< I /\(D ive measures requi \ /\ when it is lacking. '/s \ fre / \ He has been specia I \ of Fo: t Correction / ) I Dr. Scnoll's Foot G 1 / I TKavisa OCJ m Trait M ,f< . . ? fi? ffftaUKSOt and this expert knows just wha to your individual foot No matter what the troul Whether it is corns, bunions, callc pain in ball, crooked toes, crai toes, sore heel, weak arch, flat weak ankles, tender feet, easily feet or something else, he will fin real cause and tell you how to qi correct it and restore complete comfort. FEBRUARY 6t FRIDAY AND ? H. C. FOLK Ci 4, BAMBERG, 1 ARE YOU I i nr r.nnn p ? VI WW 1 V If Sc | Douglas I I 11 | "When the CI< X WEDNESDAY I LaVICTOIRf ? BAMBI A^A. A^A A^fc. A^A BUT IT DOES NO GO UNLESS IT IS PU TION SOI Until you are readj ings a safe,patriotic c a bank account wher increased credits on construction and bus Your funds deposited wil immediately availat their full pa I RESOURCES OVE 4% paio on SWINGS ACCOUNTS Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a speciallyprepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. ( DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Faulkner Electric Service Co., Dealers, Bamberg, S. O. I 1 oris relieved i, we have in attendance a pedist who is a omfort expert :>ur feet and advise you the correctred to restore complete foot comfort His services are entirely e of charge lly trained in the Dr. Scholl Method and knows how to scientifically fit amfort Appliances. Scholl 'Remtfy RrEmyRotlktdSk t you need and how to fit it ble Dr. Scholl's )< d the Protects bunion or enlarged licklv joint. Causes reduction through f absorption. Worn in lightest jOOt slippers without detection. All soft rubber. ;h and 7th SATURDAY DMPANY s. u. l LOVER 0 1 ICTURES : I T See V X Fairbanks * 7 v V [X rnds Roll By" | FER 11th | i THEATRE I 2RG, S. C. * OD TO SAVE MONEY T INTO CIRCULATE WAY. r to invest you savlepository for them is e they will stand for which to finance reiness activities. ;h this Bank will be safe, )le and will be doing .triotic duty. :R $1,000,000.00 CHARLESTON MAN PRAISES FERIIOLAX. I Conklin Says He Feels Like a New Man Since Taking New Discovery. II "I tr.'ed for a long time to find : something to relieve, but I never had any success until I commenced taking Ferrolax," said .Mr. R. F. Conklin who lives at No. 17 Tradd street, Charleston. S. C., while talking to a Ferrolax representative the other day. "I was in a weak, run down condition," continued .Mr. Conklin, "and ' felt tired and sluggish all the time, and I never felt like doing my work. All my energy and strength seemed to leave me and I suffered from pains jail through my back nearly all the ! time. I tried many different kinds of medic'ne and treatments, but instead of getting better, 1 gradually got weaker all the time. "I had heard so much about the good Ferrolax was doing so many people that I decided to buy a bottle and see if it would help me. Well, sir, I have never seen anything *to equal the way this medicine got in after my\troubles. It just seemed to take hold right from the very start and now I feel like a new man out and out. I am more than glad to recommend Ferrolax to everybody, for I honestly believe it is the best medicine on earth. Ferrolax is sold in this county by Copeland & Farrell, Ehrhardt, S. C. Get a bottle at this store today. Take it according to directions and if it does not do you the good you want done come in and get your money back. Your bare word is good enough for us. Watch for the next is^ sue of this paper and see what Ferrolax is doing for others. 666 has proven it will core Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds and LaGrippe. PORTABLE AND STATIONARY tllCIUEC LimillLO AND BOILERS Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills, Injectors, Pumps and Fittings Wood Saws, Splitters, Shafts, Pulleys, Belting, Gasoline Engines LAROESTOCK LOMBARD Foundry, Machine, Boiler Works Supply Store. AUGUSTA. GA. COMING I H| THE MIRACLE MAN | LaVICTOIRE THEATRE H -i^A A^A A^A . Tk" VVw a "A" "A A TAT "VW TAT "A" YT ft if ff "Su YY YY capit ff ' Surpl tt ff Resource ff ft || SEI ft ff ^ This Conservi ?j? has been largely i ft the fruits of theii l a others now on th f f V x striving to reach 1 For years we 1 public has shown constantly growiu YY W 0 XI TY I Peo II ?' 'TB iii bai , > v \%t A.M.DENBC XX President II V Y Y BUY A CAR OF Y X X 1 Buquo Lime I f |> BONE DRY-HIGHEST ANALYSIS X GROUND JUST RIGHT 1 V | PEANUTS NEED LIME 1 X X & Peanuts, like all legumes, need lime as they will ^ A not do well in acid soil. In order to correct soil X A acidity the lime must be in carbonate form. Buquo A Y lime is guaranteed to run from 94 to 98 per cent. y X Pure carbonates. * Y If you want your peanuts to produce big, full j A pods, you must have ground limestone in addition A to vour fertilizer. This is the method that is sue- A J y Y cessfully used in the oldest peanut growing sections r\-9 U rtmin+'mr 4Mb Ui LiJLL UX J . [ X v | Lime For Other Crops | Lime is absolutely essential in any system of crop f V rotation and soil improvement. The following jig- A Y 111,68 from the Kentucky Experiment Station, show J its value in a four year rotation. +? Without Fertilizer or Lime, value of crops.... $24.00 to $57.77 t yr ? JL With Lime alone, value of crops $36.60 to $74,26 f JL With Fertilizer alone, value of crops $33.74 to $85.94 t ^ With Lime and Fertilizer, value of crops $51.09 to $105.83 ^ X T It is not too late to get results from y <! < lime this year. ORDER NOW. T _ | | J. J. HtAKD, AgL t Y BAMBERG, S. C. * ^ f 4 A^k At Ak. i^A Ak A^k A^k A^ A^k i^A J^k. J^A y^y "y ^ ^r y' T^T T0T T^jfly T^T T^T y y y^T y y f|T T^f ?^T ^ y Ty y OUR WATCHWORD IS St^ N< rplus First" || f T al $25*000.00 X% us and Profits... 27*000.00 > js Over One-Half Million jri Yj f? (VICE MAKES OUR BANK GROW XX . yy YY ative but Progressive Bank of SERVICE, which .nstrumental in enabling business men to enjoy 1 ? undertakings, offers its Efficient facilities to e HIGHWAY OF ENDEAVOR, who are still XX XX :he goal. lave done our BEST to serve the public and the its appreciation by bringing up its business in Yy x Y g quantity. wv XX URPLIIS DENOTES STRENGTH ft pies Bank | ? mTTT, T>TlAm Tin X.JL E ?SAJN A ?"Ult XI1JU irjUJTJjjQi MBERG, SOUTH CAROLINA %*$ w yy >W, C. W. RENTZ, JR., ? Cashier jhf -0%