The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, October 17, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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CfjePamterg^eralb ESTABLISHED APRIL, 1891. Published Weekly at Bamberg, S. C. Entered as second-class matter April 1891, under Act of March 3, 1879. $2.00 PER YEAR. Volume 27. No. 42. Thursday, October 10, 1918. i | Our subscriber^are reminded that The Herald is now cash in advance, i This is government instructions, and The Herald does not intend to violate any government regulations. On October 5th about one hundred subscribers were taken off our lists be- J cause tliey had failed to renew their subscriptions when their time had expired. We disliked very much to do'this. Of course, nearly-all .of | them have either already come back into the fold or will do so, hut it will save a lot of trouble and confusion if - our subscribers will attend to this small matter ?of renewing their subscriptions before the time expires. We cannot agree to supply back issues, as we have signed an agreement with the government to cut our consumption of news paper to the lowest minimum, and we print just enough copies to supply tho?e on our mailing lists. If you don't want to miss any-copies of the paper, be sure to renew in advance before your subscription expires. There will be no peace from the negotiations started by Germany at tliis time. In his reply, President Wilson puts at rest all fears that any premature peace will be concluded. Of course it 'is the earnest wish of the American people to see peace concluded, yet it is to be re membered that ten millions lives have been given to crush Germany, and it would be sheer folly now to ihake peace simply in order to end ' the war. One might ask oneself what would Germany do if her armies were marching voctoriously to ? Paris or London or Washington? Does anyone think for a moment that she would halt her armies and declare an armistice or even talk peace? Now iq the supreme moment for the crushing blow. Germany deserves no quarter, and it is our sincere hope that none will be given. The end is j in sight; let us buy bonds and go to it, And the end will be reached wlien allied armies march into Ger. many. The best answer America can possibly give to Germany's so-called peace offer is a six-billion dollar liberty loan, oversubscribed. m ,,, m fcr . % 4 . We are rather surprised to note the attitude assumed by some of oujr good Jadies because Senators Benet and Smith deemed it their privilege to vote against woman suffrage. A number of articles have appeared in some of the daily newspapers reflecting on the sincerity and honesty of purpose of these gentlemen. We feel tliat it is a senator's privilege to vote against woman suffrage or any other matter without having to be villi fied for so doing. The position taken by Senator Benet is that he does not consider that the people of South Carolina desire woman suffrage, although Nwe have an idea that personally he favors it. That position is certainly above reproach, and we have no doubt that in taking this position, Senator Benet has the approval of a majority of the people of this State, including the good ladies. We do not , know the grounds of Senator /Smith's vote against the suffrage amendment, but presume he had good reasons for the stand he took. That there are -arguments in favor of woman suffrage no one doubts for a moment, but at the same time we do not think that suffrage ought to be bridled on to a State without its consent, and, without going into the \ pros or cons of the matter, we feel certain that the vast majority of South Carolinians know of many reasv ons why woman suffrage would be undesirable in this State. We shall " have to hear the voice of more wo' men raised in its favor before we ./ disapprove of the vote of our senators. RaihipHcvJIIa T,a/1 Win? in Air. * With American Army in France, Oct. 11.?The first American aviation pursuit squadron completed its one hundredth successive victory Thursday night with a "Boche strafing raid," which netted six machines. Of these Lieut. Edward Rickenhacker, of Columbus, Ohio, got two, bringing his official total to fifteen, with three more, which probably be confirmed soon. Lieut. Hamilton Coolidge, of Boston, Mass., and William Palmer, of Bennettsville, S. C., downed one between them; Lieut. James A. Meissner, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Lieut Ralph A. O'Neil, of Nogales, Ariz., and Lieut. Waters, one among themselves; Lieut. Reed M. Chambers, of Memphis, Tenn., and Lieut. Wilbert W. White, of New York, one each. How It Was Better. Lovemail had been playing for high stakes and had lost. After spending all he had on Miss Brass she had refused him. "Turned you down, did you say?" asked a friend. "Well, old chap, it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." "Yes, better indeed," replied the rejected one. "Better for the postoffice authorities, the florist, the messenger-boy, he confectioner, a dozen waiters, the jeweler, and half the theatres in town."?Stray Stories. Caught Off Guard. + Vi ^ nnelmon lao va mv lottore i^iu kilC puotiiiou AVt* ? c *vvw*M, Mary." "Nothing but a postcard, ma'am." "Who is it from, Mary?" "And do you think I read it, ma'am?" asked the girl with an injured air. "Perhaps not. But anyone who sends me a message op a postcard is either stupid or impertinent." "You'll excuse me, ma'am, returned the girl liftily; "but that's a nice way to be talkin' about your own mother."?Boston Transcript. A dispatch from France tells us that a German mess sergeant, anticipating the imminent arrival of American troops, cut up a large cheese and made sandwiches of it, which he served with beer to the doughboys when | they came over the top.' This was a j German who may haye served an ap-! prenticeship at Coney Island. ? .i MASTER'S SALE. Pursuant to an order signed by His Honor, Judge W. H. Townsend, bearing date September 16th, 1918, in the case of Lynn W. Beasely, plaintiff, vs. Carrie Rentz, et al, defendants, in {he Court of Common Pleas foj Bamberg county, the undersigned will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door, at Bamberg, S. C., on the 4tl, day of November, 1918, between the legal hours of sale, the following tro nt nf lond trt wif' All UUOV/1 1UUU tlUV/t VI 1U.JJLV4 , VV WAV* AAA* I of that certain tract or parcel of land, situate in the county of Bamberg, i State of South Carolina, containing one hundred and eighty acres, more or 'less, bounded on the North by lands of G. Frank Bamberg; on the East by lands of Charlie Miller; on the South by lands of J. M. Grimes, et al; and on the West by lands of G. Frank Bamberg. Purchaser to pay for papers. #J. J. BRABHAM, JR., Acting Master for Bamberg County. October 8th, 1918. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic destroys the malarial germs which are transmitted to the blood by the Malaria Mosquito. Price 60a Dr. THOMAS BLACK, JR. DENTAL SURGEON. Graduate Dental Department Uni- j versity of Maryland. Member S. C. j State Dental Association. Office opposite new post office and over office of H. M. Graham. Office hours, 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 v. m. BAMBERG. S. C. I PORTABLE AND STATIONARY Engines AND ISUlliJliKJS Saw, Lath and Shingle Mills, Injectors, Pumps and Fittings, Wood Saws, Splitters, Shafts, Pulleys, Belting, Gasoline Engines LAKOBSTOCK LOMBARD Foundry, Machine, Boiler Works, Supply Store. * AUGUSTA, GA. rl | The Strong Withstand the Heat of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble and younger people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go through the depressing heat of summer by taking GROVE'S TASTELESSchillTONIC. It purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. You can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. 60c. WE WI YOUR HOGS We will open our Pad season October 18th, and large quantities of live-! prices for same. DO NOT sell your ho calling us, or writing us ? We want a live-stock bi of the State, persons desi Itions are requested to see opportunity is gone. Buy to $200.00 per week. W the ground floor. Starting October 21st, all merchants with fresh Government Inspected a; unsanitary contamination Send us your order and it w ORANGEBURG PA Orangeburg, i MASTER'S SALE. State of South Carolina?County of Orangeburg.?In Common Pleas. Marian Middleton, et al., Plaintiffs, against Samuel Middleton, Defen- I dant. By virtue of a judgment of the Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled action, I will sell at public auction, at Bamberg Court House, on j the first Monday in November next,' during the legal hours of sale, the J following described real estate: I All that certain tract, parcel or piece of land situate, lying and be- j ing in Bamberg county, in the State j of South Carolina, containing twen v four (24) acres, more or le^. h?v.mdf?ri on the north bv lands of tlfe i estate of Julia Middleton; east, south and west by lands now or formerly of Francis F.' Carroll. All that certain tract or piece of lsrd situate, lying and being in Bamberg county, in the State of South Caiolina, containing thirty-five (35 > acres, more or less, and bounded on the- north, east and west by lands of F. F. Carroll, and on the south by lands of Abraham Middleton. All that certain lot of land in the Town of Midway, situate, lying and being in the county of Bamberg, in the State of South Carolina, containing one (1) acre, more or less, and bounded on the north by lands of C. E. Williams; east by lands of Getsinger; south by Methodist church lot, and west by public road or street. Terms?Cash. Purchasers to pay for papers and revenue stamps and all taxes becoming payable after date of sale; and in case the purchaser shall fail to comply with the terms of sale, then the said premises will be resold on the same or some subsequent salesday, on the same terms and at the risk of the former purchaser. ANDREW C. DIBBLE, Master Orangeburg County. Dated: October 14th, 1918. TAX NOTICE. * The treasurer's office will be open for the collection of State, county, school -and all other taxes from the 15th day of October, 1918, until the 15th day of March,. 1919, inclusive. From the first day of January. 1919, until the 31st day of January, 1919, a penalty of one per cent, will be added to all unpaid taxes. From the 1st day of February, 1919, a penalty of two per cent, will be added to all unpaid taxes. From the 1st day of March, 1919, until the 15th day of March, 1919, a penalty of 7 per cent, will be added to all unpaid taxes. THE LEVY. For State purposes 8*4 mills For county purposes 6% mills Constitutional school tax....3 mills x. * 18 mills . SPECIAL SCHOOL LEVIES. Hopewell, No. 1 3 mills Midway, No. 2 v. 2 mills Hampton, No. 3 2 mills Three Mile, No. 4 2 mills Fish Pond, No. 5 2 mills Hutto, No. 6 2 mills Buford's Bridge, No. 7 .2 mills Olar, No. 8 -?9 mills Salem, No. 9 4 mills St. John's, No. 10 2 mills Goyan, No. 11 8 mills Binnaker's, No. 12 3 mills Lemon Swamp, No. 13 4 mills Bamberg, Jfc). 14 11 mills Oakland, No. 15 8 mills Hunter's Chapel, No. 16 8 mills Colston, No. 18 4 mills Clear Pond, No. 19 2 mills Oak Grove, No. 20 4 mills Honmai-lr Mr? 9.1 fi mills Ehrhardt, No. 22 13 mills Lees,, No. 23 4 mills Heyward, No. 24: 2 mills All persons between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years of age, except Confederate veterans and sailors, who are exempt at 50 years of age, are liable to a poll tax of one dollar. Capitation dog tax, 50 cents. All persons who were 21 years of age on or before the 1st day of January, 1918, are liable to a poll tax of one dollar, and all who have* not made returns to the auditor are requested to do so on or before the 1st day of January, 1919. I, will receive the commutation road tax of two ($2.00) dollars from the 15th day of October, 1918, until the 1st day of March, 1919. G. A. JENNINGS, Treasurer Bamberg County. NOTICE. All persons are forbidden from hunting, tresspassing or letting their stock trespass on the following lands. No permission granted. MRS. S. P. FOLK, J. F. HIERS, G. F. HltfRS, BRADLEY HIERS, 10-31 ERNEST L. HITRS. S LL BUY AND CATTLE I king Plant for the winter B will be in the market for B stock and will pay top B gs or cattle without first M md get our prices. B lyer in every town and city B ring to make such connec- B s us AT ONCE before your B ers can easily make $50.00 B RITE today and get in on B we will be able to supply B pork and beef, which is all B ad free from disease and Hj is. B ill have our prompt attention. B iCKING COMPANY I south Caralina f Keep Well Jl 3^B poisons of undigested flM^ KjiL food to accumulate in JM your bowels, where they fafl are absorbed into your mdM'' SBf>rm system. Indigestion, constipation, headache, bad Hfl| blood, and numerous BJ, other troubles are bound TIP to follow. Keep your fenL system clean, as thous- B ands of others do, by B|| taking an occasional dose |J|P; of the old, reliable, veg- MIL j etable, family liver medj- Jjjj Thedford's ||p Black-Draught ' | ^Mrs. W. F. Pickle, ol JfB Rising Fawn, Ga., writes: BTI "We have used Thed- 'IPI ford's Black-Draught as a family medicine. My U mother-in-law could not MmM take calomel as it seemed Jjjp HI t?? strong for her, so she wTM used Black-Draught as a |*j| WBr mild laxative ana liver ' regulator.. * We use it in the family and believe |BL Wm it is the best medicine for ^| mJrt the liver made." Try it EIRj Insist on the genuine? y|H r|w Thedford's. 25c a pack- B|P Best material and workman- \ ship, light running, requires little power; simple, easy to "handle. Are made in several sizes and are good, substantial money-making machines down to the smallest size. Write for catolog showing Engines, Boilers and all Saw Mill supplies. LOMBARD IRON WORKS & I SUPPLY CO. NOTICE CP FINAL DISCHARGE. To all and singular the kindred and creditors of C. S. Folk, deceased: Take notice, that the undersigned will apply to the Judge of Probate for the county of Bamberg, at his office, Bamberg, S. C., on the 11th day of November, 1918, at 11 o'clock, a. m., for a final settlement of the estate' of C. S. Folk, deceased, and a discharge from the office of administrator of said estate. D. P. FOLK, I Administrator. October 9th, 1918. ^ For Indigestion, Constipation or Biliousness Just try one 50-cent bottle of LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Digestive : Laxative pleasant to take. Made and recommended to the public by Paris Medi- r cine Co., manufacturers of Laxative Bromo r Quinine and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic. e Tper 1 OIL HE oowHHMaaMnHi Er In freezing w Heater radial lief to scantil pjlljij ' Inexpensive 1 iijijjjjjj; fill?smokeles - - jjlli Aladdin Seci: ijiiijiijij Buy your Pe II S' n no i!l!l?^^ Of We Reach and Hold the Confidence of Those Who Desire the Greatest Skill and Economy in the management of their Estates. We have stood all tests, and the continued growth of our Company is best evidence of the satisfaction we have given. To those who desire the conservation of their Estates after they have gone and are unable to personally adI minister their affairs, we offer the highest skill cou- >1 pled with the most rigid economy. Our charges are fixed by law?our services are founded upon years I of experience?our opportunities for wise investments are those of a Bank. BAMBERG BANKING COMPANY Bamberg, S. C. ????i?wl If' ^puJEhH?^ l^b^S^EAND come a leader in the world's affairs, save a part of the salary you now earn, \ keep your eyes on the future and study your business. Men who make gooa * burn the midnight oil?at home with their books ana plans. Put Your Savings in Our Care so that you may have funds on hand to ! grasp business opportunity when it comes your way. 1 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits. CAPITAL AND SURPLTJS ..... $100,000.09 Bamberg Banking Co. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days estores vitality and energy by purifying and en- Drug;lists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT Calls ichingthe blood. You can soon feel its Strength- \? core ltching. Blind, Blading or Protruding Piles. . 7. . '"?r* xtr^ JTv z: 8 Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can get ning, Invigorating Effect. Price 60c. restfii sleep after the first application. Price 60c. IftUJ JUJN [aladoin] iATERS A *??&&* BSI > ?SECL'filTY OIL igiijiji standasd ? ? . citcoMRwir nergency rleatmg? . V~, / eather the portable Perfection Oil :es comfort and cheer?brings re- f y heated offices. v , :o buy and use?easy to clean and ss, odorless. irity Oil gives best results. rfection Heater now. ct * TANDARD OIL COMPANY 'iA? (New Jersey) ^ejT?k* // ishington. D C. Baltimore. Md..Charlotte, N. C. JPm\ yj \fi rfolk. Va. Charleston. W.Va /U, 3 V :hraond. Va. Charleston. S (' .j^rrw^ f'