The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, December 18, 1919, FIRST SECTION PAGES 1 TO 8, Page 2, Image 2

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HEEDED A MASTER! German Official Helpless In Hie! Absence of Orders. Burgermeister's Case Typical of the Lack of Initiative Resulting From the System of Militarism i So Long in Vogue. The burgermeister of B am Rhein was a person who looked like a white rat that had been thoroughly soaked and shaved. And he had the faculty, , which all Germans have, of congealing . his cords and muscles at a moment's notice, and could assume the rigor of i an epileptic in the presence or superiors. To watch him slide into your office, uncover his teeth, espy you, and suddenly straighten himself up in obedience to an unspoken Achtung, was an impressive experience. i The American general's aid, appointed to this particular suburb of Cobleaz, often wondered why the arrest of every vital function should be qpnsidered polite. He distrusted that German salute. It was too much like playing 'possum. When the burgermelster came Into the ortskommandantur, the aid, told him that, in so far as he behaved himself, he would have nothing to fear from the American army; and that in - so far as it.didr'^ interfere with the satisfaction of American interests, he was to continue governing the town as usual. The burgermelster stiffened himself and withdrew. Th? was nleased. His first offi dal act, he felt, had been kindly, yet firm, just but not harsh. If he had his way, B would not suffer as north. era France had suffered. He was going to show these boches that, the Americans, weren't there to terrorize, or to Americanize, but simply to occupy territory according to the terms of the armistice. 7 But he could, not see the scene in the burgermeister's office overhead?the - holding of cheeks in hands, the strik ing of chests, the weary and rapid breathing of bewilderment, the groans of despair. And the nest morning, when he went to the ortskommandantur, he was met by a request that he grant an audience to his German col league. It was 10 o'clock, the exact hour of yesterday's meeting. <; He granted the request, and in a moment the shaved rat slid in through ft slit in the open door and ran his tongue over his pink lips. His little black eyes shone like shoe buttons, . and he kept scratching the pahns of { his h^nds. * ' _ He wanted to know if the Herr Oberleutnant had any orders fof him. The Herr Oberleutnant wanted to know why. wAeti ?" cried the burgermeister, "be. fore the Americans ca^ we had a government. Now we had none. How, then, can I run the town of B as I used to run it? There is no one to tell me what to do. If only the Herr Oberlentnant would express his wishes!" The aid narrowed his eyes and looked at him in disgust. *Have the streets cleaned," he said, * and turned to his work. The face of the burgermeister was ; radiant. He had found a boss. In less than thirty minutes a platoon of boches was assembled in the street before the ortskommandantur. Every > other man carried a broom at right shoulder arms and the man afxhls side a shovel. The burgermeister stood on * the steps of the building, with a pencil - In one hand and a long list in the * other, and checked off their names. Then, "Hup!" said the burgermeister. Out of the ranks jumped four men, ; saluted, and faced the platoon. "Hup!" said the first of the four; i and a little squad of broomers and j shovelers faced to the right and ' marched off briskly northward. ( Linn I" Mill +>?/", CQ/1AT1 ^ nf frtTII" uuy ; caiu iuc ot<_vuu v* iuv .</? , and another little squad trotted off, to . the east. "Hup!" said the third, and "Hup!" said the fourth, and soon all points of the compass had received their squads, j And the voice of the gefreite was j heard in the land. Clouds of dust J hung over B am Rhein, shovels ! clanged on the cobblestones, brooms ! scraped the roadways. The town was j being cleaned. The burgennelster stepped into the burgermeisterel and jabbed his pencil three times into his right ear. "So-o-o," he said with pride and satisfaction. And from that day on the aid gave him orders punctually at 10 a. m.? George Boas, in Atlantic Monthly. Ireland Again. ?. Two Irishmen were walking along one of the main thoroughfares in Glasgow when they noticed a large placard in the window of a shop with the words: "Butter! Butter!! Butter! ! !" in large type written on It. "Pat," said Mike, "what is the meaning of them big strokes after the worasr "Och, ye ignoramus," says Pat, "sure they are meant for shlllelahs, to show It's Irish butter."?London Ideas. Business Training. Serious consideration is being given s to the need of higher commercial train- J ing when London university projKJses ; to collect $2,500,000 to establish & J course in commerce, that is to say, tt create a commercial faculty, scholar- i ships, traveling clerkships, erect build- j ings r.ud get a library. The need of ! higher commercial training impresses | the British. . I MORPHINE habit cured the easy and gentle way. Whiskey habit by grad- j ual reduction. Also tobacco j . cure at KEELEY INSTITUTE Box 75 Columbia, S. C. I 7 j I FERTILIZERS H Fertilizer Materials || Mixed goods for spr.'ng ship- ||| ment; nitrate of soda, diced Ejp blood and tankage. Get our E2j prices before buying. SHULER & SMOAK 22 S. Church St. Phone 647 |Pf Orangeburg, S. C. || IR. M.ROWELL || ELECTRICIAN I Bamberg, S. C. I Six years experience. I House wiring, Fans, I Lights, and Electric B Irons, etc., repaired. g PhQne 31. I Waterman Fountain Pens always Herald Book Store. ^ "SHOULD A HUSI William Fox | What is the Prohl Y What is your ans\v< | SHOULD A HUSi > See the Great Answer or A William Fox Speeia TA Ol jL/eep OJ X SPECIAL A1 | Thursday, | LaVictoin X BAMEEI Y Continuous Show Fro NOTICE OF SALE. Pursuant to an order of the Court of Probate for Bamberg county, the unders'gned administrator of Aaron Hartzog, deceased, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the late residence of the said Aaron Hartzog in the county of Bamberg, S. C., near the town of Sato, on the 31st day of December, 1919. beginning at ten o'clock, a. m., and continuing until sold, the following aeser bed personal property, to wit: One mule, one 1-horse wagon, one 2-horse wagon, one top buggy, one cow and c&if, one Jersey bull, 10 head of hogs, plow tools, hoes and plows, and about 73 bus. corn, 2,500 -- - A " A ' ? - f* t i lbs. fodder, l,uuu ids. nay, iour oaies cotton seed, potatoes, syrup, sugar cane, peas, etc., same being the property of the estate of Aaron Hartzog, deceased. MATT IE HARTZOG, Administratrix of the Estate of Aaron Hartzog, Deceased. December 16, 1919. 12 NOTICE OF SALE OP PERSONAL PROPERTY OF W. C. BLACK, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the executors of the estate of W. C. Black, deceased, will sell at public aution, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the W. C. Black res;dence in Bamberg county, on the 12th day of December, 1919, beginning at ten o'clock a. m., all of the personal property belonging to the estate of the said W. C. Black, deceased, consisting of mules, horses, cattle, hogs, farming implements, ? ntVior vphinles. farm WaftUUO, kUl ig, VI.UU* - w , produce, and many other things of value. M. J. BLACK, Executor. November 29th, 1919. The Herald Book Store is again selling magazines. JEN BROS. MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. SIGNERS NUFACTURERS ECTORS The largest and best equipped numental mills in the Carolinas. I GREENWOOD, S. C. II ^ jftk I | v | ^ i tAND FORGIVE?'1 ! T^rnr^ notion. !_ <& I * em in Your Life? % ir to this qu ostion ? ^ BAND FORGIVE f i the screen in the Great ?+ 1 of High Life and * & ladows. ? TRACTION } n or i , uec. Ld I e Theatre | IG, S. C. % m 3:00 to 11:00 P. M. FOR SALE. 606 acres farm land with, necessary houses and improvements, two miles from Blackville, in Barnwell county. $30.00 per acre. 150 acres fine farming land that makes bale of cotton per acre, one and one-half miles from Denmark. $115.00 per acre. Nice 6-room residence, electric lights, garage, garden and other improvements, in town of Denmark. Price for quick sale $4,000.00 Five room cottage on lot 150 x 100 feet, electric lights and other improvements, iii town of Denmark. Art PA A Art rnce $^,ovu.ui\ Five rom house in town of Denmark, lot 100 x 365 feet, good garden, garage, and other Improvements. Building lot near center of town. $350.00. MUTUAL REALTY CO. Denmark, S. C. Habitual Constipation Cured in 14 to 21 Days "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a speciallyprepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 60c per bottle. IVf A YTONE?The guaranteed ton ic for chills, fever and malaria. 25c and 50c bottle. TOEHOLD Cedar Shingle 100 Per Cent Heart Sash, Doors, Mantels, Lime and Brick cnnT'iriT, nnnw mrna Sizes 100 to 3,000 Bushels ...CaU At... BRICKLES GARAGE L.B. FOWLER " 7 X. 9 Insist c Imitation "F houses, down tow] ers as ;4Ford" pai by the Ford Mote have no connectic These imitation p, steel, or under the are counterfeit pa genuine Ford part thirty-five to one 1 The authorized die nothing but th famous Ford Van; ?is heat-treated i qualities. Every} * or Ford truck. Our stock ot p mechanics are at 3 ments or repairs f car and also your 1 Tourinj Runab( Coupeli Sedan. Chassis Truck.. j These prices are f $40.33 on each $25.00 ar || X I ] L AGE OLD CHEMIG j PERSISTENT ME ; Discovery Which May Prove lem Upon Which 1 Worked ] It would seem that medical science i has scored a new victory and made a new and most remarkable discovery, one that will have a far reaching influence on the physical betterment of present and future generations, | and one which b'ds fair to quickly esI tablish itself in the public regard as ! a most remarkable step toward the j alleviation of human suffering. Medical scientists have long known that the greatest single human fabric rebuilder is iron?the most powerful of all tonic agents for the blood and the greatest known restorer of physical vitality. But, efficacious as iron is known to j be, not every sufferer has hitherto I been able to avail themselves of its ! potent healing and building power i because iron tends to induce consti; pation. It has also been true that iron was ' not assimilable to all stomachs and for that reason many have suffered ; for years because their stomachs ! could not assimilate the very reme dial agent that their system would so quickly respond to. j BUT SCIENCE EVENTUALLY ; WINS AND A METHOD HAS AT . ??? At a4A At iA iAtl f t X f AFTER SO LONG 1 X CURED THE SERVIC f WATCHMAKER ANI X DO YOUR WORK PR( Y NO MORE LONG W | REID'S JEW X BAMBI Y C^orcl THE UNIVERSAL CAR >n Genuine Fore ord" parts are being sold i stores and garages to unsus ds. But they are not Genuhn ?? Ort-mv\rtnTr HHll Q "l?A TY1f\p 'JL J. 11V/J UX V XAAWVAV )n whatsoever with the Ford arts are not even made from same formulas used by the Fo rts. Tests have shown them ;s didn't even bend, and they j hundred per cent, lower in qi . Ford dealer is your proteetio: e Genuine Ford parts. They adium Steel and each part?a n the way that will give it tli aart is the same as its duplicat >arts is complete. And our For rour service at all times. Driv or your Ford car may be nec( nonev. g $525.00 Tax )ut 500.00 Tax et 650.00 Tax 775.00 Tax I 475.00 Tax 550.00 Tax . o. b. Detroit, Mich. The f style. $75.00 and tax extra f< " -i _ __ ? _ i id tax extra for aemountai ^uto Co: OLAR, SOUTH CAROLINA insist on Oeniune Ford Parts i \L LAW UPSET BY DICAL SCIENCE i to Be the Solution of a ProfcMedical Science Has For Years. | LAST BEEN DISCOVERED TO COM: BINE AN ENERGETIC VEGETABLB i LAXATIVE WITH AN EASILY AS- " SIMILATED IRON TONIC AND SO .3 ! PRODUCE THE GREATEST RB1 TTrtmTTTt-1 mAxiin Tr\TAxi7\i ; uu:\i> l'tt uuti v ?j rvi\uwi> i TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. 1 If reports of this remarkable medical discovery are true, and they seem lo be well substantiated by hundreds who have been healed and restored by the new discovery, it would seem that many sufferers could now turn to the new medicine with great hope. The new medicine has been named FERROLAX and the stories, already current, of its remarkable healing and restorative power in cases of blood, and stomach diseases are causing thousands to inquire where this new and wonderful reconstructive tonic may be obtained. Ferrolax is sold in this county by Copeland & Farrell, Ehrhardt, S. C. Get a bottle at this store today. Take it according to directions and if it does not do you the good you want J (n on/1 trot Vrtlir mnriflT UUliC V^UXJLIO XIX Ull u ^VV J VM* LT !- _| ^ back. Your bare word is good enough for us. Watch for the next issue of this paper and see what Ferrolax is doing for others. =___===. A^X A4A X4A T^f f^T ^Triy >?ast!j V. TIME WE HAVE SE !ES OF A FIRSS-CLASS % ) ARE PREPARED TO > 5MPTLT. X AITS. .1 3 ELRY STORE! X JRG, S. C. . X t ? ===========71 mmmMHMMMMMKHKMMMMHMMMmmmmM M H II ? II il ' M I j$5sj J Ip! M I 1 Parts 1 I . A; r many mail order pecting Ford own- I ' e Ford parts made 1 . 3. ! by concerns who . Motor Company. J the same grade of t 11 . rd Company. They 11 .* to break when the generally are from lalitv. ^ | n. As such we han- j are made from the 11 ccording to its use !j ie longest wearing ;e in your Ford car j| > d garage and Ford II e in when1 replace- j :ssarv. Save your I ..$21.66 I .. 20.63 .. 26.81 .. 31.97 .. 19.59 .. 13.61 * reight to Olar is )r self starter, ble rims. mpany 'I yr -V; j i