CfrePamforgj|eraK) ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1891. Published Weekly at Bamberg, S. C. Entered as second-class matter April 1891, under Act of March 3, 1879. $2.00 PER YEAR. Volume 28. Xo. 3S. ^ Thursday, Sept. 18, 1919. WILL THE FLU RETURN? A great deal has been said and written about the return of the influenza this winter. The Herald has endeavored to give its readers all the fuptc it pmilH fret rm thp mattpr. But. as there has been some confusion in some of the statements printed in the papers from time to time during the summer, we give below an official statement from the public health ser-, vice. This is authoritative and was sent The Herald direct by the United States public health service, and contains, in brief, all that the government health service knows about the disease. The full statement covers several typewritten pages, but is prefaced by the summary given here, which is more likely to be read be"Cause It is brief and to the point: Probably, but by no means certainly, there will be a recurrence of the influenza this year. Indications are, that should it occur, it will not be as severe as the pandemic of the previous winter. City officials. State and city boards of health should be prepared in the event of a recurrence. The fact that a previous attack brings immunity in a certain percentage of cases should allay fear on the part of those afflicted in the previous epidemic. Influenza is spread by direct and indirect contact. It is not yet certain that the germ has been isolated, or discovered, and ? as a consequence there is yet no positive preventive, except~the enforcement of rigid rules of sanitation and the avoidance of personal oontact. A close relation between the influenza pandemic and the constantly increasing pneumonia mortality rate prior to the fall of 1919 is recognized. > It is now believed that the disease was pretty widely disseminated throughout the country before it was recognized in its epidemic state. This failure to recognize the early cases appears to have largely been due to the fact "that every interest was then centered on the war. NOTICE. On account of the fact that the Denbow Warehouse Cor?has been leased for tobacco purposes, conjmencing July 1, 1920, all cotton jigceived in said warehouse will have to be removed before that date. DENBOW WAREHOUSE CO., ltn . A. M. Denbow, Pres. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of the J. E. Spann Company, a corporation under the laws of South Carolina, that on the 17th day ot ' October, 1919, at ten o'clock A. M. at the store now occupied by the said corporation in the town of Bamberg, S C., there will be a meeting of the ! stock-holders of the said corporation j to consider the proposition of wind- j ing up the affairs of the said corporation and action taken to dissolve the charter thereof. J. E. SPANN, 10-16. President. NOTICE OF ELECTION For the purpose of ratifying granting of Franchise by tWe Town Council to Ehrhardt Manufacturing Com* pany to furnish Electric Lights to the Town and its Citizens for Period of Twenty-Five Years. Pursuant to a resolution herebefore passed by the Town Council of the Town of Ehrhardt, granting to the Ehrhardt Manufacturing Company exclusive franchise for the period of twenty-five years to furnish electric lights for the town and its citizens, an election will be held in said town on the 7th day of October, 1919, for the purpose of having the legal voters of the town ratify the action of the Town Council in granting said franchise. The polls will open at 8 a. m., and close at 4 p. m. Those favoring the franchise will vote "FOR FRANCHISE;" those opposing the granting of the franchise will vote "AGAINST FRANCHISE." Ballots will be furnished by the managers of the election. Only such persons as are legally entitled to vote unaer tne law governing such elections will be allowed to vote. The election will be conducted under the law of the State governing such elections. The original resolution granting the franchise, showing the terms and conditions of same, can be seen by calling upon the Clerk of Town Council. J. C. KINARD, INtendent of Town of Ehrhardt. J. B. EHRHARDT, E. O. KEARSE, J. H. HUCKS, Members of Town Council. A. J. HTERS, Clerk of Town Council. Intendant of Town of Ehrhardt. CCZENAP Hunt's 8alve, formerly called /V Horn's Core is guaranteed to stop and permanently core that H terrible itching. It is com* K /y noonded for that purpose and your money will be promptly ? i refunded without question * Jjf / / if Hunt's Salve fails to cure I f\L / Itch, Bczema.Tetter. Ring Worru Jp S or any other skin disease. V/f / SFor sale locally by / MACK'S DRUG STORE f X i ' *>> i A NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALE. Pursuant to an order of the Court of Common Pleas in the case of J. B. Hunter, et al. vs. .Mrs. Gladys W. Shealy the undersigned, as Master for Bamberg county, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House, Bamberg, S. C., on tlje 6th day of October, 1919, between the legal hours of sale, the following described lot of land: That certain lot or parcel of land, with buildings thereon, situate in the town of Bamberg, county of Bamberg. State of South Carolina, containing one (1) acre, more or less, and bounded on the North by a ditch which separates it from lands of Mrs. M. A. Bamberg; East by lot of J. F. and B. D. Carter: South by Rice or Second Street, and West by Cannon Bridge Road or Street. Terms of sale cash, purchaser to pay for papers. J. J. BRABHAM, JR., Master Bamberg County, j Sept. loth, 1919. | A FIXE FARM With All Modern Conveniences, 1075 Acres. Six hundred acres open and re- j claim lands; 250 acres in high state of cultivation; 1 10-room 2-story dwelling with electric lights and water system; 1 4-room cottage near same plant; 9 tenant houses; 1 large ; barn 40x40, with stables; 4 smaller! barns; 1 corn shed, 30x40; 3 70-saw| gin outfit; 60-H. P. boiler and 40-H. 1 P. engine; 1 small saw and grist mill j outfit; daily R. F. D. and phone sys-1 terns, churches and school near by. Must be sold for a division. ) J. T. O'NEAL, Real Estate, Bamberg, S. C. j I * HORSES, Af f I RECEIVED ON MO] V CARLOAD OP HORSES V FROM THE WEST. ] V PECTIVE BUYERS TO ? A I UNI*. | c. f. r X OLAE, Y ATA ATA ATA ATA ATA ATA. A^A ata A^A ATA ATA A^A i T^T T^T T^T T^T T^T T I MI 4t4 You can save money and ?|> Clothi | J. B. Whi f Au^ Y Y "The Home of Hart Schafl Y Y Y Write our Mail Order De > Service." Satisfaction I Y jTA A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A A^A i^A A^A A r^TT^" ^ ^ ^ ARE YOU EXERTIN( UTMOST TO MAK] YOUR BUSINESS TIVITIES 100: FICI Do you need money, advi activities in THIS BANK STANDS AGE TO THE UTS MATE PR< Capital and Surp IAiV interest HrrO pai o on SAVINGS accounts NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALE. Pursuant to an order in the court | of common pleas for Bamberg counI ty, in the case of Ausie L. Aiken, et j al., plaintiffs, vs. Celie Kinsey McCor| mack, et al., defendants. 1 will sell j at public auction to the highest bid| der for cash, before the court house ! door, at Bamberg, S. C.. between the . legal hours o'" sale, on tl.e first .Mon: day in October, 1919, the following described tract of land, to wit: j All of that certain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the 1 county of Bamberg, State of South Carolina, containing seventy-five (75) acres, more or less, bounded on the north by lands of D. B. Rhoad; on the east by lands of D. B. Rhoad (or formerly of Aaron Kinsey); on the south by lands of Aaron Kinsey and lands formerly of the estate of James Carter and lands of Ausie L. Aiken; and on the west by lands now or formerly of James Carter and lands of D. B. Rhoad: the said tract of land ! being the same described in mortgage executed by Peter Kinsey, deceased, to P. C. Dukes, and recorded in mortgage book "F," in the office nf tho plprV nf rrmrt of Ramhprer county, at page 560; and also being the same tract of land described in mortgage executed by Peter Kinsey, deceased, to J. B. Williams, recorded in the office of the clerk of court tor Bamberg county in mortgage book "D," page 514: and is the land of which the saiid Peter Kinsey, deceased, died seized and possessed in said county of Bamberg. J. J. BRABHAM, JR.. Judge of Probate for Bamberg County and Acting Master for Said County. ID MULES 1 : tJDAY, THE 15th, ONE V AND MULES DIRECT Y [T WILL PAY PROS- *? SEE US BEFORE BUY- V X ilZER I S.O. % SN | find best assortment of 1 x ng at X te & Co. I : Georgia * fner and Marx Clothing'' V $ ipartment?*'100 Minute Guaranteed. i TiWyTi JLAaUd&fl t YOURSELF TO THE E YOUR FARMING, 5, YOUR PRODUCPER CENT. EFENT? ice or help to enlarge your these lines READY TO ENCOURmc*rn A T T T PrLTTT luul AJJXJ JJX1UXXXODUCTION. ilus $100,000.00 5kingco7^1 t. I The Denbow1 R (INtOR I STATE WAR, I WE ARE NOW IN POSITION AMOUNT UP STORE YOl HH n AND HOLD IT FOR BETT] IH ) WITH THE PLAN OF THE j TION. PROTECT YOUR C AND GET TOP PRICES WB I The Denbow | A. M. DENBOW 8 U. GLENN HUTTO . BAMBI r I] HOLE I COT 5 COTTON ASSOCIATION. 1 H PEOPLES BANK WILL LEI 8 6 Per i 11 STATE WAREHOUSES ARE II BAMBERG. I ! People 4Ai A. M. DENBOW, C. W. Ri President. GEO. Vice I J BAMBERG, n % II Warehouse Co. I PO RATED) , EHOIISE NO. 29 I I TO HANDLE COTTON IN ANY I TO 3,000 BALES. I * JR COTTON I H ER PRICES, IN ACCORDANCE AMERICAN COTTON ASSOCIA- I OTTON FROM THE WEATHER I [EN YOU SELL. I Warehouse Co. I President I Manager I - IRGr, S. C. I V v'&? v ) YOUR I TON 1 r / ' ' fffE \ . :*P' HE PLAN OF THE AMERICAN 10 HELP YOU TO DO THIS THE ( ! JD YOU MONEY AT H *' P/%?4 V/C11U n O >ARD WRAEHOUSE RECEIPT. ! LOCATED AT DENMARK AND n l Hi s oank II :ntz, sr., c. w. rentz, jr., F. HAIR, "Cashier. 'residents. SOUTH CAROLINA. J V X < . ' tk