?hel?amfrerg3|eralb ESTABLISHED APR IE, 1891. ' Thursday, Dec. 13,1917. \ - ? - ~ Congressman Dominick is liable to get in bad with his big chief. We see by the papers that he was strong for declaring war upon Austria-Hun# gary. Mr. Dominick was one of a few men in congress who were unstintedly opposed to war at the start. Before long we shall hear of some other prominent politicians falling in line with the government. It is good policy to do so?even if such action is belated. * * * * ? * The farmers of this county have always been progressive. A progressive step for them now will be the - - -f tnKoOfn Tt ic nrvt rvrnK. planting ui jlv xo *w>, viable that tobacco will be a gold mine the first year it is planted, but with a few years' experience it can be made one of the county's most important products. The people are not urged to plant it on a large scale all at once. But suppose you try a fewacres next season and see how you come out. If you can have two money crops instead of one, you w-ill be that much better off. If you fail, the experiment will not have cost you very much. ?**** We notice that Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, chairman of the woman's com J ~ ' . mittee of the national council of defense, favors all tobacco users ob^ serving a smokeless Friday in each week. Of course, the good doctor, being a woman, does not smoke, and therefore does not appreciate the sacrifice that would thereby be entailed . upon those who use the weed after each meal to 'digest" their food. Seriously, however, the suggestion may not be a bad one. If it is necessary for smokers to sacrifice some of their . - joy in order that he soldier boys may have tobacco, then they should make the sacrifice, and do it willinggffe'V' We do not advise people against spending their money for Christmas, because to do so would be useless, |- and also because that is their own business, but when you are eating your turkey and cranberry sauce, you might remember that there are many thousands of people who really have not enough upon their tables to gratify a healthy appetite, to say nothing of a luxurious dinner, and make it a point to fix up a nice basket or so and give it to some poor family. It will not be necessary to send the bas! ket to New York or some other big C / city; we daresay, there are a good j many needy families within easy / reach of you. */ RESULTS AMAZING I erty in the county of Bamberg: Farrell's Store?Thursday, Janu- ! I ary 17, 191S, frem 10 a. m. to 12 m. | Lees?Friday, January 18, 1918. I Denmark?Thursday and Friday, j (January 24, and 25, 1918. 1 Govan?Thursdav, January 31,1 1918. Olar?Friday, February 1, 1918. j Ehrhardt?Thursday and Friday, j February 7, and 8, 1918. St. John's?Friday, February 15, j from 10 a. m. to 12 m. Kearse's from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. Make out the list of property you j own and bring it with you. Also find j - nays $ 12.75 5ays $ 25.50 >ays $ 63.75 >ays $127.50 or $2.00, or $5.00 each i $50 $100 or $250. -est. nd get a "Christmas Bank\ s s Bank I IG, S. C. | TO EAT II PHONE 16 I Meat Market Our meats are unexcelled? Steak? Roast? StewPork? SausagePudding | And Mackerel. 1 ' - - | Z^I | i e i y\ />i | As a farmer boy ^ ^ Salmon P Chase y he saved his money V ^nd got an edt> v cation. Then he taught school, became . United t States Senator, Secretary of the Treasury in President Lincoln's cabinet, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court v i -'^5^ **** If ? f^ x- X. t_T_ _L! l nere is no limn 10 ine Dig acnievemeuui that can grow out of small savings in the beginning. If your ambition goes no further than marriage, home; ; v * children, education for the children, a happy old age; it will require money. i i Deposit a part of your earnings regularly in this bank. Be thus insured against want, and be ready to grasp opportunity % for profitable investment, * .Success comes rarely in aiy other way. . :f ^ Multiply your money in our care. j % f i 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings Deposits. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - . - $100,000.00. n i r> i r*. v . DamDerg DanKing v^o. :??j Training and Experience Are Priceless Assets *,.,. i in the Administration and Settlement ' of an Estate. You employ a plumber, when your plumbing is defective?a physician when you are ill?a lawyer when you have legal dif-vAcuities. You do it because of training and ex- >;N perience. The successful settlement and man-' agement of an Estate can be accomplished by J naming us as your Executor or Trustee. It is $, * our business, for which we are specially fitted and equipped. Why not make an appoint- . J l ?n i j- a ment wun us dout tins now * BAMBERG BANKING COMPANY ^ | Bamberg, S. C. ^ff| ? ? ' - . , ' j , , : ?flli |UUU Taking An , "W:M 9 - Auto Apart rjM easy* Anybody can do that. wlP I But puting tbe parts together ? a?ain proper*y is a different * ^mm/yum pr?position- s?** y?ur car BfMf \ gets out of order don't tinker Vx ,~ ft ?\ ^ X?^0$3m. with ** y?ur^1'- Send it here, Dm where we have the knowledge -v M i&ffiaSs and skill required to make all 1 ""1S3 repairs and to restore your car H I\\ to iU best efficiency. I I FULL STOCK OF FORD PARTS | I J. B. BRICKLE l|? J Telephone No. 14J Prominent Physician i Discusses Calomel ' ^ Dr. William Brady in an article about tin's Liver Medicine does all the calomel in the Atlanta Constitution >re- good calomel does without producrpn+lvcaid mg calomel's injurious effects. Mar- : i urJ. . * , tin's Liver Medicine is a standard o omnnmaHfv TirAnaratinn for ennstioa crude and superfluous one. It pro- tjon^ sick headache and other stom- * k duces no special effect upon the liver acjj and jjver troubles. Purely veger f or upon the secretion of bile. It has, table as to ingredients, pleasant in no more influence over biliousness taste? mild in action and fully m m v than any other active physic. It is anteed. If not satisfied with it, take just the ancient standby, cheaper t^e empty bottle to your druggist than most other physics and retained and get your 5^ tack> in use because old dogs seldom learn Try a dose or so of Martin's Liver new tricks. ^ ^ ^ Medicine^ when you feel that you As a substitute for a poison like need a liver regulator or a dose of calomel modern physicians prescribe physic. All good druggists sell Martin's . , . purely vegetable cathartics. Mar- Liver Medicine. For Sale by MACK'S DRUG STORE, Bamberg, S. C. ? NOTICE TO CREDITORS. FRUIT TREES I Pursuant to an order issued by the I Court of Common Pleas in the case j am offering Peach trees, one year of Nixon Grocery Co., et al., vs. J. A. t ^q.oo per hundred; two year 1 Spann, et al., notice is hereby given ' ; * ^ ' / to all creditors of the Spann Mercan- ?^? a* $16.00 per hundred. Delivertile Co. to at once file their claims ies made on short notice, duly verified with the undersigned f " r i _ Receiver ana prove me same m a ici- ^ _ _ _ mTrv erence before J. J. Brabham, Jr., | V A l-l A]\|J i Special Referee, to be held at his of-* * flee at Bamberg. S. C? on Thursday,, ramrfrp ? o January 3rd, 1918, and.a failure to; KAMnhnu, ?. t. , do so shall bar such creditors from Representing the J. Van Lindley Nur- { recovering thereon. ~r _ __ * C. J. S. BROOKER, sery Co., Pomona, A. C. J ^Receiyer of Spann Mercantile Com- Watermans Ideal Fountain Pens at '? I ^Bamberg, S. C., Dec. 8th, 1917. Herald Book Store. V j f . .