The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, December 04, 1919, SECOND SECTION PAGES 9 TO 12, Page 11, Image 11

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Discover and Grow Rich; Every Day Offers Weatlh of Opportunities to All Discovery! You must discover in Order to be rich. You must not be f&tisfied to accept the night good huxnoredly, to go to sleep after a day * empty of all discovery. There are no small victories, no negligible discoveries; if you bring back from your day's journey the memory of the white cloud of pollen the ripe plantain lets fall in May at the stroke of your switch, it may be little, but your day is not lost. If - - * * ? j-*- 1 you have only encountered on ine ruuu the tiny urn of jade which the moss delightedly balances at the end of its frail stem, It may seem little, but be patient Tomorrow will perhaps be more fruitful. If for the first time you have seen a swarm of bees go by in search of a hive, or heard the snapping pods of the broom scattering its seeds in the heat you have nothing to complain of, and life ought to seem beautiful to* you. If, on that same day, you have also enriched your collection of humanity with a beautiful or an interesting face, confess that you will go c to sleep upon a treasure... . It Is an unending game, and it re* , sembles love, this possession of a world that now yields itself, now conceals itself, writes Georges Duhame, , to the Century. It is a serious, divine r 'Life's Humdrum Drudgery and Disagreeable Details Our Best Schoolmasters -r i ~ " v ~ ~ .Too thought it was a cruel fate iwhich tied you hand and foot in povferty and kept you working to sup^ jport your dependent parent or your in-valid wife and children, when you were , ambitious to write , a book or to put !opon canvas the picture which haunt* f?d your dreams. But this very discipline under straightened circumx ista ;ces, this wearing struggle to just get along?all the disappointment and ** obstacles were the fertilizers which enriched the soil of your life and made the luxurious blossoms and delicate fruitage of your later-career possible. . What seem to be stumbling-blocks often prove later in life to be stepping^ ^ atones, says a writer in the New Sue cess. The humdrum drudgery of life the disagreeable details which chafe us, and from which we try to gel away, are often our best schoolmasters. Their drill and discipline, although hard and painful at the time [prove our greatest educators and bene ^factors, without which, perhaps, w< i never could have done the thing w< f._ Staged to do. t P" & : V f. ITT" I ^ il( |;. T We be* . X Bamberg cc , A replacing tl s ^ completed, . J J home. Uui tion, afford X to carry at A as our usua S ? saddles, etc " v dially invifc x ] X X ^ T X I V $ V A ' V P I SOME SMILES Don't Blame the Boy. | The Teacher?Your son needs cor* ; rection. He hasn't solved any of his ! arithmetic problems for three days, j Mrs. Newgilt?It ain't his fault His ! computing machine hroke down and : his pa had to send it out to have it fixed. 0 Cause for a Grouch. #"That woman _ seems soured on "Yes, she mar | STwt/rjj/ ried once for love Mini ' a n ^ 0 n 0 e *01 m?wen'r \ ' "And didn't get either." ^ IClnrt > TTV VI *? "A scientist, eh?" "Yes." "What's his specialty?" "He's trying to find a substitute foi ! gasoline." "I have an eccentric friend lie ought ! to meet." "What is your friend working onY* "Perpetual motion." i > NOTICE! AFTER DECEMBER 1 ALL . MEAT . BILLS WILL BE DUE AND PAYABLE WEEKLY. - ICity Market Hutto & Bellinger, Props. x BAMBERG, 8. 0. \ I \ >rse i > Announcer v ' * to announce to our friends >unty that our new stable buil le wobden structure burned sc and-that we are now ready fo new brick fire proof stables us the best housing facilities all times ^ large selection of 1 1 guaranteed line of wagons, which is complete at all ?ti ed to visit us. Bot \ Jon< * i .? \ Beating Father Time. j Music Teacher?Why, madame, do j you always bring ragtime swift muslcl' j Why not a quiet number; something ! soothing? Pupil?Your lessons are too expensive. I can't afford to play to slow! music. Interdependences. trouble affect the "U n q u estionaman who has wor- ? \J j ried himself sick /([ J 11 thinking about the II J'L I r cost of everything <*^^r * Marked for Future Reference. 1! "Willie, I hear you've been fighting with one of those boys next door and have given him a black eye." "Yes'm. You see, they's twins, and I , wanted some way to tell them apart" ? I * COULD -H ARDLY STAND ALONE i < Terrible Suffering From Headache, Sideache, Backache, and Weakness, Relieved bj Cardui, Says This Texas Lady. | Gonzales, Tex.? Mrs. Minnie Philpot, of this place, writes: "Five years ago I was taken with a pain in my j left side. It was right under my left rib. It would commence with an aching and extend up into my left " - - ? -- J kanV Bflouiaer ana on uuwn iuiu mj uaui. By tliat time the pain would be bo severe I would have to take to bed, and suffered usually about three days ...I suffered this way for three years, and got to be a mere skeleton and was j so weak I could hardly stand alone. I Was not able to go anywhere and had I to let my house work go...I suffered awful with a pain in my back and I had the headache all the time. I just was unable to do a thing. My life ! was a misery, my stomach got In an I awful condition, caused from taking j so much medicine. I suffered so much ! pain. I had just about given up all i hopes of our getting anything to help ! me. One day a Birthday Almanac was | thrown in my yard. After reading j its testimonials I decided to try Car| dui, and am so thankful that X did, I for I began to improve when on the second bottle...I am now a well woman and feeling fine and the cure has been permanent for it has been two years since my awful bad health. I will always praise and recommend Cardui." Try CSardui today. E 78 ? ? nent! / and patrons throughout ding on Railroad avenue, >me months ago, has been r business in our new i, the largest in this seeto be had, and enables us lorses and mules, as well buggies, harness, whips, moo Vnn arp most eor lliV. O JL V/Vft W * vr ?^ _ ight Right es E BAMB v y '4 . ; ^ LIGHTS FOR SCHOOL. ' electing officers for t The following officer Branchville Prepares For Niglit En- j President, Mrs. Lou tertainments. president, Mrs. J. U. and treasurer, Miss M Branchville, Nov. 29.?A call meet- The President aP* lowing to serve on ing of the Branchville Parent-Teach- eommittee: Mrs j t ers' association was held in the school j jr Byrd, Mrs. J. E. Ri auditorium on Tuesday afternoon, j She also named the November 25, for the purpose o,f i ing committee: Mr I ^ tk, Jza A &-21 j ^ /> Wl'1/ l'?jj| Safe Most Becux There is a world of satisfac is a constant source of pri your good taste, but your sc Wherever you may find enthusiastic?always conter For these people the automot solved and they regard tl not usually accorded to ; PAIGE-DETROIT MOTOR mxr/VM" AQ "RT, lllUMnw / BAMBERC ___ ? A^A A^A A^, A^A A^A^k A^A A^ Ty^j^y ^Tt^TV^V^TT^TTy yTy ^T"y^vTyT^f ) nd M \ i : 4 Just Arri I It gives us pleasure to announce two carloads of the finest horses and to Bamberg. These animals were peri \ tern markets by our buyer, and we c They^ are in the very pink of conditio them, whether you desire to buy or no1 with us and look our stables over. and Sold Right Srothe ERG, S. C. he second terra, j chairman, Mrs. Joe Williams, Mrs. J. s were elected: j W. Williams, Mrs. J. W. Milev, Mrs. is Fairey; vice; Jom Smoak, Mrs. I. H. Crum, Mrs. Watts; secretary ! Annie .McAlhaney, Mrs. Tiller McAlary Jennings. j hanev. minted the fol- [ It was agreed that the money in the programme j the treasury be used for the purchase i. Bouie, Mrs. N. of electric light fixtures so that even iishton. j ing entertainments could be given, following work- j Also that song books be purchased s. B. X. Minus, I for chapel exercises. - ^ I ^ \ti^Carin/lmmca '/ tion in owning a motor car that* de?a car that reflects, not only >und judgment as welL them, Paige owners are always ? ited?always completely satisfied oile problem has been permanently leir cars with a warm affection things outside the human family. \ - \ ? - , CAR CO., DETROIT, MICHIGAN x / w lACK CO. i j, s. o. <* i/i *\ r ?; T ules | . * J A ived! *#"1 A r that we have just received mules that have ever comve jl < x sonallv selected in the Wes- V * . - :_i *? an vcmcn ior every annual. ^ n, and we invite you to see V . t. Come in and shake hands ^ f ;2 . ? I I I 1 o I. A ' ' 'i! >^T T^f $ ^ ^ "^T T^T T^T T||T f^T T^T T^T T^T T^jT X ? 'j ' / ' ^ N .' ; . * .r:$ *Jt .A < . > ' . . , >; \ . ' ; ,'v ; v * '" w " ^ " :- - ' -;*t:V?:<j&