F ? An Open Lett People of S< Ln April the country was called upon to purchase Libarty Bonds to the amount of three billions of dollars. It responded by purchasing four billion dollars' worth. In May it was called upon to contribute $100,000,000 to the American Red Cross. It responded by contributing over $150,000,900. And the best part of those two responses was not anerely the amount of money raisea, dux ine paxnoue enthusiasm manifested. It was made plain that the American nation is determined to prosecute this war to a successful cocclusioa at any cost. The hardest task is before us in June. The government is depending upon the sale of two billion dollars worth of War Savings Stamps during this year, and of this amount expects South Carolina to purchase over $30,000,000 worth of these stamps?a greater investment than we were called upon to make in . j the last two Liberty Loans combined. The government ! has designated the month of June as the period for securing definite pledges for these purchases during the balance of the year, with a fair proportion of actual purchases during that month. . We have been associating the War Savings Stamp with ohildren to such an extent that we have lost sight of the other purpose involved fci this government issue, ? namely, providing a form of investment which is suitable to the great mass of people, who do not find it convenient to visit banks to pay installments. but who can see either the postman every day or else an agent for the sale of W. S. S., and can secure from him a War Savings Stamp, which pays practically the same interest as a Liberty Bond. As he continues to paste his $5.00 stamps?which cost him but slightly over $4.00? oct his certificate, he has an actual government bond of the value of all the War Savings Stamps there are on it. ! I _ I State Director W I REMOVE Tl i ! STIGMA Of j I FROM OUR SI We call upon the people of Sou shameful stigma from the name of said Justly, if South Carolina continu the states in the Union? What will dlers when they learn that we failed by failing to save for them? In the which South Carolina fighting men I longer hold back. We must respond War Savings appeal. We call upon 1 State to save for victory, to invest i their personal and earnest efforts to SAVE AND BUY WA! Constantly, Proudly, i THE WAR SAVW i Sal( ! and ntog ive, the / fWSSl 7 ' i TSfSfsT ^ ssSS? 1 | S7 3 48 80 ; 81 1 NOTICE TO WHEAT GROWERS. Under the present restrictions of the food administration we cannot operate our flour mill. The matter has been taken up with the admin is-; tration and promise has been given j that arrangements will be made . whereby we can operate, but,until! orders are received to this effect, we ' cannot grind any wheat. Our custo- ; mers will please bear this in mind, | and as we have no storage room, | they will please not ship or bring any more wheat to us until further notified. BAMBERG FLOUR MILL. er To The >uth Carolina One stamp would be a $5.09^ bond, for instance, and 20 stamps would be a $100 bond. If you deposit in a savings bank paying 4 per cent interest quarterly, $4.17 in the month of June, 1918, will increase to $4.89 on January 1, 1923. A War Savings Stamp bought to.- June for $4.17 will be cashed tor $5.00 in the same time. The value of a War Savings Stamp does not .fluctuate as is the case with a bond, because the government guarantees that a War Savings Stamp increases one ? tviAwfk Vi VAIMQ T4 vcui a, uiuuui iu > aiuc. al oan be redeemed any time before maturity. From June 14 to June 28 we are calling for pledges from the mass of people of our state to the amount of $20,000,000, these pledges to be redeemed during the balance of the year as may best be suited to the subscribers. South Carolina stands at the foot of the list of states in its per capita purchases of War Savings Stamps. From now until June 28, when the intensive campaign will end, let us see to it that we do our part and take a more appropriate place in the roll of states?and thee wo can look forward to a rest from campaigns until November. Let us not forget that the Government is relying on the country's purchase of two billions of dollars' worth of W. S. S. during this year as an important part of ite revenue to pay for what the boys need on the other side. That thought should stir us all to instant action. Our soldiers don't grumble or ask for rest. If we supply them with all that American genius and energy can produce, victory will be hastened and many lives saved. How can we expect to rest, how can we endure the thought of resting when there is something for us to do, as long as our boys are in the trenches enduring the torments of hell, and giving even their lives that we may live here in safety and prosperity! ?Lm l ar Savings, Charleston, S. C. ____________ HE ODIOUS : SLACKER rATE'S NAME | th Carolina to remove this ugly, our State. What Will be said, and es to make the worst showing of all be the feeling of the Palmetto solignominiousiy to help sustain them fact of the uncomplaining sacrifices are making cheerfully, we can Rot generously and immediately to the ;he men, women, and children of the n War Savings Stamps, and to lend make the campaign a success. R SAVINGS STAMPS Willingly, Gratefully IGS COMMITTEE es of WAR SAVINGS STAMPS THRIFT STAMPS from Hi? begin* of the campaign to April SO, inciuacompiled from reports received by Treasury Department, at WaahingD. C.: Total Sales Per e State To May 1 Capita Nebraska ....$18,877,748 |14.B7 (Flra*) I District OoL.,1 1.711,450 4.T6 Mlwourt 13,547.474 3.81 A Ohio 15,919,75$ 3.08 1 Imra 6,737,948 2.88 & Delaware 547,$36 *31 Bfinois 12,288,255 1.9$ llaine_. 1,472.975 1.87 Nww Tor* I7.ZS2.8W l.ov N. Carolina... 8,8SS.3?S 1.3? Tennessee ... 8,042.153 1.30 Kentucky 2.270,734 .93 Michigan .... 2.741.336 .79 ^ Mississippi .. 1,426,131 .71 Alabama .... 1,109,220 .46 T S. CAROLINA 695,18? .39 (Last) J. F. Carter fi. I). Carter CARTER & CARTER ATT< )RX EY S-AT-LA \V Special attention given to settlement of Estates and investigation of Land Titles. KAMREKG. S. C. BUY WAR SAYINGS STAMPS. Plies Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZ( OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c | j THE PLACE TO PUT IT I |J so that you'll know where your ?. p. > 8 | money is when you want it?is r 1 Mil *. I in our reliable savings bank. It ! \ j \ i\ B io Vvz-vt-li oik] iMirclor rkrrxif I , lit S B 11^ U\J i. II Ali C C4I1VX >^Ui F4 j > ?I ^ y |nr and while your money is in our care it is also earning money for you. You are well protected against any kind of loss here. We enjoy the confidence v N^JIkSBs of the community and carry the accounts of the best citizens XV and their families. s .y' Enterprise Bank iiy Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits. Bamberg, S. C. Lend Uncle Sam Your Money You will help him and make money for yourself?$4.17 loaned today will amount to $5.00 in five years. Uncle Sam gives you 4 per cent, interest compounded quarterly. Buy War Saving Stamps Here. | HERALD BOOK STORE I f! I #LENDALE I I I MINERAL 1 BAMBERG, S. C. J For Sale By ? $ TOM DUCK ER, Grocer $ ISamberg, S. C. V <%> v 1 <3m/ccmwl yvvoivv f imvdvr the ? Peacock Syrup. X ! TOTTED STATES j V A ^J0O?ERKJ^RT^|j Karo Syrup. A V ? "* rm a l Ga- Sorghum Syrup. V ! Rnv Them And : A v A Y yy | 117. mi a TTT ^ FIVE KINDS OF SYRUP J |> Help Win The War all sizes. | X FOR SALE EVERYWHERE X Y Y it y Y Make Your Pledge for W. S. S. This Week | They Will Help Win the War. | TOM DUCKER! Y PHONE 15 NEXT TO COPELAND'S BAMBERG S. C. Y Ak A^A A^A A, A AT A ?AT TA" ?Af Af VAT TAT TAT TA" TA? TAT TAT A? VAT VAT ^|T VA" AT "A" TAT TAI^AT "A" "AT j i;'?M '? '? ^ni ! I BUY W. S. S. BUY W. S. S. I & jy.' B and Help and Help I ? W WIN THE WAR WIN THE WAR W I HAVFYflll I ? III S K fis a ^ V ? TJ7 # e & $ W bought your summer clothes yet? ? fWe are now able to fill your wants in ? 4 cool cloth and palm beach suits. We Z ? have one of the best lines ever shewn 2!! 3* " here, and as we bought early, we t J ft are in a position to save you some 4i money. 4? < > ft j |J I HOW ABOUT THAT STRAW HAT? | Z7 1* < ? '1' < ? We still have a nice assortment of ? Panamas and leghorns. Come see ^ bur line before buying. 1 fwsSl | 1 I -wsar o ? 1 UiOTBD STftXBV I I I iXffuauam | | ? Buy Them And J | Help Win The Wai ? 0 TOR SALE EVERYWHERE V H. C. FOLK CO. j j| 1 BAMBERG, S. C. I |f IW!JIAXAATAMLaAXIEAZA WTW 'TWWTWVT^ WT^WT^WT^ WTWWTWWTWPTWWTwPTwPWWTWWTW PTW 1 Horses and Mules 11 We have a full stock on hand of I Horses and Mules. Our stock is sewj lected personally by a member of our I firm, and each animal sold has the 9 Jones Bros.' guarantee?and you 9 know what that means. When you need a horse or muie, aon i ian 10 come to our stables. We will take pleasure in showing you. Our stock is always in good condition?they are bought sound and sold sound. BUGGIES, WAGONS, HARNESS We have a splendid line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Lap Robes, Whips, Etc. We have a number of styles in Buggies and Harness, and we can suit you. We handle only the best vehicles to be had, and our prices are always right. Come to see us; you are always welcome. Jones Bros. I RAILROAD AVENUE BAMBERG, ? C. I Back The Boys Up at The Front. Boy War Saving Stamps d*