The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, October 09, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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RIOTING IN INDIANA. Picket Shot By Negro.?Blacks Chased to the Woods By Strikers. Indiana Harbor, Ind., Oct. 3.? Rioting broke out at the Universal Portland Cement plant tonight and a union picket was shot by one or twc armed negroes who with nearly twenty-five other negroes attempted to return to work. Several shots were fired by the two negroes who were arrested and lodged in jail. The other negroes were chased into the woods by nearly 300 strikers. i Indiana Harbor's industries had * -1 ?3 n-oc pall. DCfcll Ciuseu Silicc mc onino " "o - ed until today when the" Inland Stee] Company, one of the larger steel independent plants in the Chicago district, resumed. The Mark Manufac/ ' turing Company at the Universal Portland Cement Company plant alsc resumed operations today. Sheriff Barnes assigned 300 new deputies today and the strikers increased their force of six pickets tc about 300 who were on duty when twenty-five or thirty negroes appeared at the cement plant. Sam Blair and Clyde Bracken, negroes, had knives, the police say, and the anion picnets attempted to disarm them. Then both negroes drew revolvers and fired a number of shots. One union picket was wounded in the thigh. and "Rt-q/-?Von worA arrested k\:' ~ citated. fV Both the children were dead. Mrs. Nugent was thought to be dead also, ? . but the emergency men of the fire department believed that she still was - N alive and their work restored her. News of the tragedy spread rapidly and the little school mates of the ten year old girl, a beautiful child, gathered at the house awe stricken. Mrs. 1 Nugent has been in bad health for a long time and recently her condition had become acute. Says He Threw Switch. Petersburg, Va., Oct. 3.?John Wynne, a negro inmate of the Central State Hospital for the Insane, has been arrested here charged with the 1 copuiidiuililj IU1 IUC W i Ctrv VL board Air Line train No. 5 at Sea Coast, several miles south of the city, ., last Saturday night, in which three persons were kL.jJ. It is charged that Wynne tampered with the switch at Sea Coast, causing the derailment of the train. Wynne is said to have admitted escaping from /the hospital several nights before the wreck and breaking the lock on the switch, but he did not open it at the time. He again escaped Saturday night, he said, and threw the switch. The man had been confined in the criminal ward of the Central State Hospital for years, being sent here from Nansemond county. JJiail UUU x/iUVikVM ?? V W ?- -? but their companions fled before the strikers who pursued them into the woods surrounding the factory and they were said to be hiding in the timber. When threats were heard against the negro prisoners the police increased the ghard about the police station. MOTHER KILLS TWO CHILDREN. i-Sends Servants Away and Locks Up f House and Turns on Gas. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 3.?Summoned ito his home today shortly after noon by frantic calls from the servants, T. ;; H. Nugent, manager of the Morris Plan Bank, found his two children, I;': Elizabeth, aged ten, and Hannah, aged four, dead from asphyxiation and his wife apparently dead, also from effects of gas which filled the ; v bath room of the home. Mrs. Nugent f T was resuscitated after an hour of V * \ ' > * hard work by city firemen, who used a pulmotor. The children were dead \ when found. The death of the children and the precarious condition' of the mother . are attributed to an effort on the part of Mrs. Nugent to take her own and her childrens' lives in a fit of extreme despondency. She has been ill for a long time and was to have been taken tonight to a private sanitarium in Atlanta for treatment for nervous and mental troubles. Physicians tonight state that she has a bare chance of , recovery. The family is a prominent one, living on West Fortieth street. Investigation by the family, the police and the coroner revealed the fact that Mrs. Nugent, after lunch, sent the two colored servants of the household away on different errands, locked up the house ^securely, took her two children to the bathroom and turned on both gas jets in the room. The servants returning to the home could not get in and became alarmed and phoned Mr. Nugent. He was immediately filled with a dread of fear. < * He rushed home and broke open the kw " house, calling frantically to his wife pj and little girls. It was the father and husband himself who discovered the bodies of the trio in the gas-filled < room and dragged them out hoping , against hope that they might be resus ! I \o l^lfTHICKW^LLS I II f?TRONG LOCKS m ?1"H^,5THE SAFE I 1 I n iTftrfPLACETO HIDE II I 1 (MfH Y0UR MONEY I | H -PUT YOUR MONEY I H ?1 ? r* | %|f?J in our. Bank I Ji m ri THEN Y0U HAVE , ' k|| ||^*~,tsa!e~If you bury your money some one may SEE you or may find it. You might die without anybody knowing of its whereabouts. If you hide it behind a picture, under the carpet, in a sugar bowl or the the coal bin, a burglar can just come and get it. 1 That's the burglar's business. Study I this picture and you will hide yours 1 in our bank. I BANE WITH US. I - I IWe pay four per cent, interest, com pounded quarterly on savings deposits | I Farmers & Merchants Bank I | BHRHARDT, S. C. J I At Lastlf i i f f y Y > ! Y AFTER SO LONG A TIME WE HAVE SE- f V riTTW-p-n TTTU! ff"PPT7TnP.ff AP A PTPft.Ct_nT.AQff x A VWlWi/* w*. ? ~ * WATCHMAKER AND ARE PREPARED TO *f % DO YOUR WORK PROMPTLY. X NO MORE LONG WAITS. x x I REID'S JEWELRY STORE I X BAMBERG, S. C. X V Saves all Jlf^ Keeps if your clean Grain [jjfffljp and ?aCorn- pllBjljpl Dry ^aranmam1 T^VERY bushel of corn and grain > ^ /sat's^ttqn^ J2j saved from waste is extra profit j jJl 1 1 I] !H1 in your pocket. You may toil ^RMi/ to raise a bumper crop, and then, g through improper storage, lose a large I STEEL CORN CRIBS part of it. AND BRAIN BINS SECURO Steel Com Cribs and Grain Bins will prevent this loss. Neither fire, rats, mice, birds, insects, dampness or thieves can harm grain stored in a SECURO Crib. Sure Protection From Fire SECURO Cribs and Bins are practically indestructible. Built entirely of heavily galvanized corrugated iron, rust proof. They are easily erected, need no , repairs, and are just as cheap as wooden constructions. A patented system of ventilation acts as suction and draws fresh through the grain, keeping it dry and free from mould. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE describing SECURO Com Cribs and Grain Bins. Sizes 100 to 3,000 Bushels. L. B. FOWLER, Agent Bamberg Co. Bamberg, S. C. MAXTONE?The guaranteed ton-1 MAXTONE?The ic for chills, fever and malaria. 25c | ic for chiils, fever ar and 50c bottle. and 50c bottle. The Quinine That Does Hot Affect the Head | Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA- \ f TIVEBROMO QUININE is better than ordinary \ Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ] n A* (7\ PkyZ^7\Y[\V ringing in head. Remember the full name and IrygY look for the signature of E< W. GROVE* 30c. j Best material an DELCO-LIGHT | ,ight runnl ...? . ! little power; sim] The complet^Electnc Light and , handle Arema( Faulkner Electric Service Co., Deal- j s*zes an<* aye S00< j money-making m? _ ? ' _ to the smallest siz m r^t | catolog showing h No Worms in a Healthy Child I ers and all Saw N All children troubled with worms have an un- j I healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a _ "LOMBARD IRON rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. v GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly j S> L rr L. X for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, im- I prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength- ; 4 ncrista, ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then K augusia, throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be ( in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle, j tEfte Most Beam TKe greatest of all spendt time and opportunity. For, golden and Opportunity is A reliable car like the ' amount of your time and 1 addition it will brinfc he member of your family, investment that will retu PAIGE - DETROIT MOTOR C THOMAS BAMBI 4 % MS ' y"*\AMELS sipply ifcsir \ y you ever expe bodied mellov r51 ri^lL flavor and coolness nLi4 greater becomes yo ref^e reve/afr'on / U ' choice Domestic tobs You'll say Camels ai made to meet your 5 Freedom from any s\ Pleasant cigaretty od to the most fastidiou liberally as meets yoi ^ 0% 18c. a package guaranteed ton- DB. THOMAS BLACK malana- 25c' DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate Dental Department Uni _ verslty of Maryland. Member S. C. State Cental Association. ifiLv till L5 I Office opposite postoffice. Office hours, 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. BAMBERG, 8. C. d workman- \ portable and stationary riipiiicc in iv i iii _ .. A \TD DATT POO Jngines, Boil- ^ jl?v/ajlixjx*? [ill supplies. I Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills, InjecI tors, Pumps and Fittings Wood . wnpirc ? Saws, Splitters, Shafts, Pulleys, * vvokks & | Belting< Gasoline Engines 00 [ lak05#tock lombard Ga I Foundry, Machine, Boiler Works, M Supply Store. wmwmmrn^ j augusta, ga. "?*' 3 ttfidCarin/bnenca. '/g W j S hrifts is the man who wastes in modem life, Time is indeed < 9 J'v -*"fr just another w?rd for Action. Pai&e will save an immense nultiply the opportunities. In . ^ alth and happiness to every * ; Do you know of any other < . *'|?| m such generous dividends? AR CO., DETROIT, MICHIGAN . Axl BLACK CO. 1! 2RG, S. C. . \? mi it \ vp _v;3llP ; f St; r cigarette contentment beyond anything * nenced! You never tasted such full- HyZte w *\ *5* /-mildness; such refreshing, appetizing . The more Camels you smoke the ur delight?Camels are such a tig a01 %:?P !amels you find so fascinating is due to e expert blend of choice Turkish and K^rJr accos. V* e in a class by themselves?they seem x's&v * J i i i own personal taste in so many ways: unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or un- ri^jSsr or makes Camels particularly desirable s smokers. And, you smoke Camels as nr own wishes, for they never tire your taste! You are always keen for the VfV*a* cigarette satisfaction that makes * Camels so attractive. Smokers realize that the value is in the cigarettes f * and do not expect premiums or coupons! Compare Camels with any ciga- v rette in the world at any price ! S itt m Camels are sold everywhere in scientifically * v* * '>? A sealed packages of 20 cigarettes or ten pack- tli\'/2Z M a/?es (200 cigarettes) in a glassine-paper- * W covered carton. We strongly recommend f/j/s corf on /"or //ie home or office supply * *T>' or when you frave/. ' 'A'' 'jj*v R.J.REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY p?? Winston-Salem, N. C. > t tep * . .