The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, October 24, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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iNew Ifo Iklau Q?1)Z pamberg peralb i ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1891. ! Published Weekly at Bamberg, S. C. Entered as second-class matter April 1891, under Act of March 3, 1879. $2.00 PER YEAR. Volume 27. / No. 43. Thursday, October 24, 1918. The amount of Bamberg county's over-subscription to the fourth liberty loan must indeed be a matter of genuine satisfaction to the county . chairman and his working committees. It is a matter of deep pride to the county that her citizens should respond in such a liberal and whole hearted manner to the appeal for support of the government. While the county has responded in a splendid .manner to former loan campaigns, the allotment probably has not been over-subscribed as the present loan. Chairman Wiggins is entitled to the thanks the people of the county for the excellent manner in which he conducted the campaign, and that the success of the loan was so magnificent is a matter for repoicing by the whole people. While complete reports have not been announced as yet for the various counties of the State, we believe that Bamberg will push some county close for the honor rtf naming' a transDort. 1 < ! ^ The exigencies of war offer to the people generally an excellent opportunity to lay aside for the rainy day, and that the people are awaking .to this opportunity is shown by the read. iness with which they lend the government their money. It is a notable fact that, although the people of this county have invested heavily in government securities, there is still more money on deposit than at any time on record, or this appears to be the fact. We have not the exact figures, but we believe that up to this time, Bamberg county has loaned to the government approximately $1,000,000, in addition to the amounts contributed in gifts to the various war work purposes. This means that the people of Bamberg county have actually put into savings more money than in normal times there is on deposit in the banks^of the county. It means also that there will not be the usual hard times to follow the war, but that~the people will be more prosperous than ever before. The county has yet to invest quite a large sum in war savings stamps to bring its total up to its allotment, and doubtless some effort will have to be put forth to secure .11.1 _ 1- J- i* m;ll ^ I LlllS iHlULHICilL, ;cl 1L win uuuuncoo j be met as all other appeals have been met. This will increase the county's savings approximately another quarter of a million dollars. The county has responded liberally to all calls made upon it; in every case where there was an organized campaign the amounts asked have been given or subscribed and then some thrown in for good measure. There will be yet other campaigns, and we have no doubt they will be responded to in the same patriotic and unselfish manner. Bamberg county hag cause to feel proud of its war work campaigns. J TKA UAHOM Anlw 19 Art mor IVCAU xug ii^iaiU| vuaj f ? vv i / , : - . rk Styles We are daif that if you e blgfef *? see us bef HI S1 from jobberi P'r H4 *n ^ M'fcW Therefore, v E I? If while giving $ 11 % ^ fl|j y Coats in broadcloth, ? 11 Jcf vertones, pom poms, sil rfrVftli at eac^ JOur lines arc advise yoi BER'S,' I JWflfU&SL U. S. Food Administration. Baking1 powder biscuits, co'n bread, muffins, brown bread, griddle cakes en waffles is wot dey call "quick breads." You all makes 'em wid one cup er wheat flour ter two cups er substitute flour to save all de wheat dat kin be saved fer de sojers. Some folks kin git er'long widout any wheat at all and are glad to do it ter help win de war. Dat ain't bad med'cine to take, fo* who's gwine tu'n up his nose iat *ood co'n- bread er biscuits er | flapjacks 7 Do your ironing at home with a Universal Electric Iron. Best service ?cost reasonable. Faulkner-Electric Service Co.?adv. ?????, BANKRUPT'S PETITION FOR DISCHARGE. In the District Court of the United States.?For the Eastern Dis'rici of South Carolina. In the matter of W. S. Stokes and J. E. Stokes, individually and as partners as Stokes & Stokes, Bankrupts. To the Honorable H. A. M. Smith, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the District of South Carolina: W. S. Stokes and J. E. Stokes, individually and as partners as Stokes & Stokes, of Denmark, in the County nf Bambere. and State of South Carolina, in said District, respectfully represents that on the 15th day! of May last past they were duly adjudged Bankrupts under the acts of Congress relating to Bankruptcy; that they have duly surrendered all their property and rights of property, and Lave fully complied with all the requirements of said acts and of the orders of the Court touching their Bankruptcy. N Wherefore, they pray that they may be declared by the Court to have a full discharge from all debts provable against their estate under said Bankrupt Acts, except such debts as are excepted by law from such discharge. Dated this 29th day of August, A. D., 1918. . STOKES & STOKES, W. S. Stokes, J. E. Stokes. Bankrupts. ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. Eastern District of South Carolina.? S. S.: On this 21st day of September, A. D., 1918, on reading the foregoing petition, it is? ORDERED by the Court, that a hearing be had upon the same on the 25th day of November, A. D., 1918, before said Court at Charleston, S. r* oni/l niofrtftf- of 1 1 a'^I \y y ILL OCLXVL JL/lOtl IV/t^ U t XX v VAWik am i the forenoon, and that notice thereof be published in The Bamberg Herald, a newspaper printed in said District, and that all known creditors and other persons in interest may appear at the said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioners should not be granted. AND it is further ordered by the Court, that the Clerk shall send by mail to all known creditors copies of said petition and this order, addressed to them, at their places of residence as stated. Witness tiie Honorable H. A. M. Smith, Judge of the said Court, and the Seal thereof at Charleston, S. C., in said District, on the 21st of September, A. D., 1918. R. W. HUTSON, 11-14 Clerk. at Klauber's, "The Y receiving new Coat Suits and Dresses anc ire looking for values and styles, it will pi ore buying. We do not buy ready-to-wear >, but only from the best N. Y. manufac [uantities for spot cash and get the lowest to IrnAur \ato at>o in nAcifinn fn cavp vaii rv I111V ff TV V Mf V AAA J/VUlblVll fcV ? V J V** . you the newest and best style garments. Coat suits in all of the best ma- New sweaters just velours, sil- terials $15.00 to $50.00 in, each $3.< Ik plush, etc., Silk dresses in all colors and com- New stripe poplin skir >.00 to $50.00 binations $15.00 to $50.00 each ; too big to tell you all about them in this li to get busy and come in and see the got 'The Store of Qualify," I H??MM?M I New \ MILL! jw A remarkable collection of trimmed j S hats that surpass any previous showing 9 this season. We,have made special efM fort to present the newest and most cSR i *n* a i A. i I Icnarming mminery ax a moaesx cosx. j Smartest of Suits The tailored effects?the long, graceful silhouette?skirts a trifle longer with coats following suit?are noticeable features. . The leading colors include Bison, < Beaver, Taupe, Pekin Blue?also the old standbvs?Navy, Greens, Plums, Brown, also Black. The lines are very straight, collars are tailored, many reversible and button high. Button and braid trimmings on the tailored models; the dressier suits have collars and cuffs of rich furs, from $15 to $37.50. I Wonderful Coats We cannot speak too strongly about the splendid assortment?the beautiful styles and the general attraction ot our stock of Fall and Winter Coats at this time. I This is generally recognized as a most difficult season, and yet by careful forethought, we have already assembled many of the very smartest new ideas in Velours, Burella, Chin Chow, Tweeds, Silvertone, Broadcloth and Baby Lamb in the striking new soft tones. I DO YOUR BIT. SHORTEr LaVerne Th< Trade at the Best Store BAMBEE Store ol Quality"! Um?w I i Samberg, S C. I I Vinter I I INtKY H Practical hats that will give a splendid I, service. ^ Women who like the verv smartest - 9 and newest millinery ideas will be in- H terested in this showing. 7 . H - Ready-to-Wear Blouses I You'll like these Beautiful New H Blouses That Just Arrived to Sell at - Sj v $1.50 to $6.75. B So will many other women like them, for they're really the choicest blouses v fl for quality of-materials and smartness H of styles that we've had here for quite H awhile. fl They're of Crepe Georgette and B Crepe de Chine and Voiles, in all the fl 1 newest styles, just recently from the fl workrooms of their creators. Some I have new arrangements in .the fashion- fl ing of the neck, some will strike you fl with their charming trimming effects. fl with their newness in their charming fl trimming effects. They are in flesh >and fl white and a few pastel shades. H While they are fresh, crisp and so new H in style, you'll enjoy choosing from fl these two groups at $5.00 and $6.75. fl & Here Are School Shoes for I Romping Feet f BH That stand all the wear and tear of 9 school play and give the comfort and 9 correct fit that growing feet demand. 9 Well designed and attractively made 9 /i they match in bright newness the gay ' 9 J school dresses. $1.50 to $4.00. 9 i THE ROAD TO BERLIN. | 9 omas & Co. I ;G, S. C. Telephone 41-J I I