ADVANTAGES OF PUREBRED SIRE Fourteen Reasons For the Use of Slree ef Good Breeding and Individuality. Clemson College, Dec. 22.?Never before was the farmer in South Carolina so serious about a serious matter as today. Just how he can emerge from a cotton-covered crysalis and find bis land stocked with good hogs, cattle and sheep is truly a difficult problem. The quickest, cheapest and best way to improve live stock is to invest In the right sort of a sire and, having purchased him, give him good feed and care, says Prof. L. V. Starkey, ? - - ... . i tt?u ? a ?... n; Chief of the Animai nusuauuij j-?iTision, who makes the following brief suggestions in the form of fourteen advantages of a pure bred sire of good breeding and good individuality. 1?Economical and Rapid Improvement: One pure bred sire will improve the herd as rapidly as 50 pure bred females. 8?Lasting Influence: The value of a pure bred sire is not seen entirely in the first generation but continues in the following generations. Fewer Sires Necessary: One pure bred sire properly managed will do the work of four crub sires as they are usually managed. 4?Advertisement Valuable: Well bred stock attracts the at tention of buyers. ^?Demand Created For Our Local Pure Bred Sires: The breeders of pure bred stock in South Carolina should be en#?nnrflred bv a good market for r"~-o? -? ? ? their breeding stock. ?Opportunity to Work Gradually Into Pure Bred Business: If there is a pure bred sire in the community, it is an easy matter to purchase one or two pure bred females and soon be in the pure bred business. 7?Co-operation Possible: If there are as many as four or five pure bred sires in the community there is an excellent opportunity to co-operate by exchanging t sires. Pure Bred Sires More Valuable Than Scrubs After Their Period of Usefulness is Over: A 2,000-pound pure bred bull is ^ worth more for beef than a scrub which usually weighs 1,200 to 1,400 pounds. ?Prepotency Important: A pure bred sire will sire individuals more like himself than like the dam. This is due to concen??v.. - -1 trated blood lines. 10 Increased Value Through Uniformity: Buyers will always pay more for a uniform carload of livestock than for a mixture of scrubs and purebreds. 11?Offspring Worth More: A calf is worth $5 to $10 more, a . yearling $15 to $20, and a two, year-old $25 to $30 more if sired by a purebred bull. 1S?Wealth Created: *-- * * * ' wAf anm*. 1HU lOTUlViS gaw io UUI. evuiir body's loss, for a farmer can raise a better calf and no one is the poorer. Pie thus creates wealth. IS-rGood Influence on Owner: . When a man has purebred lirestock on his farm he naturally takes more interest in it and feeds and cares for it better than he otherwise would. 14?Better Living: The pure bred bull means more money, which in turn makes possible better homes, better schools, better churches, better roads and a better and more satisfactory country life. SL*. t't ': -L ir- \ ! exposed. They should be wrapped' or otherwise protected when carried to the field and immediately cover-j ed with a shovelful of soil when distributed. Methods of Pruning at Planting.? Correct methods of pruning should be ; carefully, employed; otherwise, the hcpe of the tree might be completely destroyed. At planting, ali .broken, bruised and otherwise damaged roots should be removed, and the tree in??J C ^ mm. J ; ft n A r? n A?/l inooof O BpCvlVU 1UI Uiscascs auu For apple, pear and plum trees two years old, three to five well branched, remove the central leader and all outer branches back eight or ten inches to outside buds. One-year whips of apples and pears should be cut back to single stem of 24 to 30 inches, and oneyftar whips of peaches and plums hould be cut back to single stem 16 to 18 inches. One-year cherry whips, hould be cut to ?4 to 30 inches high, And two-year cherries should be cut , to three to five laterals and a central leader each eight to ten inches. Two-year grapes should be cut to two canes six inches above ground, two or three buds each. Muscadine grapes, two years, should be cut to three to five canes six to eight inches above ground. Full information and instruction about fruits and varieties for different sections of the state, ages and ' sizes of trees recommended, suitable distances for planting, cultivation, pruning, spraying, etc., may be had from the Extension Service of Clem-1 son College. Extension Circular 18, "Orchard and Nursery Information," will be sent free upon request. Why play a losing game running a free boarding house for boll wievlls j when you can get good dividends from A boarding house for pigs? I w ? 1 Waterman Fountain Pens always MAXTONE?The guaranteed tonHerald Book Store. ic for chills, fever and malaria. 25c MAXTONE?The guaranteed ton- and 50c bottle> ic for chills, fever and malaria. 25c j Cincinnati brass foundries still and 50c bottle. j maintain female help in their shops. Fresh Oysters v? Fresh Norfolk Oysters now served regularly. They are luscious, delightful, and palatable. We get them fresh by express. TRY THEM! BAMBERG FRUIT COMPANY WE ARE HERE TO SERVE THE PUBLIC I And Invite Yon to Become One of Oar Regular Customers K Why not make this bank your bank? Make use of our Bank Account Plan; take advantage of our facilities and equipment for the better protection of your income and creating a reserve fund for future use. Enterprise Bank BAMBERG, S. C. H. M. GRAHAM, DR. ROBT. BLACK, W. D. COLEMAN, President Vice President Cashier _ --?1?| I f ' ?^^??1 HI I??????q j some of j biscuits, Daddy" j proud or wail iug U| q whole family recognizes as a Valiers Dainty Flour b madefor those . f who appreciate extra?:od results in ! baking. It ia ttillfec! from only the ^^^SftgafeaiK^^ J. choicest flour^part of tke^Cncot scft rYouTl End it a joy to hake \ jj with ouch fine flour. It is fe.JWactured Fr??,jjjtf $ economical, too, because V *CTpn u/iaiTfA '"J# >A It rtquim Uss lard. L Of f\ Phone ue for n each of VaUcr'e Dainty?Today [ G. E. SHUMAKER FLOUR CO., Wholesale Distributers Augusta, Georgia I y: pfelCK WALLS I I !| I il;.: '/STRONalc'CriS I b y P!s jtiE sAm * ?| HvT %r?PLACE TO HiPS H ; j YOUR MSMSV IH |fj *!J -PUT YOUR MCNIV | /|i hjjl' incur. Bank H ,1 aJ; N' ' THEN YOU HAVE j "?j! Jtrr ! r - | SA?"E . I If you bury your money some ono may SEE you or may find it. You might die without anybody knowing of its whereabouts. If you hide it behind a picture, under the carpet, in a sugar bow! or the the coal bin, a I burglar can just come ana get it. That's the burglar's business, study w this picture and you will hide yours B in our bank. B BANK WITH US. I We pay four per cent, interest, com- I pounded quarterly on savings deposits f I Farmers & Merchants Bank I | BHRHASDT, S. C. | W? i#l R. P. BELLINGER ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW General Practice in All Courts. Office Work and Civil Business^ a Specialty. Money to Lend. Offices in r.ear over Hoffman's Store. : BAMBERG, S. C. _______________________________ | MAXTONE?The guaranteed ton- i ic for chills, fever and malaria. 25c j and 50c bottle. j No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an unhealthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a | rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. ! GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly 1 for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, im- j prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength- j ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then j throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be j m perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle, i | I FERTILIZERS 8 Fertilizer Materials n Mixed goods for spr'ng ship- w ment; nitrate of soda, dr ed k blood and tankage. Get our K prices before buying. K; SHULER & SMOAK B 22 S. Church St. Phone 647 ra Orangeburg, S. C. i IR. M. ROWELL ELECTRICIAN Bamberg, S. C. Six years experience. House wiring, Fans, Lights, and Electric Irons, etc., repaired. Phone 31. I RILEY & COPELAND Successors to \V. I*. Kiley. Fire, Life Accident INSURANCE Office In J. T). CopelantTs Store BAMRFRG. S. r. BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS MAXTONE?The guaranteed tonic for chills, fever and malaria. 25c and 50c bottle. Cow peas of all varieties wanted. Highest prices paid accord ng to marVet. The Mayfield Co., Denmark, S. C. l-8n i Let 1 j If your Ford good reason for it. it remedied, is to j j tion, where one oi j with the Ford mec or repair your car equipped to give r tion parts?only t They wear from 1 counterfeit parts 1 it is dangerous to ; fair to your Ford ( We are a part purpose is to serve more than a passir on all work?from in and see the facts in your Ford car dealers. Touring Runabc I Coupel< Sedan. i Chassis * Truck.. These prices are f $40.33 on each $25.00 ar Rizer I i I ] OWEN BR'OE. MARBLE r| AND GRANITE CO. ; S, DESIGNERS MANUFACTURERS ERECTORS i ; y\ The largest and best equipped ^ monumental mills in the Carolinas. GREENWOOD, S. C. | I BEAT THE COTTON WEEVIL I KING'S EARLY BIG BOLL I Having accepted the agency to ban- H die the King's Early Big Boll Cotton H Seed, I am prepared to take orders H for same, and advise all interested M in using them to place their orders H at once, as supply will be short, owing jH to the strong demand because of boll H weevil conditions. Hj J. T. O'Neal, Bamberg, S. C. J i " * * * - * m ti At Last!: i- t X > ? X f AFTER SO LONG A TIME WE HAVE SE- V X CURED THE SERVICES OF A FIRSS-CLASS Y WATCHMAKER AND ARE PREPARED TO Y X DO YOUR WORK PROMPTLY. X ? NO MORE LONG WAITS. ? ! ROD'S JEWELRY STORE | Y BAMBERG, S. C. Y ' v v \ j cford I THE UNIVERSAL CAR here Be No Discords car is out of tune, there is undoubtedly a very And the best way to find that reason, and have ump in and drive to our authorized Service staf our mechanics who is thoroughly acquainted hanism and who knows the Ford way to adjust can tune it up in a garage that is properly eal Ford service. Then, too we never use imitahe Genuine Ford-made, strong and durable. I hirty to seventy-five per cent longer than the j hat are softer and more cheaply made. In fact j human life to use imitation parts, and it is not . ar or your pocket book. j of the gigantic Ford Service organization whose j the owners of all Ford cars and trucks; we have j lg interest in your car. Prompt service is given j o TiiiiiAV orHn c+mprit to a motor overhaul. Drive |||| CI llllJLIUi CUl I llumiVJav vv ? . _ 5 for yourself?there's too much money, invested to miss connections with the authorized Ford I $525.00 Tax $21.66 II >ut 500.00 Tax 20.63 3t 650.00 Tax 28.81 j 775.00 Tax 31.97 ! i 475.00 Tax 19.59 550.00 Tax 13.61 |] . o. b. Detroit, Mich. The freight to Olar is ||| . style. $75.00 and tax extra for self starter. i id tax extra for demountable rims. rnmnanv jLULI/ V/VlilJ/MIlT OLAR, SOUTH CAROLINA [nsist on Geniune Ford Parts. 9 0