&fje pamfcerg ?|>eralb ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1891. Published Weekly at Bamberg, S. C. Entered as second-class matter April 1891, under Act of March 3, 1879. $2.00 PER YEAR. Volume 28. No. 2. Thursday, January 9, 1919. With the coming of an even more prosperous era than we have yet had, the farmers should not oyerlook the fact that the boll weevil has already made its appearance in Bamberg county. Several specimens of the pest were found here last fall, and this presages the appearance of the weevil in possibly large numbers this season. The weevil travels from place to place slowly, but the experience of other sections is that when it does appear it appears in force. For this reason, it will be well for the planters to bear in mind that their cotton crop even this year may he a failure. Bamberg county farmers?a majority of them, doubtless ?are so bound to the cotton crop, that we feel fearful of the result when the weevil does actually begin to devastate fields of cotton. It will mean disaster to hundreds of farmers, for many of them have not yet learned the lesson of other communities, and have not prepared for the coming of the pest. It is going to mean bankruptcy for many. 'Now is the time to lay plans to beat the weevil. There are other crops than cotton?-even when cotton is thirty or forty cents. Forty cents a pound will do the farmers little good if they have no cotton to sell. *m> ia> mm The recent bad weather has ren- < dered the Bamberg county roads al- 1 mpst impassable. This county has ; some good roads in good weather, \ but bad weather makes them go an to pieces. This is always a difficult ' problem?keeping roads in good condition in bad weather, and we hope ! that some time soon some plan will, be evolved whereby roads may be j .good all the year. Supervisor Mc?; ] Millan has built the county some, ex-1 cellent highways, and if some feas- | - ibje plan can be worked out to main- , tain them after they have been built, i ' 4 I the county would easily rank among; j the first in the State in the matter, of good roads. Of course, the laborproposition has made it impossible for the county authorities to do any-1 thing much in regard to working out -j any kind of a plan to keep the roads,. up, but now that conditions are returning to normal; it is to be hoped ' j that something will be done along this line. During the past few years f the Ehrhardt road has been built, the Denmark road has been built, and the Hunter's Chapel road is now being built. These roads, when prop- j erly dragged, are magnificent high-j ways. In addition to these, there , are othbr good roads in the county, but we find that when dragging is left off for a few weeks, they go backward rapidly. As soon as labor is plentiful again, we hope that the plan talked of some time ago, that of letting out by contract or otherwise, short stretches of road to farmers or others living on or near the road, such parties to be responsible for the dragging of their sec* tions of roads after each rain, or whenever ?it becomes necessary to give the road attention, will be revived. In this way small holes appearing after heavy rains , would be filled at once before they become so large that vehicles have to encircle them to prevent wrecks. The supervisor and commissioners, we believe, had arranged to put this plan into operation when the unusual conditions prevalent with the coming of war made it practically impossible to carry the plan on. We feel sure that when the farmers get plenty of labor they will be too glad to cooperate with the authorities in maintaining the roads. D/V*MKO/1 Pqi?IC A 10W5 UVIIIW^U M. Mr* AO* ** ? Coblenz, Tuesday, Dec. 31.?Forty airplanes, including seven Gothas said to have been used in the bombing of Paris, were accepted today by the American army receiving commission. Two hundred machines are now in Coblenz or on the way, and all of them soon will be taken to France. Each airplane must be in perfect condition befor? acceptance and German aviators are kept busy in testing them before acceptance. Twenty-five hundred machine guns also were'accepted today. Unmarried Women Get Husbands. London, Jan. 4.?The town council of Petrograd, according to a dispatch from Copenhagen, has decided that all unmarried women between the ages of 18 and 45 shall be provided with husbands selected by the council. The children of these unions, it is added, will not be allowed to remain with their parents, but will be educated under the control of the soviet government. / ACADEMY OF MUSIC, ORANGEBURG I Hk IOaY JAN. 10 | WILLIAM HARRIS, Jr., Presents I I MELODRAMA By BAYARD VEILLER j DIRECT FROM ONE YEAR'S RUN AT THE 48th STREET THEATRE, NEW YORK. Over one year in New York, six months in Philadelphia, six months m Chicago. six months in Boston. ltI^YT,^j, The performance is being l^iv/ 1 L given here exactly as in New York. Nothing is omitted. The original cast and production. I personally guarantee this show.? Geo. M. Seignious, Manager. Seats now selling at Doyle's Drug Store, Phone 5. \ PRICES: Night, $2, $1.50, $1, and 50c. Matinee, $1.50, $1, and 50c. If Announcement! | H I wish to announce to the people of JH Hj Bamberg and community -that I have |M H bought out the entire furniture business H and stock of Mr. G. 0. Simmons, and gg will continue the furniture store at the jg I same stand. H | CAR LOAD FURNITURE I II have just received a carload of fur- I niture, bought right, and it will be sold I H right. I am in position to suit you in 6 H anything in the furniture line, and I j I will welcome you in my store any time, I m whether you wish to buy or not. 1 fl G. R. SIMMONS I BAMBERG, S. 0. II \Yh: n you bum fthe IVJidmgnt un | You needn't fear eyestrain and consequent headaches if you work by the soft mellow light of the Kayo Lamp. Its big generous | glow ?without flicker or glare ? can't hurt Rayo Lamps are simply designed?without embossing or cheap ornamentation ? made of brass, nickel-plated?lasts a life time. Easy to light, clean and rewick. Inexpensive to buy and use. Aladdin Security Oil is economical ? burns without smell or smoke. Ask to see the Rayo at your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) Baltimore. Md. Washington, D. C. Charlotte. N. C. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, W. Va. Richmond. Va. Charleston, S. C. I J. F. Carter B. I). Carter CARTER & CARTER A TTOn\E YS-AT-LA W Special attention given to settlement of Estates and investigation of Land Titles. RA MBFI5G. S. C. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. Colds Cause: Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the cause. There is only one **Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. The Strong Withstand the Winter Cold Better Than the Weak You must have Health, Strength and Endurance to fight Colds, Grip and Influenza. When your blood is not in a healthy condition and does not circulate property, your system is unable to withstand the Winter cold. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC Fortifies the System Against Colds, Grip and Influenza by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. It contains the well-known tonic properties of Quinine and Iron in a form acceptable to the most delicate stomach, and is pleasant to take. You cansoon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. 60c. Dr. THOMAS BLACK, JE. DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate Dental Department University of Maryland. Member S. C State Dental Association. Office opposite new post office and over office of H. M. Graham. Offico hours, 8:30 a. m.. to 5:30 p. m. B.LMBERG, S. G. ^ Wilt,in ^^saqr W W www w m w iiff All to, President Woo< this country is fade in its history: He 11 < slty of saving. Are yon on the i If you are, com Sources by depositir Save! Save!1 1 This applies to t as the day laborer There Is no gn planning to piace_a fWV/Tm bank regularly. Iro' THE The q The o ment mi Ihe s 250 i a pro< F. S. R< Norfolk, Va. Baltii N. C. Columbia Macon, G* | Fresh Groceries I 1 coming in daily. I | I Watch this space I j for new arrivals. | ^ Phone 15 fl ip TOM DUCKERll I BAMBERG, S. C. - WM *|jp gq n..,i ii in gg b imi i i 11. ' i ' ?i?i-L Bamberg ?4=Sco. sis Asks jBm / :' || Saira M M lrow Wilson says that $100,000.00 "If rgoing the greatest crisis MM ?aAM all 4ltA na/,affk wpvu All uiv ireyfcjr idal wave of prosperity? serve some of your re* ?f|l ig them ia bank, * Bill Save! < #\ ,v ^ ',, he business man as well I 4 per cent interest paid on I ^ | safer way to save, than SaVBIgS AcCOUOtS l certain amount in the A V;1 ft 1 ' VSTFR'S 1 J i Lil\ U :T1LIZER $ 'Um 1 'Sis GOODS FOR YOU ? BECAUSE SS IN 33 YEARS " M ' . .' fl uality has never failed: 3m ' , ' '-*< $\ wnership and manage- | have never changed: | ales have grown from J ? i-~ /inn nnn ,OI15 IU TUUjUUU LW1JLO, of of satisfaction. I ,1 ? 3YSTER GUANO CO. 1 nore, Md. Toledo, 0. Tarboro, N. C. Charlotte, i, S. C. Spartanburg, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. i. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. f i + v ^ ^ . ... _ K ; '. ! ' >V M