AMERICAN SLANG. British People Find it Wonderfully Interesting. "Sammy's appearance, social conduct, and -conversation, to say nothing of his military prowess, have endeared him to all classes in France and England. French newspapers tell of his chivalrous attitude toward the fair sex generally, and his kindly, paternal way with children in war-racked villages; the English dailies print columns about his alert, military bearing, and the charm of his native slang. This last characteristic draws forth the following letter on "What Sammy Says," which is taken from the London Daily Mail: v J J T 1 CI. ^ Sammy is in my waru, auu i unc v him. His face he describes as "one of the sort that only a mother could love," but somehow, lantern-jawed and high-cheeked as it is, it appeals to me. Even more than his face I like his conversation. His experiences during the war are, I suppose, much the same as those of other men; his V* mode of relating them is peculiarly his own. The picturesque imagery with which he adorns his speech may be an old story in "God's country"? to me it is a thing of wonder and a joy forever. I/; He came over "the big drink" some months ago. He had a pleasant voyage, saw no "tin fish," and had plenty to eat?"six meals a day, ,,tv Hriu-n " On arrival at r4 ' V till CC up uuu uv < 4A. ^ .. :r' ' * the port they got into "the dinkiest little train ever." Before it started, the captain asked for a key to wind ?yit ud with. Sammy says that personally he intends to take one home -Ov as a charm to hang on his watch chain. v i \They went into camp, where they RJ V spent their time "hiking" about the " countryside. The "eats" here were not over good. They were given tea t "which tasted like the last water Noah kept afloat in," and fish that was never caught, but must have given itself up." However, they made their motto, "Work like Helen B. Happy," and stuck it out bravely. The one thing that really "got their goat" was having to sleep on terra firma. That, Sammy ' says, is Latin for "terribly hard." Ultimately-he and his companions crossed to the front. The country ;** pleased Sammy, but he found the fjZ language difficult and the French !?>,- people slow of comprehension. On one occasion he wanted a pair of duck shoes, so he went into a boot maker's and quacked?but he !&' couldn't get the old dame "wise" to r . i ffc I The Only Guy. With all that has been printed about America's plans for winning the war in the air, one man has* been !; found who didn't know that the United States has airplanes. Airplanes from Scott Field fly over Jefferson barracks almost daily. When one appeared Friday a drafted man, who had just arrived from Wisconsin, ran out of a shower bath without stopping to dress, and gazed up at it. "Say," he cried, "That's Lawson. Why, I didn't know Lawson ever came this far south. Well, what do you know about that." "Who s i^awson r several recruus inquired. "Why Lawson, of Green Bay." the Wisconsin man replied. "The man that owns the airship." Gently hut firmly the unclad rookie from the Badger State was apprised of the fact that there are ' more aviators than Lawson, ahd that a number of them are working for Uncle Sam.?St. Louis Post Dispatch. "PIG CLUB" GIRL'S RECORD. Miss Zola Walker, of Edgefield, Makes $1211 From Buroc Sow. Edgefield. Feb. 22.?Miss Zola Walker, of this county, has made the best show of any of the pig club members of the county, and the second best of all in the State. She is very proud of the fact, and gives a practical and interesting story of her methods and experiences. She said in part to a corespondent that as in every other undertaking worth while, it requires method and attention in raising hogs. "I started with one sow pig, a full-blooded Duroc-Jersey," she said, and now have not only a beautiful sow, but a perfectly lovely litter of ? joil vmi rmict have IJlgb. rjiai ui well-bred stock; they are so much better than scrubs that comparison is difficult. Green feeds are important in raising hogs. It keeps them healthy and in good growing condition, it makes them shed off, have a good appetite, fatten and grow more than anything else, and besides it reduces the cost of production. I did not feed my sow very much at farrowing time, because I was cautioned not to have her too fat, nor for the first week after farrowing time did I feed her much. But after the first week, I added to the warm milk and slops I had been feeding, fine feed, corn and other things substantial. Before weaning, I fed my litter warm milk and slops, but after o r? rj or? whAUt shrifts. OOm ^ UUVkVVk .? wv? V .r7 meal, and .other feeds of this kind. They were fed three times a day. I have enjoyed being a pig club girl so much that I am planning to do a greater work for my county another year.' To maks a good pig club boy or girl it takes a good lively person, who is not afraid to work, and one who loves animals and will care for them as they should be." The following is the result of Miss Walker's efforts as a pig club girl, in which she won a prize of $15 in war savings stamps and a free trip to Charleston. Her pig cost $41.75, the additional cost of feed and attention to the end of contest was 47.09, making a total cost of $88.84. The value of the sow at the end of the contest was $125 and of pigs on hand $175; total value being $300. The total net profit was $211.16, certainly a nice little profit to come from a Duroc sow and a litter of Pigs. SPEAKS TO WILSON ON SEA. Six Hundred Miles at Sea Hears the Greeting of Secretary of Navy. Washington, Feb. 22.?George Washington's birthday witnessed a 'O'-nrd hroatine' snientifio feat todav 4VVV1^ ?*? .o ^? ? when secretary of the navy Daniels, sitting in his office, talked to President Wilson on board the U. S. S.. .George Washington 600 miles at sea. The total distance traversed by Sec. Daniels's voice was 1,700 miles. The conversation was carried on over the wireless telephone which the navy department has now develed to a high degree of efficiency, so i much so that transmission of the j human voice across the ocean will be common at no distant date, it is thought. Today's conversation was one-sided to the extent that the wireless telephonic apparatus on the George Washington is effective only at short range sp the president could not reply to Mr. Daniels's greetings in such a manner that the secretary of the navy would hear him. Wireless telegraph, however, stated that the i president had heard clearly the! words Mr. Daniels said to him. This was the message Secretary Daniels spoke into the ear of the president: "Mr. President: You will receive a great welcome when you arrive at Boston^ The destroyers and the aircraft and the Denver will meet you. tMayor Peters and Admiral Wood have made ail arrangements. "See you Tuesday. Great welcome in Washington. Good-bye." In the room with Secretary Daniels, when he transmitted his message to the president, were Rear Admiral Griffin, chief of the bureau of navigation; Commander Foote, personal aide of the secreatry; Commander Cooper, of the radio service and Yoeman Farrell, who made the mechanical arrangements for the conversation. The telephone on Mr. Daniels's desk had been connected with the rarh'n transmitter at the srreat trans Atlantic station in New Brunswick, Canada. Secretary Daniels's voice operated through the induction coils of the radio at New Brunswick just as if the impulse had been given by the wireless telegraph key there so that the direct communication with the president was about 1,700 miles. Secretary Daniels spoke in loud tone of voice as though he were delivering a peroration before a large audience. He repeated "^good-bye" several times. < mi ? Read The Herald, only $2.00 year. f I Fresh Tomatoes I Coming in Daily I Dill Pickles I I Stone's Cake I Fresh Every Day By Express I Phone 15 S taivi nnr1 vcdi II yj 1VI L/U^?\LiI\l BAMBERG, S. C. I I I TRY OUR SOLID BOTTOMED SHOES ONCE AND YOU WILL ALWAYS WEAR THEM. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR SHOES THAT HAVE STOOD THE TEST FOR FIT, COMFORT, LOOKS AND LONG WEAR?ALL AT A REAS% ONABLE PRICE. BUY FROM US ALL THE YEAR AROUND EVERYTHING YOU NEED FROM FOOT TO HEAD. WE ARE RIGHT HERE TO "MAKE GOOD" ON ANYTHING WE SAY AND * SELL. H. C. Folk Co. I BAMBERG, S. C. I BUT W. S. S. BUY W. 8. 8. I and Help and Help | WIN THE WAR WIN THE WAR 1 1 Just Arrived We have just received three car- 13 L loads of mules and hlrses from the Western markets. These animals were personally selected by our Mr. W. P. Jones, and they are In the pink of condition. They are now to be seen at our stables. Don't fail to see them before you buy. 1 Jones Bros. RAILROAD AVENUE BAMBERG, S. C. I A Tonic Laxative thai will remove the bile from the Liver and cleanse the System THOROUGHLY without griping or disturbing the stomach is truly a Perfect Lax* ative. LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN is the name of a Reliable and Perfect Laxative which soon relieves Sick Headache, Dizziness, Indigestion, Stomach Trouble, Gas and Piles caused by a Torpid Liver and Constipation. Always use a Reliable Laxative in the treatment of Colds, Grip and Influenza. LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN is a Liquid Digestive Tonic Laxative excellent in its effect on the System, both as a tonic/ and as a laxative. It is just as good for Children as for Adults. Pleasant to take. Children like it. 50c. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., manufacturers of Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic. I Dr. THOMAS BLACK. JR DENTAL SL'ltGEON. Graduate Dental Department University of Maryland. Member S. C Male Dental Association. Office opposite new post office and over office of H. M. Graham. Office hours. 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. BAMBERG. S. 0. EagHKEgraya graacroreareB f THE "PAL/DENT A 3 PREPARED FOR J ! EE PAS A SANA | ACCOUNT. j I Don't you see taken down with si Is not this a lei have MONEY PII so you can tide thn Should you D1 your family helple! Bank your i DUTY. BANK I We pay four per pounded quarterly Farmers & M BHRHAR i TTh( p^FIa^ 4 Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy by purifying and enriching the blood. You can soon feel its Strength- V ening, Invigorating Effect. Price 60c, ! I?I ?" I. Best material and workman- B ship, light running, requires fl little power; simple, easy to fl f handle. Are made in several fl sizes and are good, substantial fl money-making machines down I to the smallest size. Write for fl catolog showing Engines, Boil- I J ers and all Saw Mill supplies. ; | Cil) IRON WORKS & SUPPLY CO. 1 " 1 j M/V"/S I ~f j strong, healthy men ;J|i ckness every day | sson to teach YOU to I fflj jED UP in our bank I ough your sickness | !E would you leave I noney; it is your * ? YITHUS. . cent, interest, com- I , on savings deposits |j| erchants Bank y| ting bars W 8 i package. WM The biggest 'jij value in ill refreshment 81 you can pgs- 11 sibly buy. 1 ; BENEFIT to teeth, I 1 eath, appetite and I sestion. e price is S^cents^ ^ iyij *&&