W&t pamberg peralb % ^???_??????????? ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1891. . : Published Weekly at Bamberg, S. C.: Entered as second-class matter April 1891, under Act of March 3, 1879. $2.00 PER YEAR. Volume 2S. Xo. 23. Thursday, June 5, 1919. An Old Bamberg Boy. J. Skottowe Wannamaker, who was j recently elected president of the American Cotton association at New J i Orleans, is a former resident of Bamberg. Mr. Wannamaker's parents j frmn Ramhpr? while he was yet quite a small boy, after living' here several years. Mr. Wannamaker is a man of big business, and is one of the largest i planters in the South. He operates j more than 300 plows on his various, farms, and he is an intensely earnest \ 1 farmer. In fact, he is very earnest about everything he is interested in. He is president of the National bank at St. Matthews, and he owns onehalf of the Banks & Wimberly company, a large mercantile establishment at St. Matthews. This concern is capitalized at $150,000, and does a million dollars worth of business a year. \ Mr. Wannamaker's father, who was a teacher, is remembered by many of Bamberg's older citizens. Mr. H. J. Bellinger, of this city, is Mr. Skottdxe Wannamaker's uncle. Mr. Wannamaker is virtually the father of the cotton reduction movement in this State. He is practicing what he preaches, and has reduced his cotton acreage straight one-third on every one of his farms.? Left the Door Open. A colored parson, calling upon one of his flock, found the object of his visit on in the back yard working among his hen coops. He noticed with surprise that there were no chickens. "Why, Brudder Brown," he asked, "whar's all yo* chickens?" "Huh," grunted Brother Brown without looking up, "dat fool niggah lef de do' open an' dey all went back * home." Made Hit. Judge?You say this man was at i the performance last night and that: he took aim and fired an egg at you? j Actor?Yes, your honor. , Jpdge?-And was it bad? Actor?The egg was, your honor,] but the aim was not. I "Your pepper is half peas," said a! customer to a grocer. I I "I beg your pardon, sir," respect-: fully answered the grocer. "All right, then," was the answer.; "Spell it." He had never heard it! i > i (j. R? te I . I:~f F T P- Y | PORCH SHADES v EHHEEHSSHHBEHHHHnKsHHH |l Taft Pt ?j| Bankers [?P^| President Wiffia P^g| talks to American rf wl| work they are doiq \ JlMI Did yon ever i i\ ^p5iv fiJi ;-tt;!!- idU>i Mtla #aii nh? ivnfvM I MIIS WUUU J nvw* There never wt positors hi (be Unit Are yon ? depo If you are not* 8 lug an account NOTICE Of Special Meeting of Stockholders of the Ehrhardt Banking Company,; Ehrhardt, S. C. Notice is hereby given that a special meeting -of the stockholders of the Ehrhardt Banking Company, of Ehrhardt, S. C., is called, to be held at the offices of the said Bank, at! Ehrhardt, S. C., at 10 o'clock a. m., | on the 27th day of June, 1919, to j consider a resolution determined up- j on by the Board of Directors of the j said Bank to increase the capital i stock of the said Ehrhardt Banking Company to an amount not more than Fifty Thousand Dollars. EHRHARDT BANKING COMPANY, By J. L. Copeland. President. Dated June 2. 1919.?4t. \'/\npTCU ^Uliv rj Of Special Meeting of Stockholders of Farmers and Merchants Bank, of Ehrhardt, S. C., Called for July 1, 1919. Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Farmers and Merchants Bank, of Ehrhardt, S. C., to increase the capital stock of said corporation to the sum of $50,000.00, a meeting of the stockholders of said corporation is called, to be held at the office of said Bank, Ehrhardt, S. C., on the 1st day of July, 1919, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of considering said resolution, and to transact such other business as may be incident to or connected with the increase of the capital stock of said corporation. FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK OF EHRHARDT, S. C. By S. W. Copeland, President. June 3, 1919.?4t. l A WVAWE | IAJLllViUf | who will send us the H names and addresses of H five or more persons own- B ing a kodak, together B with this ad, may send us B one roll of films which B we w*ill develop and print B one each free of charge. B Offered once only. Send B us this ad. B Aiken Gift Shop I AIKEN, S. O. H T^T T^T vy 4r^(r I Your I i ' ? May need charging or re keeping np the battery, may be worn out and you the generator, recharge 1 a new battery, I have i J>+ prices. Columbia storag | WILLIAM H. Pi ; ? A^A A^A A^A A^A A^k. A^A. A^A A^A. A^4. y f^y T^f ^ "y "y vy \ CU/I \/1 liY ] URNITUR SfflnHHBBHBHHi MOSQUITO NETS ? JhJ 0 W S8?^X aised ||ij| ,f Wovk ll \|f id Howard Taft to bfs bankers praised Use stop to consider what L be wtthoot banks? *e as many bank de- ||?||||^ ed States as liters ars HMgfW ee as today about open* W^Jflm / Announcement! We beg to announce that we have bought the business of Mr. Henry Zeigler, and that we will continue the business at the same stand. We will continue to conduct a modern, sanitary, meat market, and carry in stock a line of fancy and staple groceries. We ask for your patronage, promising you prompt and courteous service at all times. CITY MARKET HXJTTO & BELLINGER, Props.. WIXTHROP COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The examination for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop college and for the admission of new students- will be held at the county courthouse on Friday, July 4th, at 9 a. m., and also on Saturday, July 5th, at 9 a. m., for those who wish to make up by examinations additional units required for full admission to the Freshman class of this institution. The examination on Saturday, July 5th, will be useA only for making admission units. The scholarships will be awarded upon th6 examination held on Friday, July 4th. Applicants must not be less than 16 years of age. When scholarships are vacant after July 4th, they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided 4-Viayt mnnf tVia nnn^Itlnno (rnvornin? 111CJ ILlCd WilUAbAVUO ^VIViUiUQ the award. Applicants for scholarships should write to President Johnson for scholarship examination blanks. These blanks, properly filled out by the applicant, should be filed with President Johnson by July 1st. Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. The next session will open September 17, 1919. For further information and catalogue, address President D. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C. k A. A^A A^A A. "a" ?AT tat VAT TAT VAT AT iattery f x taybe the generator is not Tour battery, like tires, i . need a new one. I can fix the battery, or if you need + "Dvftwr?t conn'pfl rnorVif. t ti X i VJXl?/l/ ObA liVV) AAgUV ^ e battery to fit any car. tTRICK GARAGE ? V ATA AT4 ATA ATA ATA ATk A^k xTk ATk jftk ATA jr^n^n^n^r^r T^T IONS; i IB i Y PORCH SWINGS | f Bamberg d_?I_: Banning Co. Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 4 per cent, interest paid on Savings Accounts A^A A. ^ w* T^T *? *>*> ; ' ? < nm?? ? || I Trie una ii a 31 yY y Si ^Y Y ^ :a t resent ****** : YY Y 1 . nn || | largest 11 tl I nies of Ri< t? Y T T I || | ginia, whi< !4 , !t| %sition to H . | | on impro\ | I erty and | f LOW AND A f? t A XX X Comm i |a.m.c Y*i4 4 President YY Y YY To? <3r^+ y ^ y Ty y T^T Ak A. A. J^k A. A^A J^k Jl^A A^A A^k A^k A^. A^A -J WaW ?A? fif TA" Tat Tat VAT ta" VATTAyTAr "at ?A? VAT VA? VA? A ?AVI ilfllkl! \ Because they're good th tires. Because our experie and gratify our customers. There are United States We can provide exactly th I I uinieu are G We know United States Tires ar Smoak & Moye, C. J. Cone's Garage, Bamberg, S. C.; Lodge, S. C.; 3h?H$H?H3M?