The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, October 02, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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BODY FOUND IX WOODS. Coroner Says Naval Officer Committed Suicide. Norfolk. Ya., Sept. 25.?The body of a naval warrant officer, identified as that of S. J. Bristow, ranking as a pharmicist's mate and stationed at * the Hampton Roads naval operating base at this port, was today found hanging from the limb of a tree in a thickly wooded section of Ocean View, a nearby summer resort, this afternoon. From the condition of the body physicians said- that death had occurred about three or four weeks ago. Coroner J. AY. Watkins pronounced it a case of suicide. HELD ON MURDER CHARGE. Evidence Indicates That Man Caused Wife's Death. Richmond, Ya., Sept. 25.?J. S. Williams, chauffeur for the prohibition detectives on the night that Lawrence Shackelford and Raymond Hudson were shot at Fisher Hill,* was today held to the grand jury on a charge of murdering his wife on September 12. Following the death of Mrs. Williams. her parents became suspicious and demanded an autopsy, to which it is said Williams offered strenuous objection. The post mortem examination caused the coroner's jury to return a verdict that Mrs. Williams died as a result of concussion of the * brain. The coroner's jury inquiry developed evidence showing that Williams r *- * ?1 J nHawrtotinn on ana nis wiic n<tu an an.?v.uviuu September 12, and witnesses testified he had struck her a hard blow, knocking her to the floor. She died three days later. Williams is a material witness in the case of the State against the four prohibition agents whose trial at Manassas recently resulted in a hung jury. SHOOTING ON KING STREET. Mrs. J. T. Jones Held For Killing Mrs. J. T. Lynch. Charleston, Sept. 26.?Mrs. John T. Lynch received a fatal pistol wound yesterday morning about 11 o'clock when entering the side entrance to 440 King street and died a few minutes before reaching the Roi per Hospital. Mrs. Joseph T. Jones was placed under arrest, charged with the killing, and admitted that she fired the fatal shot. Mrs. Lynch was taken to the hos\ pital by Mr. and Mrs. Jones in an au. tcmobile and Mr. and Mrs. Jones ? were placed under arrest bv Policemen Friend and White just after the machine reached the hospital. it appears tnat Mrs. l^yncn was preparing to enter her room, on the second floor of the building, by the side entrance when Mrs. Jones suddenly . , appeared, aimed a revolver at her and fired, the bullet entering below the shoulder blades and coming out through the chest, near the heart. Upon the payment of $200 Jones was released, to appear at the inquest. MOTHER IDENTIFIES BODY. Drowned Man Was Inmate of Asylum Is Belief. Columbia, 15ept. 26.?Mrs. Rebecca Henderson, of Cokesbury, Greenwood county, yesterday identified the exhumed body found in the Congaree river several miles below Columbia Sunday afternoon as that of her son, William Andrew Henderson, who disappeared from the State Hospital for the Insane Wednesday, September 17. Because of the disparity in the measurements of the body and of Henderson the hospital authorities were forced to the conclusion that Mrs. Henderson was mistaken. But confirmatory evidence was discovered today, when the clothes, identified by Henderson's attendants as resembling those the man wore when he disappeared, were found on the banks of the Broad river, about thirteen miles from where the body was found. The hospital authorities are now satisfied that Mrs. Henderson is correct. The body probably will be taken to Cokesbury in the next few aays tor reinterment. Henderson was placed In the hospital during January of this year. ^ i?> m Defers Punishment for 16 Years. "r Aiken, Sept. 26.?The fall term of the court of general sessions adjourned yesterday after a strenuous ten day session. Amos Holmes, the negro who killed his wife sixteen years ago on the TV. TV. Coleman place near Aiken and then made his escape until recently when he was captured in Florida, was tried at this term and found guilty of murder, with a recommendation to mercy of the court. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. All size loose leaf memorandums 1 at Herald Book Store. IgKl OWEN BROS. MARB1E Tjj AND GRANITE CO. . ' I . 'i j DESIGNERS MANUFACTURERS Jzssn? > ERECTORS / msx\iW:% S^J$i? ^ The largest and best equipped ^r1 .,monumental mills in the Carolinas. GREENWOOD, 5. <J. ^ WE ARE HERE TO SERVE THE PUBLIC And Invite Yon to Become One of Our Regular Customers Why not make this bank your bank? Make use of our Bank Account Plan; take advantage of our facilities and equipment for the better protection of your income and a.' ~ j m creating a reserve iuuu iui iuiuic use. Enterprise Bank BAMBERG, S. C. H. M. GRAHAM, DR. ROBT. BLACK, W. D. COLEMAN, President Vice President Cashier 7**11 1 Storage Battery W lllard SERVICE STATION ? What a Willard Service Station Does CHARGING?Done as it should be done, this often means the revival of an apparently "dead" battery. Done by an untrained man, it may have disastrous results on an otnerwise neaitny Dai- i tery. REPAIRS?Willard skill and Willard responsibility assure you? THAT REPAIRS are necessary and tlia't it will pay you better to have them made than to buy a new battery. THAT THE WORK is ?one by a man trained for that particular job, with adequate tools and equipment to do it right in the shortest time. 4 RENTAL BATTERIES?If your battery must be removed from your car for repairs or recharging, the Willard Service Station carries a stock of rental batteries, among which will be one to fit your car. The convenience of keeping your car in commission far outweighs the small charge for this service. "THRO' SERVICE WE GROW" Faulkner Electric Service Company Associate Willard Service Station, Bamberg, S. C. IYouNwd^SBP^ % Take a good look at your old, soiled straw "Bonnet" and then come I take a peep at our good looking new fall "lids." | You will find just the hat you B want at a price you can afford to pay. I Our new fall furnishings are here also?Shirts, Ties, Hose, Underwear, and everything you need to make you a well dressed man on good terms with himself. Prices? Just as low as can he put on good quality. H. C. Folk Co. BAMBERG, S. C. MAXTOXE?The guaranteed tonic for chills, fever and malaria. 25c and 50c bottle. The Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXATIVE BRO.MO QUININE is better than ordinary : Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ! ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 30c. DELCO-LSGHT The complete Electric Light and Power Plant Faulkner Electric Service Co., Dealers, Bamberg, S. C. ? ! No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an un- | healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve the digestion, and act as a General Strengthening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. ; J I,' lli1 'ill!1''I lit I'! :; !h r'i MMm Jj '|i 4fu| ' 1 jdSSSvah The revival UdllbpJi Essex to Thorough s constant endorse cal servi PAIGE-DETF L i i .1 I ? MAXTOXE?The guaranteed tonic for chills, fever and malaria. 25c and 50c bottle. I Best material and workman- H " ship, light running, requires W little power; simple, easy to m handle. Are made in several g sizes and are good, substantial ? money-making machines down |j to the smallest size. Write for || catolog showing Engines, Boil- B fers and all Saw Mill supplies. B I tRT> IRON WORKS \ * SUPPLY CO. Augusta, Ga. ft ft Cigarettes : meet you Camels are offered you as out of the ordinary?a flav nouor Viofinrc* attciinpH TV? ViP; A1W V VI k/VAVA V UklUlAAVMt ? w wr ity compare Camels with \ the world at any price! Camels flavor is so refreshir win you at once?it is so new; what Camels expert blend of choice Domestic tobacco gives this blend to either kind of toba As you smoke Camels, yo any unpleasant cigaretty afl pleasant cigaretty odor. Anc to discover that you can smc without tiring your taste! Take Camels at any anglecigarette contentment beyonc experienced. They're a tig > You do not miss coupon* You'll prefer Camels |lp|\ 18 cents a Camels are sold everywhere ii Vnvk j ages of 20 cigarettes or ten pac glassine-paper-covered carton. | this carton for the home or offict 1$ R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO mmm i ii i iiiiiiiiiliiiil i lilliH HI \ i <j <4 </. \ ? Most BeautifulCarin/lm The Verdict . of touring and the heavy dem tation have put the Paige sr the severest possible tests. iatisfaction in its performance it ly increasing demand. Essex ov this model. Their approval is ba ce as well as luxurious motoring. IQIT MOTOR CAR CO., DETROf THOMAS BLACK CO. BAMBEKCr, S. C. DR. THOMAS BLACK DKNTAl. SURGEON'. Graduate Deuta! Department Uniieisitv of Maryland. Member S. C. -in-*. p?ntal Association. Office opposite postoffice. Office hours, 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. RAM BERG, S. C. PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ^ AND BOILERS Saw. Lata and Shingle Mills, Injectors. Pumps and Fittings Wood >ws. Sputters, Shafts, Pulleys, * ?ri?:. Gasoline Engines ,A?uEfsrocK LOMBARD foundry. Machine, Boiler Works, ;tjpply Store. AUGUSTA. GA. ^ .. ^ j| made to r taste! |||' a .cigarette entirely jj||J|jj or and smoothness : i:! list realize their qual- 1 ii;| I |i| v any cigarette in ig, so enticing, it will ||||jj|l ; and unusual. That's |jl|j||! f choice Turkish and ||||f II ; you! You'll prefer |1 _ cco smoked straight! j||| J - ^ u'll note absence of [|i;!|l!j tertaste or any un- jlj J 1, you'll be delighted |j||||| )ke Camels liberally Si r I ' '" A ?they surely supply j j!I jj I anything you ever lj| \arette revelation! |]j|l|j| I s, premiums or gifts. ; quality! j j j| I V package I j scientifically sealed pack lj kages (200 cigarettes) in a j) : j , We strongly recommend supply or when you traveL COM Winston-Salem, N. C. |!|j , 1 fflj iiiiiiyiiiiitiLi 11 % i * >jr "T |fe?NU{ & ?5Jaay."c'' HI 111 H m 1 erica | IB ' lands of city fg /en'passenger 1 m * 9 IK 5 reflected in K Vk/>-1 f+1 Itt [Jj / 11U O AAV ai sed on practi' S r, MICHIGAN | ' * v'> /