? ? ?-? ?? WOULD AVOID CONFUSION. Relieves Adjutant General's Office of Classification of Registrants. Columbia, Dec. 13.?Governor Manning has relieved the Adjutant i General's office of the duties appertaining to the classification of registrants under the new draft regulations and has devolved them* upon Capt. Richard E. Carwile, of Columbia, newly appointed manager of the State headquarters, in an order just issued to Gen. W. W. Moore, the A H-mfan* flpnpral. KThis action is taken, says the order of Governor Manning, "in view of the confusion that might arise from a dual jurisdiction in matters dppertaining to the classification of registrants." The mobilization of the men under the first draft has been conducted by Major John D. Frost, assistant Adjutant General, and he has accomplished a great task under pressure, and has received a deal of commendation for the manner in which he transacted on the manner in which the Adjutimes was irksome and arduous. Major Faust made a thorough study of the former regulations compiled ^ by the office of the provost marshal general, and he was better versed in them than any man in South Carolina, say military authorities. Registration of the young men of South Carolina between the ages of twentyone and thirty-one was under the supervision of John Elliott Puckette, executive secretary. Will Report to Carwile. Capt. Carole, who was recently appointed by the President to his new position, will have supervision of the classification of registrants under the f new regulations, and the local boards 'f/^will report to him instead of to the Adjutant General, as they did during ^^the mobilization period. The order of \ the Governor is effective December J 1st, and the order to the Adjutant General instructs him to turn over all J matters that, under the regulations, I come through his office to Capt. Carwile by that date. I Major Frost would not discuss the order from the Governor in the absence of Adjutant General Moore, who is out of the city at this time. In a verbal statement to the newspaper men on the meaning of the order, Executive Secretary Puckette said that the order in no way reflectthought there should be a centant General's office had handled all matters appertaining to the draft in the past; that the Governor's action \ -?-- * ? -1-- ^ Anon An was oasea mereiy uu mc asouwpuvu that there would be a conflict of authority should two sources handle the same matters, and, as Capt. Carwile had been appointed to look after the classification of registrants, he tionthought there should be a cen-' tralization of duties. Mr. Puckette said that the Adjutant General's office was due nothing but praise for l#*the manner in which it handled the | mobilization and transportation of troops to Camp Jackson. i Jerusalem and its Changes. f Jfr-' When they built a 40-mile railroad from Jerusalem to Joppa, and the ? call of the conductor supplanted the T . command of the camel driver, Je-. rusalem took on a modern air which * was the beginning of the end for much of its picturesqueness and peculiar religious significance. it has been the battleground of t Hebrew, Christian and Mohammedan ?of Jew and Greek, of Roman and Turk. * Five times it has been taken or retaken and twice destroyed. For at least a thousand years?with brief intervals?it has been in the hands of the Mohammedans. And now, as Jerusalem has fallen into the hands of the Allies, what is going to happen ? There will probably be a revival of "crusades," but tney wouia ue san* itary crusades. An attempt will be ' made to'secure better drinking water. They will introduce a better form of j? government. Jerusalem will no doubt I- toon become al modern city in every ^ respect. Large numbers of Mohammedans will move out and a considerable * number of Jews will move in?but it probably will be a long time before the Jews could control their ancient capital?New York and the United States have become the "New Jerusalem" to great hosts of forward looking Jews. The influence of Jerusalem in hisItory has been largely sentimental. It is not likely that its capture by the '"i"" will roliovA miirh of this feel ' | Aliico " ^ __ ing, nor will it influence to any un* usual degree the action of the church. Small bodies of religious enthusiasts may start "movements" with Jei rusalem as their "Mecca," but the I great body of the church will be uns affected?not because the church has become indifferent to sentiment and 1 religion, but because these are no longer localized?the church is truly k trying to spread the fine old spirit of A Jerusalem throughout the entire Wk world.?Rev. Chas. Stetzler. i MENINGITIS AT JACKSON. Development of Four Cases at the Camp Reported. Columbia, S. C., Dec. 13.?Development of four more cases of spinal meningitis and the death of another soldier from this disease were reported at Camp Jackson today. The total number of cases thus far is forty, with sixteen deaths. The finding of the dead body of a soldier about fourteen miles from Columbia on thel' Ancrum Ferry road was reported to the coroner of Rich- , land county late tonight. Identification has not yet been made. The inquest will be held early tomorrow. Girl messengers are now employed by many of the government departments at Washington. ASSESSMENT NOTICE. The auditor or his deputy will be at the following places on the days and dates mentioned for the purpose of receiving returns for all real estate and personal property in the county of Bamberg: Farrell's Store?Thursday, January 17, 1918, from 10 a. m. to 12 m. Lees?Friday, January 18, 1918. Denmark?Thursday and Friday, January 24, and 25, 1918. Govan?Thursday, January 31, 1918. Olar?Friday, February 1, 1918. Ehrhardt?Thursday and Friday, February 7, and 8, 1918. St. John's?Friday, February 15, from 10 a. m. to 12 m. Kearse's from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Make out the list of property you own and bring it with you. Also find + v.? nomck rvf tnwnshin and name UUl cue UUUW ui -W ? r and number of the school district in which your property is situated. By doing this you will avoid mistakes, and make it easier for yourself and the auditor. Come yourself, for by sending someone else to make your return mistakes are liable to occur. In sending in your returns by mail, be sure and write them in ink, and swear to them before a notary public. All male persons between the' ages of 21 and 60 (except confederate veterans and sailors who are exempt at 50) are liable to a poll tax of $1.00. All able bodied persons between the ages of 21 and 55 are liable to the commutation road tax of two ($2.00) dollars, except those living in an incorporated town. The time for making returns is from January 1, 1918, to February 20th, 1918. After the 20th of February the 50 per cent, penalty will be added to all returns not made. Meet the auditor promptly on the days and dates mentioned above. W. D. ROWELL, Auditor Bamberg County. No Alcohol In This You may wisely hesitate to take medicine containing, alcohol Scientists agree that alcohol is injurious. It is particularly harmful to growing girls and boys. Of the remedies for fiver and stomach troubles, Granger Liver Regulator is recognized as a standard preparation, free from poisonous drugs like calomel and it contains no alcohol This medicine has been on the market for years. It is the "stand-by" in thousands of homes thruout the country. It is freely used by all the family whenever one of them frel3 headachy or in need of a physic. Granger Liver Medicine is purely vegetable, and it may be taken without fear of griping or any other unpleasant after effects. Price, 25c for large box. Ask your druggist for it and refuse all substitutes. TAX NOTICE. The treasurer's office will be open for the collection of State, county, school and all other taxes from the 15th day of October, 1917, until the 15th day of March, 1918, inclusive. From the first day of January, 1918, until the 31st day of January, 1918, a penalty of one per cent, will be added to all unpaid taxes. From the 1st day of February, 1918, a penalty of 2 per cent, will be added to all unpaid taxes. From the 1st day of March, 1918, until the 15th day of March, 1918, a penalty of 7 per cent, will be added to all unpaid taxes. THE LEVY. For State purposes SV2 mills For county purposes 7?? mills Constitutional school tax....3 mills Total 19 mills SPECIAL SCHOOL LEVIES. Hopewell, No. 1 3 mills Midway, No. 2 2 mills UomntAn V n 5 2 mills Three Mile, No. 4 2 mills Fish Pond, No. 5 2 mills Hutto, No. 6 2 mills Buford's Bridge, No. 7 2 mills Olar, No. 8 9 mills Salem, No. 9 4 mills St. John's, No. 10 2 mills Govan, No. 11 8 mills Binnaker's, No. 12 3 mills Lemon Swamp, No. 13 4 mills Bamberg, No. 14 9 mills Oakland, No. 15 8 mills Hunter's Chapel, No. 16 8 mills Colstdn, No. 18 4 mills Clear Pond, No. 19 2 mills Oak Grove, No. 20 4 mills Denmark, No. 21 6% mills Ehrhardt, No. 22 , 13 mills Lees, No. 23 ...4 mills Hey ward,. No. 24 .....2 mills All Dersons between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years of age, except Confederate veterans and sailors, who are exempt at 50 years of age, are liable to a poll tax of one dollar. Capitation dog tax 50 cents. All persons who were 21 years of age on or before the 1st day of January, 1917, are liable to a poll tax of one dollar, and all who have not made returns to the Auditor are requested to do so on or before the 1st of January, 1918. I will receive the commutation Christmas <9^! Up-to-Date means an exhilirating auto ride j?^ before dinner. Don't run the risk of having to have your car /X^c^SaQ^L/ hauled back home. Better let M us overhaul your car to make v '^ /^\ sure it will be in good shape yJP'S I: for a ride out of town or a trip %!9 ti&uA to your friend's country Christ- vv^S| <1* mas party. FULL STOCK OF FORD PARTS J. B. B R 1 C K L E Telephone No. 14J Bamberg, S. C. ill ill!'' I ' J voKtlul/ maw 11' \taiiuS m&t I %ftour%fitXs, moru/iiU^uddc/n,i P . I...+I JL'.a iL * I| WW/iHWfc nw nwm^wnvu/At iS &att-3nYJa/*ik,~ ,ain4,kM'ud4? fine 1aja1j of horses and I mules, which i am offering X ' V at the very' closest prices. x > ?? i also have some fine & & o X Buggies and Wagons x y and the prices on these are *? as low as can be expected. x if YOV are going to buy eith er a wagon ola buggy this t ?* season, now is the time to v X do so, as they are getting X x higher and harder to get every day. to go with the X new buggy and horse i have X T T I f Harness, Lap Robes, Whips, Etc. J | BAMBERG, S. C. I X X. Y -?? f IB III IWW& IiIbInvM llullflj^K^\VM i| ffl J BfflilC \&&r Q| HHR9 Hasnra^w are artistic in design?an ornaMggra ment to any room. Yon light BESBmb^H v HBB&M them as yon would a gas jet?you \ mBgB don't have to remove either chim- \ HL&IJ ney or shade. Easily kept clean. HHSSSp Designed to give the maximum of \ H0B bright, flickerless light. \ HHB If your dealer doesn't have them, jjjgjllli write to our nearest station. XHHBHH^K The use of Aladdin Security 03 guarantees best results from lamps, I stoves and heaters. ? I STANDARD OIL COMPANY |Yjj?!L? 1 (New Jersey) I X/Ct/TIOo 9 BALTIMORE, MD. I i Washington, D. G. Charlotte, N. C. Norfolk, Va. Charleston, W. Va. Richmond, Va. Charleston, S. C. THE DANGERS OF TAKING CALOMEL If VOU omy J ealized the terrible il}- ^1 at bedtime prcmotC3 sound sleep throughout jury you do y ourself when you take ?he ? comfortable movement before * i j | , V T ./ . breakfast. It snves me great pleasure to be able calomel, you d never put another grain to recommend Martin's Liver Medicine aa a pless? in your mouth. It's rank poison. r.nt and thorough laxative.**?Andrew M. Beck instead of calomel, use that splendid m*"8011*GanAiv?nAnn/^ OT*- _ _ _ tinsTiver*Medlc/neT Kdidne'tTat ijl" is winning favor. It is excellent for brate