FIVE WHITE DEAD j AS RESULT OF RIOT | VILLAGE OF ELAINE, ARK., IS PA> TROLLED BY" FEDERAL TROOPS. Eleven Negroes Killed. ? Trouble Said to Have Been Result * Jfc" of Propoganda Frying Negro Uprising. K3-. - _ Helena, Ark., Oct. 2.?Corporal Luther Earl/^Company H, Fourth infantry who was wounded today in the disorders near Elaine, died in a local hospital tonight. This increased the . ,v? number of white dead to five. With federal troops patrolling the Tillage of Elaine, detachments on du. ty at Melwood and other centers of - ~ \ population in the southern part of Philips county and a company of sol^ diers stationed in Helena as a precautionary measure, the situation due to race rioting in the vicinity of Elaine, while intensified today by the killing of O. R. Lilly, a member of the board of aldermen of this city, was believed iy , - to be well in hand tonight. * Abie to Restore Order. Both Governor Brough, of Arkansas, at whose request 500 soldiers of the Third division, stationed at Camp Pike, were sent to the scene of the disorder, and Col. I. C. Jenks, in command of the soldiers, expressed con-. |fidence early tonight that the force on hand would be ample to restore p,f > normal conditions. ' Governor Brough accompanied the - troops from Camp Pike this morning. Mr. Lilly was shot to death by one of four negroes who had been taken -V- prisoner and whom he was guarding - V a xin an automobile en route to Helena. Kfey Eleven Negroes Dead. ?- 1 4. -Eleven negroes are kuuwu tu ua?c Y - ; I ' ^)een lilted and several others are reported to have lost their lives, but J* y their bodies have not been located. Ip The four negroes were in an automo"bile under guard when one of their pi y,r' number seized Mr. Lilly's pistol an^ shot him'to death. The negroes then v were hilled by other members of the posse. Other incidents of the day , .< were the finding of a negro woman & \ftitally wounded near Elaine and the wounding of two of the soldiers, % Sergt. Gay, of the headquarters comfe t pany, and Corporal Earl, of Company bf\l H, Fourth infantry. The latter was shot in the face and seriously wounded. Sergt, Gay was not badly hurt. Governor Brou^h and Chaplain SliJy ney, of Boston, narrowly escaped injury when three bullets whizzed over I 4> the automobile in which they were accompanying a detachment of soldiers beating the cane brake near Elaine for hiding negroes. They fe.Ty abandoned the car and followed the troops afoot. Cause of Disorders. While the killing of W. D. Adkins J - ? ? ' * ??/? +l?o nrnn n H ir> cr nf 'iUtKSUa/ 11151x1 auu UUC nuuuu.u9 ?s: two other men deputized to investigate alleged disorderly conduct on the jpa;. ; part of a white man {p the Elaine J neighborhood precipitated the outg?)| ; break propaganda circulated by white . and negro agitators tending to create ? rebellious action on the part of negro jf - * tenant farmers, is said to have formed |.?" the basis for the disorders which had ||gj> been brewing for two weeks or more. Organizing Secretly, k" . According to Information gathered |r today, negroes of the county have been organizing secretly, providing , themselves with highpowered rifles and holding semi-weekly meetings to drill and prepare for the day when, according to promises made by the -Vr organizers, they were to be called upon by the government to join in collecting 50-cents a pound for their cotton. Under the mystic plan, according to* information secured by local officials, the negroes were promised that the government was to pay them for their cotton direct and they, in turn, were to settle with the land owners. But What's in a Name ? ,Now that the nation is dry, an enterprising dopelogist has compiled the following for the benefit of sum? ^ mer vacationists: Rye, N. Y.; Bourbon, 111.; Green River, Ky.; Cliquot, Mo.; Champaign, 111.; tsranay, Ky.; Brandy Camp, Pa.; Brandy City, Cal.; Port, Okla.; Sherry, Texas; Brandy wine, W. Va.; Ginn, Miss.; Wine, Va.; Tank, Pa.; Booze; Tenn.; :Y Drinker, Pa.; Aqua, Va.; Vichy, Mo.; and Lithia, Fla. Take your choice.? The Wheeling Register. m ? Keeping it Dark. Master of the house?"Why did you tell the mistress what time I came in this morning, after I expressly paid you and told you not to?" The Cook?"Sure, sir, an' Oi didn't tell her. She asked me what time you got in, an* Oi tould her Oi was ^*4* so husy getting the breakfast that Oi didn't look at the clock."?London Blighty. k&i&L K EGGS GREET REED. Missouri Senator Unable to Sjvcak in Ardniore, Oklahoma. y* ? Ardmore, Oklo.. Oct. 1.?United I States Senator James A. Reed was I egged from the stage at convention I hall tonight as he was being intro| duced by the mayor* in preparation | lor his speech against the treaty and ; league of nations. As Senator Reed came on the stage all light wires in the building were cut. Pandemonium broke loose and cries of derision howled him down, while the audience surged upon the stage. Reed attempted to hold the floor for a few minutes, but was forced to make his exit without beginning his speech. After several minutes of the demonstration a number of women climb ed upon the stage and quieted the | crowd. Reed could not be seen at his hotel here tonight, but it was announced that he would make no attempt to deliver his address/ Got What Was Coming to Him, Says Governor. J " Oklahoma City, Okla., Oct. 2.? "Senator Reed got just what was coming to him," says a statement is^ sued here late today by Gov. J. B. A. Robertson, in commenting on the action of citizens of Ardmore in hooting the senator from the stage last night. "If it were an I. W. W. going over the country speaking against the government of the United States the republicans would favor giving him the ' same treatment as that accorded Senator Reed at Ardmore. "While this is a country of free speech this privilege does. not give " >" fVin v>iarVif f n villifv thp &4kSw monuiiiental mills in the Carolinas. GREENWOOD, S. C. ^ WE ARE HERE TO SERVE THE PUBLIC And Invite Yon to Become One of Oar Regular Customers Why not make this bank your bank? Make use of our Bank Account Plan; take advantage of our facilities and equipment for the better protection of your income and creating a reserve fund for future use. Enterprise Bank BAMBERG, S- C. H. M. GRAHAM, DR. ROBT. BLACK, W. D. COLEMAN, President Vice President Cashier 7^*11 - 1 Storage Battery W lllard SERVICE STATION What a Willard Service Station Does CHARGING?Done as it should be done, this often means the revival of an apparently "dead" battery. Done by an untrained man, it may have disastrous results on an otherwise healthy battery. . REPAIRS?Willard skill and Willard responsibility assure iyou? THAT REPAIRS are necessary and that it will pay you better to have them made than to buy a new battery. > THAT THE WORK is done by a man trained for that particular job, with adequate tools and equipment to do it right in the shortest time. RENTAL BATTERIES?-If your battery must be removed from your car for repairs or recharging, the Willard Service Station carries a stock of rental batteries, among which will be one to fit your car. The convenience of keeping your car in commission far outweighs the small charge for this service. "THRO' SERVICE WE GROW" Faulkner Electric Service Company Associate Willard Service Station, Bamberg, S. O. I? S5 1 You* I Take a good look at your old, soil- I ed straw "Bonnet" and then come I take a peep at our good looking new I I fall "lids." j You will find just the hat you I want at a Drice you can afford to pay. | Our new fall furnishings are here also?Shirts, Ties, Hose, Underwear, and everything you need to make you a well dressed man on good terms with himself. Prices? Just as low as can be put on good quality. ii n n 11 n n. u roik BAMBERS, S. C. Picnic? Hour I Cable Plain Flour TRY A SACK PHONE 15 T om Ducker BAMBERG, S. C. } ?I I / TOILET ? If f A ARTICLES \K . I and Keep Pleased ill ''H \ with Your A Wt > V A. Appearance, j A Large Line of BeautyAids I I i -Ai Every woman wanta to be as attractive as possible. And it's perfectly right that she -cHmilrf hA j ' : Actresses ere more envied end admired, ?erhaps, than any other class of women. I et they are not always the most beautiful, i / They attribute their charms in a measure to the regular use of good creams, lotions, etc. . We have a line of the latest and most effect- ] ive beauty aids, perfumes, etc, to please the ; I most exacting. |i Mack'sfDrug Store BAMBERG, S. C. ! WR1GUYS re a package J m m _ I w oerore me war * 5c a package " ; during the war ' ' o * .** 5 c a package NOW ' g THE FLAVOR LASTS CA AAFC THF PRir.Fr yyi l/wuw nil* ??iw?f V, ( ''.V