TURNS DOWN DEMAND FOR JENKINS, NEW ANGLES REVEALED IN JENKINS CASE. OFFICIALS SILENT J Answer Not Made Public.?Mexican Government Puts Up Diplomatic Argument to Defend Action. yT.- 1 " r*s\ Washington, Nov. 27.?Mexico has ???? jAjA A. A^. i ( Imli: jllUll .A pt s Iatj. ^ ^ | We have a la t ===== I LADIES'AND CHILD] j V Ladies' Coats at $25.00, ? ' price V Ladies' Coats at $35.00, s T 7 pnce : f Ladies' Coats at $47.50, s Y price J ^ Ladies' Coats at $27.50, X price M X Misses Coats at $25.00, s 0' * ,-X price 5v : X * Misses Coats at $18.50, s & price v & Children's Coats at $12.5 .X" price ....: X LADIES' COAT A Ladies' Coat Suits $65.0 \ ^ x values at .... *Y Ladies'Coat Suits, $50.0 | values, at .. ... ^ " JL LADIES' PLAID & SE r JA- Ladies' Best Ser?e Skirt /Y $15.00, sale price * / . Sj la $28.48 nnii ctttB-TS II Men's mixe. EGE SK.IK.iss once $5 (X ;s, once II Men's all w $7.9811 $6.50, sal ig bar- II Men's mix? rice .?$3.98 II $2.25, sale g bar- H Men's all v price..$9.98 jj and Red ? Oheck * II gain, once 00, sale || Ladies Sill $9.98 II once $15.( 3' SUITS. II Ladies' all m || 8.50, sale S' ?1 ft Oft I Ladies' all] gst . Men's Dress ar ce $2.08 combined, a 1 iee $12.50, sale p 98c Men's Work SI rr-ric tionally goot ** $3.48 to est Men's Boots, t $98.00 j]e || umiaren s oiiot $18.75 colors- AU k aje II value. From $24.98 LADIES', CHI] irs 11 DBI $61.48 Ladies' Shoes, a AB. and tan, once >er Ladies' Gray a] 89 c Shoes, once $ , a Ladies' black z $1.89 once $10-00, i Ladies' tan an< good quality ts, once $8.00, sa $6.98 Ladies black Sh $1.891| sale price ER 20tl 2S after this ^4. .4^4. 4.^4 A^A 4^4. 4^4 A^A 4^4 4^4 4^4 A^A 4^4 A^A J T^T V^T T^jy^T T^r^T T^r T^T T^y T^T T^rl 4 ?r i . | notes, and that Jenkins has refused I to avail himself of it, although he has | been requested to do so. Recalling that Mexican consuls in | the United States have been imprison; ed and that Mexico has never asked | the United States to waive local laws 1 in their cases, the note remarks that "the Mexican Government can not concede to American citizens more rights than Mexico enjoys in the United States." Nearly all the auto bus conductors in Manilla are women. Mrs. Ad. Topperwein is the lone ^ professional trap shooter in this conntry. J&A. J&A. At k. nil ialef X n ling Dec. 6th I A i CHILDREN'S HEAD Y ffECK WEAR. X s of.all kinds at a big Y JfD IRON BEDS. ^ >f Rugs and Iron Beds jT price. 1 X ' JS SHOES, NEWEST !EST STYLES. Y L black Shoes, X / aow $9.89 X 1 black Shoes, V ice $12.50, now..$7,98 Y I black Shoes, I ;e $9.00, now $6.29 X loes, big value, " X aow $6.98 X' i TTT i_ ?cn La worn onues jr big value, once y rice J.... $6.98 T ioes, an excep- X-1 value, from X ^ $6.48' X ;he best kind, ' ale price $11.23 ?, all sizes and T inds are a big V $1.89 to $4.98 Y EJDREN'S AND MSN'S 2 !SS SHOES. f , big value, black Y $15, sale price..$9.87 Y ad Champagne X 17.50 $11.23 f ind tan Shoes, low $6.98 y i black Shoes, v and new style, tie price $4.89 oes, once $7.00, X ' 7 $3.98 t * 1 I i date. I * A. AAAAAAAAAA, 4^ * . *? :v "v. "^':