Wbz pamtierg peralfo ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1891. Published Weekly at Bamberg, S. C. Entered as second-class matter April 1891, under Act of March 3, 1879. * $2.00 PER YEAR. Volume 28. No. 5. Thursday, January 30, 1919. v OLAR SCHOOL WIDE AWAKE. ** ' " ' Enthusiastic -Meeting of Improvement Association?Honor Roll. f. Olar, Jan. 25.?The School Improvement association of the Olar high school met for their third time Tuesday afternoon. The following ladies were, present: Mrs. G. O. Barker, Miss Mattie Lou Bouknight, Mrs. J. G. Brabham, Mrs. George Cave, Mrs. Paul Cooke, Mrs. W. B. Chitty, Miss Winnie Lee Duggan, Mrs.'O. Fail, Mrs. Jeff Gunnels, Mrs. L. A. Hartzog, Miss Ella Mae Howell, Jdrs. H. H. Kearse, Mrs. Robert KirkMrs. O. J. C. Lain, Miss Ruth MpLurkin, Mrs. T.' W. Morris Mrs. f . Henry Morris, Mrs. Lawton Pro eau^, Mrs. W. R. Ray, Mrs. J. G. ^escoat, Miss Calhoun. Supt. F. C. Chitty was also present. The Association as a whole expressed an earnest desire to serve their dP^iOQl. After a few brief remarks hy Supt. Chitty as to his plans for the present year, the association decided unanimously in favor of making such improvements as were necwsary, and thus enable the school U> compete for one of the school im r pavement prizes. The association 1^8 very fortunate in electing three wide awake and enthusiastic workers to sgrve as officers. The result of fjnption was that Mrs. L. A. H&rtzog wa| named president; Mrs. Paul % Cooke, vice-president; and Mrs. H. Kewe, secretary and treasurer.. The present school term promises |o be very successful. The faculty v i$: 1-ligh School-rF. C. Chitty, Supt., Miss Sara Neeley, Miss Winnie Lee Quggan. Grammar School?Miss Ma\ sje Bessinger, Miss Mattie Lou Bouknight, Miss Ella Mae Howell, Miss Ruth McLurkin. Honor Roll fpr Olar High School. (T|iose averaging 90 and above on each subject.) * Tenth Grade?Grigsby Milhous. Ninth Grade?EdnaThairi. h . Eighth Grade?Benjamin Cave, Jgar^uerite Cooke, JSugene Brabham, Merrill Johns, Inez Kirkland, Juanita Neeley, Maude Morris. Seventh Grade-?Myrtle Barker, . Mildr-a Cooke, Stasi^ Creech, Urban Miltous. ^ Sixth Grade?Blanche Brabham1 t pl/vo+at. \tapt?!c tkhnfl? - UillH. XJjruco9 fu.v?.A ui) ffoyeaui. Fifth Grade?Carrie Brabham, 5; Heber Brabham, Earlish Fail, Louise Kearse, Willie Dell High tower, William Lord, Wilma Morris. Fourth Grade?Murray Connelly, < ' Vernon Creech, Marian Bessinger, I Asbury Kirkland. Third Grade?Homer Cave, Willie Cave, Lazelle Bennett, James Beni, ' UGtt, Joseph Brabham, Attie Lee Milhous, Benjamin Morris, Pringle Morris, Helen Ritter. - Second Grade?Maud Ayer, Henry Cave, Durward % Cooke, Eugene Creech, Leola Fail,\Lee Hightower, Dorothy Mobley, Eunice Morris, Malcolm Drawdy, Henry Homer, -Kearse, Omega Sanders. / ' First Grade?Murice Cave, Marian ^ . Brabham, Lois Creech, Adolphus, } * Layne, Chambliss McCormack, Lois & :"*i Sanders. * gw GOES TWO MILES MINUTE. fcft , Major MacAuley Flies 500 Miles in . 4 Hours, 15 Minutes. ' - '" > Americus, Ga., Jan. 25.?Major Theodore C. MacAuley completed his trip across the continent today by arriving*at Arcadia, Fla., and then started back intending to spend tonight here, it was learned tonight at Souther Field. He had not arrived here at a late hour, and it was thought rains over this section forced him to land prematurely. It was understood that Major MacAuley, who flew first from Fort Worth, Texas, where he is commanding officer at Taliaferro Field, to San Diego, Cah, would make the coast to coast flight, stopping at Jacksonville. Major MacAulev flew from Souther Field, here, tc Carlston Field, Arcadia, in four hours and fifteen minutes, it was said at Souther Field. The distance is approximately 500 miles. "notice of final discharge. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will file his final account. ing as administrator of the estate of Jacob Ehrhardt, deceased, on the **-i _ I? 1 m n _ ?. i 1 z 1st day or reuruary., at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, with the Probate Judge of Bamberg County, and will at the same time apply to the Probate Judge for Letters Dismissory as such administrator. J. B. EHRHARDT/ Adminstrator of the Estate of Jacob Ehrhardt, deceased. 4t. ' v'". *' N * * "l We are prepared to recharge your automobile battery. Give us a trial. FAULKNER ELECTRIC SERVICE CO.?adv. New supply box files just received j at Herald Book Store. / IFreshFlori I TOMA' I GREg I Fat Mackerel, Ki I Fancy ! I Phor I BAMBE] ./ > v"r : : ' I k <- ' y Ed: r k T Mc No wo V * r ~ X complet Creatioi know it! \ Musi* one out . and tria mental nerve st: i the inst Music's ousinve music i fidelity l ' H I 1^^ I Chippi Otticial Lab oi / No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an unhealthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. : GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly : for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, im- ; prove the digestion, and act as a General Strengthening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be j in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle, j da Oranges I rmrc I IVLilJ | [PEAS I /*. 9 " ? t ?? r r ippered Herrings, jj Shrimps H . r.ro j * %? * * t# *? cuckerI EtG, S. 0. I s i>i ii < ' f i i - ! '?i * [SON'S Is ' \ re precious f< fine jewel Thoma rd picture can convey to :e understanding of what l means. It is beyond d< 3 full meaning one must sit :'s Re-Creation for the i of one's self and away f ils of the day. What a I refreshment in these da rain, anxiety and sacrifice! CJIlS rument by which Mr. Ed Re-Creation to the world, ntion Re-Creates the humai of human-played instrume that 2,000,000 music lovers I A cordiai where yoi the most i and J?e-( ^Jlj ^6W' DDiUX KATORY MOPU. % v Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days NOTICE TO DEBTORS Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. All persons having i Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can get tliP r?f- H V restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. . i, /, " ? ceaseci, will hie the sai Automobile batteries recharged by v/e^ an(^ verified, wit Delco-Light at Brickie's Garage, adv. signed, on or before - - - - ? * ' II Adams Won Fame I As a Financier I John Adams, seccod president oI the I United States, woo lame as a financier 1 IlliP wbeo ** ^orrowed from I Plli^ He * ftw batterer 2a banking. I HPS' Every moo who hopes to be a success I ? io life has a bank account I p|p % Make up your mind to place a certain u ? *fflount of your business profits or Income | Wm^H in the .bank. , I We lDVfi? an inspection of our. banking 1 ?S,i methods. >Jew Music % y the soul of the must' ? is Music's Re-Great s A- Edison's New A your mind a Whether gay or seri Music's Re- pathy in Music's Re-Cr ascription. To your joys. It will raise under its spell. sions. It will sustain y< moment "takes It will spothe you in i rom the cares It will enrich many ye: >lessing?what bestow upon you alrposi iys of intense Your emotions will re ' song of the living artist NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" ison has given critics of 1500 representat . This marvel- have been completely m n voice and the to tell the living voice fn :nts with such New Edison. Before tl and fhe music Edison such an accomnl I welcome awaits you at our sto i may rest and feed your soul glorious music produced by morti treated, not merely , Edison. hi CHANDLER BAMBERG, S. C. . > AXI) CRER- of February, 1019; and all persons indebted to the said estate will make claims aeainst payment to the undersigned. y Bellinger, de- URS. LILLIAN B. FAULKNER, ne. duly item- Administratrix of the Estate of h the under- H. N. Bellinger. Deceased, the 20th day A49 Peachtree St.t Atlanta, Ga. || Bamberg j Banking I Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 ' .-:|1 4 per cent interest paid 01 iii - ??p|| .'v p ./, % -"'il I ||||I al Art c lover than ion? rt . " :; f? ous, you will find syrm" I eqtipn. It will multiply I you out of your depres- I i )u in moments of stress. . III noments of restlessness. Ill irs of your life. It will ill t human companionship. ill. :spond as they do to the III i y when you hear, JII J ive American newspapers JII ystified by their inability I om its duplication by the 18 le invention of the New I 11 4- ttjnfi imnAoei kU III LlSlllllCiil waa liinjrvyooxux^. i J _ on * >C 1 * 7 ' ,'M \ 4 < ' mm