DID NOT KNOW /. .WHAT PEAR WAS ~ (Continued from page 3, column 1.) , he heard the bullets hitting the plane, ] but none hit a vital spot. Attached to each battalion is a \ signal section composed of 31 men who look after telephone lines and all other means of communication with tbe rear. In less than 30 minutes from the time the assault started the signal section with me had a telephone line in operation from my position near the front line on the battlefield to regimental headquarters at Haudimont, and 1 was talking to the colonel. The line was shot in two three times, but each time those felloes would go out and repair it; they kept the connection up V - . through five gas atta9ks, and I was never delayed in communicating with * V headquarters for one minute. Their work was simply marvelous. Some people think that doctors, dentists and chaplains in the army do not have to go into much danger, but they are vastly mistaken. They } >- go right into the fight just as anyother officer or man. The two doctors with us, "Capt. Jobson and Lieut. - - \''' : ^ v Crum, the dentist, Lieut* Tyler, and Chaplain Schocke, went right up to the front line and right through it all. They established the dressing ? * station near the front line and dressed the wounded with shells bursting . all over and around them, through i .v gas and with machine gun bullets flying just over their heads.. Our machine gun company report*<1 rna, cnnn affftr dark and tWO y? ? ** ? ? one-pounders had been with me all the time and we were preparing tor v\*\ ' a hot time next morning when I was - j ' directed to move my command to another position on the enemy's i|:;^ flank: The firing kept up until 11 * *'y.\ :o'clook that night when we were just p;. . ready to move out, when the firing gfev stopped and not a shell fell near us during the whole time we were "v." - moving out, but the machine guns kept up a lively fire all the time. We were on the line next morning at Manheulles when I was told by the ~ colonel 'that the firing would cease - . . at eleven. I immediately went down the line and told the men to get down in the trench and stay -there until .'S 11; that the firing would cease at 11 o'clock, and the war would be / over. I wiH never forget the expression on- the faces of the men. I can-not describe it. Just a far away ^ . look and a smile. Not a cheer or sound from them. Promptly at 11 complete silence reigned. It was so still and quiet that it was uncanny t' and depressing, still there was no Vi cheering. / That night the skies were lighted up with rockets and flares. There were more of them from the German line than ours. Just as far as you could see up and down the line for V miles these rockets were going up. Twenty-four hours earlier these same rockets would have meant that in about two minutes you would get. a "barrage dropped on you. The fight was over and the most ,of us were alive. jgp.y- ^ We had four rifle companies and one-noun der section in the early Sgj ? part of the fight and was later joined by the machine gun company. Companies L and K were on the front Hgj&V line with companies M and I supRpY. porting them a short distance in the r " i. rear.* We had the following officers: Major James A. Willis (S. C.), ?*'.v' ? battalion commander. . First Lieut, Geo. D. Levy, (S. C.)* S& adjutant. * First Lieut. James W. Browning (S. C.), intelligence and scout officer ' (In hospital). t ' Capt. Alex M. C. Johnson (Fla.), ?Y>;''\ battalion surgeon. ^ " v. First Lieut. J." W. Crum (Fla.), g&i assistant surgeon. P"v;.3 ^ First Lieut. Jesse M. Tyler (Fla.), dental surgeon. v First Lieut. Clifford Schocke.(Ky.), gcjk/ Chaplain. ' ^ Second Lieut. McCormick (D. C.), supply officer. | Company L?Capt. Geo. A. Lyon (Mass.), Firt Lieut. Gordon Williams, First Lieut. David E. Barnett (S. C.), First Lieut. Edwin Bruce ^ ^- ^ *s- Second Lieut. Edward T. w '??. Myer^ (Phila.), Second Lieut. Geo. v, V |p, G. Herrick (Phila.) Company K?Capt. William J. Hunter (S. C.), First Lieut. William IH. Jackson (Fla., in hospital), First t . . Lieut. Robert W. Strauss (Tenn.), First Lieut. Frank H.'BarnweH (S. C.), Second Lieut. Cecil B. BarksjL \ dale (S. C.), Second Lieut. Peyton R. Anness (N. Y.) = > Company M?Caiyt. Albert C. Glas /n>,nonifii 11 FMr=t IgUW V ACilli., iii iivayibu.,, - _ Charles B. Rickert (commanding company), First Lieut. William C. Lee (S. C.), Fir^t Lieut. Albert J. jV Csiskey (S. C.), Second Lieut. Hark - old C. Curtis (S. C.), Second Lieut. jl"1 - John H. Bolin. Company I?Capt. Thomas A. Hoilingsworth (S. C.), First Lieut. Rollc !' A. Lawton, First Lieut. Jas. C. Fa'i (S. C.), Fjfcst L^eut, Ewart G Ackei r. ^ (S. C.), Second Lieut. Jas. F. Brinkley (N. C.), Second Lieut. Stepher ,, Kent (N. Y.) One-Pounder Guns?First Lieut Thomas F. Cartwright (S. C.) 1 Machine Gun Company?Capt. Ernest H. Chappelmann (S. C., in hos pital), First Lieut. Robert H. Jen- * nings (S. C.f commanding company), First Lieut. Thos. H. Edwards (S. y C.), First Lieut. Olin M. Dantzler ^ (S. C.) And two second lieutenants I do 1 not know. : You know several of these officers, (Continued on page 5, column 1.) j' The Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head j Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA- 1 TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary ' Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ' ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 30c. s TA * nn vrvrrfril? * Notice is hereby given that all persons are forbidden to allow- hogs, cows or other stock to run on our lands, or any one to hunt on same, j, under penalty of the law. tf J. T. & J. J. 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Kathleen, Fla.?Mrs. Dallas Prine, of this place, says: "After the birth of my last child...I got very much run-down and weakened, so muchj that I could hardly do anything at! all I was so awfully nervous that I I could scarcely endure the least! noise. My condition was getting worse all the time... I knew I must have some relief or j I would soon be in the bed and in a \ serious condition for I felt so badly j and was so nervous and weak I could j hardly live. My husband asked Dr. j about my taking Cardui. He IS lTlt_ J . I saia, it s a gooa meaicme, ana gooa for that trouble', so he got me 5 bottles... After about the second bottle I felt greatly improved.. .before taking it my limbs and hands and arms would go to sleep. After taking it, however, this poor circulation disappeared. My strength came hack to me and I was soon on the road to health. After the use of about 5 bottles, I could do all my house-work and attend to my six children besides." You can feel safe in giving Cardui a thorough trial for your troubles. It contains 110 harmful or habit-forming drugs, bu; is composed of mild, vegetable, medicinal ingredients with no bad after-effects. Thousands of women have voluntarily written, telling of the good Cardui has done them. It Should help you, too. Try it. E 74 : New supply box files just received j at Herald Book Store. Nothing'is 1 too g'ood for 1| Our I V " {. ." :: i;. ' . . equitableI j Q Mutual in Principle and Practice " -M Impregnable in Strength U Enterprising, Conservative I I ] Management M 1 Comprehensive, Adaptable Policies w i,-v Low Mortality Rate * | yj T1^ Prompt Pa\rment of Death Claims E 1 1 Efficient Service to Policyholders r * } jkg A A satisfied constituency gained by A v 4 Fifty-eight years of public service Am ^ p. B These are some of .the advantages enjoyed by those who insure with I PL. C