<* ii TY 44 ii I I l V I i I I i I X I I c III! A A A A A11 > i i^iii VVVVVVVVVV V'L5 ai i just received the fi las been received in . ? finpst condition. I ave some nices Hoirs kind of mule or h o n *ank Bamberg, Soi A A j k. A k i^A i^A jjfek A^k A^A A^A jjL jjL A^A jjftk A jj f y yy~y^~y k kjfck jjfek jjfet A^t ^A A^A A^A J^A A^A Jk fek jjfek J| r^|[^ '^ '*^r since I left the good old U. S. A. "We sailed from New York on May 11, on th? British cruiser Gloustershire. Something happened to one. AVAr WA TT7ArO | ui uui uuaia Ii/uii ii?, uici. n v n?>? | eating dinner one day when a boy | came down and said one of the boats was sinking. We went up on deck and could see a large transport laying on her side with a large hole in her bottom. Our boat didn't stop so that is all I know about it.- All our "mosquito" fleet stopped though. We landed in Glasgow, Scotland, May 23. We saw some beautiful scenery going up the Clyde river. We got on a train there and went to Folkstone, Eng. We went by London and all the large towns in England. May 25th we arrived in Calais, France. We stayed there a few days and went to a little town named Lauche, and from there to Quarenham. We left there on July 2, and crossed th? Belgium border on July 4. We went up in the Ypres salient. The Germans were fixing to make a big drive for Calais July 23, and we were sent up there to stop them. Our artillery was too heavy for them so we broke the drive up. We rqoved from Ypres salient to Kemmel hill. We started a drive up there and drove the Germans from Kemmel hill, to Messines ridge. We left there and went down in France again to a little town named Pressy, near Albert. There we went in training for a big drive. We didn't know where but we knew it would be somewhere. We trained with tanks, airplanes and everything the army had. We left Pressy and went to a little town called Areques. Wo were loaded on trucks September 22 and started for the front line again. Faced the Hindenburg Line. "We relieved the Australians beI tween St. Quentin and Cambrai, Sejv tembem 23. We got into one of the ! hardest sectors I had ever seen. We were facing the Hindenburg line (Continued on page 5, column 1.) No Worms in a Healthy Child All children troubled wiui worms nave an unhealthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rale, there is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, improve the digestion, and act as a General Strengthening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be in perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. CARD OF THANKS. i The children of the late Mr. I. W. Rentz wish to express their thanks to their many friends for the many kind attentions rendered them during the illness of their father, and after his death. The many expressions of sympathy are also most sincerely appreciated. np |T y y yly y ^jr^f yr T^r yljyF T^rvy^jr T^? "^r "^f T^ ik.iWk^kjyiL^A A. A^A^iWL A. A A ata aTa A. ata aTa ai yr ^r V^f Ty T^r t^t T^jrf^? A^a^A^A^A^ALAlA^ A. A A, .A ^ A4 nd MUI nest shipment of Mules Bamberg in a year. All Come and see them. I es on hand. No matter te you want, come to me. Bamb< I nth Carolina i j.4A ^A ^A A4A A4A A. A^A jA j^~ y y ly T^t y^T y^r T^T ~y *y y ^ r "y^yr^*y i^yv^ny^]| ^jALjAkJ^iftk^k^kiAkiftLiAk^uftu^ i.^A JL^A A^A *&*. A Ai^L^ rW V V %^%^4^^rVV vvvvvvv^ j RnHHHMHHHHinHBI?31ffl Vg ?W vv y t i jp% r"n Worked by Uai : | Read at Night The money President Lincoln earn a rail splitter he pot In bank, fa life be often referred to Ms first ban! | count At night be read every booi i could lay his hands on j Have you a bank account? If you haven't start one with os tc I WeH gladly explain our simple, | r , method of doing business* | A bank account is a touchdown ot 9- i i i1 road to the goal of success. REVISED The assurance of material for quanti the Buick Motor Company to establi Buick Models, effective January first, 7 > THESE PRICES WILL NO OUR PRESENT DEALER'S Three Passenger Open Model H-Six-44 . . Five Passenger Open Model H-Six-45 Four Passenger Closed Model H-Six-46 .... Five Passenger Closed Model H-Six-47 Seven Passenger Open Model H-Six-49 Seven Passenger Closed Model H-Six-50 ... F 0. B. Flini i C. F. RIZEF ^ AT^ AVA A^A A^k A^A A IVA A?| A?| ATi AT4 A A |T| AT| A i^l^lnl "t^T^ T^Tly ^ "y y i^Ty ,fy H ft ft K~K"KK~K~K~K~> t ft ft V yy .ES 1 I ft . 1 A XX Brs I | Bamberg jfjjfjjlg Banking CO. ' pa ^ Capita] and Surplus j || ' $100,000.00 ill <" . ! ? later / t; . ;|p|Ij i k bt > ^ T ^ . 4 per cent interest paid on l| safe k^j Savings Accounts || i the /Vttt^ M Buick 1 > PRICES l| tv production of Buick cars enables | s'h the following prices on the various j i9is. *|| T BE CHANGED DURING ? J SELLING AGREEMENTS. fl .'..*....$1495 %| 1495 l|| 1985 "H 2195 | 1785 "m 2585 111 t, Michigan a; I ? ni.. q r 11 Lj V/ICU 9 Ut Vi | *v . * . S -V-t