The Bamberg herald. (Bamberg, S.C.) 1891-1972, December 13, 1917, Section 2 Pages 9 to 12, Page 11, Image 11

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VULi riniiiir i 'pilmL1 ~ i^Sr /i I 1 From the $1.00 Brownie to a i 7 \ IT i* rea* Autographic Kodak. \A S \ M $7*00 t0 $17*50* W\ 3 \ pj Everybody likes a Kodak. Iff CIGARS R?pj PJ Domestic, Havanna, and Porto Rican in their own tnie flavors, or specially V ' blended together. ^ At * ^or ladies,^nd bags and * 'U J purses, also solid leather Oil /Lq traveling cases. I/For the men, from the \ a \jc* otyioii fn anvtliltlcr LI jjjl LI in bill folds. (J M ' IL Yoii have to see this line r I Sk< r* 1? appreciate good goods. r; %:* . V .. f \j 10 cigars, 25 and 50 5e cigars, 25 and 50 YMm//Jpl* packed to box. Real cigars for the man ."tiA r. | ^Mir^S tactical (jgjsimas (_ It is a privilege to show our beautiful Holiday Goods and you will oblige us by considering this-a personal invitation to call and inspect our extensive new line of Christmas Novelties. You will get new ideas as you look through our store. It is a practical demonstration of possibilities in gathering under one roof nearly everything to make people happy at Christmas time. TUG CTMTCT QlfUT lujj unwi jiuiu IN TOWN is our beautiful stoek of gifts, containing all that is bright, fresh, new and novel in holiday goods of genuine worth and unquestionable value for really desirable presents. We can meet your wants, whatever you name. Come and let us show you a variety of beautiful presents that will at once appeal to you as just . the thing. i i Marit Oiiolifir onn Fair Pnroc ilia ilj yuauij anu iuu 11 ivvo are awaiting you here in connection with a great variety of the best holiday selections of the year. Again we invite you to come and see the splendid stock of the season. MACK'S DRUG CTOPF kJ J. V/1\Lj BAMBERG, S. C. ,y' DEPETIB 2E GSHDIES ??~? * ?' ' T-, , /> 1 I Whitman's ancl JN orris's Hixqiusite uanaies. Without a doubt we have the nicest selection of fancy boxes and baskets ever brought to Bamberg. If you are undecided what to give her, Whitman's or Norris's Candy is acceptable always. / I A TNT S i Jjfll JUU1 Jsj/lfyj ^ ^? 1 ^ FRENCH IVORY AND jj jtJS , STERLING SILVER | French Ivory and Sterling ri Lj Silver combs $nd brush sets, | gj, brush and manicure sets mm ? p. combined. Price from $2.50 : r We also have many odd i nieces in Sterling* Silver and f yj/^vV^i French Ivory ? mirrors, , (L?^4 : brushes, combs, powder and puff boxes, etc. ^ IIBP0RTMM1ES l 7 El M ka ' I Mary Garden. HI H Djer Kiss, in extract and p| J toilet waters. , N ^ DOMESTIC PERFUMES' SI 1 ! Richard Hudnut's com- \ Nr plete line in packages, from |J $1.00 to $10.00. ~ g Z2 Roger's Flower Drop per- B LI > /"" -:', " isp " ' "' F